Ew. » Rema ag Zr = ER = = - wa, 3 ~: --_-- a wd ~~, EERE ear a EN PN i NEY On hr 6 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, April 20th, 1967 IB. Is Not 'Dying Out The Canadian TB Association has reported that 30 new TB patients, mostly teenagers, have been admitted to a sanatorium, and 180 school children have been found to be recent con- verters to the tuberculin test; while previously they were ne- gative, they are now positive. Apparently some people feel the high school should be burn- ed down. The reason for this panic is an outbreak of tuber- culosis in a high school in Nova Scotia. This epidemit is the sort of thing which is invited by as- suming that tuberculosis is "dy- ing out." It does not die out-- It has to be pushed -- and the push must be kept up by health authorities and voluntary TB Associations across Canada. Apparently it is hard for people to keep within their con- scious thoughts the sad fact that microbes don't change much, It is true that Canadians have a higher standard of living than they did in 1900 -- better nutri- tion and more sanitary living conditions. This is only a par- tial barrier against TB, for while a higher standard of liy- living helps, it does not guar- antee. The lung tissue of the stud- ents in that school is not appre- ciably different from lung tis- sue 100 years ago, or even 500, and the tubercle bacilli which the students cough up are exact THE ~ LAST WEEK ARE STILL IN EFFECT. Gordon Cleaners - Port Perry LLL LLL ELL L LLL LL LLL LL Gordon Cleaners SPECIAL OF THE WEEK White Dress Shirts 9 for $1.09 SPECIALS AS ADVERTISED (Corner Queen and Perry Sts.) EEENENNE ENE ENE NEE EEN NEE y - Association duplicates of those isolated by Koch in 1882. When enough of those bacilli are turned loose in a community they operate as they have for centuries. Teenagers, and particularly girls, have always been an ex- traordinarily vulnerable group. Once infected (authorities have warned often enough) they have a sobering breakdown rate. There have been hetween 20 and 25 of these outbreaks in Canada since 1960. As official health authorities moved in to uncover the source of infection, in the majority of cases, the source was found among those who had not attended a mass survey held in the community within the last two years. Due to the fact that mass sur- veys are now being considered too costly to conduct--except in high incidence areas--the role of the monthly chest clinics will be even greater. In Ont- ario County, these clinics are conducted in Port Perry, Ux- bridge, Cannington, Beaverton, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Pick- ering, with the cost of the X- rays being borne by the Ontario County TB and Health Associa- tion, with the monies derived from the Christmas Seal Cam- paign -- this being its only in- come. . In an effort to assist in the casé finding programme, the TB closely with Dr. C. C. Stewart, Medical Officer of Health, in an effort to establish a permanent chest clinic in Oshawa, where citizens may drop in without appointment for a tuberculin test or chest X-ray. aX When such a Tie has oo firmly established and is run- ning smoothly, the TB Associa- tion may consider the purchase of a mobile unit for use in the county. expo6/ See "CANADA 67" --2a thrilling Walt Plas } film in CIRCLE-VISION 360° at the Telephone Pavilion. 'One of the most interesting stories at Expo 67 isn't even on the site. It is Canada's first electronic telephone exchange, located in this new building in Its exciting new features are now serving exhibitors at downtown Montreal. Expo 67. In 1968, it will serve 15,000 subscribers with such conveniences as an ability to reach frequently called numbers with just the touch of one or two buttons; it will let you transfer a call automatically to another number when you are away from home or office. And these are just two of the many ® Bell Canada | features which electronic exchanges will eventually bring to more and more of our customers. This, the first such ex- - change, is tangible evidence of our aim to make your telephone ever more useful and helpful. ~ You are cordially invited to visit the Telephone Pavilion at Expo 67. It's the Progress Show of the Canadian Tele- phone Industry where you will be able to see and try the "magic" features of an electronic telephone exchange. is--~working- very | SGUGOG All members of the council attended the regular meeting held on April 10th, Mr. P. Goreski was present to inquire ahout his proposed subdivision, however nothing further had been heard