WIRE) FY EN SERN a YE rN EG SE Ba SS Re LANE BT Sn hk ad BY hl ' Art PER + 4 (FT 4 Prince Albert News A very good attendance at church on Sunday in spite of missing a few regular folk. Choir members were scarvee too but did well. We appre ciate the floral arrangements from the funeral of the late Miss Lois Hope. Offering gathered by Mr. E. Jewel & Mr. Chas. Andrews. Jr. Our minister Rev. Rice announ- ced next Sunday 2 pm. would be (White Gift Sun: day) canned gods or an en- velope donation would be ac- ceptable. In the carly spring a meet- ing was held in the old school house to discuss turn- ing the building into a Re- creation Centre to - which majority were willing, as a result a chairman and com- mittee were appointed to manage it. Since that time they, their wives and friends have done considerable in- terior renovating especially the newly painted project. Last Friday night the first euchre was held--I1st prize lady Mrs. L. Bond; 1st gent Mr. Fred Canning, and 2nd prize to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman. Consolation Mrs. Co Heayn and Mr. Ieavn The chairman, Pugh and his committee exnressed appreciation to the merchants of Port Perry who donated all the cuchre prizes. A lib- cral lunch was then served. It was decided to sponsor an- other card party in January. We are still thinking of our U.CW. Pres. Mrs. C. Newnham who is still hos- pitalized. Mrs. N. Wilson enjoyed a few days with her sister Mrs. Margaret Rodd, Oshawa. Mrs. S. Rodman spent the week-end with her friends Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lake and two children, Oakwood were Sunday supper company with her father Mr. E. W. Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock, Port Perry, to Blackstock as Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt, Oshawa visited her father Mr. J. F. Vickery on Sunday. Mrs. J. Davidson was host- ess for the G.N.S. Club for November. BURKETON NEWS The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to those who had friends or relatives in the tragic accidents in Cartwright twp. which occur- red this last few days. Glad to hear Mr. Ray Bradburn is progressing fav- * ourable after his operation in Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. Tom Bailey made a business trip to Oshawa and Bowmanville recently. Mrs. Raymond Davey spent Friday afternoon in Lindsay on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatchell were Sunday viistors of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson. Mr Stanley Taylor called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey at their new home in Bow- manville Wednesday evening. F » WF, + , Sata tka ) Ry [PSL NORS » 0. . ' wy SILAS ei LL Note Ay ; RIP ¥1 NRATIETIH AERIAL UFR TOAN SAU. ry Vi, Te YONA OS Well Manchester On Wednesday evening, Dec. 20th there will be a Christmas entertainment in the church sponsored by the Sunday School and choir. Mrs. Conray, 'Toronto spent the week-end with her son David & Mrs. Dolly Roberts. We are glad to know, Mrs. Laura Wilson is home from Hospital & gaining strength. Geo. Munro has sold his house to Mr. Matice of Scu- gog Island. - Mr. and Mrs. Len Roberts, late of Barrie, are now liv- ing in their new home on the 4th Con. Mr. Roberts has been transferred to Chalet Farms, Port Perry, where he is employed by the govern- ment as Inspector. Angela and Greg Dunford of Lakefield spent several days with grand parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Best. Mr. and Mrs. L. Roberts visited his parents in Kitch- ener on Sunday. Congratulations to Elsie Hofstee who won a hamper of groceries at the Christmas draw in Port Perry on Satur day afternoon. Misses Eunice and Susan Roach, Stan Esoki and Mike Miller with Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach on Sunday. - Tae SF EAA YAN MAY YEE EWI FINE 454 Bd PC) ta rer Nha 3 PSL ' X den PASSE VAAN REST BE rf LQ of # . lp w MAA» ye » ; LU» pA # v 3 ' OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS Westinghouse CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ~-- ~-- BROADLOOM | Draperies by the Yard 1 Howarb vice, prop. { Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service Custom Made Slip Covers iii Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose, Minister Sunday, December 10th-- Advent Il 9.45 a.m.--Morning Praver ~ Church School ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK Sunday, December 10th-- Advent II 11.15 a.m.--Morning Prave Church School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec. Rice, B.A. Minister Sunday, December 10th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship PRINCE ALBERT 1:00 p.m. --Sunday School 2:00 p.m.-- Worship Service Nurseries For Babies. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Rev. William Black, F.R.G.s. Sunday, December 10th-- 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 Sunday School 11 am.--Junior Congregition a1. - 2 LET HEATING {Cold Weather COMFORT Everyone wants to be com- fortable in Cold Weather. US SUPPLY YOUR We Offer TOP QUALITY Fuels, with Automatic Delivery and FREE BURNER SERVICE. A Phone Call for OIL will bring our Truck to your door promptly. OIL needs. PHONE 985 - 7951 REESOR Fuel & Lumber PORT PERRY SCUGOG | Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe St. N. 8:00 pan. - Sunday Night : Forum. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH {Queen and Rosa Sts.) Sunday, December 10th-- 11:00 a.m.---Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evening Service 9:45 a.m.--Family Bible School 'United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey Sunday, December 10th-- - 10:00 a.m MANCHESTER -- 11:15 an PROSPECT ---- 12:30 pm PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. I. MacLean 10 am. Fumily Bible How I am. Moroing Worn, "pm. Evangelistic Service. "Help For Today" 985-3052 Thursday Friday Saturday Only DRYERS 0* OFF Westinghouse Suggested Retail Price -- Complete With Factory Service Included SAVE uw 710 42.00 NN | \ ~ as DEPENDING ON MODEL SIMILAR SAVINGS ON MATCHING AUTOMATIC WASHERS WESTINGHOUSE DISHWASHERS A Gift She Will Enjoy Every Day All Year Long We have Lower Priced Models but we Recommend this Westinghouse Model SPH3A With these Outstanding Features @ 5 Cycles ® Automatic Sanitizers Guarantees 145° Water Temp. ® Rinse & Hold Setting- ® High Speed Impeller for Fast Clean Washing ® 12 Months Service Included Reg. List $349.95 FCA, Pee HREWIAAS PORTABLE TV's ® Instant On ® 12 month Factory service Included y 46 ® 12" Picture mn FREEZERS 184. 5 Models To Choose From SPECIALS NEXT WEEK MONDAY, DECEMBER 11th -- 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE S WASHER sis « $39.00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12th -- 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE Reg. Wo 95 save STEREO gis «° $100.00 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13th -- 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE toss Na Ve PORTABLE SAVE $32.00 wee 17 7% ONLY "TFD JACKSON APPLIANCES 2/1 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY PHONE 985-2272 2 SP AE Fold i AH IS 2 ad FJ wr v TE RE SAINI ESTE . » " iy Tr . ts ps rod hr gd As J ~ > - . Te