2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, August 22, 1968 Scugog Council News side Beach area re condit- ion of roads and a school bus turn around at P. Gor- eski"s. Mr. P, Goreski re a ditch east from the - dance hall also the matter of the fence at Lakeside Blvd. Mr, Orval Heayn re the separat- ion of pt. lot 3, con. 7 from All members were present at the August meeting of the Scugog Township Coun- cil. . Delegations attending the meeting were: Mr. M. Stich- man Jr. re the proceedure for the severance of a resi: dential lot from farm. Mr. J.-C. Muckle and a group the Heayn Bros. farm. Mrs. from Aldred's Beach re the|E. Fralick and Mr. and Mrs. condition of the road at Ald-[~ red's Drive. Mr. H. Rutsch- mann re condition of road also a school. bus turn ar- ound on Con. 12 E. Mr. Wm, ision agreement. Included Sm EDITOR Port Perry Don Crozier re the sub-div- in the corres. pondence were letters from Mr. N. Richards requesting the release of lots 6-10 in- clusive, plan M-76, also re road maintenance etc. Mr. P. Goreski re the moving of a fence at Lakeside Blvd. Mr. J. R. Backus, Dept. of Edu- cation re information requir- ed for the new. County School Board. also from the Dent. of Education re the duties of .the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer as a result of new legislation regarding schools, , Resolutions from Scugog SRA AAR NSAP RRR (1) Reco- Planning Board mmending the separation of pt. lot 3, con. 7, Heayn Bros. (2) recommending that sep- aration not be approved re lot 19, lot 20-21, plan 241. Council resolutions: App- roving separation of pt. lot 3, con, 7, Heayn Bros.; re- fusing severance of pt. lot L ] 19, con. 20-21, plan 241 That a flat rate of $6000 pe paid the Bell Telephone Co. for relocation of plant, Jots 1& 24, con. 6 & 7. ~ Paylist approved for pay- ment by the treasurer: LJ Roads 9,860,37 General 4,650.54 Total $14,410.91 ~ Almost Bell and others from Lake- -- ITs cally harmful and socially destructive. It turns religion sour and curdles the milk of human kindness. Isn't it time for the churches to re-| - assess their values? Could it be that the "hippies" are|- August 19th To-the 'Star' Editor Dear Sir: JI wish to take issue with the churches on the basis of their inconsistency. It is un- everybody ° ated to the profit motive. The Puritan ethic is harsh |' 0 2 ; : . : se 992-7373 Ontario Highway Traffic Act - Turn Signals: Four-way flashers may made fit, plates can be obtained by | be used to indicate a disabled vehicle producing a certificate of mechanical ~ 7 or emergency situation. Turn signals fitness. Effective November 1, 1968. a poi A must not be used for this purpose and A dealer must now surrender the li- A should be used only when the motorist | cence plates of a used motor vehicle to intends to turn, change lanes or move the Department at the time of the sale from a parked position. Effective unless he is able to give the buyer a , td September 1, 1968. certificate of mechanical fitness or How C om e WwW eo Flashing Green Signal Lights: permit unless he is selling to another dealer. | oH exclusive left turns as well as per- Farm Tractors, self-propelled farm ot TE a ee | mitting traffic to turn right or proceed | implements and any vehicle being : 29 straight through while conflicting | pulled by either of them must carry a : ana 1411S : hs 'traffic at the intersection is stopped. {- «gjow moving vehicle" sign of a ails al > ; a Effective September 1, 1968. specified design: when operating on : Pedestrians must not cross the street | the highway. Effective September 1, are e on a flashing green traffic light ex- 1968. «® i .cept where pedestrian. "Walk" sig- | Wider Vehicles and Loads. The per- 9 nals are displayed. Then they should | missible width limit of 96" has been WwWOr S a ng- es obey signals. Effective September 1, increased to 102". Effective : ; 5 1968. immediately. LL ; ; Riding in House or Boat Trailers is Motorcyel Cia nF ; » > | Motorcycle Helmets that meet speci== A telephone users 4 prolibiied. Effective September 1, fied standards must be worn by 1) ¢ . operators- and passengers. Effective ifs Walking on Highways with speed September 1, 1968. limits of 50 mph or higher may be | Certain Municipalities may Exempt 0 U b e J h at prohibited by municipal by-laws. | Themselves by By-Law from School 1 Effective immediately. Bus Regulation requiring operators o Attaching Oneself to a Moving Vehicle to flash red signal lights when * 0s C, a d. : is prohibited. Effective September 1, stopped to pick up or discharge pas- ii na ans ; 1968. sengers where the speed limit is over a : Licence Suspension up to 30 days for 35 mph (Metropolitan Toronto and i | speeding 30 mph or more over. the -| satellites, Metropolitan Ottawa and 4 aye an eye limit is now at the discretion of the | satellites, London, Windsor and 4 : ; . _ convicting magistrate. Effective im- Hamilton). : i mediately. : In municipalities that pass such a » 5 0 y a ary 4 ain 5 A Resident of Another Province of | by-law, school buses will not flash A : rH : ; Lavads who drives in 'Ontario must ied sonal lights and other traffic ¢ id.driver'c Ii : "will not be required ' i 2) For the 14th year in succession, Canadians have led the world in ' i pa id anes lisenes ished by immediatel si to nop tne telephone calls per person. Why? One reason cold be this: your.telephone I Frou nee: Such driver must obtain tely. ok 7 company makes conversation inexpensive . . . and easy. In Canada, a flat on ontario licence upon becoming | Motorized Snow Vehicles will be ih residential rate covers all locat calls. In most other countries, each call an: Ontario resident and surrender | regulated by special legislation. us over a monthly maximum is charged separately. And the number of his current'driver's licence issued by : i "work hours" it takes to pay for a residence telephone for one month such other province, Effective immed- i ls lower in Canada then an here i Inte Worl, (In Bell Canada iately. 3 0) erritory, a man employed in the manufacturing industry works an average Used : : of 2.1 "Work hours? » gay 4A Jonthly jelephone service as against or chic: Pilate Sales: ot) : Sin S.A; 4. ; 16. ' : » j e in London; 15.8 in Paris.) vehicle can produce a certificate of \\Wy , : mechanical fitness to the Ontario CO i Diparment of Transport (notice of a | For more information, write to: sale or transfer must be given within f.\ Bell Canada six days) he must surrender the plates ONTAR 10 DEPARTMENT and an Unfit Vehicle Permit will be a: TRANSPORT g issued. After the vehicle has been realistic to profess belief in a gospel of love inside the churches and outside to con- done a system which negates p| it. A highly aggressive, com- COMING SEPT. Gth AT are? ny Yours truly. closer to Christ than they Mary D. Mumford (Mrs.) petitive society is abrasive of the weak and defenceless. 241 Queen ST. Port Perry Human needs are subordin- TED JACKSON ||of human relationships: it BUY -- SELL inevitably favors the strong APPLIANCES and rufhless at the expense i ". QEAL STATE 410 REALTOR . . Bullt, managed and owned by Canadians » DL rl ES A ore AR 30] 7 AL RE Te Lg Pn a5 CLE PAL VERSA ARS eke eR will be affected by these changes in the ¥ £ A A ET TT TY J 2 FS (ar SAE Sr PPR 4 Hon. Irwin Haskett, Minister.