- 3 i i Po a grag a ee Go Sr 12 - PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY. SEPT. 1, 1966 In And Out Of Town Mrs, C. C. Jeffrey has just, his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Ww. returned after spending two! Brock at their cottage on Scu- weeks visiting with her family | gog. Mr. Brock will be teach- in' Ottawa, While there she|ing at Ancaster High School attended the Central Canada| when school reopens this fall. Exhibition and a reception to LE AS honour Mr. Norman McGill, Mrs. Edgar Leask entertained formerly of Janetville on his | Unit 2, of the U.C.W. August 90th birthday. 21st, The occasion was to * ok # honour Mrs, R. B. Smallman on |- Mrs. Irene Healey has return- | her 80th birthday. Mrs. Small- | ed from Key Vascayne Miami, | man was presented with an Florida. Enroute she visited arrangement of red voses and "her cousin Mrs. E. Kleffman,| fern in a suitable container. A York, Penn., U.S, A., the former birthday cake with candles Lina Sonley of Prince Albert, |added much to the enjoyment who sends her best wishes to| of the evening, - all her friends, * kk ox Xx Miss Gayle Wright, Toronto Mr. A. W. Brock Jr. who has spent the week end with Mr. been teaching at an air base in| and Mrs. Dave Enge and family France, Mrs. Brock and daugh- | at their summer residence, Wil- o ter Marina spent 10 days with | berforce. SCUGOG NEWS The "Head" U.C.W. will meet Sensational - yensa 10na | Sept. 7 at the home of Mrs, : NM it : Allan Carter. The "Head" Tur- a ress key supper date has finally settled for Wed., Sept. 21. So, Clearance members of the U.C.W. please start working on it. at Wilson The chicken barbecue at o> "Grace" was quite successful F Brmaie t Ul FF @ | last week in spite of the several Top. grade quality at unforeseen handicaps: and mis- tremendous reductions: # x rate 2 nO NT, Fara' rem SAE haps. Last Saturday Mrs. Orval Spring filled mattresses with Heayn demonstrated rug-mak- hundreds 'of coils, guaran- ing at Blackstock Fair and ex- teed construction, from 16.88 | pects a day at the Ex in this capacity. - Our congratulations to Carol Wilson and her husband who were married Sat. in Kenilworth. "Smooth-Top mattresses with The ceremony was followed by damask tickings ............ 39.88 5 reception and dance in the 99 Legion Hall at Arthur, On Saturday night Scugog friends and relatives gathered in the Township Hall to honour Mr. Geo. Jackson and: his bride following their recent marriage. They were presented with a coffee table, 9 cup coffee per- colator, 2 piece, pink bathroom set with towels to match and a 3-pc. stainless steel cooking set lined with' teflon. Crib mattresses rennnn 9:88 Bunk beds Solinitte ¢ from 59.95 Flake foam pillows ......... Smooth-Top continental beds with headboard and legs 49.95 Sofa beds, Space savers, Rollaway cots, Davenport suites all drastically reduced for quick sale. _WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 Church Street, Oshawa By GORDON MURRAY Retail Fieldman, Uxbridge Branch. "UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO PLANNING FALL SEEDING OF. WHEAT OR RYE? Good Crops start with Good Management, There is little need for me to remind you that crop results of next year's wheat and rye depends on your program this fall. " Your fields must be in top shape and quality seed and fertilizer mugt be used, ~ Your Co-op has a line of seed and fertilizer to suit your requirements, : : Quality, Registered and Certified seed, germination tested are assurances of better reltives ents Mr, EPSOM (continued) Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wilson & family who have been visiting and friends in the area have returned to their home in Winchester. Beth and Neil Elford, Ux-| week. bridge have been visiting aunt | Mys. Marie and uncle Earl Wilson and theiy days, cousins for Joyce and Carol, Mr, and Mrs. a few Floyd and Douglas Wilson were at Teen Camp near Omemee last week. Barry Bushell and girls of Peterborough were holidaying in this area, visit- ing friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Len Beach and boys