=1 = BH J = \V i pi SWAP 'HIRE * BUY (Effective Ma extra consec BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS 5.00 p.m. - Classified Advertising Rates | . ARTICLES FOR SALE + LIVESTOCK' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate--Ac. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 Ist week, 75c. for Must be paid week of an additional 25¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED) 25 per inch with a minimum of one inch All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference rch 1st, 1967) ¢ utive weeks. insertion--if charged, "MARRIAGES -- DEATHS Tuesday in Memoriam CALBERY--In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father, George Calbery who passed away Jan. 8th, 1964. Three years have now come. and gone Since you were called but .your memory lives on Ever bright and ever dear As it will for many years. Lovingly remembered and - sadly missed by wife and children HEARD--In loving memory of Tola- Heard who passed away Jan. 11th, 1965. Upright and just in-all her ways, Loyal and true through : all her days, Silently suffered, patiently. bore, God took her home to suffer, no more. Always remembered by / husband Clarence, children 'Jean, Bud, Alan & feimities or oS ] Cards of Thanks A "belated but sincere thank you to friends and neighbours, for inquiries, cards, fruit, visits, transpor- tation and 'other kindnesses shown us while my husband was in East General Hospital|" _ Toronto, and since he came _home. Marg & Orten Michie Birth ABRAHAM--Barry & Gail are happy to announce the birth of a, daughter, Sandra Lynne on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd at Okanayan Landing, British Columbia. A sister for Shelley Lee. "At Rest McEACHERN,; Thelma Mar- . garet--At the Oshawa Gen- eral rr Sa Thursday, Jan. 4th, 1 Thelma M. Barnard of Port' Perry, bhe- loved wife of Archie Mec: Eachern, dear mother of Mary Lea(Mrs. Jack Dowson), dear sister of Lola McEachern both of Port Perry, loving grandmother of Lea Ila and Billy, in her 61st year. Rest. ing at the Chapel of McDer- mott-Panabaker, - Port Perry for service on Mon. at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Ceme- tery At Rest RAMSEY, Thomas William Port Perry on Thurs., Jan. 4, 1968, Thos. W. Ramsey (late of Caesarea), dearly beloved husband of Margaret Mitchell | dear father of Edgar and Douglas both of Toronto; loving grandfather of Craig, Blake, Sandra and Judith, in his 79th year. Resting-at the Chapel of McDermott - Pana- baker, Port Perry for service on Sat. at 10 am. Interment 'Veteran's Plot, Pine Hills Cemetery, Toronto. J Mrs. Lou Béhd will Home" _to_their fam- ily-and friends on the occa- fon of their 50th Wedding Anniversary on January 14, 1968 from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. at the home of their daughter Mr.--and Mrs. Jack Brain, 347 Simcoe St, Prince Albert. Congratulations only. Jan. 411 Coming ; Events | % BINGO--Thurs., Jan. 11th at 8 p.m. Legion Hall. -20 regular games, . share the wealth, jackpot, Le g ion See) $40.00. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Branch 419, Port Perry ~~ MONTHLY DANCE t, . Feb. 3id 8.30 p.m, ¢ BUFFET LUNCH e $7.00 per couple Tickets Now on Sale Contact Jack Cook or Ed. Mulholland EUCHRE, Saturday, January 13th at 8 p.m. at Oddfellows Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission 50c. Lunch & Prizes. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of Blackstock Agricultural So- ciety will be held Thursday, January 18th at 8.15 p.m. in the Township Hall. Mr. R. R.. Stewart, Peterborough uest speaker. Slides o lackstock Fairs. Everyone welcome. ~--At the Community Hospital SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL: Coming Events PORT PERRY SKATING CLUB "MONTHLY DANCE Sat, Jan. 27th at CLUB ANNRENE Tickets available only from Executive or Arena Manager. $3.00 Per Couple BINGO, Friday, January 12 at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Cath- olic Men's League. Jackpot $240.00 in 59 numbers. Minor {ickpot $120.00. in 64 num- ers. United Church Woren Missionary Night" Miss Gladys Hamilton, Reg. N; a Missionary on furlough on Vellore, India, will give illustrated talk, in. the Port Perry United Church, Friday, January 19th, 8 p.m. 'We_are looking forward fo hearing Miss Hamilton tell. of her experiences. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. A silver collection will he taken. Tea will be served. Jan. 11-18 NOTICES PRE - NATAL CLASSES Beginning January 8th, 1968 at - Ontario County Health Unit office, 60 Brock St. West, Uxbridge from 1.30 io 3.30 p.m. on Monday, 7 wrek- ly classes included™~<n 'the series. For further in" :ma- tion call 852-6091. Jan.4-11 NOTICE Exercise classes held in Ang- lican-Church Parish Hall,.on = Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. Sponsored by V. Gibson. NOTICE _ Urgent 'meeting for all' Giiide and Brownie mothers will be held on Tuesday, January 16th at 8 p.m. in the Scout Hall. Purpose for re-organ- izing if we are to continuc with this onthuhile organi: zation. £ 'For Sale WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers. Stock calves, and Holstein heifers, every. week. Ivan Johnson; R.R. 1, South Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro 939-6855. 