Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Apr 1968, p. 6

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Ae Ee Nh ew Ra - "ys So oe Bes Zo Na -- ory of Patrick Samuel, dear ~ Only a cluster of memories 4 ~ We . wish. to. express" our {i tributes and many acts of 'ment. § Rev, Teskey & Pallbearers. SAY Sa { AA LETS SE ORI Ee) S83 'nt SELL RENT « SWAP HIRE + BUY + SELL RENT © WAR «HIRE ¢ = NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum of one inch All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than 5.00 p.m. Tuesday Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. Il PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference Classified Advertising Rates ERR (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. | Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 Ist week, 75¢c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. In Memoriam FARMER--In loving mem- husband, father; son & bro- ther who passed away April 28th, 1967. He left us suddenly, His thoughts unknown, But left us a memory We are proud to.own; So treasure him Lord, In Your garden of rest; For when on earth, He was one of the best. Always remembered by "Barbara, Todd & families. FARMER--In Loving Mem- ory of Brother Patrick who passed away April 28, 1967. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break, all in vain, To have, to love, and then part, Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never --The memory of those happy days When we were all together. Sadly missed by brothers Jim, Bob, Bill Ted and Wife, Twin Patricia & Husband PARRY--In loving memory of our daughter Teresa who passed away April 30, 1966. God put your arms around her, Keep her in your care, Make up for all she's missed, And all that seemed unfair. She meant so very much to us, Far more than words can say, There's still an ache within our hearts That time won't take away. Sprayed with a million tears, Wishing God had spared her Just a few more years. Forever loved and sadly 'missed by Mother, Dad, Boys & Terry. Cards of Thanks thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and .neigh- bours for the beautiful floral kindness during our bereave- Special thanks to Fairview Lodge, McDermott- Panabaker. Funeral Home' & The Dobson Family Cards of Thanks We would like to express our sincere thanks to rela- tives, friends and neigh- bours for their kind words and gestures in our recent loss. Also we would like to thank Dr. Diamond and nur- ses and staff of Community Hospital. Special thanks to Unit 6 of U.C.W. for lunch provided and special thanks to Rev. Rice: for words of comfort. Special thanks to McDermott & Panabaker for their thoughtfulness. Harrison- Family. I would like to express my sincere thanks to neighbours; friends, and relatives for the beautiful flowers, plants and gifts, also the many cards of _| congratulations sent me for my birthday, and to those who helped in any way to make my day a happy occa- sion and memorable. It was -{-all- very much appreciated. Thank you again. P. E. Booth I wish to thank everyone who helped me in any way while I was organist of Sea- grave United Church. The retiring and present choir for their support, also Rev. McNeil and Rev. Harris for their help and kind words. For the gifts I received from the choir and session, I can only say "Thank you all." Mrs. John Tobin We would like to express our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to our relatives, friends 'and neighbours of Seagrave for the many beau- tiful and useful gifts receiv- ed at our shower. Glen and Judy Stone MANY THANKS Our Association is very happy to report that over 400.00 was raised from our Organ Program of April 20. This wonderful support of our first fund-raising pro- ject, has given us much en- couragement for our work with The Retarded in our Area. A very special thank you to Mr. John Orde and the 'Lowery Company." To all who attended, and to others who donated, a- sin- cere thank you. Cenfral Seven Association For the Mentally Retarded, President-- Mrs. M. B. Dymond Ways and Means Convener --Mrs. C. W. Badour. 82nd year. