EES TE ARR ps ls CT A ERP hd Os eS cad, = SEE TM SF LEP Ser a i, ar - _was_as usual, blessed with 16 - PORT PERRY STAR - - Thursday, Sept. 21st, 1967 Fralick Family Re-union The Fralick Family gather- ed at the Scout Hall in Port Perry on Sunday, September 10th, for the 12th Annual Re- union. Total attendance was 49, including two guests, Dave Scott, and Mike Taylor. During the afternoon, which bright sunshine, latest fam- ily happenings were discus- sed while an enthusiastic Softball game took place be- tween teams captained by Doug Fralick and Ross Suth- erland. The final score of the game was obscured by the disagreement that arose between the two captains, over which had the Prettiest Girls on his team! Another Sporting event was the Egg Throwing competition open to all comers, and Stephen Fralick and Clare Fralick de- _feated all other teams, The prizes weren't too valuable, but they got to keep the egg. All the children present re- ceived a Prize, and the Sports Committee headed by Jack and JoAnne Agolini were complimnted on their Effort. At 6:30 p.m., President Betty Howey called for Grace to be sung, and in her wel coming remarks called the attention of the gathering to the following events that had taken place since the last Re- union: The Celebration of their 60th Wedding Anniversary, by Clarence and Permillie Fralick. The Marriage of Linda Fra- lick to Ross Sutherland. The Achievement of Gloria Fralick of the necessary 16 Subjects for her Bachelor of Arts Degree. The 26th Wedding anniver- sary of Cecil and Ivah Fra- lick being celebrated on the day of the Reunion. The President then called for all to stand in Honour of [ERAS ETAEAE SEN TN ring LT $00 Lats. LEAS STR A 3 CSE 1. 3 MEAN wR GY FR Bh iF RE J ES PR ot 3 IVS 3 Mr. and Mrs. Fralick and this was done with great ap plause. Following the Election of Officers for the coming year, a Film about Expo '67 was shown ,as well as Movies of Secretary-Treasurer-- Karen Huestis Sports--Ross and Linda Sutherland Social--Margaret Burnett Serving Hostesses-- Jacqueline Fralick, Sylvia Fralick, Jennifer Rowland, Pamela Row- land. previous Reunions. The various Committees were thanked for their con- tribution to the success of the Event, with a Special Thank you to Margaret Bur- nett for her efforts year af- ter year in looking after the Booking of the Hall, and the Arranging of the Tea. Coffee Soft Drinks and Milk. Officers for the 1967-68 Season President--Gloria Fralick Vice-President-- Clarke Ross ATTENTION S AVE ..wny pay more On Premium Quality GASOLINE -- DIESEL-and MOTOR OILS Farm Tanks and Pumps Available Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District CALL COLLECT DX OIL 668 - 3341 FARMERS! Olds More than ever before, youre sure to find a CHEVROLET or OLDSMOBILE that's perfectly matched to your motoring needs and desires. Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy Hl, Camaro, Corvair Corvette, Chevrolet Trucks, Oldsmobile and F835 Cutlass m--l QUEEN STREET BEARE MOTORS LIMITED A Warm Welcome Awaits You At BEARE MOTORS LTD. PHONE 985-7351 Dependable Service For Over 50 Years . ™ ID e-- r™ > < PORT PERRY "Special FREE DRAW PRIZE Come In And See The Display' And Win An AIRLINE LUGGAGE ENSEMBLE cvs savior sens BEGINNING | Thurs., Sept. 21 SHOWROOM OPEN UNTIL 10 p.m. 4 THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY REFRESHMENTS LN Ll ------ A nA RR