Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Jan 1968, p. 14

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- ments section. 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, Jan. 18th, 1968 Seagrave News A couple of correspond: ents seemed less than enthu- siastic about last Mondav's weather, so what will they say about this Monday's? Af. ter last week, who is for Flo- rida? The home fires must have felt good, so we have only .one item in the move- That -is hat Mr. Norm Henderson is off for his annual mid-winter holiday but he didn't go south, He went to Little Rritain. Twenty - three ladies fand one man braved the sub-zero temperatures to attend the first meeting for 1968 of our U.CW. The 1967 leaders carried on for the devotional period which consisted of a timely poem "ixonther Year" read by Mrs. G. Wanamaker. prayer by Mrs. Butt, -Serip- ture read by Mrs. Ken Short and a topic by Mrs. Fishley entitled "What I shal Take into the Coming Year and What I shall Leave Behind". Mrs. Short presented the proposed slate of officers, members of the nominating committee moved and second- ed a motion that it be accept: ed so'.it was all over in a minute. Here are some of the important people for 1968 Pres. -- Mrs. Bertrand; 1st vice-pres. -- Mrs. Tobin; 2nd vice-pres.--Mrs. Don Crosier; Secretary -- Mrs. Belair and Treasurer -- Mrs. B. Wana- maker. The meeting was then di- vided into 4 sections and each bunch given a list of questions to discuss and ask- ed to report their opinions. Ladies were given their choice of approving a one group organization, two groups as formerly or three groups. Then it happened. 2 sections voted for one group and 2 sections voted for two groups. To break the tic Mr. Harris called for a vote by hands. Result--10 each way and another stale- mate. Then come the com- promise motion that there be three groups with names drawn from a hat. This was passed. Well it is a woman's privilege to change her mind. Mr. Harris lent his hat and the names, were drawn. Another decision was to have a standing committee to look after all social functions such as _showers, presenta- ~develop, - ~~ January 18th, 1068 i Public No: tice VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY IMINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CANADA WHEREAS, the wink of January 20th is being observed throughout Canada as a a to focus public attention on the physical, character-building and other benefits of hockey for our youth, and WHEREAS, the game of hockey is recognized as Canada' s National Game which teaches © our youth to develop a competitive spirit, co-operation with others, body- building, and respect for authority, and WHEREAS, it is the hope of every municipality to develop one or more players capable of representing Canada as a psember of Canada's National Team; and ~~ *" WHEREAS the Minor Hockey Association in this comunity has earned the commen-- dations and support of every citizen, and WHEREAS Minor Hockey is the foundation from which accomplished Nodkey Pagers 'NOW THEREFORE, |, as Reve of the Village of Port Perry do hereby declare the week commencing Janvary 20th be observed as "MINOR "HOCKEY WEEK IN and request that all parents and: others support this observance by attending games during Minor Hockey Week and thereafter until the minor hockey season ends.' Fe JJ CANADA" GIBSON, Reeve [poNT SEND... TAKE YOUR BOY TO THE ARENA on Nob tions, lunch for auction sales ete. Still another question dealt with getting everyone to ex. press their opinions at the meetings. Some suggestions came in but that certainly wasn't the problem at that meeting, Eventually the new presi dent took the chair and con- ducted the remainder of the business. Here are a few items to remember, All re- ports are to be ready for next meeting, There will be a Spring-bonnet Tea later so ladies please produce an apron and a layette item for next meeting. Mrs, Fishley is running short of quilt fill- ings so everyone look around. The caretaker and organist will be paid from UCW. funds. The birthday box got quite a lift with' Mrs. Hurst. Mrs. Nicholls, Mrs. Keen and Mrs. Clements contributing, . ° Lunch was served and most of the women got home by midnight. We extend our congratula- tions to Robert and Caroline Park on the arrival of their daughter Robin Noel last week. Our local Watkins dealer, Gord. Sweetman has changed jobs and can be seen patrol Ting the streets of Port Perry | so watch your parking. Gord is getting rid of his Watkins Products so if you are-look- ing for bargains ete. ete. We appreciate the pickive in last week's paper of Oyler and company and would now appreciate some Reach Coun- ¢il news. By the way, who in] that picture' would you say had the easy chair? . Bill Barr was directing S. S. this week and attendance was | exactly the same as last year's average. 