'But never out of mind; {| Cash Rate--4c. per word Ist Must be paid week of BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS 5.00 p.m. a Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. i] weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75¢c. for extra consecutive weeks. an additional 25¢c. will be added. [| 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR | USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. | a line for additional lines. | DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--S$1.25 per inch with a minimum | of one inch ~ All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. | PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference week, 3c. extra consecutive insertion--if charged, | -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS Tuesday AY A 0 HRY Ac? nd IEEE BUY SELL: RENT « SWAP + HIRE Bur. SELL: RENT «+ S Coming Events BINGO, Thursday, July 25th at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall. Jackpot 52 numbers for $120. Legion Special '16 numbers for $50.00." 20 regular games --share the wealth. CHAMBERLAIN SNACK BAR - BLACKSTOCK Special for the week Eggs 45c. doz. Bread 4 Loaves 99¢c. or 25¢. each. Watch' for Lawn Dance to be * held in two week's time BINGO, Friday, July 19th. Sponsored by Catholic Men's League. Jackpot $180.00 in 53 numbers. Minor Jackpot $40.00 in 58 numbers. Also top and bottom lines. NOTICES NOTICE 11 will not be responsible for 1 any debts occurred by my wife Evelyn Williams as of this date, July 4th, 1968. Signed Wilfred Williams, Nesleton, R.R.- 1 Jly 4-11-18 ST. JOHN--In loving mem-| ory of a dear father Wreford St. John, who passed away July 17th, 1960. Those whom we love, go out of sight, They are cherished in the _ hearts Of those they leave behind. Ever remembered by Wes, Merle & family Cards of Thanks I would like to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbours for their lovely cards, flowers and telephone calls while I was recently in Oshawa General Hospital. . A special thanks is given to Mr. Rice, the U.CW. and the Honeydale Women's Institute. Mrs. Wm. Moase I wish to thank all my friends, neighbours and rela- tives, the U.C.W., County and Township Council for cards, flowers and gifts, also for visits in hospitals and since coming home. Special thanks to the Drs. and staff of Port Perry and Oshawa Hospitals. It was' greatly appreciated. Chester Geer I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness dur- ing my stay in hospital. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Kandel and nurses. Georgie Raines We wish to thank everyone who assisted in any way to make our. auction and bake sale the success it was. A special thanks to Henry Kahn: our auctioneer. The Ashburn Centennial Comimunity Centre Board We would like to thank everyone who gave us all the lovely and useful gifts. Also to express sincere thanks to the Prince Albert and Raglan Communities for the special presentations, and to every- one who made our special day a happy and successful one Bonnie and Paul Solomon I wish to thank relatives and friends for cards, flow- ers sent me while I was in Port Perry Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. G. M. Rennie, nurses and sta taff. ~--~Rosina - Howard FRSA ARRAN AAR Nya HT T Cards of Thanks THANK YOU I wish to thank the nurses and staff of the Port Perry Community Hospital, Dr.'s Diamond & Kandel and all those who sent cards and flowers during my recent stay in the hospital. Mrs, Wilfred Sturman NOTICE Port Perry Public - Library will be closing on JULY 20th for two week's vacation. Open August 6th at 3 p.m. Jly 11-18 For Sale 60 ACRES of standing hay. Earl Ballard, RR. 4, Port Perry. Phone 852-3582. Birth BAILEY--TI've arrived!