10 miles South of "| Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2 miles east. T.F LIGHT WOOD, mixed hard: wood delivered. Ivan Mount: joy. 986-4737 after 5 bn; TYPEWRITERS, n8 $ dn, $2 wkly, cashiers, adders. Trades, terms, rentals, ser vice. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. 1 - 985.7160. '55 G.M.C. PICKUP Truck. Plywood racks $100.00. Phone 985-7997. YOUNG SOW, bred Decem. ber 14. ' Phone 985-7174. ' 1- PR, WHITE figure skates, C.C.M., size 3, good condi: tion. Phone 985-7934. APPLES, "Spies, "Delicious. Phone 986-4881 in evening. MODERN 2 piece chesterfield suite. Very good condition. Reasonable. Phone 985-3048. 1968 MOTO SKI, used five hours. E. McMahon 986-4945. | Part Lot 11 Concession XIII F. | perty within 45 days from the ar USED CARS .1964 CHEV. 4 DR. V-8 Automatic & Radio ~ 'Lic. #55869E. $1495.00 1963 CHEV. 4 DR. Lic. #54433E $995.00 _-- 1964 BUICK WILDCAT .~ 4 dr. Power Steering, Power Brakes. Radio One Owner Car. Lic. #53913E $1795.00 1965 CHEV STATION WAGON V-8 'Automatic & Radio Lic. #X12694. $1695.00 1964 CHEV. 4 DR. "One Owner. - Lie. #J71137 $1295.00 1962 BUICK 2 DR. H.T. © . Power Steering & Brakes, Radio. One Owner. Lic. #54835E. $995.00 1962 CHEV. 2 DR. H.T. V-8 Automatic & Radio Lic. #56257E $895.00. 1968 Plates will be supplied free of charge on all used cars over' $700.00 ihe Salésman's hours Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Fri. - Sat. 9 am. - 6 p.m, BOB ARCHER "MOTORS LTD. 150 , Water St. Port Perry PORT PERRY 985-7361 ONTARIO SALE OF BARN Sealed tenders will be .re- ceived by the undersigned up to and until 12 o'clock noon Friday, January 19, 1968 for a barn located on the North Scugog Township. 3 The barn must be dismantled and removed from the pro: date of notification of sale: Conditions of sale, tender forms and envelopes and] further particulars may be obtained" from the District Forester, epartment of Lands. an orests, RR. 2, Maple, O rl telephone 416-884-8141. © THE HIGHEST' OR! ANY TENDER NOT NE SSAR: ILY ACCEPTED. ; A, W. Leman District Forester' 'Lake Simcoe District. Jan; 4-11 LACOMBE Hogs from R.O.P. stock. Serviceable age. Wm. Browii, R.R. 1, Cresswell, Ont. Jan.4-11 1 NEARLY NEW Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner, also a vari- ety of new and. used vacuums and floor polishers. Phone 985-7704. : Jan.25 For Sale | Rl lO Yl} For ale DELICIOUS Farm Fresh Eggs DUE to POPULAR DEMAND 'we are re-opening our retail egg, sales at our hatchery division site located on south side of TA Hwy., % mile west of Port Perry. .You may purchase farm fresh eggs by the doz. at Toronto retail prices or wholesale - retail price on 15 dozen lots. Office hours: 9 a.m, - 5 p.m. Mon. to Fri. Peel's Poultry | Farm Ltd. PORT PERRY, Tel. 985.2442 Jan, 411 Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Ethel Grose," Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Ethel Grose, late of the Village of Seagrave, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 28th day of October, 1967, are hereby. no- -tified to send to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of: February, 1967, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets" of the said. deceased. will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to- claims of which they shall then have notice. ' DATED at Port Perry, this 20th day-of December, 1967. GREER, KELLY & JERMYN, Barristers, &c., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. oy Solicitors for the 20%8 estate 41 118 R E N A fi : SWAP «HIRE Wanted To Buy CORN Standing corn or Custom pick® 30 or 40 inch rows. 1so dry "shelled 'corn for sale. Robert Hunter, Thickson Rd., Brdoklin Phone 655-3466." Wanted 1 CHILD'S, PLAYPEN. Phone 035-3397, ide Room & Bodwa Wanted: YOUNG. GIRLS <requires room' 15 pam, LA Da, Notice to Creditors nthe Estate! of Eva: May Jeffrey, late of the Village of Prince Albert, in.the County of Ontario, Widow. All persons. having. claims against ~ the estate:: of the ahove named who died Decg ember. 20th, 1967: are: hereby notified to send to the under- 5, 1968, full particulars, of their claims. Immediately after February 5, 1968, the assets of the 'deceased' Will be distributed: 'among' th arties entitled' thereto 'hav- Ley ng regard only to the claims of which' the undersigned. shall then' have notice, this 28th day. of December, 1967, . - HARRIS AND HARRIS Solicifors, 2h. vi LJ Port, ai Tap. 4-11 18 TOWNSHIP "Notice to Car os RE-SNOW REMOVAL OPERATIONS CARS left on the township. roads. nd, or obstructing the operation of the snowplow will be towed away ad the owners expense. 1 iri "By the :Order of, the © SCUGOG "TOWNSHIP: COUNCIL. OF SCUGOG PORT 8:30 pm. TEEN. TOWN' DANCE at r place -- Masonic 'Temple » FRIDAY, ANG 2 ie PERRY. -. .o Lal £ sant yrs hi i io of 4 to b weeks, Required for gentleman from Quebec, who "will be doing the equipnient. installation', at Flamingo "Pastries. Limited, Commencing, ap- proximately 8rd week in hin fora; por: Reply' | in writing Satie aration per week to FLAMINGO PASTRIES "LTD: 12 Simcoe St. North, Box 297, Port Pony, ort Hl ! {a lIgogd ! eid Jan. ky x and tboard:y rts Perry. DowntoWin | Jroferred Phone 985 Fem 'to signed, on or before February Dated at Port Perry, Ontario