Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Feb 1968, p. 8

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TOD CIASSIFIED ADS GET RESL HIRE + BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * BUY + SELL: RENT « SWAP HIRE « BUY * SELL" Wanted To Rent Work Wanted Real Estate "COUPLE with 2 pre-school children want rental of farm within '15 mjle radius of Port Perry, rent under $100.00 per EVENINGS & week - end work wanted, with pick-up truck available. Ted Russell 985-7145. , : month. Call collect 655-3588. : . TF. Help Wanted REAL ESTATE CAREER ~~Wanted a full time real-estate] agent for Blackstock Area. Join Canada's largest realtor. Experienced manager to help you. Strong promotional as- sistance. Member of most Real Estate Boards. Contact Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.I, Vice- President, H. Keith Ltd. ..--. Realtor, ..181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12. 487-3333. i Feb.28 Real Estate SALESMAN Port Perry "DISTRICT" --Work in and around Port Perry : --Assist in Opening New Branch Office. --If you know your area and like to meet people, your chance cf success is good. --We train you for your examination. --Full time professional assistance on the job. --Generous Advertising allowances, -- Call or Write -- © GARY NEWMAN 852-3443 or 297-2373 collect THOS. N. SHEA LIMITED" REALTOR Members - Toronto, York County and Oshawa Real Estate Boards SALES HELP WANTED MALE & FEMALE FREE COOK BOOK Get your Rawleigh -Cook Book now and information how to make money selling Rawleigh Products, full or part time, Write Rawleigh, Dept. B-343-FC, 4005 Riche- lieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. Work Wanted DEAD or CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly, Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 MARGWILL. FUR FARM < TYRONE License No. 151.C-68 | Mar. 4/6 BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR 7 Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 640-3285, 182 Main St. W. v Stouffville, Ont. TF. EXPERIENCED PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Call 9852118 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long "Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. ©" Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. ' Licence No. 324C-66 Septic Tanks CLEANING & REPAIR SERVICE i NORM PARRY Port Perry, Phone 985.7237 985-2292 M-S§ CONSTRUCTION CARPENTER WORK All Types Fireplaces - Chimneys Built Brick Work - Stone Work 985-3158 Feb. 29 Wilson & Vowles | OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE ® Furnace Instalations ® Furnaces Cleaned 24 hour Oil burner Service Cascade "40" 'water heaters installed rr CALL ee BLACKSTOCK 986-4886 ° Real Estate n= Real Estate Broker SUNDERLAND 303 FOR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone our Staff anytime. We appreciate your listing. One room insul "brick house and garage, bathroom, storms and screens, suitable for retired couple, full price $8,600. with easy terms. _ New three bedroom brick bungalow with all modern conveniences, close to school and down town. $5,000 down with easy terms. : Three bedroom brick bun. galow with car port, electri- cal heating, storms and screens, many extras, an op- portunity, only $18,000. with terms, 6% 9, interest. 6 room frame home on large treed lot, oil furnace, 13% storey in village of Black- stock $8,000 - = Small acreage, 6 room in- sul brick home, hot and cold water, oil heat, bathroom, hardware and tile floors, beautifully landscaped. Open for all reasonable offers, 3 bedroom insul brick house, hot_and cold water, oil heat, 4 piece bath, tile floors, storms and screens, garage, very large lot, immaculately clean. For quick sale $16,500. with reasonable terms. We have other old & new home. Call for information. Agent MARION HOPKINS 985.7215 For Every Type of Real Estate BUY-SELL| THRU' J.J: LAMBERT = REAL ESTATE LIMITED ---- 170 DONWAY- W. TORENTO 447-858 3 bedroom bungalow on 10 acres. Stocked trout pond. Barn,. Terms. Suitable for V.L.A.--Love- ly 3 bedroom brick bunga-- low. Hollywood kitchen, Quiet section of town, close to schools. Call to inspect. New 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Prince Albert. Large lot with 135' frontage. Attached garage. See this one now and make an offer. 