fritid 3 Fi EN F.C N AON Net Ty H ' ' bet? Hh Peel's Poultry Farm's new hatchery, located west of Port Perry, will be completed in about six weeks. of the largest and most up to date hatcheries in Canada. This will be ong One of the gratifying facts about this construction, is the fact, that it is built entirely by a local contractor, Lake Scugog Lum- ber Co., Ltd., and the employees, 20 of them are all residents of Port Perry and area. The building is 190 ft. long and 94 ft. wide, and the trusses,also 94 ft. long weigh approximately AS am ryan Shy St rg 0 - ok weeks time.' » » | RAS ' ' ara FEET FL TSN SEAS A Je a i, one ton each. The trusses are built in three sections at the Lake Scugog Lumber Co. Ltd. and brought by truck fo the site where they are assembled and lifted into place by a crane with a 120 ft. boom. (See above). These are the second longest trusses of its kind to have been built arcund here. for the hatchery is expected to start arriving in A oa J > * * x, io mo | YH ! v i 3 AL AAA a rit ~ EEN fh ht meen ems ae l} Equipment about two . Steer Show And Sale Main Feature At Fair Over 8,000 attended the 1965 Port Perry Fair. This is over three times the present populat- ion of this town, and if only the weather is favourable, there is no reason why this amount could not be topped. The main event of this years fair is undoubtedly a steer show and sale, the first time such an attraction has been featured. $325.00 is offered in prize money for the two classes and the championships. Providing- this money are the Port Perry Fair Board, the Provincial Government, the Hereford, Shorthorn "and Angus clubs, Master Feeds, Uxbridge Co-op and A & P Stores. The steers will be weighed at 1 p.m., shown at 3 p.m. and sold at 4.30 p.m. Four percent: shrinkage is allowed on the sell- ing weight. This sale offers a good opportunity for interested butchers, supermarkets or indi- viduals to purchase the best in high quality meat, Of other features are Achieve- ment Day for the Port Perry Dairy Calf Club, Junior Exhi- bits, judging of horses and cattle classes. The Orono Band will be in attendance, a clown for the merriment of all, and not to forget exciting horse races and a baseball game. | 224 Persons At Red Cross Clinic Tues. The first Red Cross Blood Clinic held in Port Perry after the Second World War was a much greater success, than any- one had hoped for, Canvasser and volunteer wor-. kers, from the three organiza- tion involved, Warriner Lodge, IOOF, Maybelle Rebekah Lodge and the Hospital Auxiliary, de- serve a lot of credit for all the preparations previous to the clinic and in the way they hand- led the steady stream of donors during the clinic. Except for a couple of well deserved hours of break for supper - the Red Cross nurses were kept busy all afternoon: Business Change Any person who decided to retire from his or her business does so with rather mixed feelings, particularly when "outsiders" take over. 80 with Mr. and Mrs. James Doupe, owners of Carload Food Market in Prince Albert. are quite happy, knowing that the business they E Thha \ 3 a Ye Hands, i yA Ss Not and her husband to both couples, They Stays In Family started 15 years ago, will remain An the farily. The new owners are Margaret, their da ter Ross Sweetman. Best wishes a happy retirement for Mr, and Mrs. Doupe, and a successful future for Mr. and Mrs. Sweetman. Donate Blood and evening, even past the dead- line of 9 p.m. People of all ages and in every walk of life gave their pint of blood, and when the clinic closed the Canadian Red Cross nurses had extracted 224 pints of good blood from resi- dents of Port Perry and area. Of the 260 donors registered, | 36 were rejected for reasons. Time did not permit to accept another 25 - 30 unregistered donors who called, and were willing to give their contribu- tion of blood to the clinic. « The Red Cross officials were more than delighted, and ex- pressed appreciation for the] fine results and the well run clinie, ¢ various | ' [Re pk & th 1} . . v 5 NIN dae \ a ESE AT A PE ' . . M bi WES EEE dee EE TESS SPHERES TSF I a \_ PORT ( PERRY VOLUME 101 