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, Port McNicoll, Ont. wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Anne to John Murray Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mur- ray Williams. The marriage will take. place Friday, May 17th, in the Sacred Heart Church, Port McNicoll, Ont. At Rest NEWMAN, Irene Winni- fred--Suddenly at the Com- munity Hospital, Port Perry, on Sunday, April 21, 1968, Irene Harris, dearly loved wife of Arthur Newman, dear mother of Marjorie (Mrs. R. Kaye) of Saskatche- wan, Raymond Gary (Jim), David Paul, John Wayne, Jackie Moore and the late Pauline Moore, all of Port Perry in her 52nd year. Rest- ing at the Chapel of McDer- mott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. SHORT, Margaret Jane at Lindsay, Ont. on Sunday, April 21, 1968, Margaret J. Dinsmore,. beloved wife of the late William. A. Short, dear mother of Margaret (Mrs.-C. Fawcett) of Toronto, Ruth (Mrs. Mac. McMillan) of Port Perry, Charles of Sea- grave, James of Lindsay, Murray of Cresswell & Ross of Port Perry; also survived by 21 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. In her Funeral services were held at the chapel of 'McDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry, on Tuesday, April 23 at 3.30 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. ; SPRING BAZAAR and TEA at Prospect United Church, Wednesday, May 8 at 2 p.m. 2--May 2 BAND CONCERT--April 29, Uxbridge Secondary School Auditorium, 8 p.m. Salvation Army's Wychwood Citadel Band and Choristers. ~All welcome, 'collection in aid of Red Shield Appeal. BINGO, Thursday, May 2nd at 8.00 p.m. in Legion Hall. Jackpot 59 numbers for $190. Legion 'Special, 10 numbers $20.00. 20 regular games, Share the Wealth. SPRING BONNET TEA AND BAZAAR At Seagrave United Church, Saturday, April 27th from 2.30 pm. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 4th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., a Doll dis- play and miniature floral display, home baking, sew- ing table, Tea. Door prize at Catholic Parish Hall.-Spon- sored by Honeydale Women's Institute. May 2 LEGION DANCE SAT, MAY 4th FLOYD PURVIS and the SERENADERS Admission: $7.-per- couple (all inclusive)" Advance reservations from Executive Members or the Legion Hall. SPRING LUNCHEON Tuesday, May 21st at Prince Albert United Church. De- tails later. complete. | Coming Events BINGO, Friday, April 26th, sponsored by Catholic Men's League. Jackpot $190.00 in 54 numbers. Minor Jackpot $60.00 in. 59 numbers. Also top and bottom lines. P. P. D. M. S. A. SPRING DANCE ROYAL AMBASS. SAT. MAY 25th at LEGION HALL $7.00 Per Couple For Tickets contact For Sale WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers. Stock - calves, and Holstein heifers, every week. Ivan Johnson, R.R. 1, South Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro 939-6855. 10 miles South of Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2 miles east. TF. TYPEWRITERS, no $ dn, $2 wkly, cashiers, adders. Trades, terms, rentals, ser- vice. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. 1 - 985-7160. : RUTHERFORDS SPRING ~ "FURNITURE SALE 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Low Priced Clearout Specials for your Cottage Dressers from $29.88 - Chests from $24:88 - Odd Panel Beds $10.00 - Odd Night Tables $9.88 ? Trilight Lamps(as is) from $7.88 - Spring Mattress- es from $17.88 - Continental Beds_complete from $38.00 - Rollaway Cots from $19.88 - Bunk Beds complete from $68.00 - Space Savers, Daven- ports, from $48.00 - 2 Pec. Colonial Davenport suites from $128.00 - Bed Chester- fields with spring filled mat- tresses from $138.00 - Feath- er Pillows $3.88 pr. - Ready to Hang Lined Drapes, single 2 and 3 widths Half Price Cash & Carry - Table Lamps from $2.88 - Clearing one of a Kind Coffee, Step and End Tables Half Price - 2 pec. Chesterfield Suites from $109.00 - 3 pe. bedroom Suites from $114.00; 5pe. Dinette Suites from $34.88 - Odd Chrome Chairs $3.88. Cash & Carry - Odd Chrome Tables from $18.88 Cash & Carry - Vynl Head- boards $4.88 Cash & Carry - 1967 Aluminum Sun Cots Half Price Cash & Carry. RUTHERFORDS : 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Apr. 11-18-25 USED TRUCKS, Sales and Truck Parts, all makes .and models. Port Perry. Auto Wreckers. Phone 986- 4281. 