The 1968 Inaugural Meet ing of Cartw ight Township Council commenced at 11.30 a.m. of Tuesday, January 2nd with the elected members of 1968 Council present, Rev. & Mrs. Romeril, Some members of 'the Board of Education and the Clerk in attendance. After completing their de- clarations of office, Council . members sat back and list. ened fo Rev. Romeril's read- ing of part of the 3rd Chap- ter of Daniel, and his charge to Council to remain true to their moral and spiritual be- liefs, and not be intimidated or persuaded otherwise by higher forms of government, Rev. Romeril closed * his short address by prayer after which Reeve Lawrence Mal: colm made a brief speech, in .which he congratulated new- * ly elected members and wish' WEATHER TOMORROW Sunny 85° IF YOU BOOK NOW ON OUR.SPECIAL AIR CANADA CHARTER FLIGHTS #§ -- TO THE CARIBBEAN. LOWEST FARES EVER... Exampe: 14 days 'Barbados including, 2 meals daily, Hotel, trans. fon tips, etc. $369. Can. Air fare is included. - CALL FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 KING E. 576- ed all an enjoyable and inter esting year. in municipal of. fice. Denuty - Reeve John R. Hamilton then thanked Rev. Romeril for his ds of ad: vise and expressed hope for continued _ progress in the municipal field, stating that only in this way, would local municipal councils re- main and be permitted to exist. After dinner, Council mem: bers returned to the busi: ness of the New Year. Busi ness arising out of the min- utes--the subject Manning property at Scugog Point, was still considered unsettled. A motion was passed" that the township solicitor be no- tified to proceed regarding the fence and shrubbery still on township roadway, was carried. Clear-Skies NOW 3131 OSHAWA 1968 appointments then proceeded. Schedule as fol lows: Welfare Administrator-- Reeve, Malcolm. Representatives from Coun- cil. on the Cartwright Com- munity-- Recreational Board: Councillors Gettins, Wright & Asselstine. . Cemetery Committee-- Gettins and Asselstine. Building Inspector and By: Law Enforcement Officer -- Frank L. Gibson who accept- ¢éd the position again after being granted a raise of $200 00 remuneration from $500.00 last year. Mr. Gib- son also is continuing as Dog Control Officer at same rate of pay for 1968. Livestock Inspector--Willi. am Forder. Warble Fly Inspector was tabled until a later date. Dog Tag Officer -- Earl Dorrell. Weed Inspector--Merlin Suggitt. Fence Viewers--same as in 1967. Pounds Keeper -- V. Mal colm. Flag Warden--Miss Beth Dunsmore. . Garbage Collector--George Heaslip at same remunera- tion. Fed. of Agriculture town- ship representative -- Wm. Ferguson. Port Perry Hospital Board, 1967 representatives, M. Van. Camp and Neil Bailey. An application by F. Hos: +kin for a Class 'C' Garage Licence was further deferred until a By-Law is drawn up COM HEATING Cold Weather Everyone wants to be com- ~fortable in Cold Weather. LET US SUPPLY. YOUR We Offer TOP QUALITY Fuels, with Automatic Delivery and FREE BURNER SERVICE. A Phone Call, Tor 'OIL, will bring our Truck "to your door promptly. : FORT OIL needs. PHONE. 985-7951 crue Fuel -& Lumber PORT ' PERRY to regulate same. N A required Borrowing By- 'Law -- authorizing -municipal personel to sign for same and to negotiate all financial business with the Royal Bank of Port Perry was given 1st, 2nd and 3rd readings and ap- proved after filling in the ap- propriate limits, i.e. $75,000 borrowing aggregate was passed.' - Roy McLaughlin seeking in- formatign regarding granting of a severance. #2 recommending consent be given in this stated case. Mr. Milton Fisher object ing to condition-imposed; on his draft plan of subdivision by the Minister of Municipal Affairs -- Council in full agreement, as they had ap- proved the said subdivision being for residential pur- oses and not for summer fotze Resolution #3 that Deputations present -- Mr. |. Resolution: remove. the tinue as chairman of Cartwright Council Hold Inaugural Meeting Legion Auxiliary News Auxiliaries from Uxbridge, - condition 3 restricting said draft plan of subdivision to summer cottages be waived in its entirety, to be for- warded to the Dept. of Muni. cipal Affairs for the Minis- ter's reconsideration. Reso- lution, #4 recomending that the Minister approve the sale of property from Crowells to Vleiger with identifying in- formation be forwarded to the Dept. for Minister's ap- proval. Four members of Council considered going to the Ont- ario Good.Roads Convention, so the Roads Superintendent was authorized to reserve two double roms for their accom- modations. The question of snow-plow- ify" the 20° right-of-way from John Street west to the lake past Wm. Ashton's was ap- proved bv motion. - Road Bill for Jan. interim pay in amount $300 was ap- proved. LJ LJ] -® January 4th -- Council re- convened in the hall with all PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Jan. 18th, 1968-13. Gwen Ballingall The meeting of the ladies Auxiliary to The Royal Cana. dian Legion Branch 419, was held on Jan. 9th, 1968 at the Legion Hall. President Comrade Nora Read opened the meeting, the roll