i By Olga Hill The District Annual for Durham West Women's Insti- tutes was held in Blackstock United Church Wednesday, May 15th, 1968. President Mrs. I. Munday, Bowmanville presided, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. M. Wiseman, Bowman- ville in her officers chair, assisted. A very interesting ana helpful day was spent accord- ing to the reports" from all the eight branches represent- ed. W.I, work is progress- ing favourably. The Esther Unit met at the home of Helen Dorrell on Wednesday evening, May 15th, Dora Martyn & Ruby Van Camp led a discussion BLACKSTOCK NEWS and "Why are we here?" The worship period took its theme from Romans 8 - 6 and the "Parable of Life" was read by Jean Ferguson-- Jesus declared, "This is life, -- to know Thee the only true God". Thursday, May 16th was music night at Cartwright Central School. The audi- 'and' all report a pleasant interested *parents & friends evening. Among the other numbers were the three chorus sung at the music festival in Peterporough, the grade 1 Rhythm Band, selec- tions, and Glenn Clement gave her speech on Sir John A. McDonald. Glenna won the shield in the speaking contests and trophies in Bowmanville and Port Perry when she was invited to PORT PERRY. STAR -- Thursday, May 23, 1968 - 28-5 give her speech at special events in these places. «Mrs. Wonnacott, music su- pervisor was the sponsor of this evening's programme. On May 16 and 17 the stu- dents and teachers of Cart- wright High School enjoyed a trip té Niagara Falls. Two bus loads of students left the school at noon Thursday and arrived at a lovely hotel about 3 p.m. After checking on "What is a Programme?" This W ROAS RL( U FOOD MARKETS torium was crammed with 's MEAT Features CANADA'S FINEST TENDER STEAK. Round _ Boneless Rump » 83: 87 ALLENS DRINKS 2: Apple, Grape, Grapefruit Orange, Orange Apricot 69: 48 oz. Tins SUNLIGHT Liquid Detergent «57 PURE JAM ROSE Raspberry & Shaiibetry 9 oz. Jars 2:75 START "DRINK CRYSTALS 3% oz. Pkgs. 43 SPARE RIBS MAPLE LEAF COUNTRY KITCHEN SAUSAGE =m 55¢ OGILVIE 1: TWINKLE : Cake Mixes 15 oz. ~ Pkgs. 45 FRESH CHICKEN LEGS - BREASTS = 55¢ "CRISP POSTS SUGAR 9 oz. Pkgs. 69 Chicken Loaf Pickle & Pimento Macaroni & Cheese Dutch Loaf PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. - SAT., MAY 22 - 25 MAPLE LEAF COLD CUTS Mix or Match 4: 100] 2 ETTI LIBBY'S LPHA 140z, Tins +39 10 Ounce Ketchup 4:1 DR. BALLARD DOG FOOD 4 57° Cheery Box Plants Hillcrest & Buttermate $1.35 " STORE HOURS Mon.-Wed.-Fri. Tues. 8.30 am. - 1 p.m. Thurs. & Sat. Morn Coffee Lee) 8.30 am. - 9 p.m, - 8.30 a.m. - 6 p.m, | Monument and visited Sir in. 'we crossed into 'United States to visit an aquarium. We watched an entertaining performance by three dolph- ins and a seal and saw sev- eral beautiful aquarium ex- hibits. In the evening we visited Louis Tussauds Wax Museum where we saw life- like reproductions of famous people and events. Friday was devoted to a guided bus tour of the Niagara area. We donned huge black raincoats and entered the scenic tun. nels under the falls (and in- cidently got our morning shower). From the top of the Skylon Tower we got a very different view of the falls and also of the city and surrounding country-side. In the afternoon we.toured Fort George, a reminder of the war of 1812, and Navy Hall, home of John Graves Simcoe. We passed Sir Isaac Brock's Adam Beck hydro - electric power plant, the largest gen- "erating station in the world. Then with pleasant memories and tired feet, we returned home. The May . a of the O.N.O. was held at the home of Aileen Van Camp with 22 members and 3 visitores pre- sent. The minutes of last meeting were read and ad- opted. The members were reminded of the Hospital Bake Sale. ~All food is to be left at Francis Fisher's home. The School Gradua- tion dinner June 19th is to be convened by Cathy Cor- den Group 3. Joan Paisley reported a good turn out at Port Perry Blood Donor Clinic and COTTAGES WANTED 985-7373 phoned. Moved by Elaine Bailey, seconded by Connie Swain 'that we hold Hobo teas for the coming month. The roll call was answered by - Your- favorite recipe made up and brought to the meeting -- Joan Paisley auctioned them - off. Proceeds were $20.40. The meeting was turned over to Aileen "who had everyone count the different articles in their purse. A delicious lunch was then served. i } The United Church was crammed Sunday morning for the Sunday School Anni- versary. The choir of ap- proximately 50 pupils trained by Mesds. David-Kyte, Dalton Dorrell, Richard Van Camp and Harvey Graham, with Miss Nancy Dorrell at the organ sang four numbers. Rev. William Patterson, B.A., B.D. of Garden View United Church Witby kept all the younger folk listening keen- ly and still in his message there was good food for thought for the older ones. He spoke on "What it Means to be chosen, and Jesus has chosen us all as His Friends. At 7.30 p.m. the church was again filled for Christian Family Evening when all de- partments of the Sunday School took part. The theme was Panorama of the Bible. The Primary room sang two numbers. The Junior class presented The Covenant, with three scenes -- "Flight into Space", God's Covenant with Abraham" and "Jacob's Sons". The Hi-C formed the _ choir and sang several num- bers during the programme. The Intermediates presented thanked the O.N.O. girls who | - (Continued on Page 8) WE HAVE DRAIN TROUBLES ? NO-CO-Rode v GLAZED PIPE with Glazed fittings gy 4" CLAY TILE with fittings. CHECK OUR PRICES AND TRY OUR ThE SERVICE. iif Shed x x Pm ---- 313" Perforated PIPE 4" SOLID PIPE PHONE 985-7951 REESOR Fuel & Lumber i: PORT PERRY a WES LANE A: Bread 3:65 FREE DELIVERY WITH EVERY $5.00 ORDER OR OVER.RECEIVED BY 11:00 AM. s1.89 20 Ib. Bag -- Brickettes GHARGOAL. Hi- POWER FW - INDEX 35, PHONE 985:24%2 FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES "CARLOAD FOOD MARKET - PRINCE ALBERT Plumbing - Heating Electric - PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE 985-2473 RES.