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PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 18th, 1968 -- BLACKSTOCK NEWS By Olga Hill Ranger Lorraine Turner left from Montreal Sunday night, July 7th on the trip sponsored by the Guide movement to Chalet Switzer- land. They will be visiting in London Eng. Brussels & Amsterdam enroute. The Auction Sale of equip- ment from the shop work room and Home Economics. '| which was held in the Arena Wednesday evening was well attended and. proved quite successful. Prize winners at the eu- chre sponsored by Women's Institute Wednesday night, were high lady Mrs. Frank Bailey; low lady Mrs. W. Lawrence; high gent Mr. M. Carl of Oshawa, as low gent Mrs. H. Shortridge. Lucky draws Mrs. S. VanCamp and Mrs. M. Graham, A good number gathered in the Recreation Centre Fri- day night in honour of the recently married couple Mr and Mrs. Jim Swain (nee Susan Wearn of Enniskillen). Mr. Neil Malcolm was the genial M.C. for the evening and interspersed the follow- ing programme with jokes-- three little songs by Louise, Lois, Lawrence and Brian VanCamp; A reading "How to Live to be Two Hundred" by Margaret Carnaghan; a Piano solo by Gordie Mal- colm; Readings "The Secret of Happiness" and "Little Roads to Happiness" by Mrs. Stanford VanCamp. On behalf of the friends Mr. Malcolm presented the happy couple with a lovely night table and kitchen- stool and some miscellaneous gifts. Both groom ard. bride ex- pressed their appreciation. After a bountiful lunch dan- cing to music provided by Scugog orchestra was enjoy- py baat: At service in United Church Sunday morning eight young ladies formed the choir and sang "Pen- park" ---a new HiC Hymn, Sister Hyacinthe Booth de- livered an excellent sermon from the text "Behold I Stand at the Door & Knock". In St. John's Church Rev. Mansfield delivered a most impressive sermon on "The Power of God in Man". Next Sunday Mr. H. C. Mc- Connell will be guest speak- er. in the United Church. There will be no service in the Anglican. Congregation THE [0] \LeEE 1] Philosopher Se camo,' JOHN BALLARD "Lumber and Building Supplies New Homes, Cottages. & Alterations Phone 985-7335 PORT PERRY Fah A SS A A A A SS SN 3 is invited to attend United Church here or Anglican in Port Perry. Twenty-two Cubs and some leaders and drivers enjoyed Saturday evening at the David Dunlap Observatory, Richmond Hill. Work has commenced on Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Sam- ells new home on Church St. West. Also work on the new Post Office is progress: ing slowly. Sorry to report Mrs. A. Leighton is ill in Port Perry Hospital. Several from this area at- tended the Orange celebra- tion in Cobourg Saturday. Donald and Sandra John- ston are holidaying with their uncle -- Rev. and Mrs. Alex Pilshie and family, Cooksville, Quebec. Mr. . and Mrs. Kenneth Dunsmoor and Miss Beth at- tended the funeral of her uncle in Stanley, New York Saturday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dunsmoor and family at. Grand Island N.Y. over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson and Mrs. Wilbert Archer vi. sited relatives in the Minden: area, Monday - Wednesday. Misses Linda Venning, Marion Bradburn and Cheryl Metcalf returned home Sat- urday from a pleasant trip to the West Coast. Mrs. Albert Wright accom- panied by Mrs. R. Stinson of Bowmanville returned home Friday night from a pleasant holiday with friends in Co- lumbus, Ohio. Mrs. J. Warne, Douglas & Alison spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 'John Hamilton. Mrs. A. McDougald, St. Mary spent the week-end with: the Glenn Larmers. Dennis and Wayne Yellow- lees, Solina are visiting Doug and Craig Larmer. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wright and three girls visited Miss Lorna Wright in Waterloo 'Sunday. and Eleanor remain- Uitte d Sa clint sia dukes ni vad miler ig For All Your Plumbing and Heating Needs CALL ART'S PLUMBING and HEATING R.R.. #1, PORT PERRY Operated by ART (Pete) PETROZZ) Licenced Mechanic i anew AAA A A A A A A A A A ALS AAAS SSIES SS SL SS SNNSNN 985-2581 ed for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bea- cock and boys were Sunday supper guests of the Les. Beacocks, Prince Albert. Miss Gertrude Henry, Tor- onto, spent a couple of weeks holidays with Mr, & Mrs. T. Dean. . Mrs. Thomas Wright, a former resident of one of the Martyn apartments, call- ed on Mrs. G. Fowler Friday evening. David and Robbie Morton, Oshawa spent a couple of days with the Lloyd Wrights and Harold Wright went home with them Wednesday for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp and family and Miss Doreen VanCamp of Toronto visited with the Ian Stewarts - of Brooklin at the latters cottage at Dorset, Sunday. Mrs. Richard Van Camp & children spent Tuesday night with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Roy Morrow, Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. © Austin Franklin, Oshawa and Mrs. J. Weir, Brooklin, visited on Wednesday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bennett, Osh- awa wer€ recent callers of Mr. and Mrs, Leith Byers. Master Hal McMahon spent a few days last, week with his grand parents Mr, and Mrs. Russel Larmer and uncle Grant Larmer, Burke- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Lloyd and Earle attended the Trewin picnic at Haydon on Sunday. - A Proutt Family picnic was held at the cottage of Mr. & .. Mrs. Jack Purdy, Caesarea on Saturday. Relatives at- tended from Pointe au Baril, Stratford, Toronto, Brooklin, : Nestleton, Blackstock and en- joyed a very platen re- union. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Leach, Scarboro, were Saturday ev- ening callers and Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt, Bow-, manville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris. Sess ntcssssasssasassand LOW COST MORTGAGES CASH LOANS If you are a property owner we can pay off all your bills and put CASH in your pocket. Our unique mortgage service can consol- idate your time payment accounts and also give you CASH and cut your payments in half. ~ ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL 2nd or 8rd MORTGAGES FROM $3,000 - $12,000 ON ANY PROPERTY REGARDLESS OF LOCATION No Reserve on Commercial Property. Eric J. Kingston & Co. PHONE 763-5300 Box 632, Terminal A, TORONTO, Ont. Amon