Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Jan 1968, p. 8

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CLASSIFIED ADS GET RES all = = SA ed = EE = 2 di LL = = TW = =f WO = = NR I= a EE N= Wh I= -- EH = fp Must be paid week of BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS 5.00 p.m. i an additional 25¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR "is USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. | »a line for additional lines. : DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--S$1.25 per inch with a minimum ' of one inch a All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE 985.7383 '--_ Clip this out for reference insertion--if charged, | -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS | ' "Tuesday ~~ Cards of T hanks On behalf of my skating partner Janet D'Altroy and myself I would like to thank - all those who made our home coming from the Canadian _¢ Championships at Vancouver a warm and' unforgettable experience, thanks to all of you who waited so patiently at the Airport and those at thome who turned out to wel- "come us. Special thanks to Port" Perry Figure Skating Club for the great effort put forth at this time.- David Porter We would like to express "our sincere thanks to' relat- fves, friends, and neighbours for flowers, contributions to Port Perry United Church ex- tension fund, cards' and words of sympathy during our recent bereavement. "A special thanks to the nurses on 5F and 3C of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, Drs. Sturgis; Moreland and Mankiewicz & Mrs. Donald McEachern. __Thanks also to Unit.\7 of Port Perry ,C.W. for providing lunch, to Rev. Alec Rice for his consoling words and to the McDermott - Panabaker| . Funeral Home for their co- operation at a time when it was deeply appreciated. : The McEachern Family I would like to thank Dr. John Diamond, Hospital Staff] and those who sent fruit, cards and flowers, and also for their kindness while I was in Port Perry Hospital, .W. J. Beacock My sincere thanks to all friends, neighbours and rela- tives 'for their many kind. nesses during the Iengthy * illness of my wife, also for flowers and messages of sym . pathy at the time of her death. All was much appre: ciated. John Bice Announcement -- At Home ime Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Row- son, 78 Lilla-St. will be "At Home" to their friends and relatives on the occasion of 'their 50th wedding anniver- isary on Tuesday; January 30, 1968 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. "Congratulations Only", Lot Jan. 18-25 Coming Events -- ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of Blackstock Agricultural So ciety will be held Thursday, January 18th at 8.15 p.m. in the Township Hall. Mr. R. R. Stewart, Peterborough, guest speaker. Slides of Blackstock - Fairs. Everyone welcome. fous PORT PERRY SKATING CLUB MONTHLY DANCE Sat, Jan. 27th "CLUB Ee Tickets available only from Executive or Arena Manager. $3.00 Per Couple United Church Women "Missionary Night" 'Miss Gladys Hamilton, Reg. N., a Missionary on furlough from Vellore, India, will give an illustrated talk, in the . Classified Advertising Rates | Coming Events (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75¢. for extra consecutive weeks. - PRINCE ALBERT COMMUNITY CENTRE Variety Night| Friday, Jan. 19th 8.30 p.m. : Lunch Served. Collection ALL WELCOME Euchre Thurs., Jan. 25 8.15 p.m. Lunch Served. Adm. 50c. NOTICE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Branch 419, Port Perry Due to Circumstances beyond our control the Monthly Dance on Feb. 3rd has been Cancelled. A- SOCIAL for MEMBERS ONLY will be held on this date "SAT. FEB. 3rd at 8.30 p.m. NOTICE Picked up in error from Uxbridge United Church at a 4-H Group demonstration, a pair of mismated snow boots, 1 size 11 'and the other size 9. Anyone having the same' combination -- please phone 985-7584. \ For Sale WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers. Stock calves, and Holstein heifers, every week. fIvan Johnson, R.R. 1, Solith Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro 939-6855. 10 miles South of Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2 miles east. ; T.F. LIGHT WOOD, mixed hard- wood delivered. Ivan Mount: joy. 986-4737 after 5 2 TYPEWRITERS, no $ dn, $2 wkly, cashiers, adders: "HFrades, terms, rentals, ser vice. 1 NEARLY NEW Electrolux Bill Hamilton, Raglan. -7160. os | | Vacuum Cleaner, also a vari: ety of new and used vacuums |. and floor polishers. Phone 983-7704. Jan,25 PONY, Cart and Harness ~Phone 985-7656 Port Perry United Church, Friday, January 19th, 8 p.m. We are looking forward to hearing Miss Hamilton tell of 'her experiences. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.