Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Aug 1966, p. 6

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Swe FL oS RR SR he a Nort 24 te a Ee ET Nn or as ---- a CREPES MERC DF RA Ma i a oe PHONE 985- 71383 \ 1.3 TARE BE Ty . LASRAE Lb be! a > x 5 Vo. thi wel Le hl ln Ne ait GAT SAN DFADTL AYE TAREE FH. ry "Eats iT 4 e¥ "Lar fe > * A ARTA y PAHANG NSF tani! Ds Th) 4 Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢, In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line verse. Addtional four lines, .25¢. Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by Friday following publication. Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Other rates on request. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS I would like to say "thank you" to the nursing staff of the hospital for their kindness to me during my stay there. Also thanks to the nurses association for the cup & saucer also thanks to the nurses aides for the chinese garden. Special thanks "to Dr. John Diamond, Dr. Watt and Dr. McIntyre. : Jean Graham We wish to extend our appre- ciation to relatives, friends and organizations for acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy, floral tributes and donations to Port Perry Hospital Fund in our recent loss of a dear hus- band and loving father. (Mrs.) John A. McArthur : and family COMING EVENTS BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- gue, FRIDAY, AUG. 12th, at 8:15 p.m. Jackpot $180.00. Lucky door prize and raffle. MARITIME COLOUR TOUR 16 Days--Sat. 17th Sept. to Sunday, 2nd October. Price--$210.00 3400 miles of scenic beauty thro' Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Isle, Cape Bre- ton (Cabot Trail) and Nova Scotia. Transportation, Hotel & Motels included, Air conditioned Bus, luxury foam reclining seats and Panor- amic windows, For further in- formation phone Mrs. J. Robert- son 985-2598 or Mrs. M, Chap- man 985-2195, : BINGO--At Caesarea Commun- ity Hall, every THURSDAY evening at 8.30 p.m. until Sept- ember 1st. Admission 50c. Aug. 11 ~ BLACKSTOCK. FAIR - Plan to attend Blackstock Fair AUGUST 27th. Parade 12.30. Ladies exhibits, live stock, horse races, ete. Dance at 'night, Roy Godfrey's Orchestra, Oshawa, For prize list or fur- ther information contact--Mrs. Gerald Kelly, Blackstock. Aug. 25 DECORATION SERVICE The Annual Decoration Service of Greenbank United Cemeteries will be held August 21st at 2.30 at Bethel Cemetery. Rev. Mr. McNeil of Seagrave, guest speaker, SUNNY BRAE Golf Course Boys' Tournament, THURS., AUG. 18th at 1 p.m, Age group 10 to 18 years, and 14 to 17. Entry fee. $2.00. - EUCHRE, Saturday, Aug. 13 at 8.00 p.m. at Oddfellows Hall, sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission b50c. Lunch and Prizes. ' LEGION Sportsman's Dinner SAT, SEPT. 10th PORT PERRY LEGION HALL Guest Speaker L. M. McKenzie Ontario Athletic Commissioner --Everyone Welcome-- Tickets $2.00 per person Available at Port Perry Legion or contact Bill Taylor at 985-2236. Announcement Mr, and Mrs. Ben Pickard wish to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter Mary Louise to John Joseph son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joblonkay of Taber Alberta. The wedding to take place on Sept. 3, 1966 at the Central United Church, Calgary. BIRTH SLUTE--Born to Mr. & Mrs. Murray Slute on August 3rd, 1966, a daughter, Heather Lor- raine, 7 lbs., 5 oz. at Oshawa 'General Hospital. A sister for Debbie. VANDERHEUL -- Peter and Anne (nee Gibson) are very happy to announce the safe ar- rival 'of their daughter Julia Marie, 6 lbs. 14 oz. on Thurs- day, August 4th, 1966, at Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, { Orillia, Ont. FOR SALE 30° TV TOWER INSTALLED $39.50 PORT PERRY T.V. -| Phone 985-2265 Prince Albert T.F. GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms --, Trades Jan, 23/66 OFFICE EQUIP.--Typewriters, Adders, Cash Registers, Desks, Chairs, Filing Cabinets. Terms, Trades, New, Used, Rentals, Service. BILL HAMILTON, Raglan, USED BRICK suitable back-up, chimneys, ete. 2c. each. Call Bowmanville 623-7620. ONE SIDEBOARD and six dining room chairs. Brooklin 655-4664, HOLSTEIN HEIFER Springer, due 1st of September, Phone 986-2006. FOR SALE WHEAT STRAW, also chunks. Phone 985-2665. 10 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Phone 985-2097. 1963 CHEVY. SEDAN, automatic transmission, excellent condi- tion, low mileage, very clean, no rust on body. Ph. 985-7120, 1963 XKE JAGUAR Roadster, excéllent condition, not winter driven, light grey. 985-2584, Port Perry. Aug.18 FAIR sized Pony saddle and bridal. Phone 986-4817. 