5 room furnished cottage at View Lake. $5,900 full price with good terms. We have new homes, lots, farms, small acreages with and without buildings. Sum- mer properties. AGENT Marjorie Tripp 985 - 7606 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Complete Auction 'Sale of Holsteins and Machinery in- cluding 45 Holsteins register- ed: and grade, all from unit sires, 30 milk cows, many fresh and springing, Bred and open heifers. Pregnancy tested. Complete line of farm machinery: M-F 35 Diesel Tractor with loader, Case Model 5 Tractor, Case V.T. Rowcrop Tractor, Oliver seed drill on rubber (good), M-F Double Disc 3 pt. hitch (new), M-H Clipper Combine, | 4 Case Forage Harvester, New Holland: Baler, New Holland Hay Conditioner, New Hol- land Hay Mower (good), Rub- ber tired wagon, M-H 17 tooth cultivator, Dodge % ton Truck, 2000 Bales Mixed Hay, Qu. of Baled Straw, Qu. of Furniture, 27 can Unico Bulk Milk Tank, Surge Milk: ing'Machine and units. The property of H. ALLEN and E. EVANS, Lot 12, Con. 1, Brock Twp., 4 miles south of Sunderland at Wick on No.| 12 Highway. NOTE: This is a good sale. Cattle and Ma- chinery are. in excellent condition. Farm is sold. Terms Cash. Sale at12:45 p.m. Folders available from Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, Sale Manager. LLOYD WILSON, W. D. ATKINSON, . REG JOHNSON, Auctioneers SALE REGISTER THURS., MAR. 7th--Clearing farm auction at Balsam View: Fatm of Registered and High Grade 'Holsteins, also imple- ments, 2 'tractors, Combine, Power Mower, Hay Condi- tioner, side rake, packer, Power weed sprayer, new tractor cultivator, Bale eleva: tor, Power drill, Hammer Mill, spreader also baled Hay, Straw, grain, etc. the proper- ty of JOS. H. FORSYTHE at Lot 5, Con. 9, Pickering, at Balsam, being 3 miles east of Claremont (or) 10 miles east of Stouffville (or) 5 miles west of Myrtle off Hy. #12. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale 1 p.m. ATKINSON & WILSON, Sale Mgrs, and Auctioneers Feb, 28 . 3 200 acres clay loam ranch land in _- Woodville area, plenty of water, small barn needing repairs $18,000. with $7000. down. ~ 134 storey, 7 room brick home in Little Britain: Oil furnace, bath, modern kit: chen, panelled living-room, 3 bedrooms, excellent gard- en. Full Price $10,500. 134 storey frame home in Manilla, 1% baths, oil furn- ace, large modern kitchen, dining room, 3 bedrooms, large lot, and garage. $9500. with $5000. down. 3 bedroom framed cottage at Port Hoover, Lake Scu- gog, bathroom, garage, love- ly. lot, excellent furniture, complete only" $6,500 with terms, . Raglan Area - View - Stream 71 acres, 13% storey frame house with all modern con- veniences overlooking Lake Scugog, beautiful view. Bank barn now used for horses and beef cattle. Very hilly ter- rain with bush and -stream. Vendor will sell 25 acres with stream and pond site separate if desired. An op- portunity. = All for- only $49,000. Dairy Farm - 1100 Ibs. base ~225 acres medium clay loam, 150 acres workable, modern dairy barn with steel staunchions, 134 storey frame house with conveniences, % .mile lakefront on Lake-Seu- gog. Excellent income now with gbod investment poten- tial. Full price only $75,000, with terms. 50 acres on Scugog Island, bank barn, frame house in need of repair, excellent pond, Ideal for the commu: ter. Price $16,000 with half own, : 4 bedroom bungalow in Port Perry, hardwood floors, mahogany cupboard, finished recreation room and bar, im- aculate throughout. An op- portunity - at only $19,500, with terms at 6% 9% interest. Call GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632" Commuter farm 100 acres, 70 workable rolling with good 7 room brick house, 4 piece bath, oil furnace, large barn, water bowls, silo. A good beef farm around 27 mile to Oshawa. $27,000 with $8,000 down. House, frame, 5 rooms, needs repairs, heavy wired, would make a good summer home with well, one quarter acre for garden at Victoria Rd. Only $2,500 cash. --Cottage;-- 4 rooms, fairly new, furnished, water pres- sure, -nice lot, $4,500 with %$1,500- down. 91 acre farm, 85 workable with '6 room 'good stone house, new bath, furnace, large barn, silo, drive shed, on paved road $50,000 terms. Brick House in Blackstock, 7 rooms, modern kitchen, bath, oil furnace, steam bath, garage, $14,500, terms. wt Galle MARVIN NESBITT Nestleton 986-4894 Elva Seeley-- -$12,900. Lot and small barn _|Church, School bus. service, _{STOREY. No.reserve, terms GALLARD ket UNDUERLAND 303 We are the Top Bananas Won't. You Join the Bunch MARGARET BALLARD REAL ESTATE 'We appreciate your listings Phone anytime: Floyd Marlatt-- Stouffville 640-3822 Jewel Collins-- Stouffville 640-3838 Marion Hopkins-- Port Perry 985-7215 Joan Bagg-- 1 Port Perry 985-7379 Ruth Vardy--Sunderland 351 Bob & Wendy Harris-- Beaverton 426-7475 Uxbridge 852-6345 Mary Duff-- Cannington 432-2696 Donald Ballard-- Fred Ballard-- Margaret Ballard Broker-- Sunderland Office 303 : FOR SALE : Beef or Sheep Farm, Hwy frontage 195 level acres, New Pole Barns, lovely Farm Home with all conveniences. This farm is well fenced and only-$42,000. with half down. 100 Acres Ranch near above property. Full price $9,600. : Sunderland Village, 3 bed- room House with convenien- ces. Town Water ete. Price adjacent to above property. Optional $1,000 full price. Near Sunderland, 24 acres choice garden land,.2 bed- room-home, Garage & Work |. Shop, Hydro and Water Supply. Full-price $11,500. Immediate possession. Building lots near-- the Village of Sunderland. Hwy. 7 & 12 $1,995, Low down payment, . 