"UTICA NEWS Church Service will be held in Utica United Church on Sunday, Sept. 29th at11.30 a.m. Sunday School meets at 10am. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ackney, Uxbridge, Mrs. rl Williams, Toronto, Mrs. L. Cassidy Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cassidy, Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs, Ab. Troyer, Locust Hill, were re- cent .visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall. « Mr. and Mrs, Joe Albert of Waterloo, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Parkins, Kinsale, and Misses Beatrice and Grace Davidson of Osh- a awa were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs Hillis Wilbur, Scott and Todd, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dempsey, at Grimsby, sand visited Niagara Falls & Queenston Heights. Mrs. Bill Brown called on her father, Mr. John Butler, at Rosebank Nursing Home on- Wednesday. Recent viistors with Mr. & # Mrs. Jack Crosier were Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCorquodale of Port Credit and Mr. and Mrs. Turner Ashenhurst of Prince Albert News Mr. Arthur Robertson, his daughter and husband Mr. & Mrs. Grant Hunter and all| their family were guests at "he vows of their neice the Johnstone - Robertson wed- ding in St. Giles' Presbyteri- an church on Saturday in Peterboro. © Mr. Robertson was given the honour of giv- ing his granddaughter away %quring the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham are in company with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heayn enjoying cottage life for a weék in Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove visited her brother Mr. and Mrs. P. Jeffrey, Scugog Is- land. Guests from our area who attended the Carnegie - Holt- by wedding in Port Perry , United Church Saturday ev- ening included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby and Robert, also Mrs. Tietze, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carnegie and family. Little Beverley Jackson, Brooklin with her grand- ¢parents Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Wilson and sons. Mr. and Mrs: F. Gibson were dinner guests of their son and wife and others Mr. 'and Mrs. Ron Gibson and fa. mily, Port Perry. This gath- ering was ararnged in spe- cial honour of Mrs. Frank Gibson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lake & children of Oakwood visited her father Mr. Earl Martyn. Mr .and Mrs. C. Love were gSompany with their friends Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoston of Lindsay on Saturday. Miss Carol Craighead of Cedar Creek enjoyed the weekend with Miss Denise Jeffrey. Mrs. Duane Tietze of Mon- roe, New York Sate, spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holthy and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagg, Oshawa, visited hdr: 'father, '» Mr. Louis Bond on Sunday. Uxbridge. Mrs. M, Foreman and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Foreman and girls of Oshawa, Miss Sandra were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Con- Tom Sutherland. Mr. Albert Clark, Oshawa,| spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson recently attended the Yake - Holtrust wedding in Uxbridge. On Sunday they visited her par- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 26, 1968 ~ 17 Mrs. Don Hill of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Donnelly attended the reception - fol- lowing the. Yake .. Holtrust wedding in Uxbridge. Mrs. Bill Brown called on BUYING? Graham of Keswick and Miss Linda Moore of Port Perry nor and family were Sunday ! Mrs. Violet Skerrat visitors with Mr. and Mrs. seeatt _ last week. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller in Mount Albert and Mr, and 985-7373 'choice under one roof . All for a young budget. The 1969' from Mercury You'll never find a better ° Marquis Until today this classic styling was reserved for much more expensive cars. Marquis offers exciting new luxury... classic styling and elegance in a medium price car. And Marquis can be yours. . . in itself a mark of success that quietly states your place in the community. Marquis Brougham four-door hardtop Meteor Luxury ride and classic style in Canada' s best car value. Meteor value begins with a luxury length wheelbase - longest in its class. And Meteor is longer, wider and heavier. Inside: more interior room than any.other car in its class. Meteor, styled and built in the classic tradition of Lincoln Continental. Meteor LeMoyne two-door hardtop Montego = | Where young is a state of mind, Montego is a way of life. Montego says action, adventure and performance better than anything else on four wheels, and lives up to its reputation. Live young. Live Montego. Montego MX Brougham two-door hardtop Cougar All new styling. A brand new convertible. Now watch the fur fly! Cougar's all new for '69 -- wider, longer and roomier! You can get a Cougar convertible or the new power-operated sunroof Cougar - first in North America! And there's a brand new 351 cu. in. V8 engine as standard equipment! Be sure to see: Marquis, Marauder, Meteor, Cougar, Montego, and Falcon. MERCURY At Mercury every car we have inust live up to the Lincoln Continental tradition Watch "Hockey Night in Canada, Wedne sday and Saturday nights, 6. M.I WILLIAMS MOTORS LTD. PHONE 985-2352