4--May9 DINETTE SET, 6 chairs (nearly new). Small 3 pec. chesterfield; Buffet & China Cabinet} Small Fridge, Other odd furniture. Youth Suit, black. Call 985-7794. ° 2 YEAR OLD Samoyed, home with children preferred. Ph. 985-2580 after 4 p.m. -9_PIECE-Dining Room- suite. Phone 985-7633. BOAT, motor and trailer, Phone 985-2767. INTERNATIONAL Cub Trac- tor, plow, cultivator and mower. Make offer. _ Phone Brooklin 655-4839."" SELL: RENT For Sale SEED GRAIN, Oats, Barley and Wheat, approx. 12 ton, $50.00 per ton, take all, Phone Brooklin 655-3663. R.A. VICTOR Television Set $45.00. Phone 985-2836. SWAR + Hii W anted 10 - 15 YEARLING Steers to pasture on farm grass in Blackstock area. - 985-7696, after 5.00 p.m. COLONY HOUSE or small building to be removed. Phone 985-7532. Vin Walker or Don Gray | "985-17! REGISTERED Polled Short- horn Bull, 15 months, dark red, big rugged and ready for service. W. J. Slater, R.R. #1, Orono 416 - 983- 5690. Stop! Don't buy: any of the organs you have been looking at until you see the All- New THOMAS ORGAN New improved tone, quality circuitry and construction. More features-and versatility than any other, including the incomparable Color-glo Keyboard. No 'organ -is as easy to play as the new Thomas THOMAS HOUSE of MUSIC 1060 King Street West (corner Garrard) - Oshawa 576-3921 HOLSTEIN Heifer, freshen- ing soon. Apply Ivan Mount- joy. 986-4737, hy 1956 CHEV.RRick Up Truck. Jition, Phone Excellent co \ : KODAK Holaroid 103 camera, flash attachment, and close up 'attachment. Phone 985- 2208. 160 CC -Ducati Motorcycle, excellent condition. 985- 7553 after 6 p.m. 1000 . BALES - Oat Straw. Phone 985-7090. BABY CARRIAGE, good con- dition. Phone 985-2665. 16' CEDAR Strip Peterbor- ough boat. Phone 985-2806. GIRL'S BICYCLE, good con. dition. $15.00. Phone 985- 240€. CHESTERFIELD & Chair, also 2 rocking chairs suit- ale for cottage. Phone 985- 518. GARAGE Doors. Two, 8 feet wide, steel overhead, -roll- away. Phone 985-2809. Real Estate For Sale LOT in Prince Albert, ap- proximately 78' x 125'. Phone 985-7442, Wanted To Buy USED books wanted, highest prices paid. No paper backs. Writé Box #7, Port Perry Star. Apr.18-25 May2-9 Check The Label On Your Paper WANTED -- Nanny Goats, ° Q Muscovy Ducks, small incu- - bator, and preserving jars. 985-7208. USED CHROME Kitchen set, four or six chairs. Phone 985-7129 after 6 p.m. | $45 grade, .| May 1st. 2 BEDROOM House in Port Perry area. Phone 655-4945. Lost LOST at Scugog Point, Nest- leton area a male hound, blue" tick walker speckled, wearing name plate. Phone 985-2515. a. Miscellaneous AT STUD -- GA -TYN 1316 32782 Purebred Arabian Stal lion, grey, veterinarian Health Certificate required, $100 purebred. Board $1 per day box stall, 50c. standing. Trailering services available. Half and purebred. Arabs. for sale at Lazy Acres Arabian Horse Farm, RR. #1 Port Perry. 985-2844. ~T.Fa WORMS A PROBLEM? Pamovin Tablets or Suspension A single dose treatment for Pinworms. Available at your Local Drug Store. WOULD the person that was. ® ° i € | seen picking up a transistor radio avoid any further trouble. - May 2 STANDING AT STUD Iwa Tom P-119-048 in a store in Port '| Perry be--kind--enough -.to- < ? 'Reg. Quarter-Horse- ----- (Palamino Colour) FEE--$35.00 Return Service ~~ or $50.00--Live Foal" ' (same owner) (Foals from this horse may be seen at Farm) GLENVIEW ACRES 1st Farm South of Seagrave W. Side PHONE: Port. Perry 985-7058 Oshawa 725-4773 728-8291 Stalls & Feed $1.00 per day Trailering available - Geo. B. Rutherford (Owner) May 30 For Rent NEWLY decorated 2 bed- room apartment available Phone 985-2347 or 7091. TF. Wanted To Rent Responsible family, excel. lent references. : Require house on farm or .in town before July 1st. Phone 985- 2668 anytime. May 2 - MASON RY Contractors BRICK and BLOCK LAYING CONCRETE FOOTINGS, FLOORS, ETC. STONEWORK "SMP CONSTRUCTION F. SHERMAN -- SEAGRAVE -- 985-3111 W. KEARLEY -- UXBRIDGE -- 852-3878 Ds © ot v r "© 3 LJ v . r

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