a 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs., December 7th, 1967 G b k N ol reenban EWS { WEATHER TOMORROW a 0 eIT OUNGI EWS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Merof Midgley. Re called on Mrs. Jos. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. George Beat 0 } Nt Winnifred at Lindsay recent-| on attended the Walter Frank Sunny Clear -Skies vd Minutes of a Regular Meet-| The Clerk was instructed to | ly Real Estate banquet at the aN ing of Council of the Village ack for a price on a new two Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leswick. Beverley Hills Hotel in Tor- IF YOU BOOK NOW ON OUR SPECIAL " oh of Port Perry, held in the [hundred gallon meter that | Linda and Chuck visited at{ onto on Saturday night. AIR CANADA CHARTER FLIGHTS Tq Municipal Office on Tuesday. |will register a minimum of | Fred Phoenix's on Sunday. Mrs. Evelyn Tait spent the 3 VE November 29th. 50 gallons per minute. Mrs. A. Ward and Mr. and| week-end in Toronto visiting TO THE CARIBBEAN. oid MOTION--It. was moved by A Building Permit was ap- Mrs. J. Dobson were at Mr.| her family. LOWEST FARES EVER... . Exampe: 14 days vd I. A. Boyd, oC , : 'S v's i : - C - bad 3 i ' i "3 Bruce F Meare hed proved for Bathe and McLel te Last wel pares in oe ot oy Sor Bar 08 including, 2 meals daily, Hotel, trans- X {03 d g 4 lan Construction Limited for | '© : : x i : ! 3) minutes of the regular meet fy. oo hospital lots 229, & | Murray Empringham has| Board Christmas party of the fers, tips, etc. $369. Can. Air fare is included. eye 410 a on aston Street at esi: been rtrd rm Stoner | Commanity Menor Hon! CALL NOW : 4 ea as typed. @ lated cost of $951.945.00." reek to the Willowdale] la a - : PASSING ACCOUNTS-- Me RA oo reported | Branch of the Toronto Do. | ation Centre were: Mr. and FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL y The following Statement of Coe A a. minion Bank, and is com- | Mrs. Everett Hook, Mr. and / 3 Accounts was authorized for at children a. a UP | huting to and from work. Mrs. Wes Southern, Mr. and[§ 37 KING E. 576-3131 OSHAWA § : e ladder at the water tower : oo payment and he recommended that the | Mrs. John King entertained Mrs. Len Dior: General Dept. 71,851.58 °° A some of her neighbours at a l.es Baylis and Mr. and Mrs. Street Maint. 4,121.66 | first section of the ladder be a an I~ ost Tues, | Harry Phoenix. Truck & Tractor 92.85 [removed when not in use. pearly Mrs. J. Ianson is spending EF bobo | poe "oy hes 150 15 a Mes. Dann Recs | [0% de wilh Wr, ie XY THE aterworis Dept. mE porte ma ) ye So and Chris called on Mr. and a EN wie? a in hos. i ------------ | has been requested for Silver |, = oC Sutiday. | While Annabelle is 1 Carried $82,876.08 | Street and Council decided to ) pital. purchase the necessary street | W¢ note that good progress| goaqers--please send your UXBRIDGE 352-6033 ¢ Cherie toa the hepart light the first of the new b bene pade of he Clift December news to 985-7821 rN ment o ighways in the a- rome of Mr. and Mrs. Cli - 985.7040 year. or ¢ ] mount of $7,531.17 and stat- Devuiv R B F THURS. FRI SAT., DEC. 7- 8-9 ing that maintenance of epuly Reeve bruce X.|pev. D. Melville J. Butlars Sa 6 0 Bridges and Culverts in ex. | Beare reported that he had DIRTY DOZEN cess of approved By-law lim. | been approached by Mr. Robt. "R e [i I eve d B\ Tod a S Starring -- L. MARVIN, C. WALKER its $944.00 deducted. Roy, by-law Enforcement Of: y y: ONE SHOWING AT 7:30 P.M. Letter from Control and |ficer for instruction to en- > ADULT ENTERTAINMENT . Metering Limited dated Nov. force certain by-laws. \ ember 23, 1967 re: water flow ac n ergy' meter. Price for 2 new meter Check The Label | "A minister, knowing and Saturday Matinee at 4 p.m. 935.00 with an allowance of ec e e . ' ganization of life and to $55.00 for the old meter. Cost On Y Jing =, Vining - the learn to live with change and AFTER SANTA CLAUS PARADE to repair the old meter $350. n your raper orse and buggy days™ Saldf.,,e sion. Mr. Buttars said s RELLA?" Rev. D. Melville J. Buttars, CINDEREL " 4 { BA =o Wednesday( November 22, Kk 1d be given them! fi: speak would be gi ! . +i We, the elected Members of Reach Township 1987. Buttars sald {hal Bo The report of the Savoy Starring wr R Tay Oe, i at . . Committee was given-by Rev. ALSO ON THE ME OGRA id School Area Board, extend our sincere thanks [ff c relieved by todays at- J. Newton Reed, Sunderland, to $400.00. To The Electors of Township of Reach that the Church's work is often being done to-day with- out bearing the