5-GALLON clean, new. peanut oil drums. Ideal for camping. Plastic pouring spout. Easy- carry handle. 7288, The Hub, Manchester. HELP WANTED PART TIME Librarian for rary or teaching experience de- sirable, Some typing required. Reply P.O. Box 450, Brooklin. Aug.11 TWO LADIES to work as full or part time dealers--ser- routes--no car required. Phone 985-2622 or reply to Box 24 Port Perry Star. SECRETARY for Law Office. Preferably with office "experi- ence. Reply in writing to Box No. 25, Port Perry Star, stating age, education, experience and qualifications. SLIGHTLY handicapped lady would like housekeeper compan- ion to live in apartment in North Toronto. Good remunera- tion. Phone Port Perry 985- 2246 after Monday August 15. "MALE HELP WANTED MUST BE a reliable person, willing to learn hatchery work and delivering day old chicks to Ontario*& Quebec customers. Full time employment, Paid holidays. Fringe benefits, Ap- ply Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd. Port Perry, 985-7331. FEMALE HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER and / or ~ TYPIST Must be a. qualified typist and/ or familiar with filing and book keeping 'procedure. Full time employment, paid holidays, fringe benefits, Apply Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd. Port Perry. 985-7331." WORK WANTED ROOFING and sidings, chim- neys built & repaired. Concrete and Carpentry work. Workman- ship guaranteed. R.R. 1 Burke- ton. E, French. 986-4243. . Sept. 22 PAINTING -- both outside and inside painting required. Tony Marks. 985-2577. T.F. CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair Sheep blades--b50¢ pair, 24 hr service--work - guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 37 First Ave; Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont: PAINTING---Plain painting, al- so special mural' and patterr painting. Complete Rec. room finishing. Will build and repair furniture. J, Kronister, Phone 985-7191, after 6 p.m, Apr.80 PAINTING and DECORATING interior & exterior. Guaran- teed work, free estimates. Phone 986-4871. Walter Pike. - T.F, Jim Duncan CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishing Ph. 852-3891 Uxbridge Free Estimates 75¢c. each. 9856- : Brooklin Public Library. Lib-| vicing established Fuller Brush | WANTED ROOM and BOARD Perry for young man. 986-4493, in Port Phone TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING Cottages for rent on attractive lake, 1% hours drive from Port Perry, paved road all the way. Good fishing and excellent swimming, safe beach for children, boats and motors available, Call Dave Enge at Whitby 668-5951 week days only--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug, 11 8 - ROOM Apartment, hot and cold water. 6th Con. of Reach Township. Phone 985-2145, 3 ROOM Apartment, céntral, Call 985-2267. = ONE BEDROOM, steam heated apartment, 3 piece bath, all conveniences, hardwood floor, throughout, separate washer & dryer facilities. Adults only. Phone 985-7351. : HOUSE to rent to responsible tenants, 4 bedroom country home, lawn, garden and garage "All conveniences, hardwood floors, on paved road, near Port Perry. Available Aug. 18th. Write Box 26 Port Perry Star. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 BEDROOM house or apartment wanted in Port Perry or vicinity. - Couple with one | schootate child. Phone 985- 1 2802, : . MISCELLANEOUS | WINNER of the Lions Club Draw for Lawn Umbrella was Miss G. E. Gordon, 3310 Yonge' St. N., Toronto, MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit. Telephone 985-7537 or .Oshawa 723-4631, Aug. 31 THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE announces the opening of the FALL TERM on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Nine Day School Courses from Which to choose. Job placement Service for Graduates. College is approved for Student Loans, Individual Instruction 29 years' Experience in Train-_ ing Young People. Get your Copy of "Training For Res. ponsibility in Business" Register Now -- Enrolment is Limited. Telephone: 725-3375 10 Simcoe St. North Clip and Mail Coupon for full details--No Obligation. Name cee presen Address... Sesissiure . Bgo iis: 'o AT REST BOE, Orville John--Suddenly on Saturday, August 6, 1966, Orville J. Boe, beloved husband of Reta Sleep and dear father of Carl of Kingston and Faye (Mrs. Ross Dowson) Port Perry, brother of Wilson H, Beaverton, Donald of Bowman- ville and the late Mrs. Garnet Roberts, Service was from the Chapel of McDermott - Pana- baker, Port Perry on Tuesday at 2 pm. