Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Feb 1968, p. 10

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el ht . ise Sa RTehN RAAT, Ped J Wd 2 LS he AN any SA 10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Feb. 15th, 1968 PORT PERRY * STAR x ,. Feb. 8th, Port Perry 4 defeated Brooklin in the first game 3-2 at the Brooklin arena. Don Mec- Cartney and Neil McLaugh. lin gave the Bantams a 2-0 lead in the first period. Brooklin scored in the 2nd and Don McCartney also got one to make it 3-1 at the end of the second period. Brook lin came out in' the third period and put on a deter mined effort to try and tie the game getting another goal, but the Port team: held on and final score was 3-2 for Port Perry. Mon., Feb. 11th the game took place at the local arena. The Bantams started rather slowly and but for great goal tending by Jim McLeod, they would have been swam- ped. Dave Bourgeois scored the only goal of the first period. Brooklin pressed hard in the second period & scored twice to lead 2-1 at end of second. Brent Heard tied the game . early in the 3rd period. Port really started to roll. . Don Mcartney got through the whole Brooklin team and put a backhander in the top cor- ner to put Port ahead.: Neil - McLaughlin rapped in a pass out and Danny McCartney night with a slap shot to the 1 right corner of Brooklin LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Eagles "High Triple-- B. Oke--843 High Single-- ; J. Chandler--336 Over 210-- : J. Chandler'-- 336, 270; B. Oke--335, 300; J. Leach--320 P. Rowe--303; I. Doupe--284 225; N. Weir---"1725; S. Devitt --263, 225; P. Lovering--259 . M. DuMerchant--247; J.. Ha- milton--236, 214; H. Heard-- 236; C. Warriner -- 235; M. Graham--234; N, Wouters-- 234; 'M. Potts--230; D. Ven- -ning--230; .C. Wilbur -- 230, 214; M. Geer--229, 228; E. Bailey--220; D. Martyn--227 M. St. John--223; J. Barber-- 223; K. Harper--221; J. Ma- haffey -- 221; J. Jackman-- 220; A. Chandler--219, 2186; -V. Rider=219; B. Ballingal-- 218; Mabel Cook--218. Over 600-- B. Oke--843; J. Chandler-- "764; 1. Doupe--689; J, Leach | --877; P. Rowe--867; S. De- vitt--661; J. Mahaffy -- 650; J. Hamilton--642; M. Geer-- 629; E, Bailey--8616; A. Chan- dler---611; 'M. Potts--807; C. © Wartiner--601; C. Wilbur-- 601. In this game Brooklin play ed it rough and seemed con. centrated on 2 or 3 of Port Perry boys, trying to get them to retaliate and take penalties, They succeeded a few times in taking a man off Bantams Win Lakeshore "C" Title with them but our team soon caught on-and let Brooklin take the penalties. The Bantams now enter play downs 'against West Rouge Friday, 9 p.m. at the Arena. "Thursday night --got his second goal -of the |- Peterborough Ladies Win Tankard Playdowns Here "Tuesday, Feb. 5 and Wed- nesday, Feb. 6th proved that Curling is fast becoming a spectator's game. The audi- torium of the local Curling Rink was almost filled with fans from far and near who had come to watch their fav- ourite rink skipped to vic- tory. Two rinks from each of the following clubs competed in the annual Tankard play-. downs for District 15, Lake- field, Keene, Cobourg, Peter- borg Golf, Peterboro Ladies, Oshawa Golf, Oshawa Ladies, Whitby and Port Perry. Keen, friendly, courteous rivalry prevaled throughout the games which indicated curling is a wonderful game for good sportsmanship. The two Port Perry rinks skipped by Minnie Holder- -shaw and Clara Martyn -won their games from Lakefield, Cobourg and Peterboro Golf, -but- were finally -defeated-by.|- the Peterboro Ladies. It was a very close game! Mrs. 'Gertrude Brown, Co- bourg, the District Represen- tative spoke very highly of the hospitality and friendli- ness of the club. She compli- mented Norma Kenny who had convened and was Chief Umpire for the event; the Bowling MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Feb. 8th-- High Triple-- Wilson, Sr.--782 High Triple W. H-- B. Anderson--714 High Single-- J. Wilson Sr.--362. High Single W.H.-- " R. Chandler--293 Triples 625 & Over-- J. Wilson--782; D. Butt-- 758; F, Hastings -- 731; Tv Thomas--715; J. Owen--1708; K. 'Ashton--696; -B. Ander* son--693;. G. Samells -- 667; G. McHugh--664; R. Phinney --~658; D. Butt--652; J. Stone --654; J. Parker -- 642; J. Healy--630; N.. Middleton-- 629; R. Hutchinson--627; B. Owen--626. Team Standings-- _.. Black Jacks ............. 36. Carnegie"... 32 . Don's Raiders ............_ 13 Stars. inn 27 Eden's Lucky Strikes 25 "Causeway Kids 24 Beare Motors . Dowson's Red & W. 21 Middleton's Meats ....-21 Can. Tire ............ 18 Archer Pontiacs ........ 