was called, the min. utes read and adopted, fin. ancial report was presented, and the reports of the various committees were read. ° Correspandence was read from the Arena board, Dai man, Sunderland aux; and from Zone Commander Mrs, G. Williams who will be pay- ing her official visit to the Auxiliary on April 9th. Letters of thanks were read read from several Veteran's widows for Christmas che. ques given by the Auxiliary. Recess was called for pay- ment of annual dues, during this time a draw was held and Comrade Marg Orde. was the lucky lady. It was decided that we shall hold a social evening on March 19th and invite the Sunderland, - Claremont. At this point. of the meeting Comrade Marj Jackson took over as Instaling Officer, and the following are the officers for 1968: President--Comrade Gwen Ballingall 1st Vice President-- Com. Doreen Hope 2nd Vice President-- Com. Ruby Adderley Secretary-- Com. Gwen Ballingall Treasurer-- Comrade Marg Orde Sgt.-at-Arms--Comrade Marie Monahan Chaplain--Comrade Agnes Garvey Executive Committee-- Comrades Clara Warren, Alice Woodcock, Marj Harrison, June Symes. The new officers took their places at the head table, and as there was no new business a. motion for adj- ournment was made and the meeting was closed. ! members present, Reeve Law- rence S. Malcolm in the chair and the business of roads at hand. Roads Super- intendent Merlin Suggitt ad- dressed Council for a few minutes, bringing Council up to 'date with regards to Township equipment. Roads business was inter- upted briefly when the Clerk advised that Bruce Mountjoy was present by appointment with gs a requested 3 lot severance from Fred Trewin, off Mason Street, east of Maple in Blackstock. Resolution #5 recommend ing that consent be granted by the Minister -in this con- veyance was Seed. A letter from Alan Wilson was directly answered by the Clerk, explaining' vhy only so much snow fence on this roadway. It was suggested that an- other cab and chassis be pro- cured to take the place of the truck that is now tied up with sand hopper. The Roads Superintendent directed to sand = hopper when icing conditions are over and to hire a truck for the necessary filling, patch. ing ete. required. Jack R. Hamilton to - he C. C. R. Board until new ap- * Regular meeting of Honey- dale Women's Institute met Bug? or too much New Year? That only twenty-two mem- bers were present. However we were happy to welcome two visitors. Mrs. S. Ploughman read Mrs. H. Honey gave the treasurer's report. Ladies our balance is low. A donation of ten dollars was voted to the C.N.I.B. Corrgspondénce from Mr. Phair of the safety Council was read. Mics.' Diamond agreed to derft us at that meeting to bring back a report. Congratulations to Miss Gracie Bassant, who has completed twelve units of the 4H Homemaking Club and received Provincial Hon- ors. We have two trained lead- ers and assistants for these courses and would liKe to get a unit started. If interested please contact Mrs. J. Carno- chan or Miss Alice Dodd. The Roll Call--Bring some- ON thing you have made to show your talents, many beautiful on Jan. 4th. Was it the Flu minutes of last meeting and _group in 'charge. Honeydale W.I. samples of -handcrafts were shown. est in the souvenir spoons has dropped. However a new _ spoon has been crafted for the Northwest Territories, so to complete your sets, order from Mrs. Barthau. Mrs. M. Bassant reports eight Christmas baskets were packed. -- Mrs. G. Morrow reporting for health, spoke on recent Heart transplants and then in a lighter mood read an "Ode" -to the -bed-pan.- Mrs. S. Ploughman spoke on the motto--Industry is a stepping Stone to success. Mrs. Hardy on current events, spoke on The Honour- able Vincent Massey funeral and his.Canadian background. Closing with her 'usual (mor- ning smile). - Our next meeting will be Feb. 1st, in the municipal Hall. Public Relations con- venor Mrs. E. Bryant and We have invited "Quaker Hill" Wo- men's Institute to be our. guest and put on the pro- gram. I trust we will see more members out & please bring a neighbor. péintments take office. - "STORE WIDE JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE rock st. w. HOMAN'S DEPT. STORE uiaue 5 OUTSTANDING VALUES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ESTIMATES /\ Ey of INDUSTRIAL FOR * COMMERCIAL REPAIRS . - ALTERATIONS - CONTRACTS & SERVICE CALL 985-7042 Heating & Ventilation * RESIDENTIAL . 5 WINTER BOOTS All- Wool Men's Plaid BOY'S JACKETS Boy's and Girl's vil ad boar | SNOWMUBHE SPORTSHIRTS pile lined | SNOWSUITS iE oe dad Sc JE BEY 1 ie o oN Hu All Wool $5.88 $7.88 ri ate. Septy Gi : JAC SHIRTS 25% 4 3 : reg. $11.95 now | size 8 - 14 46x ofr |BOOTS $15.88 $6.88 | $7.88 $9.88 a od : Girl's Winter GIRL'S JACKETS | TREMENDOUS Ladies' Winter Ladies' pile and cloth 2 Srten ue 5 plle-lined os VALLE DRESS COATS : 3 First Quality ius CARCOATS "te 4. 6x Pile « Lined {several styles ¥ $6.88 SKI - JACKETS pt ie esl $12.88 thio reg. $14.98" $9.88-519.88| 7.u nu now 19.88-24.88 | $17.88 $7.88 $9.88 Mrs. Barthau reports inter- ye - Cie aa are 2, CS ws Si Be Sr ' Late ATEN