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. 2 storey frame duplex with asbestos siding, 2 bathrooms, forced air .oil furnace, nicely landscaped lot, close downtown. Priced for quick sale $13,600. with terms. 2 storey frame and brick dwelling in Derryville, 3 apart- ments, bus service, school buses at door, excellent garden. Priced for quick sale $5,600. 2 bedroom frame bungalow in | Pefferlaw, corner lot, very pri- | vate with many trees, oil furn- ace and bathroom, modern kit- chen and fireplace. Excellent retirement home, Full Price $9500. with $2000. down, Show farm 20 miles from Oshawa, 80 acres, highway frontage, large 1% storey brick home with extra anmen for caretaker. pio om, modern kitchen, new furftace and bath, excellent fences, painted barn, suitable for horses, pond, excel- lent, landscaping $39,000.00 with terms. 100 acres sandy loam and gravel deposits, 2 storey brick 'home with all modern conveni- ences, bank barn, river crosses corner of property, paved road. $25,000.00 with half down, _.-- CALL -- GEORGE 5s. STONE 985-2632 or Beaverton 426-9303 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. 6 room 13% storey 3 bedroom, frame house, full basement. Price $5000. . Caesarea 3 bedroom white frame cott- age, excellent lot 78' x 217', kit- chen, living room, bathroom, pressure system, septic tank, 14' aluminum boat, T.V. aerial, furniture and equipment. Only $2000 down, - i 100 acres clay loam, 13% storey 8 room brick home, bank barn 54 x 70, second barn 25 x 30, paved road, school bus at gate. Full price $25,000 with terms. MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Notice To Creditors NOTICE' TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Donald Rossland Anderson, Deceased against the Estate of Donald Rossland Anderson, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Me- chanic, who died on or about the twenty-third day of June, 1966, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before 1966, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims" of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this eighteenth day of July, 1966, ' Messrs. GREER & KELLY, Barristers, &ec., Box 131, PORT PERRY, Ontario. Most forest fires CAN be prevented . . . , by YOU. Your forest ranger urges you to be careful in the woods, Don't give fire a Aug.11 chance to start, All persons having claims | the thirty-first day of August, | hinges & knobs. SUNDERLAND 303 2 Bedroom, newly furnished, Cottage at Lake Simcoe, in ex- cellent condition, $2,000. down. Easy terms. Large building lot, well treed, good drainage, near Nestleton. Price to sell, 4 bedroom frame house, 2% miles from town, hard & soft water. $2,000.00 down. Easy Terms. : MARION HOPKINS Local Rep. 985-7215 FRED BROOKS After 6 -- 985-7168 "JOHNF-- DeWITH Real Estate Ltd. BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street, Phone . 623-3950 Nestleton 8 room 2 storey frame house, large lot with barn, septic tank, good well, pressure system, basement. In village. Asking $11,000, Down $2,500. Lake Scugog Lake Front Cottage, lovely treed lot 100 x 200, hydro, good well, pail a day toilet, -under- priced at $5,000. Down $500.00. Farm 75 acres, 2 mile from Port Perry on TA Hwy., 2 barns, 10 box stalls, implement shed, 1% storey . frame house, F.A. oil heated. This farm has 3 duck ponds, rented for $300.00 per year, 1155 ft. frontage on Hwy. Asking $35,000.00. - Good down payment. Houses, Cottages, Lots, Farms, Call TOM DONNELLY Port Perry 985-7264 DY SRA TS TN Auction Sales SAT, AUG. 13th -- Auction Sale of Furniture, Modern and Antique, the property of Mrs, Beatrice _Samells, South of Caesarea. Sale at 1.00 pm, Terms Cash. Norman Lyons and Victor Malcolm. Clerks, TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Jlyll--Aug.28 Auctioneers GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Auction Sale of Hardware equipment, the property 'of GEORGE LONG, will be held in the town of Cannington (at the - rear of store) on" MON. AUG. 22nd. Power Lawn Mowers, Large Qu. of tools, Paints, Bolts, Forks, Shovels, skill saw, kitchen ware, Electric frying pans, kettles, Cabinet Large Power floor sander, key making ma- chine, shelving, Peg board, Mix Master. All kinds of useful articles, everything you would find in a hardware store. Terms cash. Sale at 10 a.m. Note early starting time, be there early as there are a lot of small articles. | REG. JOHNSON, Aug, 11-18 Auctioneer 1st. Farm -

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