Church' label. B.A, B.D, S.T.M., minister at Pickering and President of the Bay of Quinte Conference United Church of Canada, speaking at Lindsay Presby- tery, meeting at Queen Street United Church, Lindsay, on|the word that they should The speaker concluded by reminding the ministers that to you the ratepayers of this Township, for your support in Monday's election. MAC CHRISTIE FRED OLSEN WILLIAM STONE EARL WILSON DON CROSIER Ae hh A A A A SL SS 8 SS 8 EE EN CERNE Rpg 'l ever, the Church as an instru- Le Chalet Dining Room and Tavern are very pleased to With two Elegant Rooms To Serve You Accomodating 300 People THE REGENCY ROOM . . Suitable for up to 200 Guests THE NELSON ROOM . . . Suitable for up to 100 Guests -- CALL -- 668-4377 AA A A a A A A A A LA A EL A SN SS SN NC ES SSS SRR, WES LANE Plumbing - Heating P Aadaiabadalob A a AR AX XA LAN XN RNR NNR ahebebebrbebetbed debe bebe ih 3S SSC EX NN IE TQ Grpupupuy tack on the clergy. It gave the clergy a new freedom un- known to the days when they were placed on a pedestal! The Church is also sub- jected to analysis and criti- cism. His purpose was to speak in defence of the Church as an institution. The Church institution provides guidelines without which some ministers would find it difficult to minister. How- ment can get dull of edge even though there is lots of steel which can be sharpened. minister's role, to-day, is one to weary and frighten, yet it is challenging! The President said we need It gave a study in depth of the Presbytery's Pastoral Charges and suggested that in the next decade all chang- "Never Before Shown Anywhere" PLUS COLOR CARTOONS Out at 6:00 P.M. ALL SEATS 50c. MON. TUES, WED., DEC. 11-12-13 "HOTEL" . "Home of Your Own" ONE SHOWING AT 7:30 P.M. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT es in pastorates, all re-allign- ments, be shaped by the con- cept of team ministers. The ministers would reside in the largest community in the parish. There would be ro- tation of preaching assign- ments, a central office for each team and a single trea- surer and envelope system for the entire parish. Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, L(Y TT RTT sleeve to Annual Station, Ottawa. Ontario County Soil & Crop Improvement Association in the LEGION HALL, UXBRIDGE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 10:30 a.m. SPEAKERS : Mr. W. R. CHILDERS Head, Forage Section, Canada Department of Agriculture Research Meeting CO-OP TOPICS Hay stored in 1967 is of poor quality. How should it be fed? it is very seldom that mouldy hay will become toxic, but, if the . ae : _ #| larger concepts of the minis- . Perfect for bod a ge Bowling Danducts; try with larger units for min- save a life. oe cows will not eat it in normal amounts it Dance ; and Service Clu eetings . . .boo ow ror istering. Ministers need to BE A BLOOD DONOR may well be written off as a complete loss. Your Christmas Party. face up to the modern or- Let the cow be the judge of this. Feeding ------ only corn silage doesn't help get rid of barn full of poor hay. If you are trying to feed normal amounts of hay but the cows are not eating it well, the following points may help: 1. Feed hay more frequently, this may ada to labor but it may encourage greater intake. { 2. Feed liberal amounts, allow the cow to select the parts she wants, this way the cow will eat more palatable parts such as leaves which are more nutritious. 3. Pour mollasses over hay. This many help increase intake. If you don't plan feed- ing larger amounts of hay it may ¥e ANNOUNCE THE OPENING To-day, ministers are doing | B-D. is Chairman and Mr. of the their work in a variety of Saayton ravior, Secretar. ways. Some are clinging to | Doth are o obcoygeon, J Le Chalet Banquet House old patterns. Others are Ontario. (Corner of Centre St. and Colborne St., Whitby) trying out new ideas. The ===----------------------s| {i@qw> of ] PINT PRT SA IC SY RIPPERS OpP= "J SE , ® . advisable to increase protein level from ir - Electric - Mr. HARVEY WRIGHT, Regional Soils and 16 per cent to 18 per cent. Your Co-op . 3 Crops Specialist, Ontario Department of Ag- can help you in this respect by formu: wv riculture and Food, Lindsay. lating a feed to your own need. ¢ 2 Reports will be given on the various field crop " i PORT PERRY, ONT. demonstrations carried out during the year. United Co-operatives 4 7 Free Lunch at Noon. Everybody Welcome. . of Ontario OFFICE 985 - 2473 RES. H. L. Fair, Sec.-Treas. Albert Hockley, Pres. (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) Uxbridge 852-3321 Port Perry IE. 8-4130