Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 May 1967, p. 2

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re ] x - PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1967 mana Ei = TE hs BRE ARNON | ERPS FR r GREENBANK NEWS Plans for the Reach Township Centennial Celebrations at Greenbank in June are progress- ing, with all committees work- ing at their respective jobs. This is the only project in Reach Township and the citizens of Greenbank are fortunate that this historic site was chosen for the Reach Centennial. The pro- gramme has been planned to 'cover a week-end of celebra- tions. - On the evening of Friday June 16th the Reach Township Centennial Hall will be offici- ally opened by the Hon. Dr. Matthew Dymond, M.P.P. of Port Perry. There is to be other entertainment including a choir from: Reach Township schools. Refreshments will be served by Greenbank Women's Institute. On the afternoon of June 17 a sports programme of ball games, races, novelties, and con- tests will be held in the Com- munity Park. In the evening a dance in the hall with Centen- nial costume & novelty dances. On Sunday, June 18th to close the celebrations the Centennial Committee has been fortunate to get a former Greenbank boy, G."K. 'McMillan, B.A. B.D. D.D. of Burlington as guest speaker for the church service. There will be special music by the choir and a form- er male quartette. After the church service you are invited to the basement for a social hour and a visit with your friends. Come on and help us with this project and bring your Relics for display with their history. They will be well taken care of. Get in touch with Iva Phoenix 985-2092 or Jim Lee 985-7723. Anyone wishing Invitations mailed for this Centennial Cele- bration, please send names to Eva Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith and boys of Columbus visited Sun- day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Don Craig and family visiting on Sunday with Mrs. Alice Phoenix and Jean. Several car loads of men at- tended McKague Holstein sale at Alliston on Monday. The Centennial Choir concert a. few. days -in- Toronto. held in Trinity United Churcl Saturday evening attracted great many from Greenbank. Mrs. Marie €ookman and Mrs Marjorie Beaton attended the Order of Eastern Star service Sunday morning in Sunderland United Church. Brian Harris and boy friend spent last week at Expo. We hear Mr. and Mrs. Arm: our McMillan have also been tc Expo. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Russel Rodd is in the Uxbridge Cott age Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couperth- waite attended the funeral of his Uncle on Friday at Agin- court. Mrs. Jack Couperthwaite and Marion attended a wedding in Scarboro on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rown- tree and Shirley visited at both the Bacon homes on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baylis have left on Monday to fly to England for a three week's holiday. Mr. Horace Weir is spending a few days at Bill Smith's. Mrs. Wm. Smith is spending Our W.I. meeting will be held May 17th at the home of Mrs. A. McMillan at 8.30 p.m. Motto | "Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well." Roll Call--My garden resolu- tion or a piece of treasured heirloom jewellry. The hats from the Senior Leader's Train- ing School will be on display as well as pictures shown. La- dies please don't forget our garden exchange bulbs, plants or shrubs. Custom Made or Ready-to-Hang DRAPERIES ° HOMES ® OFFICES + © INDUSTRIAL -- Since 1919 -- WARD'S Simcoe St. at Athol 725-1151 -- OSHAWA -- SISter 0 0000000000 00000000 Still space available. about our tours to EXPO. 57 King St. W. EXPO 6 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL ~ ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR: CANADIANA VILLAGE ONLY 250 yards from EXPO Grounds. $6.25 p.p (based on party of 4). --two_double beds-in-each-room-and private 4 piece bathroom. Book IMMEDIATELY. Also inquire FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Free parking. 576-3131 (5 lines) Oshawa Io T2222220000000000000 0000000000000 000000000000 DO eee EPP 0 00000 eer rrr titi treet eteteteietiieetteeeeesesseeteeeesssssngys THE Gordon Cleaners SPECIAL OF THE WEEK DRESSES 99c¢ $1.09 SPECIALS AS ADVERTISED LAST WEEK ARE STILL IN EFFECT. Gordon Cleaners - Port Perry (Corner Queen and Perry Sts.) AENEAN EEN ANNE EER -May-11th.- John Hayes, Jr., an 18-year-old high school Hudent from Co- lumbus, registered the initial win of his young career with Shady Valley (No. 8) at Greenwood Raceway Apr. 29. Subbing for his dad, John Sr., who was at Chicago's Arlington Park driving his Sharp 'N Smart, the budding reinsman directed the Big Gun-sired sidewheeler. off the pace for a $26.00 upset. Victory was s the sixth in 18 season's outings for Shady Valley, an eight-year-old gelding owned by John Hayes Sr., and his wife Jessie. John Jr., who drove his first race on the Ontario circuit last summer, is a grade 13 student at Port Perry High School. He will enter the first year of a six-year veterinary course at University of Guelph this fall. -- BLACKSTOCK NEWS -- By O. Hill Women's Institute A very interesting meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Township Hall Wednes- day evening. The president Mrs. V. Bailey and secretary, Mrs. L. Thompson were attired in costumes of many years ago, as were about half of the other ladies attending. = After the opening exercises Miss Aileen Van Camp came in and took pictures. Decided to have next meeting May 31st instead of June 7th so that the 4-H girls could model the dresses they have made during the course just finished. Decided to not have any short course for W.I this year since there are so many doings in community for Centennial. Moved, seconded & carried that the $250.00 raised at euchre parties for Port Perry's new hospital be set a- side until a later date. Decided to give