18 . Hope's L GAL 18 YA Social convener Mae Blakely and Mrs. Mae Williams who is well known for the fine food that -she serves; Bob Parry, the ice maker for the excellent condition of the ice. Mrs. Mary McCartney, Pe- terborough and third Vice- President of the Southern Ontario Ladies Curling Asso- ciation presented the Tank- ard pins to the Winners of Peterboro Ladies Club. They will compete in Scarboro on Monday. Mrs. McCartney gave credit' to 'all who had | been responsible in any way for making such a successful event and complimented the winners and also the losers for the excellent curling. In closing she remarked ' that the club should be proud of the girls who were: Alma Cox; Irene Carter, Helen Ba- thie, Minnie Holdérshaw, skip. Helen Green, Joyce Howsam, Marie Snooks, Clara Martyn, skip. House League BANTAM-- 1st game saw Campbell and Gibson play to a score of 6-2. Campbell 2, Nesbit, Prosser, Jackson & Tomchishin 'scor- ed for Campbell. Phinney & Brain tallied" for Gibson. 2nd game saw Gunter 9 - |, Jeffrey 6. McLeod 4, Assel- -|stine2 & Carnighan scored for Gunter. Short 2, Coch. rane 2, Lee and Young scor- ed for Jeffrey's Lions. NOVICE-- 1st game saw Luke 3 - Cart. wright 2. - Williams tallied | L {twice for Cartwright. Coch- rane 2 and Hadley scored for Luke's Merchants. McQuade 'White Feather Farms downed Nightingale | 3-1. McKee had 2 and Jones 1 for the winners. "Bourgéois had Nightingale's lone tally. PEE WEE-- . Best beat McCoy 3-1. Mec- Quade had 2 and Stephens 1 for Best while: Bronson had McCoy's tally. --Novice All-Stars in the ab- sence of Cartwright played and beat Geer 3-2. Sean Tay- lor got the hat trick. Jeffrey and Huffman scored. for Geer, Check The Label On Your Paper we ow "ab" Port Perry the fans were trea%ed to the finest team' effort on the part of Cy Wilson's Mus- tangs as they went all out to defeat the highly rated Brooklin 'Midgets 5-3. There wasn't a member of the Mus, tangs from' the goalie - oud that didn't givie 1509. Those that weren't scoring goals checked tenaciously ' to upset the Brooklin offence before it could get organized. Brooklin came out in the first period to take a 2-0 lead on goals by Pete Heron and Wiliam Down with two assists to Ken Down and one to Bannon, The second _ period was about 5 minutes underway when Ron Jeffery got his first goal of the night from Roger Moase and Brian Mec- Nab. Just before the period the Haines & Vesey team took a penalty when one of their players charged Jeffery into the boards. Ken Irvine got the draw on the face-off to Roger Moase who relayed it- to Britn McNab and the score was all even 2-2. "The third period was just underway when - Jeffery got his second goal of the game through persistent forecheck- ing and two minutes later Grant McLaughlin got what turned out to be the winner when he 'out fought the Brooklin defence for a pass from Glenn Geer in front of the net. With about.5 min-. utes left in the game Brooklin made it 4-3 when Ken Down scored with "an assist going to Milt Mitchell. Brooklin pulled . their goalie with a minute and a half. remaining but it backfired when Brian 'McNab picked "Bruton's | pass off-a- Brooklifn stick "and scored into an em net; If a star was to be picked from the Mustangs it would have to go to the team as a whole. A continuing effort like this one and the hockey season in Port Perry will be a long ome. BOWLING LADIES MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Capricorn High Single-- S. Stone--330 High Triple-- R. Bearé-=T27 shoe 200 and Over-- D. Phinney--245; S. Barton 250; H. McTavish --218; D. McLean--219, 209; S. DeHaas --232; R. Beare--280, 273; J.. Storrey--209; J. Irvine: S. Bryant--204; D. i --212;'M. Eden--203, 215; M. L. Dowson -- 206, 243; R. Brown--238; J. VanSchagen 218; L. Butson--205, 204; C. Watts--244; M. Smits--225 A. Scriver -- 222; F, Quan-- 211; G. Hastings--231, 205; K. Imrie--233, 218; B. Evans --214; P. Ellicott--281, 207; .B. Rowland--221; M. Sweet. man--203, 259; M. Hopkins-- 253; E. DeShane -- 261; D. RODD--208; 8. Stone--330. 'by Brian McNab end Ken 'and second period ended -Cy's. Mustangs did .it_again.