| 985-2364 BUNGALOW---New.. 3 bed- room brick bungalow in Prince Albert, dttached gar- age, oil F/A, all convenienc- es, Phone 985-7144 or A silver collection will be taken. Tea will he served. Jan. 11-18 SKAJES-- 1 pair CCM. skates, -size 7, worn once, * Apply after 5 p.m. 985-7026 BINGO, Thursday, Janu 25th at 8 p.m. in Legion Hall. 16 peaular games, share the wealth, Jackpot, Legion Special $45.00. Jan.28 BINGO, Friday, January 18th Mr. & Mrs. William Gliddon wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Andrea Lynne; to Mr. Allan H. Bertrand, son .of Mr. and Mrs. Allan I. Bertrand, Port Perry, Ont. Wedding to take place Saturday, February 17, --1968 at Port Perry United Church. : at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Ca- tholic' Men's League. Jack: pot $150.00 in 50 numbers. Minor jackpot $25.00 in 54 numbers, also top & bottom lines, The winnér of the Jackpot was Mrs. Frank Whit- field. - Minor Jackpot, Mrs. Fred Canning. Our Congra- Ltulations to the winners, HOME-- 4 bedroom frame home on Queen Street with garage, on -nice large lot, good: location, new. F/A oil heating, family room. Asking $14.000 with terms. Phone Harold Peck. Jack Ricard Ltd. Realtor ° 986-4252 : Room. & Board AVAILABLE immediately -- Room & Bbard for working woman. ly in writing to Box 35, Port Perry Star. For Sale rE ----" ARCHER'S USED CARS 1967 PONTIAC Parisienne 2 door Hard-Top, V-8 Aut,, Radio, power steering and power brakes, white walls and discs. Lic 55426E $2995.00 1968 plates supplied free and the balance of Sen arr- eral Motors 5 year anty. 1964 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, V-8 aut. "327 Radio, power steering and power brakes. Lic. X44942 One owner. $1595.00 1963 PONTIAC 2 Door Aut, radio. Looks and | runs like new. Lic. 55582E $995.00 1968 Plates will ba supplied free of charge on all used cars over $700.00 Salesman's hours 'Mon. - Thurs. 9 am. p.m. Fri. - Sat. 9 am. - 6 p.m. BOB ARCHER . MOTORS LTD. 150 Water St. Port Perry "PORT PERRY 985-7361 ae Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Eva May Jeffrey, late of the Village -of Prince Albert, in the County of Ontario, Widow. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died Dec- ember 20th, 1967 are hereby notified to' send to the under- signed, on or before February 5, 1968, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after February, 5, 1968, the assets - of . the 'deceased will F.|be - distributed among the parties entitled thereto hav- ng regard only to the claims 0 which the undersigned | shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario this 28th day of December, HARRIS AND HARRIS Solicitors, ete., Port Perry, Ont. : Jan, 4-11-18 "| Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Ethel Grose; Deceased All persons haying claims against the Estate of Ethel Grose, late of the: Village of Seagrave, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or. about the- 28th day of October, 1967, are hereby no- tified to send to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of February, 1967, full particulars of their claims. Immediately aftér the said date the -assétshof the said deceased will be distributed among the. parties 'entitled thereto, 'having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. | DATED at Port Perry, this 20th day of December, 1967. GREER, KELLY & JERMYN, : Barristers, &c., Box 131, . Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the above estate Jan. 4-11:18 For Rent HOUSE-- on Scugog Island, all conveniences, couple pre- ferred. Available February 1st. Phone 985-7426 4 Wanted FIRST WORLD War leather flyer's helmet. Ask for Earle. Phone 986-4283. WANTED -- Nice home for young German Shepherd, fe- male. Phone 986-5583. : RODNEY and GARRY OATS, and Herta Barley, suitable for No. 1 seed. Swain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock 986-4331. Jan.18-25, Feb.1-8 Help Wanted HELP WANTED MALE 'WHO WANTS A MAN OVER 407-- k 'We do -- many of our best paid producers are over 40. Age is no problem at 0.A.A. This could bes your opportun- ity to accuniulate in "68" a substantial income. APPLY TO Stewart Thomp- son, RR. #1, Nestleton, phone 986-4760. Jan.4-11-18 SALES HELP WANTED MALE Good opportunity to build up profitable Rawleigh business in Port Perry. No capital nor experience needed. Dealers selling in adjoining districts doing quite well. -Write Raw- leigh, Dept. A-343JA, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. TT 'Woman to come into my home two days a week, to -| care for two pre-school age ; children-and-do-light-house-{- Help. Wanted REAL ESTATE Our fast growing rural. pro- perties department requires eager men and women throughout south central On. tario with and without exper- iente. Enquire about this ey. citing business now. Lots of help, advertising .and leads. Escalating commission sched- ule ensures high earnings. For confidential interview call Jim Lambert now. BUY- SELL THRU® J.J, LAMBERT = REAL ESTATE LIMITED ---- 170 DONWAY- W. TORONTO |447-8518 $12000 PLUS REGULAR CASH BONUS for man over 40 in Port Perry area. Take short auto trips to contagt customers. Air mail C. B. Dickerson, Pres., Southwest: ern Petroleum Corp., Worth, Texas 76101. Work Wanted keeping. Phone 985-2347 RUGS, .. upholstery, floors" wanted to clean. Phone Ay pleton's Cleaning Service -- Call 985-7704. Jan. 25 BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors -- 4 Cement Finishings -- 'Phone 640-3285, 182 Main St. W. Stouffville, Ont. _ T.F. "NOTICE! Department of Lands and Forests Conservation Officer re 9AM, -- PEEL'S . Egg Special! 2 Dozen and ozen: Cracks 2 1h Dozen Extra Ey POULTRY FARM LTD. Hatchery Division -- (New Plant) © kT Yi > 13) ads Wi 2) sem. an TE 85 | we 8 R : Harborers Office. po JOHN Jehuaty 16, 1968. Notice To Owners Or | In accordance with Bylaw #1291, a dog tag must be purchased for each dog; immediatey following the First day of January. Dog tags are available at the Municipal Dog owners are reminded that dogs must |* .be kept under control for 12 months of the year, either kept on the awner's property or with a.competent master, Of Dogs - F. RAI Clerk, Village of Port Perry. yi ~v nit A

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