'A- class of | juniors (6 girls and 3 boys) sang "He has. the --Whole- World in His Hand", and Wendy Monahan made the trip with birthday pennies. The annual church meeting is called for Thurs: Jan. 18, .| Be there. Since writing this news budget we have learned of the death in Ross Memorial Hospital Lindsay of Mrs. Jas. Harding. We extend . the sympathy of this community to her husband, son & three daughters, all of whom lived here for many years. ; Scugog The monthly meeting of the U.C.W. took place Wed- nesday evening of last week, at the church, The main top- ic of business was discussion of a rummage sale, which hopefully will be held some-* time this month. Anyone wishing to donate goods for the sale, please contact your INVEST NOW | VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments Interest is. payable half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON | INSURANCE AGENCY "191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 "T can't find your ~ name on our list of ~~ News group leader. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Saulnier and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kane Sunday afternoon. Y Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reese held a skating party.last Sun- day afternqon for fourteen children, in honour of ke birthday, 'A good time was Feported by all. \. Sympathy is extended to the Aldred families in the passing of a cousin, Mr. Earl Sintzel of London. "Mrs, Edna McLaren was a Saturday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith Saturday evening 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas. Mr. and, Mrs. Watt of Tor- onto' spent: :Suiiday at their cottage at Pine, Point. ' Mr, and' Mrs. C, Holt of Markham spent the week-end at their cottage at McLarens Beach, Mr, 'and. Mrs. Helliwell and * family, of West Hill," guests of her parents, Mri and Mrs. Tyrell over the week-end. Mr. Allan Sweetman, a former Scugog resident is at the present time in New Zea- , land. He has been sent by the Toronto Board of Educat- ion, .in hopes' of recruiting » teachers-for- the city of Tor----- = - onto. While: "down under" he will visit Australia, New Guinea and the outlying isl-e ands. He also will stop/at the Hawaiian Islands-on his re. turn trip. Mrs. Sweetman 4| accompanied her husband, i{.and they expect to be away .- for a month. Choir practice Thursday night 7 30 p.m. at the church - Mrs. Tesky, Peter Maurya have been v Tesky since last Wednesday, at the manse. They returned home Monday morning. ° Church at 10 a.m. Sunday Morning. Everyone; Welcome. supporters . . "IT IS NOT TOO LA 3 Answer your : econ Christmas Seal Letter Today - | Roll up your sleeve fo save a u life, S 1 EATO N'S in OSH PRESENTS The Newest In Helps For The Hard - .of-Hearing (1) The VIKING ULTRA-MINL. IV: Hearing Aid It's the: modern, behind-the-esr instru- ment that corrects a medium loss. : The Ultra-Mini IV has: ® Extremley small. housing ® Induction coil ® 3-position switch (0-T-M) which is separated from the battery door. ".Jt takes.a V-6876 battery, which gives approximately. 400 operating hours! listening. (3) (2) 'The VIKING FRONTAL-MINI COMPRESSION This is a unique, Swiss precision hear- ing aid especially developed to amplify weak sounds and to reduce loud sounds without a perceptible time 'delay; this makes for comfortable, non-fluctuating The VIKING FRONTAL-MINI ; PUSH-PULL . .. J... has been developed for people with seri- ously impaired hearing. Manufactured to strict, Swiss precision standards, this instrument incorporates an inte- grated, semi-conductor - circuit consist- ing of 8 sransistors; WA Have Your Hearing Tested Sciontiically Optical Cenfre, or In Your Own Home . Either In Eaton's Hearing and 'Phone 985-7363 For An Appointment Hs 10 BROCK ST. ~~ : summer ? | you! IPofsed a 'passport. fora. .|+ 'passport yau need a PHOTOGRAPH | CALL 852-6201 | TO MAKE . AN APPOINTMENT FR. 6. LIGHTFOOT UXBRIDGE

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