| After losing the opening game of a best of three series to Brooklin Midgets the Mus- tangs bounced back to take the next two games and ad- vance another round in the play-offs, After 'defeating the Haines & Vesey team 5-3 in the second game in Port last Thursday the Mustangs took the third game and the series in 'Brooklin Tuesday night defeating the Brooklin team all. out team effort. Those that weren't scoring goals checked the Brooklin entry to a standstill. From. the opening faceoff the -Mustangs put the pres- sure on and never let up until the final buzzer. The first period saw Port Perry take a 3-1 lead on goals by 'Grant McLaughlin, Ron Jeffery and Glenn Geer with assists going to Ken Irvine, Glenn Geer and Grant McLaughlin, In the second period Bro- oklin started off with a new goalie but two Mustang goals Irvine saw the regular goal- tenjler return, -- Once again Geer and McLaughlin picked up' the assists. Brooklin scor- ed between Port's two goals 5 to 2. ya In the third period Irvine scored his second of the game, Ron Short scored on a -shot from the point with Brian McNab who scored the Mustar ngs final goal, getting an assist. 'Roger Moase got 5: seeish on MaNah's $08] 8-4. Once again it was anf Mustangs Win iI wy Ti ~All in all it "was a big night for the Mustangs with = McNab, Irvine, Geer and Mc Laughlin picking up 3 points each. With continued team efforts such ms. these last two games Mustangs will be around for awhile yet. They now meet West Rouge in the next series. It was a meal 1 to the team to see more Port Perry fans in Brooklin Arena than Brooklin fans. The boys ap- preciate the support and will work hard to prove wary of it. Legion Pee Wees Lose To Uxbridge You: will" "remember the téam-lost the "first game of group: play-downs: by 5 to 2. We then returried to Uxbrid- ge and: Ae lost this one by a score of 3 to 2. This game was one of those not for the . weak of heart. Uxbridge led 2 to 0 into the third and our boys rushed out and soon - tied it up... They missed many - chances, but with about one minute to go.Ux- bridge scored so-it ended 3 to 2. Well done Port Perrv. Before closing . I .want to thank all the good parents for the great help they gave Murray. Lee and myself in taking the boys from rink re- gardless of the weather, - Best of luck to Midget Ban- tams and the Novice teams from the Pee Wee Tearf. (P.S) -- We will be still having 'games 'so 'watch for Pee Wee Hockey Notices:- ditions in the By-Law. Car ~A Special Meeting of gn 'wright Township Counéil was held -on January: 11th with the Reeve and all members of Council attending. The subject = 'Wrecking yards' tabled in 1967 for this year's Council, and an appli- cation by F.: Hoskin for a Class 'C' Licence were con- sidered and-a draft copy of a By-Law restricting 'location of Wrecking yards was given 1st & second and final read- ing, carried and By - Law - #1153 was unanimously pass- ed, Mr. F. Hoskin's application was approved subject to con- The next item of business was the questionnaire in con- nection with 'Woodlands' draft plan of . subdivision. The questionnaire completed, the Clerk was instructed to procure the Soligitor s advice wright "Cotincil regarding same and: certain other conditions that were felt nécessary, 'A motion that the Township Solicitor pre- pare a: restricted area by-law to supplement the conditions of the Draft Plan of subdivi- sion, 'and to forward a copy of pine to the' Dept. of Mu- ments. membership in the Mayors & Reeves Assoc. was: approved and fee of $10.00. to be for- warded. A resolution. recommend- ing approval of the location of a new dwelling which is a few feet too far one way, was. moved..,~ This resolution a- long with a letter of toler- ance from the adjoining pro- perty owner to be forwarded to Mr. and Mrs: Walton at Caesarea. On January 23, 1068, Unit Seven met at the home of Mrs. Rupert Lee. ; The President Mrs, Marg: aret Burnett opened the meeting with the poem, "The New Year". The meeting was then turned over to Mrs, Jane Litt, who introduced us to the new study book for 1968 'Panorama of the Bible'. Chapter one was read * live: ly discussed. : : Members present "enjoyed |1 singing along with some of the old favorite hymns on a record that Mrs, Litt had brought. . The Devotional helped with the Bible study from. Prophet Amos. Chap-. ters five and six were read Port Perry U.C.W. were brought together as the devotion 'ended with" 'prayer. . Mrs. Burnett then presided over the business | 'part of the meeting. : - The minutes were read and adopted. Nineteen members and three visitors answered the roll call. reminded that dues of fifty cents are payable now. Elizabeth Fulford will be A eeretary f for. the unit for - Mrs, Pearl Gerrow acknow- ledged 12 home and 34 hos- of the "Observer" subscrip- tions and Margaret Burnett has agreed to help collect or- and discussed. .The thoughts ders and money. ipal Affairs for their com- --e An application form for The president! * pital calls made by the girls. : Mrs, Isobel Lee is in. charge 4 ° ET ar y EE a

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