Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Feb 1968, p. 9

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' ghower was held in the S.S. 'in 'Allan. II, (Hank) and his Seagrave This is the time for which our ladies have been waiting. With all those wild-cat strik- ers at home, what a lot of floors can be finished and ceilings painted! "Mr. Allan Bertrand I. did: n't get tod much. attention last Thursday evening. We were much more interested fiancee Miss Lynne Gliddon in whose honour the bridal room, Mr. Morley Bruce was M.C. for a short program. This consisted of a sing-song then a reading by Mrs. Barr which was about as usual. Thea came a piano duet by 8 smallish boys, Larry Short and Calvin - Nicholls which was not the usual; : Morley CLUB ANNRENE SATURDAY; FEB, 17th Music By BILL BACKWELL Bruce followed this by asking a series of riddles and read "Ten Commandments for the Bride's To finish off Mrs. Cliff Short had the young fry wobbling up the aisle carrying lemons between their knees. The guests of honour were called to the front, 'a silly address read and the many gifts opened. After both: Hank and Lynne had expressed their thanks everyone descended to the basment for lunch. On Wed, of last week lad- ies interested in Brownie ac- tivities were asked to meet at the church. The result was the formation of a Brownie Pack and a Brownie Mothers' organization. = 18 Browines are now enrolled ATTENTION LJ DX OIL" SAVE ..wnypraymore On Premium Quality GASOLINE -- DIESEL and MOTOR OILS Farm Tanks and Pumps Available . Out of Oshawa, Whitby. and District FARMERS! { CALL, COLLECT 668. 3341 News Mrs. W. HoWwell. to the Orient. #| turn trip after about a month §| they will have a stop-off to BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 6. McPhaden| ; Insurance 985-2341 Dec./67 : 014 ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way 'Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Dec./67 EMMERSON INSURANCE . AGENCY LIMITED. -General. Insurance 9857306 PORT PERRY Dec. 81/67 DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL TELEVISION ' SALES and SERVICE Phone 9857993 or 9852728 : - PORT PERRY * Dee./67 ROT under the leadership of Mrs. D. Taylor, Mrs. M. Fraser and The girls are from. the Greenbank: Seagrave district and will meet each Wednesday in the church after school, The Brownie mothers will meet the first Wed. of each month. Their officers are: 'Pres.-- Mrs. J. Foote, Sec. -- Mrs, Chas. Short and Treas. --MTrs. R. Dusty. They are looking forward to having a Girl Guide group formed in the fall, A big day for Bill Barr comes on Wed. when he leaves by plane for his buy- ing trip to Japan. Plans are that he and his partner will spend a couple of days in Vancouver before proceeding On their re- bask on the beaches of Ha- wall. Meanwhile his wife might have to shovel snow, ete. Many of our long-time re- sidents spent Saturday even- ing at Manilla hall attending a reception arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dance of Colborne by friends from Sonya, Seagrave and Manilla, The evening was spent in visiting & euchre then gifts were presented and lunch served. -Mr, and Mrs. Dance, only recently married, are both well-known here, Mr. Dance having been station old "Nip-and-Tuck". _ Mrs. Russell Sparling of | Peterborough spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac- Taggart. Other callers. at the same home during the week were Messrs. Geo. Shaw om | and Wm. Martin of Sutton For Income Tax see ALEX SHEPHERD Room 2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. Dec./67 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING Beds INSTALLED REG. ARMSTRONG Port: Perry -- 9852226 1.5--Feb. 28/67 RAYMOND J. FRALICK representing "CIA Co-operators insurance ~____ Assoclation The Farmers Union Mutual Fire Insurance Life - Auto - Home Protection Fite -- ~ -Phofie 985-7447 Aug. 31- A. i Johnson 0.D. OPTOMETRIST | eo EYES EXAMINED o ans 'land Mr. Duncan Martin of Sunderland." On Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Bel- air accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant to St. Catharines for a businesg-trip and on Sunday afternoon helped Mrs. Jack Clarke of Man- chester celebrate her birth. day by taking a trip to Tor- onfo with the Clarke family. Guests of Mrs. Boe on Sun- day were her brother Mr. Melville Sleep, his wife and daughter Joan of Bowman- ville. It was- cold both outside and inside the church on Sunday but everything click- | ed along on time and servi- ces followed the usual pat. | tern. 89 people managed to get to S.8, and remembering birthdays were Mrs. Fishley, Mrs. B. Dowson, Debbie Cro- sier and Bill Barr. Supt. Ni- cholls on behalf of the S.S. wished Supt. Barr an enjoy- able trip to Japan. From the looks of things the young children: were allowed to make "valentines as "hand- work. ? Group 3 UCW. had their first. meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Bruce on Monday evening. It was a cold night are Mrs. E, Butt and Mrs. Cliff Short. Check The Label 229 Mary St. 985.2383 : g Dec./67. On Your Paper Manchester News There was a fairly large congregation at church on