Pr talc DV GL ty) Bn rb : y ok "hw "i. . > Re Sa 54 _ RE a a o IT SA, 'white roges and carnations. - Blackstock 2 - PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1966 WRESTLING FRIDAY, A UG UST PO Donna Jean Mclaughlin Weds David Blackstock United Church de- corated with blue and pink delphinium and white daisies was the setting for the marri- age of Donna Jean McLaughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Roy McLaughlin and David Lee Kyte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte. Rev. Philip Romeril was the officiating clergyman. The wedding music was played by | Miss Elizabeth Thompson and of the bride sang "Wedding Prayer" and "I'll Walk Beside You". | I. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, aunt | The bride, given in marriage by her father wore a formal bridal gown of white chantilly | lace over white satin. The gown was styled with a flow- | ing lace back with numerous tiny covered buttons and long: lily pointed sleeves. Her four tier chapel veil was caught to a nosegay of white orchids ac- | cented with tiny crystal. heads and she carried a cascade of Miss Lynda Kyte, Blackstock, | sister of the groom was maid | of honour. ..Miss Pat McLaugh- lin, Fenelon Falls and Miss Shelagh Murphy, Bowmanville, cousins of the bride were brides- maids. They wore identical formal length gowns of white organza over taffeta empire waist, bodice was embroidered with pink roses. Debbie Me- Laughlin sister of the bride was flower girl. She wore pink organza over taffeta. The at- tendants wore pink taffeta pic- ture hats and carried nosegays of pink roses and gladioli. Mr. Floyd Kyte was best man for his. brother and the ushers were Denis MeLaughlin and Ro- bert Kyte. Allan Ashton, ring bearer, wore a matching white jacket and black pants. The reception. was held at United Church Christian Education Centre. The bride's mother: received wear- ing a light blue sheath dress with matching lace coat, white corsage of white ess for a kitchen shower: -- Lee Kyte hat and shoes and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. She was - assisted by the groom's mother who chose pink lace with matching hat and shoes & sweetheart roses. The bride's travelling costume for their trip to the East Coast was a white linen dress with an empire waist and matching crochet lace overcoat, yellow hat and corsage of yel- low roses. They are to reside in Blackstock. The bride received her educa- tion at Cartwright Public and High Schools and Peterboro Teachers College and teaches grade one in Cartwright Cent- ral School. The groom was edu- cated in Cartwright Public and High Schols and is Vice Presi- dent o fthe H, M. Kyte Lum- ber Co. Lid, Prior to the wedding the bride was honoured at several show- ers. Mrs. Jack Chapman, Port Perry was hostess for a mis- cellaneous shower. Mrs, Har- bold Wright, Oshawa was host- Mrs. Gordon Pdisley and Miss Lynda Kyte honoured the bride with a pantry Shelf shower. Neil Bailey was hostess to surprise party of members of the bowling team who present- ed the bride with a gift. The Staff of Cartwright Central Schoo! held an afternoon lun- cheon in honour of the bride and presented her with a mix- master. Mrs Ferguson Family fold Picnic By 0. Hill Approximately 70 members of the Ferguson Clan gathered in Cartwright Park Caesarea on Saturday July 30th, '1966 and enjoyed a pleasant get-to- gether. Those who 'cared to, enjoyed swimming, slides and swings and older ones visited. Following the bounteous- meal | Bill Ferguson, President, con- "ducted a business meeting, The minutes were read by Earl Dor- rell, Secretary and Mrs. Murray Byers Treasurer gave the finan- cial report. It was decided to { hold picnic for this Eastern | section at Cartwright Park "again next year and following officers were elected: President -- Bruce Montgomery, Enniskil- len; Vice president -- Dalton | Dorrell, R.R. 2, Nestleton; Sec'y "Mrs. Lloyd' Wright, R.R. 2, . Nestleton; Treasurer -- Mrs. . Murray Byers, R.R. 3 Burketon, Committee Mr. and Mrs, Stuart : Dorrefl: R.R.