Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Feb 1968, p. 9

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: SELL. Sd = NN SWAP. EEE BUY SELL: RENT SWAP + HIRE * BUY - SELL. RENT. SWAP: HIRE 'HIRE « BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP EEE BUY + S Classified Advertising Rates | B + {Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash. Rate--4c. per word 1st wéek, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, T5c. for bd extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25¢. will be added. ~ 50¢c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS Li 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum of one inch All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than 5.00 p.m. Tuesday ¢ | Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. '| PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference At Rest | 6 WRIGHT--In loving mem- ory of a dear mother Effie Wright who passed away Feb. 28th, 1953. - , Peaceful be thy rest dear mother It is sweet to ireathe thy name As in life we loved you dearly So in death we do the same. --Sadly missed by-daughter Elva Laviolett and -------------husband- Alfred [J » Cards of Thanks We wish to express our sincere appreciation to neighbours, friends and rela- tives for kindness shown, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes re. » ceived during our recent be: reavement in the death of a loving wife, mother and grandmother. Eli Mairs and Family. We wish to thank friends and neighbours for. their cards and kindness extended © "to. us during. our bereave- ment-in'the loss of a mother and grandmother, Mrs: J. E. .Mairs. +4, J. E. Mairs family > 1 wish to say a sincere Thank You to all my friends, « neighbours and relatives for their kindness in remember ing me with cards, letters, flowers, gifts, visits, en: quiries. and transportation - during my recent illness. Also to the nurses and staff of the Port Perry Hospital for their kindness to me. Aletha Holtby I would like to express my thanks. to -- Relatives and Friends for the cards, gifts -and flowers sent-me- during my. stay- in. the Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Rice, » Rev. Harris, Dr. Diamond, Nurses 'and Staff of Port Perry Community Hospital. Mrs. Aileen Davidson. Birth McKINZEY -- Ron 'and Diane (nee Wilson) are happy to announce the birth of "their daughter, Leanne Michelle on February 19th, 1968 at Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Lisa. MOUNTJOY, Maude -- At Port Perry, ont. on Tuesday, February 27, 1968, Maude MeKee (late of Blackstock), beloved wife. of the late Leslie Mountjoy, dear aunt of Lena (Mrs. Creighton Devitt)of Bowmanville, Anne | (Mrs. Lorne Reynolds) and Harry Franks, both of Peter- boro; in her 88th year. 'Resting -at the Chapel of| * McDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Thurs- day at 2 p.m. . Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. Coming Events RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, March 2nd at 1 p.m. at Anglican Parish. Hall. Spon. sored by Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Feb.22-29 - FRED DeNURE TOURS 8 DAYS--March 16 to Mar. 23rd. Washington and Virginia. 12. DAYS--March 25th to April 5th. New Orleans and Gulf Coast. 