50 Acres Wooded Hwy. 48 frontage, only 10 minutes to Lake Simcoe Beaches. Full price $7,900. low down payment. We have 200 acre dairy farm. . Some nice cottages on Lake. A variety of homes from $7,500 up. See us before you buy. Village of Manilla on Hwy. 7. Two Acres garden land, 6 roomed house, Bath- room, -- oil space - heated, $9,000. full price. 10 acres rolling wooded, New 4 room cottage & pond. Lovely summer property $7,500. : 30._acres good garden land: 9 bedrooms, living room, Nice Kitchen, 3 pc. Bath, oil furnace, Garage $17,900. Auction Sales SAT., MARCH 2nd--Auec- tion Sale of household furni- ture, dining room suite, china cabinet, 3 pc. chester- field- suite, Philco 21"-T.V,, 4 'burner electric stove, Sel. vador refrigerator, ' Finlay cook stove, brass' bed. and bedroom furniture, toilet sets, - dishes, cooking ~uten- sils, garden tools, large nu- mber of real antiques. Lot 3 & 4, Conc. -8, Uxbridge, about 5 miles east of Clare- mont, north 2% miles to Dagmar Ski Club, first farm north of Ski Club. Property Sold. Property of LEVI cash, Sale at 12.30 sharp. ALVIN S. FARMER, Feb, 22.29 Auctioneer, Auction Sales SAT.. MARCH 9th -- Auc- tion Sale of Real Estate -- Reach Area School Board offers for sale by Public Auction--School property & Building S.S. #9, known as . the Yellow School, on Sat. Mar. 9th at the Twp. Hall, Manchester, .Ont. 2.00 'p.m, This . property - comprises Part of South half Lot 18, Con. 8, Reach, having front Depth of 165. ft. &. compris. ing 1 & 3% 'acres more or less. The Board is prepared to convey a clear marketable registered title to the school lands and premises and to further convey any possess. ory title to such lands as have been fenced and occu- pied for school purposes, This brick building would make an attractive residence. There is a full basement and a well on the property. Any renovations or altera- tions would be subject to - | the Reach Township Council building by-laws. : TERMS: Purchaser shall be required to sign an Agreement to purchase and pay to the Secretary-Treas- urer of the Board 259%, of the purchase price in cash day of the sale--balance of purchase price due and pay- able in 30 days. Purchaser shall pay the legal fees of the Board's so- licitor in connection with the sale and this fee will be that of the Solicitors' Tariffs for the County of Ontario. If a survey is required by the purchaser, it will be obtain- ed at his own expense. TED JACKSON,. TED SPENCELEY, Feb.29-Mar.7 Auctioneers THURSDAY, MARCH 14th Holsteins = Machinery Furniture Holsteins, Registered and Grade. Cert. Area, from Unit Sires. Vaccinated and pregnancy tested, . D.H.LA. tested. Records to over 17,263 milk & 650 fat (145- 149 BCA), Herd Average 13,489 milk & 484 fat (124- 121 BCA). 30 milk cows, 25 bred & open heifers & cal- ves. These are big sharp dairy cows with good pro- duction, EER a Complete line : of Farm Machinery. Allis - Chalmers D 15 Tractor & Loader (Die- sel 1100 hrs., excellent con- dition), Allis Chalmers 3 furrow trip bottom plow (new),, McCormick No. 46 Baler, McCormick Seed Drills (good), LH.C. 21V 7' Mower, ILH.C. Semi Mounted Side Rake (new), McCormick Hay Conditioner, McCormick Ma. nure Spreader, McCormick Rubber tired wagon & rack, Snow Blower, 3 pt. hitch, 3000 Bales of Hay, Qu. of Straw, Qu. of Oats. - Dairy Equipment:- Delaval Bulk Tank, Delaval Milking Machine - - 4 "unit pump (good). 3 Ha ToT Furniture: Findlay Cook Stove, Frigidaire Electric Stove, Frigidaire Refrigera- tor, Beds, dressers, tables, Washing machine, antiques, etc. Selling at the property of BLAIR WOODWARD, Lots 5 & 6, Con. 9, Brock Twp., 5 miles Northwest of Sunder- 1111 pa SR Sha NOTE: This is an excep- tional farm sale. Please plan to attend, Farm -Sold. Terms Cash, Sale at 12.45 p.m. James Ball 'on . Production Records, Folders on request. LLOYD -WILSON- & W: D. ATKINSON, Sale Managers & Auctioneers : ~ Feb.20-Mar.7, Gormley Ph. 887-5311 E or certified cheque on the Complete Auction Sale of 55 age on Simcoe St. of 396 ft. -* >»

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