of Orillia visited her par- and Mrs. David Pren- SRE Ra AE SURI tice on Sunday, Manchester is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wednesday. holidaying .in burton Lake. dred Evans day at the Ex. at the home of Mr. Miss Marsha Mulholland of Karen Geer for a few days. visited with Mr, and Mrs, Anthony of Locust Hill last Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Geer were Haliburton last They visited Mr. Bill Geer at Dorset and called on Mrs. J, Bone at Hali. Miss Elaine Medd and Miss Darlene Christie are holidaying in Montreal for a few days. Betty Evans visited Miss Mil- in Toronto last week-end and also enjoyed a = Mrs, Leta Vaill and Richard of Rochester has been visiting and Mrs, Floyd Evans and calling on other relatives. Miss Geer John | cottage on Gull Lake. Monday was moving and Mr. and Mrs. M, MacCannell, of Whitby visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Prentice and Mr. and Mrs. Don Prentice at their Mr, and Mrs. Don Prentice who have been staying for the past few wees with his Uxbridge and Mr, day for | and Mrs. parents | Walter Kerry. waiting for their new home, so now they were able to move, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Howsam, and Mrs, Harold Kerry of Port Perry were recent visitors with Mr. Herman Kerry, Miss Marlene Myers of Zypher is visiting with her aunt Mrs; Ken. / 4 i A 5A | ) P. Murray Licensed ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PORT PERRY, ONT. 985-7005 HES Sie ee, b> CRUSH or ROYAT. CROWN -- in Cans SOFT DRINKS SAVE 1lc 'SAVE Ric Case of 24 Tins 12 tins 95: $1.85 LIBBY"S BEANS Deep Browned -- SAVE 1%¢! 20-0z., Tins 4 for 99: FOIL WRAP REYNOLD"S -- SAVE 4c! 25 ft. Roll 33 SAVE 50c ! -- 30c Off Pack $1.29 Pkg, SUNLIGHT LIQUID DETERGENT 24-0z. Size SAVE 6c ! 53: BISCUITS FANCY ASSORTED... . Pkg. : Gray Dunn 35¢ BEST BUY !--SAVE 21c¢ !--RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY RED & WHITE INSTANT Reg. $1.29 8.0z. Jar 91.19 24-0z. Jars with pectin | Wagstaffe JAMS 2:89: BEST BUY 2 re SAVE 4c! -- APPLEFORD EXTRA HEAVY 100 Foot Roll WAXED PAPER = 3i: BEST BUY ! --: SAVE 16c! -- CLUB HOUSE -- 4c Off Jar } 16- 0z. Jar PEANUT BUTTER 37 BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 17¢! -- WHITE or COLOURED BALLET TISSUE 8:99: BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 20c! -- DOG FOOD Sane fue 12-0z. Pkg. $1.49 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 8c.! -- Free Steak Knife in Each Pe. sos ws TEA 60 to Pkg. BAGS 79: 8) SAVINGS In Health and Beauty Aids REG. 69¢c ! -- Anti Cavity Stripe fluoride 59¢ REG. 99¢c ! -- Mint Fresh Family Size Tube Pepsodent REG. 69¢c! -- 50 Tuft : Tooth Brush Pepsodent Gt. Tube Choice Plump "SHOPSY'S Mild Seasoned 8g ~A5¢ | SUNKIST Golden Vitamin Rich CALIFORNIA LEMONS GLOSSY DARK Sunshine Fresh Produce ! ORANGES GREEN CUCUMBERS FULL FLAVOURED PASCAL CELERY SALAMI Slices ~"SHOPSY'S" Famous CORNED Beef 2 for 19¢ "CHICKENS (21 to 3 Lb.-Averag e) SPECIALLY SELECTED' Grade "A" WHOLE CUT UP! CHICKEN IN A BASKET "Ideal for the Barbeque" Tender Juicy _RIB STEAKS d Seasoned" -- Tasty Tender-- 4 Ba a Pack -- SKINLESS WIENERS 3 37 LB. 13 lh. 39¢ lb. 63¢ 3 Doz. 99: 6 for 39¢ 2/25¢ stalk 13¢ NO. 1 FROZEN FOODS FOR HOLIDAY LIVING ! Sunkist--Save 9c! 6-0z. Tins Femonade 4 for 49¢ Supreme 2-1b. Bag Fancy Peas Stafford's Apple -- Save 1c! 20-0z, Tins Pie Filling 3 for $1 - Save 80c!--Swift Pegi Midget 1%4-1b, Tin 53¢ § Canned Hams $1. 69 FRI lif ! -- WESTON or SUNBEAM den individual RUIT ROIS 9 to Pkg. 29¢ SUPREME WHOLE PICKLING SPICES 3:0z. Cello 6-0z. Cello 19¢ -- 29¢ 'BERNARDIN + CAPS and LIDS Dozen 45¢ a A A-- results, coupled with high grade Co-op fer- tilizer produce more profitable returns, Fertilizer available either Bulk or Bagged. For further Co-op. \| United Co-operatives Of Ontario {' (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 information contact your Uxbridge 852-3321 DOWSON'S ED=WHITI CHICKEN BREAST and LEGs .......... Ib. 59c. WINGS ii ean wares 200, PEACHES, PEARS, AT MARKET PRICES, TOMATOES FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE. ) ¥