24 DAYS--March 25th to April "17th. California and Hawaii. For Information Phone 985-2195 Feb. 22-29, Mar.7 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Women's World . Day of Prayer, Friday, March Ist at 3 p.m, at Port Perry United Church. Speaker Mrs. Philip Romeril, Blackstock. Come and Join in the service. Feb. 22-29 ] SPRING TEA St... John's. Presbyterian Church are-holding a Spring Tea at the Church on-April 6th. More particulars later. , LUNCHEON Scugog Grace Church, Wed. nesday, March '6th at 12.30' p.m, Adults $1.00. line. , ANNUAL SPRING FAIR Reserve. Saturday, May 25th for Women's Hospital Auxi- liary Annual Spring Fair. BINGO, Friday, March 1st at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Catho- lic -Men's- League. Jackpot $210.00 in 66 numbers. Min- or Jackpot $55.00 in 60 num- bers. Also top & bottom "| Hall. Coming Events For Sale DRAMA COMPETITION Ontario Junior Farmers Drama: 'Competition, Sat., March 9th at 8.00 p.m. at Uxbridge High "School. Everyone Welcome. BINGO -- Thursday, March 7th at 8.00 p.m. at the Legion 20. regular games, share the wealth, Jackpot | 55 numbers for $150.00. Le- | gion-Special 18 numbers for $60.00. HOME DECORATING DEMONSTRATION On Thursday, February 29 at 8.30 p.m, in the Sacred Church Hall. ORGAN VARIETIES A programme of Organ varieties will be presented in the High School Audi- | torium on the evening of Saturday, April 20th, featur- ing Mr. Joe Carlo, TV and RCA Recording Artist and Staff Organist for the Lowery Organ Co. Proceeds Central ~ Seven , Association for Mentally Retarded. Groups desiring tickets call- 985-7979. NOTICES CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS FEB. 15 to MAR. 15, BILL HAMILTON Raglan 1 - 985-7160. . Mar. 14 een NOTICE Scugog Township. Municipal |. Office will be open Monday till "Fridays from 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon, until further notice, -S. H. 'CHANDLER, Clerk-Treas. | Feb. 29-Mar. 1 BUNGALOW---New 3 bed room' brick bungalow in Prince Albert, attached gar- age, oil F/A, all convenienc- ; Phone Ab or 085.2364 T.F, WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers Stock calves, and Holstein heifers, every week. Ivan Johnson, R.R. 1, South Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro 039-6855. 10 miles South- of Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2 miles east. TF. KELSEY, Stormont, Rodney, Garry and Russel Oats, Herta Barley (others available in January). Saranac, Alfalfa, Saratoga, Red Patch, Brome, plus all regular strains of grass seeds, United and Seneca seed 'corn. Swain Seed Cleaners Blackstock 986-4331 Mar. 28 [ry Sweetman's 'Used Cars 67 Chrysler 4 door power equipped, radio, 1 owner, under war- ~ranty. Lie. 844794. Save $1400.00 66 Plymouth 4 door radio, 6 automatic, 1" owner. Lic, J33882 -- $1695.00 65 Pontiac Parisienne V.8 4 door hardtop, power equipped, radio, one _. owner. Lic. K5291. $1795.00 iL "63 Oldsmbile 4 door __power 'equipped, one ATTENTION PLEASE Would the person who plae- ed an Advertisement, Want- ed - Private Vacant property Box #1; please pick up re: plies at Star Office. For Sale a i i. USED CARS 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne 2-door-hard-top. Comp- any Car loaded with extras. 5 year or 50,000 "mile G.M. warranty. © 327 V-8 engine with 275 horses Turbo Hydro-Matic (3 speed automatic) Vinyl roof, Radio, Rear Speaker, Heavy Duty Suspension White Walls, Discs, Tinted Windshield, Electric lock, Power Steering, Power Brakes. List price ..... $4529.40 Save ...... . $ 929.40 --Sale-price -... -$3600.00 Lice #68820H 1964 'CHEV. Convertible 327 V-8 Automatic, -- Radio, ete. ~ Lic. #K8746 ... $1595.00 1962 :PONTIAC 4 door One owner with radio Lic. #69167H ... $895.00 'BOB ARCHER MOTORS LTD. 150 Water St, Port Perry > PORT PERRY 985:7361 ARCHER'S | owner. Lig. 60529E $1295.00 67 Valiant 4 door, Big 6 automatic, 1 owner. Lic. 68377H -- $2125.00 68 Plymouth Fury Ili Demonstrator, 3000 miles. io equipped. Lic. #687 Save rea 30 New Cars in Stock -Several more Used Cars See JIM HEAYN STEWART SWEETMAN or call 985-2212 } SSS == BETTER BEDDING BUYS at Rutherfords