- Tara-Lynne Joanne is my name, July 13th is when I came, 8 lbs. % oz. is what I weigh. With Neil, Elaine 'n Howard is where ri stay. Thanks to Dr. Kandel and staff. BEADLE--Pam & Gary are THRESHING Machine, Wash- ing Machine, Vacuum Clean- er, Electric "Stove, Space Heater, Cook Stove, Quebec Heater, Scales( large & small) white birch cord wood. Phone Jly 11-18 BA ho He COA Reda JOR For Sale We've Gotem:.. /; MERCURY NOW. 3.910 126 HP Cutter, V -Sonic, Leavans Fibreglass, Spring Boc, Mirrocraft and Prince Craft Aluminum Also Mercruiser Stern Drive Units GORDS MARINE Claremont 649-2007 WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers, Stock calves, and Holstein heifers, gyery week. Ivan Johnson, RR. South Monaghan. Phone Bulliswarn 939-6855. 10 miles South of Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2 miles east. T.F. MUSIC -- Electric guitars, hasses, amplifiers, mikes, etc New and used. For Sale or rent. Music lessons for gui- tar, bass, drums and all in- struments at Uxbridge Music Centre, 15 Brock Street West. Store Hours 12 noon to 9.00 p.m. Tuesdays through Fri- days. Saturday 10 am. to 6 p.m. Free trial lesson for beginners. Time payments or lay away available. Phone 852-6393. LIVESTOCK for sale, Hol-| stein heifers freshening soon. cal Ivan Mountloy. 986- 317. 3 USED TRUCKS, Sales and Truck Parts, all makes and models. Port Perry Auto Wreckers, - Phone x 7 : u VARIETY of new: and used Vacuum Cleaners, rug sham- pooers and floor polishers. For free home demonstration phone Marvin Appleton -- 985-7704. Dealer for Electro- lux products and service. Trades, terms, rentals, ser- vice. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 986-4406. Jly 11-18 Jly 4-11-18-25 TYPEWRITERS, no $ dn, CAMPERS $2 wkly, cashiers, adders.| peng Trailers - tents - camp- ing supplies - trailor parts - accessories. AP IEEE So SELL RENT For Rent BUNGALOW: 2 bedrooms, garage, large landscaped lot. Available Sept. 1st. Call 985-7093. Jly 6-13-20-27 1 BEDROOM Apartment, self contained." Available Aug. 1st, Phone 985-2531. Rental Equipment ROSS MURRAY ELECTRIC Phone 852-3483 Uxbridge Rental Equipment, Backhoe, Portable Power Plant, Ram- set Guns (two sizes), Dan's Trencher. Jly 4-11-17-25 Wanted CARS, TRUCKS for wreck- ing, scrap metals. We sell used parts. Manchester Auto Wreckers, 3 miles west of Manchester. Phone 985-7131. Help Wanted FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN to help care for happy home, light duties, live in, private room. Per-}- manent position for right person. Good salary, refer- ences required. Phone Osh- awa 725-5494. SALES HELP WANTED MALE MAN for Rawleigh business T.F.| which just came available, Good opportunity for willing worker. © Write Rawleigh, Dept. G-343-140, 4005 Riche- lieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. STORE HELP WANTED Full time help at Hank's Pastries. Phone * 985-7072, after six.. 985-2275. PART TIME HELP WANTED Housewives for part-time telephone - survey work in radio and television listen- ing and brand preferences. -| Interesting assignments, good pay, both city and small town in- terviewers required. Please write outlining 'telephone or absolutely no selling, Work Wanted HANDYMAN SERVICES Complete Home Improvement and Custom Alterations. All work fully guaranteed. Free estimates, References. Art Herman 986-4600, Gaggarea, 'CONCRETE, BRICKLAYING & CARPENTRY: done. Cottages jacked, renovations done. Fireplaces specialty. Chimney's Repaired. Free | Estimates. R. Somers 988- 2042. Aug. 1 LICENSED OIL BURNER SER Furnaces cleaned and instal- led, plumbing repairs, eaves- troughing and repairs, pres- {sure systems repaired, in- stalled & sold, wells cleaned, septic tanks cleaned and re- paired, hydro hot water tanks. Phone Blackstotk 986-5521. DEAD or CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton ~ 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 151.C-68 Mar. 4/68 _ DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS _Plcked up Promptly. For direct line call Long .