a prize to the oldest man and woman--a re- sident of Cartwright--and pre: sent at the Centennial celebra- tion June 28th. A donation is to be sent-the O:N.O. in appre: ciation of the use of their dishes for a banquet. Mrs. Stanford Van Camp gave a report of the District execu- tive meeting and announced the District Annual at Maple Grove The roll call was answered by a short reading or poem from an old school reader after some community singing of old songs. Mrs. S. Van Camp read "A Good Friend"; Mrs. W. W. Van Camp read "Irish- Charms"; Mrs. J. Rahm "Country Life in Western Canada in the 1830's"; Mrs. R. Taylor conducted an Historical Contest. Lunch of ginger bread and whipped cream and tea was then enjoyed. * * * United Church Centennial Festival =~ The United Church held a Centennial Festival last . Tues: day. The Pot-Luck Supper brought 140 or more healthy appetites to a delicious spread of various foods. Families young and old enjoyed the fel- lowship. Old fashioned dress helped the Centennial theme. Attics had been searched and sewing machines busy to bring out the vintage dresses and RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP bonnets, old and new worn by most of the women and young girls. The men sported vests and ruffled shirts, hats and tails. Even 2% year old Fred Marlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. -Jim Marlow, was very proud of his frilly shirt and cuff links. The C. E. room. was an eye catching display centre with ex- hibits prepared by the Hi-C and U. C. W. units. All the prov- inces were represented with products and posters. Displays of Home and Overseas Missions and Sunday School materials were shown. A hymn sing of Canadian hymns had the hearty partici- pation of the choir and congre- gation. The Explorers drama- tized the play "The Arrow that Flieth by Day", a story of Early Canada. The offering was directed to a United. Church Centennial project -- settling people from a famine district in Brazil to a more fertile area. A Pageant presented by the U.C.W. depicted the early his- tory of the Church in Canada, with--severa] members of the U.C.W., husbands, sons, daugh- ters and Sunday School child- ren taking part. * * * Very fine services were held |.in_both churches Sunday morn- ing. In the United the choir rendered an Anthem "Make a Joyful Noise onto the Lord" and Rev. P. Romeril chose as his text "Cast Thy Bread upon the Waters". ~ In St. John's Church it being Ascension Sunday Rev. R. C. Rose spoke on that subject. The Sacrament of Holy Communion was administered. The United Church Sunday School have changed date of Anniversary this year to May 21st. See coming event. Don't forget the Anglican Mother's Day Supper this Fri- day evening. Friday evening, May 5th Di. vision Commissioner Mrs. Ivy Hamilton and five Gold Cord Guides, namely Joan Horton & Juddy Mountjoy who received their Cords last year, but had not received their certificates, and Dianne Taylor, Bonnie Mal- colm and Karen Campbell who received their cords a week ago, were guests at a banquet in the United Church Christian Education Building, Pickering, Following the banquet they were joined by their parents at Pickering High School where the presentation of Certificates was made to all Gold Cord win- 'Fred Trewin, Lloyd and Earl end with her parents, Mr. and ners of the area. There are now 14 Guides in Cartwright who have earned their Gold Cords. Mrs. Kenneth Samells enjoy- ed the Women's Institute Offi- cers Conference in Guelph last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day. Dr. and Mrs. Murray Werry and children, Kingston visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ru- pert Werry and his brother Roy Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hocken, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers Sunday. Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. and Mrs. A. Wright were:--Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin, Carol and Gail, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Horn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allen, Sheila, Russel and Margo, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen and Don- ald, Enniskillen; Miss Kelly Craig, Toronto; Miss Nadia, Schwartz, Cadmus; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor; Mrs. H. Taylor and Mrs. G- Fowler, Blackstock. Miss Toved Mahaffy, Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy and boys. Mr. and Mrs. John Mew, Jane and Robert spent the week- Mrs. Austin Beacock. Miss Isabel Henry, Mr. John Henry and friend, Bowmanville and Mr. Clarence Kintner, Whitby were Sunday guests of Mrs. Lewis Henry. Congratulations to- Mr. and Mrs. David Frew (nee Leah Mec- Kee) who were married in Blackstock United Church on Saturday. Miss Florence McLaughlin, Toronto, spent - the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and boys. Messrs. © Elmer and Ronald Archer, Whitby and Miss Mari- lyn Archer, Peterboro were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp, Blackstock and Mr. and Mrs. John Dowson, Port Perry were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Van Camp and boys, Port Perry. Mr. Roy Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Noel Nor- ton and boys, Oshawa, Sunday. "Your RED CROSS is Serving _ML Today ng Ready for Tomorrow wm fe ean You know the feeling don't you? That gnawing inside that won't let you sleep . When the kids are late coming home... The fear about your own health When your neighbor suddenly dies... The headlines in the morning newspaper. . . Fear sneaks into our days through many little holes But God can change your pattern from fear to confidence The Bible says, "Be not afraid of sudden fear... for the Lord shall he thy confidence." We'd like to help you find Him. | cits 1350Kc.-9.30 a.m. "You've a BIBLE in your home.. now add it to your LIFE" BACK TO THE BIBLE BROADCAST

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