on the matter from the Community Planning Branch in Toronto. Mr. R. J. Fralick came to make a complaint re the condi- tion of the garbage dump near his farm. Included in the corespond- ence were letters from (1) The High School Area Board return: ing the 1967 requisition, stating that nothing can be done to re- duce the levy. (2) The Village of Port Perry inviting the Scu- gog Council to attend a meeting of the Councils of the Munici- palities in the High School Area to be held in the Municipal Building Friday, 14th day of April at 8.00 p.m. The Clerk received the fol- owing figures by telephone re 'he Port Perry and Scugog Pub- 'ic School Board requisition for 1967: ¥ .Port.Perry- 68:3 9% :--44,825:29 Scugog--31.7% ...... 20,804.71 1009 $65,630.00 Scugog 1967 levy for Public 21 YEARS OLD? When you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. You must take out individual membership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, a hospital, or the Conimission. NEW JOB? To keep insured fol- low the instructions 8 on the Hospital In- surance "Certificate of Payment--Form. 104" that your present employer is required to give you on leaving.' NEWLY WED? MONTHLY MEET] COUNCIL Schools shows an increase of | $8,582.00 over 1966. BY-LAW #1257--Being a by- lay to provide for a surgical medical Plan for its Twp. em- ployees, was read -three times and passed. This benefit is now subsidized by the Dept. of Highways. RESOLUTIONS-- Several' items of small - tax arrears were written off by re- solutions of Council, most of these items being the result of exchange not being included when payment is made by cheque. The Clerk was instructed to advertize for tenders for Gar- bage Collection. Len Hance appointed Warble Fly Inspector. as Endorsed the resolution from Twp. of Sandwich West re ex- emption of Municipalities from Retail Sales Tax on machinery and equipment used for Muni- cipal purposes. That the Twp. increase the | cost of spraying. cattle for War: ble Fly Control. Rates to he-- 1st spray 25c.; 2nd pray 20c. PAY LIST--The following: ac- counts were approved for pay- ment: Roads Gen. & W.W. project $1,403.01 698. 15 Total $2,101.46 "On Motion meeting adjourned | to meet again on Mon., 1st day of May at 8.00 p.m. Port Perry U.CW. UNIT 2 OF THE U.C.W, Unit 2 of the United Church U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Reesor, April 4th, with 9 members present. Mrs. Leask conducted the meeting in the absence of the leader Mrs. C. Heayn. The meeting opened with a reading from Billy Graham. Devotional exercises were Hymn 16 followed by prayer. Minutes and roll call! Business was dealt with and it was empha- sized that all ladies were asked to be present next Tuesday at the general meeting where Mrs. Beverley Muir is to speak. We were asked to think of ways to finish raising our $50.00 alloca- tion. Mrs. MacTavish reported on the bazaar. Our Unit decided we would like to have Touch & Take for our bazaar booth. We were asked to take a favourite recipe to the April general meeting. Mrs. MacTavish very ably conducted the study of chapter 5 and 6 of the study book. The Church and The World. ~ KNOWLEDGE DOES |ABOUND, HELPS Us) Sp "7000 T+ KEN P. MURRAY Licensed Electrical Contractor PORT PERRY, Ont. 985-7006 "WES LANE Plumbing - Heating. = Electric - OFFICE PORT PERRY, ONT. 985-2473 RES. The "family Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your "group" without de- lay or if you both pay premiums direct, no- tify the Commission. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan ® Ontario Hospital Services Commission, Toronto 7, Ontario, subversive forces which Canada a republic. To You-- BRITISH sk ISRAEL -- The Bible's National Message -- The Attack on the Throne Having succeeded in taking from us the symbols, and much of the reality, of our British heritage, the now working to end the Monarchy and make Who Do Not Want This: to Happen May we suggest that the first step in any effective opposition to it is to KNOW, and to help make known, the true identity of our ancient Throne, and why the continuance of our relationship to it is a matter of supreme importance to ALL Canadians, regardless of their racial origin. WE WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT For Your FREE Copy of Our New Booklet "BEHOLD YOUR KING" : : Write to the Secretary: Canadian British-Israel Association in Ontario P.O. Box 744, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario | brought this about are | The meeting closed __ . F . . . 'with a hymn and prayer. 0 s NJ]