Sunday morning. Rev. Mr: Teskey gave a splendid ser- mon and communion service was held. . Rosereta Malshe- wski, Mary and Billy McCart ney were received into the Church 'membership. Mrs. Aletha Holtby is still a patient in Port Perry Hos- pital. Her many friends hope she will be home very soon. p Sympathy goes out to the Mitchell family in the loss of their . brother -in -law, Mr. James Cochrane of Buffalo, Mrs. Bain spent a few days there with her sister. Mrs, Edith Dobson has re- turned to Fairview Lodge from Oshawa Hospital. The friends in this area of Mrs. Frank Vernon regret to learn she is ill in Oshawa Hospital. Best wishes for her return to health. Miss Susan Roach and friend of Toronto visited her parents on Sunday. master in the days of the| and only '9 were present. Group leaders for. this year |- ia) Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rév. R. C. Rose, Minister SUNDAY, FEB. 18th -- SEXAGESIMA 9:45 a.m.--Holy Communion Church School ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, FEB. 18th -- SEXAGESIMA 11.16 a.m.--Morning Prayer Church School PORT PERRY _ UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec. Rice, B.A. Minister "SUNDAY, FEB. 18th -- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship PRINCE ALBERT - 1:00 p.m. --Sunday School 2:00 p.m.-- Worship Service Nurseries For Babies. ST. JOHN'S . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, FEB. 18th -- 10.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School The Burning Bush Fellowship will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McPhadden at 8:00 p.m. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts,) SUNDAY, FEB. 18th -- 9: 45 a.m.--Family Bible School 11:00 a.m,--Morning Worship 7.00. p.m.--Evening Worship United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE "Rev. George Teskey - SUNDAY, FEB. 18th ~- SCUGOG -- 10:00 am. MANCHESTER -- 11:15 am PROSPECT -- 12:30 p.m; PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. |. MacLean 10 am.-- Family Bible Hour 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. "Help For Today" 985.3052 PORT PERRY STAR --, Thursday, Feb. 15th, 1968 -- @ Those who attended wor- ship on Sunday enjoyed the chair anthem and Mr. Rice's message was very worth. while. Offering gathered by Messrs, E. Jewell and Chas. Andrews. iy Thursday - night a euchre was held in the Recreation Centre with. fourteen tables in play. As .a result useful prizes were awarded to high lady score: Mrs. Roy Dobson, low Iady to Mrs. D. Rowe. Gent high went to Mr. Chas. Willes and low to Mr. Art Bond. As usual a liberal lunch was enjoyed while all visited. Next euchre party February 22nd. Last Friday night another well attended "Teen-Town Dance' 'was held in the Re- creation Centre. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Vivian Can. ning and Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Dorothy Hope. All those present heartily extend. a sincere - thank-you to Pat Thompson and his group for the generous and ideal music they capably provided free of charge, for which this too was appreciated. Prince Albert News Please keep In mind the U.C.W. are invited to the home of Mrs. Fowler Thurs day evening. Roll call & Valentine verse, Messrs. E, Martyn, W. Vance, B. Snelgrove, G. Hun- ter, L. Beacock represented the eiders from our church who attended the "Workship on Worship" held in Harm: ony United Church one night last week. : We extend congratulations to the principal Mr, Harry' ) Kiezibrink of Consolidated School No. 1 and his wife, upon the Rvival of their new son, : Recent company with Mer. and Mrs. L. Beacock were Mr. and Mrs. Byron Holtby, 'Prospect, Mr. and Mrs. O. Croxall, Manchester. Mrs. S. Rodman, Oshawa, spent couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham. ey Mrs. M. Huntley in Tor onto couple of days and at tended the funeral of an aunt Mrs. Thos. Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt, Oshawa visited her father Mr. Frank Vickery one day last week. PLASTER C SMP SERVICE leanliness is our by-word L arge and small repairs E very plastering need Arches, ceilings; etc. N eat workmanship CONSTRUCTION F SHERMAN -- SEAGRAVE -- 985-7804 W. KEARLEY -- UXBRIDGE -- 852-3878 "REPAIR pears economy, the year. CO-OP TOPICS by Don Rixon Agricultural Outlook. The ' prospect' for renewed economic expansion in 1968 ap- favourable. stronger: demand and production emerging in the U.S. together with expanding econo- mics of Japan and Italy may generate suf- ficient momentum to strengthen the world The trend towards Canadian economic activity will probably ~ increase again in 1968. Government expen. diture will continue a a high level and consumer demands, particularly for housing are also likely to incréase. Although Canadian farm 1 in 1867 declined by 10 to 15 per cent, farm cash receipts from sale of farm should reach a new high of 4.4 Billion for Total cash receipts for farming __are expected to be still higher in 1968. products " Prices for production inputs. in agricul- ture continued to move upward in 1967 and' further rises are forcast for 1068.

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