Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 May 1967, p. 8

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Ya" El re Ae EL Pgh nw oi Hrs it" A - o.0s wg WBC Sr ti A i A poly 2 nid Gg gh I or TT POR npn Cin FEAT = Re SE OEE ne FFs Pe Lin ra, ae SAL Cas, * Me \ Re ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE © LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate -- 4c. per word Ist week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75¢. for extra consecutive weeks. | Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25c¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a minimum of $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED -- $1.25 per inch with. a minimum of one inch. All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than 6.00 p.m. Tuesday Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference AND CENTENNIAL TEA To be held on Wednesday, May 10th at 2.30 p.m, Apr.27 May 4 MOTHERS DAY SUPPER Friday, May 12th at 5.30 p.m. until all are served, at St. John's Parish Hall, Blackstock. Ad- mission $1.75. Public School Children 75c., Pre-school free. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SPRING FAIR On SATURDAY, MAY 27th, at 2.00 p.m., at Masonic Hall and Presbyterian 'Church. Mar. 23, Apr. 6-20, May 4-11-18-25 ANNUAL MEETING Port Perry Minor Hockey Asso- ciation Annual Meeting, Sunday, May 14th at Community Arena at 7 p.m. Anyone interested, please plan to attend May4-11 BINGO--Thursday, May 11th at 830 p.m. Jackpot $165.00 in 61 numbers at Caesarea Com- munity Hall. : a IN MEMORIAM LEIGHTON -- In memory of our dear father who passed away May 12th, 1960. Father you are not forgotten Though on earth you are no more Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. Always remembered--Jennie and Frank, May and Hector and families. LEIGHTON-- In loving mem- | ory of my dear husband Arthur who passed away, May 12, 1960. Always Remembered by his wife Lily PHILP--In loving memory of Alma F. Philp, who passed on, May 15th, 1965. She lives with us in memory. Ever remembered by "husband and Kendall family. CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for-cards and visits; to the Doctors of Brooklin Me- dical Centre and the Nurses & Staff of Oshawa General Hos- pital for kindness and care dur- ing my recent illness. Sam Oyler Murray and Shirley wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends, neighbours and relatives, also the boys on my hockey team, for their cards, gifts and inquiries during Mur- ray's recent stay in Northwes- tern Hospital, Toronto. Special thank you to the men who generously helped to keep my -- business going as usual. Murray & Shirley Lee ; 1 would like to 'say a sincere "Thank You" to all relatives, neighbours, friends and nursery school pupils, who sent cards or flowers. To the nurses and Dr. Kandel and to Rev. Rice on my recent stay in hospital. A spe- cial thank you to relatives, neighbours and friends who car- ried out the "Surprise" decora- tion of my room at home. Myrtle Hodgins. We would like to thank our neighbours and friends for the lovely evening, also the lovely gifts. Special thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Newnham for the in- vitation to their home. Thank you. Fred and Mabel Pearce CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Patrick Samuel Farmer wish to convey our sincere thanks and appre- ciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beau- tiful floral offerings and cards received from friends, neigh- bours and relatives. Also Rev. A. Rice for his consoling words and the McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home. : Barbara and Todd Farmer Sincere thanks to all our friends, neighbours & relatives who sent cards, flowers and charitable donations in our re- cent bereavement of the loss of a son and brother. Special thanks to all the ladies who pro- vided and served lunch. Many thanks to Rev. Rice, McDermott- Panabaker and pallbearers. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur and families My deepest gratitude to rela- tives, Friends and Neighbours, Unit 2 of U.C.W., Senior Citi- zens, for cards, flowers, letters 'and visits during my stay in Oshawa General Hospital, also to Rev. Mr. Rice of Port Perry and Rev. Mr. Moffat of Oshawa, also a special thank you to Mrs. Joanne Lunney, Miss Maymie McLaren and Mrs. John Dowson for their kindness to my family. Mrs. Irene Healey. -- I wish to express my apprecia- tion again to the many friends for cards letters and plants 'sent me during 'my recent stay | in hospital and since returning home. Please thanks. accept my sincere Ruby Beare My sincere thanks to friends and relatives for cards, visits, flowers and gifts and inquiries. Thanks to Drs, McIntyre, Kan: del and nursing staff of Ux- bridge Cottage Hospital. Frank Kight AT REST BOYNTON, Herman Wesley-- At the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay on Sat., May 6th, 1967, H. Wesley Boynton of Port Perry, dearly beloved husband of Marion Bousfield, dear fath- er of Donald W. of Kincardine and brother of William E. Her- bert .C., Roy J. Stanley & Grace (Mrs. H. Sanderson), in his 84th year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Monday at 2.00 p.m. Interment Victoria Square Cemetery. PENNY DRAW AND AFTERNOON TEA SATURDAY, MAY 13th at Oddfellows Hall Time 2.00 p.m. LUCKY DRAWS Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge Everyone Welcome For Transportation Call-- a.m.--985-2597; p.m.--985-2338 May 4 - 11 =y ANNUAL RECITALS The students of Mrs. J. E. Jackson, A. T.C.M., RM.MT. will present their Annual Recitals in the United Church Auditorium, on Saturday Evening, June 17, (Juniors) and the Intermediates and Seniors on Wed., Evening, June 21st. Assisting will be the pupils of Mrs. Frank Godley and vocal pupils of Mrs. Frank Hastings. Both Programmes will commen- ce at eight o'clock. Everyone is welcome. Collection in Aid of New Hospital. : May4-11, June8-15 BINGO, Friday, May 12th at 8.00 p.m. Sponsored by Catho- lic Men's League. Jackpot $160.00 in 49 numbers, Minor Jackpot-$85.00-in 57 numbers. BUS TRIP -- Blossom Time to Niagara Falls, May 25th. Phone] 985-2598 or 2195. Sunday School Anniversary, Sunday, May 21st at 11 am. Children's Choir, 7.30 p.m. Spe- cial Music. Guest speaker, Rev. Douglas Miller. May11-18 MOTHERS' DAY BREAKFAST At Oddfellows Hall, Sunday, May 14th, 8.00 a.m. until 10 a.m. Sponsored by Oddfellows. Ad- | mission 75c. BINGO, Thursday, May 18th at 8.00 p.m. at Legion Hall. Jack- in 56 numbers. $10.00 pot $160.00 Legion Special, also 4 - games. » AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Bea- cock will be pleased to receive their relatives, friends and neighbours . in their home on Saturday, May 20th. Hours 2-4 and 7.30 - 10: . The occasion of their silver wedding anniver- sary. Please just best wishes. FOR SALE 12 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT and | motor, 5 h.p. $225.00. 1960 Chev. Station Wagon $275.00. 1956 Ford 6 cyl. 1% ton truck, $150.00. Phone 852-6048. May 4-11 4 WEEK OLD started chickens, for meat purposes. Apply Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd., Port Perry. 985-7331. HAY," good quality. Phone 655-4682. May 11 100 BALES oat straw, car trail- er, self-propelled reel type lawn mower, platform scales 1200 Ibs. cap., 1/4 horse electric motors Phone 985-2067. 'May 11 SEED OATS, Barley and Grass Seeds for all your needs. High- est quality in all lines. United Hybrid Corn, the top yielder in early test for last three years. Still available No. 108, 3HI11, 118, 7 and 10. Also Seneca's top yielders No. 155 & 285 for grain. and silage. Telephone 986-4331. SWAIN SEED CLEANERS AND DEALERS. May 25 TYPEWRITERS, $49.00. No money down, $2. wkly. Adders, "Cashiers, File Cab., New, Used, Rentals, Service, Trades. Bill Hamilton, Raglan (North of Oshawa) T.F. MUDCAT SUPPER Wednesday, May 24th, com- | mencing at 5 p.m. _at Grace United Church, Scugog. Admis- sion. Adults $1.25, Children 75c. May 11-18 SHRUB AND BAKE SALE "Raglan U.C.W.. will hold a Shrub and Bake Sale on Wed- nesday, May 17th at 2 p.m. in the Christian Education Build- ing. SOUVENIR MOOD .. The Centennial Choir, a mam- moth cast of 70 in period cos- tume; present their programme |: June 28th in 15h School Audi- torium,- PLATTEN ISLAND | RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION SPRING DANCE and BUFFET SATURDAY, MAY 27th, 1967 PRN | ree CLUB ANNRENE Music by the Royal Ambassadors For reservations Call 985-2425 or 985-2992 May 11-18 Check The Label On Your Paper POTATOES, suitable for eating or planking: Plione 985-7730. lite --May 4-11-1825 | May4, 18 Junel| $60.00. LLOYD modern type Baby Car- riage, like new. Phone 985- 2275. : 1962 TRIUMPH Coupe located John Brown Motors Limited, Sunderland. Terms cash, For- ward highest offer to Public Trustee, 145 Queen West, Tor- onto. ARCHER'S USED CAR ope ..» COMING EVENTS | COMING EVENTS FOR SALE WORK WANTED Classified Advertising Rates NY Se Foundations & Sceptic Tanks dug and back filled. Phone Blackstock 986-4737. T.F. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily em~ ployed and have good credit. Telephone Oshawa 723-4631. TF. | TO RENT MODERN- two bedroom apart- ment with stove and refrigera- tor, separate entrance. Phone 985-7682. SMALL CARS 1966 VAUXHALL VIVA Lic. #56394E ..... $1395.00 1965 CHEVELLE, 4 dr. Lic. #K14358 ... $1695.00 1964 BUICK SPECIAL 1964 CHEVY II Lic. #54153 ....... $1495.00 1962 METEOR Lic. #53840E ........ $895.00 1960 FRONTENAC Lic. #55510E ........ $395.00 BIG CARS 1965 BUICK 4 door Automatic, radio, Power Steering, Power Brakes ~ Lice. #56376E .... $2395.00 1964 BUICK 4 door Automatic, radio, Power Steering, Power Brakes. Lic. #54579E ...... $1795.00 1963 BUICK Wildcat 4 door hard top Automatic, radio, Power Steering, Power Brakes. Lic. #55362E ...... $1495.00 1959 OLDS., 4 door Automatic, radio, Power Steering, Power Brakes. Lic. #55051E .... .. $125.00 BOB ARCHER MOTORS LTD. 150 Water St, Port Perry PORT PERRY 985-7361 "WORK WANTED | .| CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades 'sharpened $1.00 pair Sheep blades--b50¢ pair, 24 hr «ervice--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 87 First Ave. Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont CORSAGES for Mothers' Day are being made again this year by the Brownies. Anyone wish- ing one may give their order to a Brownie or Phone 985-2822, 7016 or 7880. NEW, 3 bedroom Brick Bunga- low in Port Perry, attached garage, electric heat, mahogany cupboards -and trim, separate dining room, many extras. Phone 986-4776. 1966 DUCATI, 100 cc, 900 miles, in_ excellent condition; helmet and sadddle bags. Phone even- ings. 985-2240. 40 END POSTS. Phone 985-7470. 1953 G.M.C. 3-ton stake body 6 x 9° with low racks, single wheels, good running condition. 085-7484. 1958 PONTIAC, good running condition. Phone 985-7633. PUREBRED Lacombe boars and guilts. Apply A. W. Catton, Port Perry or Phone 985-2787. BOY'S Medium Bicycle--$12.00; Lloyd Baby Carriage -- $15.00; Sewing Machine, cabinet model $60.00. 985-7020. SIGNS PAINTED, with or with- out illustrations. Any size. Reasonable Rates. Phone 985 2916. L. Langille, Utica, Ont. T.F. GENERAL BUILDER Repairs, Alterations of all kinds | of homes, farm buildings or new ones built by order. Carpentry and Cement Work, Roofing. "| Free estimates. Blackstock. May 11 BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors: Cement Finishings Phone 640-3285, 182 Main St. W. Stouffville, Ont. T.F. - COMPLETE SERVICE to all makes of POWER MOWERS & TILLERS Rebuilt Lawn Mowers for Sale Get the Best Rotary Tiller the Guaranteed Terry Tiller for Sale here MACHINE SHOP Perry St. North a fp Lic. #J82737 $1695.00 J; 4.ROOM Apartment in country home, garden. $65.00 per month. 'Blackstock 986-4856. 2 BEDROOM apartment in Prince Albert, available May 15. Phone 985-7310. A] WANTED TO RENT FARM, mostly grain land in Port Perry or Uxbridge area-- 100 - 200 acres required with or without buildings. Phone 889- 6189, Maple Ontario May4-11 2 BEDROOM Apartment in Port Perry. Phone 985-2285. PASTURE for 35 head of Cattle. C. W. James, R.R. 3, Port Perry. Phone 985-2687. TWO ROOMS wanted in Port Perry by the end of May. Please write Joseph Tweedie, Caesarea P.O. WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. "Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 101-C-67 Mar. 4/68 TRANSPORTATION WANTED To_Uxbridge, 8 to 5-shift-day- time. - Please phone 985-2194. "HOMES for PART-TIME secretary - typist, three half-days per week. R. H. Cornish Public School. Box 669. 985-2591. four healthy kittens. Tel. 985-7976. Phone 986475-| . May 4-11-18 TRICYCLE in good condition, 16" front wheel. Phone 985- 2119. DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ~ED-PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 REAL ESTATE © We have specialized in land in Metro Toronto for the past 15 years. We are constantly being asked by our clients for farms, country retreats and summer properties. To cope we require rural repre- sentatives to handle this par- ticular phase of our business. Generous advertising, leads supplied and ample help pro- vided. For confidential inter- view call or write-- J. J. LAMBEST Real Estate Ltd. 170-Donway West, Toronto 447-8518, 2 "beautiful, May 425

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