February Bonanza Largest selection of Name Brand Bedding in Oshawa -- Spring Filled Mattresses from $17.88 -- Continental Beds complete from $38.00 Smooth Top Mattresses from $27.00 -- Rollaway Cots from $19.88 -- Bunk Beds Com: plete from' $68.00 -- Space Savers from $49.00 -- 2 Pc. Davenport Sets from $99.50-- Bed Chesterfields with Spring Filled Mattress from $148.00 -- PILLOWS. RUTHERFORDS FURNITURE 1a 56 Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Big, Beautiful Buy: Buys at Ru: therfords February Bonanza --2 Pec. Chesterfield Suites with Foam Cushions from $109.00 -- 3 Pe. Bedroom Suites from $114.00 -- Re. cliner -Chairs from $58.00 -- 5 Pc. Dinette Suites from $34.88--Swivel Rockers from $28.00--Baby Cribs complete from $24.88 -- Coffee and Step Tables from $7.88. RUTHERFORDS FURNITURE Ye Simcoe St, South, Oshawa '. Feb. 28 For Sale --,-- oses Are RED Violets Are BLUE | Drive A Cy Wilson CAR How About 3 YOU CY'S USED CARS 1966 FORD 2 Dr. Six-Stick. An economy car. New plates Lic. #281533. Only--$1595.00 1965 RAMBLER V-8 Chev. Motor, Stick Shift on floor, radio. A good car for the price. New plates. Lic. '#58576E Only--$695.00 1963 PONTIAC 2 Dr. V-8 Aut.,, Radio. A Beauty. New plates. Lic. #67463H Only -- $1295.00 - 1967 MUSTANG Demo 2 Dr. Hard Top 289 Aut., Bucket Seats, Radio, W/ Walls, ) 'Wire Wheels," 3000 miles. New plates. Lic. #69458H Only -- $2695.00 . CY'S CHEAPIES 1959 GMC 3% Ton, Lic. #23679B--$195.00 $195.00 1962 Ford Aut. V-8, Lic. #J70728--$395. 00 $395.00 1961 Chev. 6 Cyl. Stick. Lic. #J64680 $295.00 1958 Pont. 6 Aut., Lic. #J47154--$95.00 Before You Buy See CY CY WILSON Ford Sales MANCHESTER ONTARIO 985.7341 "Where 7A & 12 Hwy. Meet. For Sale HI-FI STEREO, AM/FM floor model, excellent condi- tion, Priced to sell, 'Phone 985-2420. NO.2 POTATOES -- 75 lbs. for $1.50. Carrots $2.00 per bushel. Phone 985-7844. Feb. dai HOLSTEIN Springer close. Blackstock 986-4270. 21 PIGS, 9 weeks old. Phone 985-7668. , '65 PONTIAC, standard 6, 4 door sedan, 23,000 miles, 1 owner. 309 Guelph 'St. Osh. awa 725-5268. 1962 PONTIAC, automatic, 2 door, radio, good condition. Phone 985-2156. BLACK Persian Lamb Coat. Good condition. Asking $70. Phone 985-2488. A VARIETY of nearly new and used electrolux vacuum cleaners, rug shampooers, and floor polishers, also other makes. Phone 983- 7704. G.E. T.V. in fair- condition. $25.00. 985-7200. BALED HAY, approx. 1000 bales. Phone 985-7530. FOUR Holstein heifers due --- March. 11 'Open Holstein heifers, vaccinated. - John Dobson, Phone 985-7466. 60 JOHNSON 40 H.P. Out- board motor, electric start, generator, long shaft, spare prop & tank. 2247. Lost MAN'S Gold Wrist Watch in downtown Port Perry. Phone 'Grant Hunter 985-2626. Miscellaneous APPALOOSA Stallion Service Bimbo Chief 2975 (U.S. T29, 310). Proven coloured sire. Sire of first and fourth 1967 colts at Oshawa Appaloosa Show. Enguire now for 1968 service. Robert Spencely, Millwood Acres, R.R. #4, Port Perry. 985-2911 even- ings. Feb. 8-15-22-29 WORMS A PROBLEM? Pamovin Tablets or Suspension A single dose treatment for Pinworms. Available at your Local Drug Store. For Rent FURNISHED Bedroom, suit- able for young man. Phone 985-2537. HEATED APARTMENT Phone 985-7679 - FREE SIMMONS FEATHER | -- REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR _ 668-5853 ~-- WHITBY Wishes to announce the appointment of a sales representative in the Port Perry area: MILDRED BILIDA 985-2844 Listings are urgently requested for: FARMS, LOTS, ACREAGES, HOUSES, COTTAGES, ETC. Your Real Estate problems will be courteously handled by this experienced saleslady. -- Thank you. Mar. 28 Phone 985° ------p, ET yi ef

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