- Distance and-ask for : Zenith 32800. : Call anytime ~~! ED. PECONI & SON -.. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C- 66 BACK HOE, SEPTIC TANKS Trenches, Water Lines, eo Foundation Dug and back filled. Call -- IVAN MOUNTJOY 986-4737 anytime pe ies --T.F 1 - 985-7160. bgont. to spose tig Bt Campin uLmTeD | Mines expeions tor | -- SE Maxine Reta. Proud grand- PARKINSON'S Sales ~-: Rentals ling |EMiott Research Corp. Ltd, - DRESSMAKING parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. 1 mile north on Townline | 840 Pape Avenue, Phone 985-2781 Perry, -Oshawa and Mr. and Strawberries road, north off King St. Toronto 6, Ontario. July 18-25 Mrs. Len Beadle, Port Perry. East, Oshawa REAL ESTATE CAREER : SMALL ORDERS DAILY Phone 728-9942 ed ful CARPENTER WORK "All Iroquois, Woods and Leckie Want a full time real Ww 30 (Weather Permitting) » 41118 05 | estate agent for Blackstock | types cottages - Garages, Al- At Rest From Last of June until uly Area. Experienced Manager |terations & Repairs. F. 4 about 20th of July 3 to help you, plus extra adver- | Straughan, Prince Albert. JOHNSTON, Esther -- At | We have an Early and a Late| BOY'S 24" bicycle. Phone | tising to expand commissions. | 985-3158. July25 the Oshawa General Hospital yanisly gown, for table use, 985-2573. Member oS RA yas : on Thurs, July 11, 1068, | plus our main variety for INTE Os heir | 7 Canning and freezing | SINGLE GARAGE, overhead | Lee, FRI, Vice President, TERIOR or. EXTERIOR wife of Archie Johnston, R. A ---- door, andl stiachied building | Hi. Keith mes Re orto 12, | Call John Holtby 985-7553 R. 4, Port Perry, dear moth- A LIMITED No. of to. be, moy easonable. | Bglinton ave oron after 4 P.m. TF. er of Barry of Somuongn; RESERVED ORDERS Taken| Phone 985-2047. 437.3333 oving sister of Beatrice(Mrs : G. Taylor) Gravenhurst, Win- (in ous Ores or acre) 1362 DODGE 15 1m vik by G C SE a fr? consign, soasogn or || G€NErA onfractors y est offer. one y a py wil. Pick Your. Oun 12" x 15 COTTAGE TENT, B U | L D O / N G Yam of BAITIS Gnd Jeosle it PalLy IN JuLy used twice. Price $80.00 ngley, esting at the kde : : h- Chapel of VeDerniott Pana. We need no more Pickers Phone 985-7720. EXCAVATING, GR4D IN, TRENCH, etc. » aker Port Perry for service | or Raspberry ers un an on Monday, 2 pm. Inter | Advertised Otherwise 63: YESPA Motor Sooien, ei ys ; ment Breadalbane Cemetery, --i et able price. phone 0852672. || Custom Building & Remodelling To be picked up at Farm, | yeerERN Saddle & Bridle. B. LANGILLE & SON At Rest Conc. 8, Reach, 1 mile East| phone 985-7167. 2 rh, of Highway 12 or 1 mile West Phone 985-2916 ; MURPHY, James Ross(Pat) | of Simcoe St., Port Perry | 1960 G:M.C. J; TON Pick-up, : : -- Suddenly at his home, on Conc. 8. good condition, Phone 986- Tn SN uly ames Ross i Bari | om wis 3 ee Sits) MASONRY Contracto usband © erle. Hope, 0 ower, ) dear father of Alan, loving PHONE 9852415 | x. cond. $1200.00. Phone oi id % Lillisg es rs P ki ° g : ; BRICK and BLOCK LAYING 2 Harper) 0 ntfie ath- SON a 3 = ; leen (Mrs. G. Plaunt), Rea- arin $ SEVEN PIGS, nine weeks CONCRETE FOOTINGS, FLOORS, ETC. - bore, Dorks We H. fettrey) PORT PERRY old. 985-7668. -- : STONEWORK nce Albert, Ont. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott- F : sMp CONSTRUCTION Pansbaker, Port Perry for| Check The Lahel | TOY Rent F. SHERMAN -- SEAGRAVE -- 9853111 service on a : : Interment Pine rove On Your Paper 1 ROOMS for RENT, Lak Lakeside. Ww. KEARLEY --- UXBRIDGE -- 852-3878 s Cemete : Ah e--------T : feos : ry. Ant per ar UI ! His " = ---------- ALL TTT oe oe a ns VICE EK