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1966 NUMBER 47 Which Regional Boundaries Should Port Perry Belong To? What are the regional boun- daries to which Port Perry be- longs? This very interesting question came up at the last regular council meeting where a letter was received and read from Richard S. Thoman, Pro- fessor of Geography, Queen's University, In his letter, Profesor Thom- an said that a number of his |' staff have made a study to de- limit regional 'boundaries in Western Ontario and that both ! Provincial | the Federal and Governments are keenly inter- ested in the results of the study. Quite apart from their find- ings, the professor says, is that | they are very interested in learning what people living in the community think about thy regions to which they belong. The following two questions were asked by professor Thom- { an: 1. Ignoring all existing ye- gional boundaries within which your community belongs? 2. Ignoring all existing re- § gional bounlaries within which | of the following 'officially de- limited Province of Ontario re- gions do you believe your com- | munity logically belongs? Juniors Compete in Golf Tournament? The annual tournament for junior golfers was held at Sunny Brae Golf Course recent- ly Again competition was keen and young golfers from Port Perry, Uxbridge and areas in between took part. Winners of age group 10 to 13 years were: Low gross, Bill Davidson; low net, Larry Geer; most pars, Paul Christie; youngest golfer, Roland Skin- ner. Age group, 17; Low gross, Ivan Geer; low net, Ted Ballinger; most birdies, Gary Moore; most pars, John Scott. r-- Hospital Report Week Ending Aug. 27th Admissions ......coovveennnn, 18 Operations Emergency Treatments. 5 Irths wove eeennnn, 4 3B Deaths ........ --_-- Grsestivarniin 1 Discharges. .... Remaining Visiting Hours 3-4 and 7-8 p.m. | general regions do you believe | Lake Ontario Region Toronto Metropolitan Region Mid-Western Ontario Region Georgian Bay Region Northeastern Ontario Region Most people will no doubt agree with the answers council members gave, which were ag follows: : 1st question: Oshawa Region 2nd question: Lake Ontario Region. Could there be a difference of opinion regarding this question, If so let us know. Sells 200 Cattle At P.E.I. Sale Ivan Kerry a former Port Perry boy and now living in Prince Edward Island has tried his hand at Auctioneering and has apparently been successful, teok on the for the | largest dispersal sale ever held lin P.E. L He cold 200 head of cattle from 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The highest Recently © Ivan honour as Auctioneer animal was a shorthorn "cow which sold for $310.00. Yearling calves sold for $150.00 to. $200.00. priced We believe--this endeavour is something new for Ivan, and if he inter¢ds to stay in the Auc- tioneering business he has got off to a good start. Local Women Win At C.N.E. Home Baking Competition is one of the biggest events for women at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition, Among the winners this year are Mrs. Dorothy Naples, Rosa Street, Port Perry who won 1st prize for Salad Dressing and 3rd prize for her Dill Pickles. Mrs, Rose Philip, RR 4, Port Perry won 2nd prize on Marma- lade and Brown Bread plus two 3rd prizes on Raspberry Jam and a special Coffee Cake com- petition. Miss Lynda Kydd, of RR 1, | Brooklin captured 1st prize for | her Chocolate Layer Cake in the Junior- Baking Competition and [Mrs Carl Kydd. 1st prize on a | special Blueberry Pie. Congratulations. Over 200 persons donated a pint of blood each at the Red Cross clinic held in the Oddfellows Hall Tuesday afterncon and evening. Above are two of the "victims" resting comfortably Hank Delong Port Perry. + and atiended to by Miss Gloria Red Cross nurse from Toronto, od 3 / AS Sis HER oi Benveruti, a The donors are and Mrs. Fay Dowsen hoth of , i gx Sa NS A peter a ieee te Re ha TT TE PERSIAN IAS a) 3 NN A nt a i REA Dn Hi, Ro i Sr = rr -- 7 SRE ra owt ite au -- - or he ll ' ro - 1s Af ( 4! 3 ly 7 1 - ei a J ~ " I OE : a Worn Os on rk - PU de FAY ~ IR Ce Ree ---- A K, or 8% 8 3 'aN . Fmt A 4s Fb x *4 Ay 3