- 2 Nestleton and y Mir and Mors: Ivan Mountjoy, . R.R. 3, Burketon. i While still at the tables pri- Czes were given--youngest child 1 Lisa Dorrell, Ope with nearest "birthday -- Davey Dorrell. Cou- ple with nearest Wedding an- uiversary--Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Dorrell. Having come the farthest -- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dorrell and family, Ottawa, Largest family present--Mr. & Mrs, Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen R.R. Oldest car--Keith John- ston, Belleville, Tt . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy now conducted sports with fol- lowing winners: -- g | Girls 5 and under -- Pauline Taylor; Boys 5 and under-- Darey Dorrell; Girls 6-8--Colet- i teTay or; Boys 6-8--Neil Taylor Girls 9-11--Leslie Wright; Boys { 9-11--Paul. Mountjoy; Girls 12 i and over -- Pauline Ferguson; ! Boys 12. and over -- Donald | Wright; Men's shoe kick--Dal- j ton Dorrell; Ladies shoe kick-- | Mrs. Murray Byers; Lucky Spot i --Mrs. Merrill Ferguson; Heav- iest Purse--Rose Ellen Hannal; | Children enjoyed peanut seram- wi THE Pictured above are smaller scale who paid a visit to the Lake Scugog Regatta held recently in Caesarea. The the . Munsters (on a LAKE SCUGOG REGATTA ahove younsters took part in the opening par- ade and joined with the many other partici- pants to be judged for their costumes. And needless to say they won a prize. i i 8 ks 2 Ly. a | Assisted by the president of ! the Port. Perry Lions Club, Goi- don Thomas. nine year old Deb- bie Freeman is pulling the win- ning ticket for the Umbrella "Draw out of the drum. | The number of the ticket was 4795, and the lucky winner was . Miss G. BE. Gordon, 3310 Yonge St., Toronto. . This amount, 1 $420.00 will go in its entirety to the "Skaters Fund", sponsor- ed by the Lions Club. The ini- tial boost of the fund was given by the Port Perry Legion with a donation of $100.00. That brings the fund to a total of $520.00. Anna. Forder and Richard Stephens, who most deservedly will benefit from this fund, have been skating and training Lions "§katers Fund" Gains $420. seven days a week during the summer, and it is to defray some of the costly ice time that this fund was started. Anyone who may be inter- ested in assisting in this well worthwhile project, may do so by sending their contribution te Mr. Al Pacey, Royal Bank of Canada branch in Port Perry. LH] | Blackstock Wi The Women's Institute met in the Community Hall Wednes- | day afternoon, August 3rd with 18 ladies in attendance. Pre- | sident Mrs. V. Bailey presiding. i Meeting opened with Collect & | Ode. Minutes of the June meet- ing were read by Secretary Mrs. L. Thompson and Finan- cial Statement was given by Treasurer Mrs. R. Mountjoy. A note of appreciation from Mrs. McArthur was read and a letter reporting the progress of the adopted 'boy Law Chan-Hing of Hong Kong. very interesting and informa- President reported on the July bus trip. Decided to give Nancy Dorrell a little gift as she printed the programmes for this year. The committee reported on the progress of ex- hibit for Blackstock Fair. Roll call was answered by naming a Canadian, Industry. The motto "Make it well, and it will sell" was well responded to by Mrs. Ralph Larmeér who also introduced the guest speak- er Mrs. Ivason Munday, Bow- manville, West Durham District President. Mrs, 'Munday gave a tive address on "Packaging". She told of a number of new methods of packaging food, detergents, etc., etc. and vari- ous uses of these wrappings, after emptied. Mrs. Percy Van Camp expressed the thanks to 'Mrs. Munday. Mrs. Chas. Wil--- {son gave Current Events. A contest prepared by Mrs. Me- Arthur on Prime. Ministers of: Canada was then enjoyed. Meeting closed with the Queen. Lunch of cake, ice cream an tea was served by the Canadian Industries group: On July 20, 1966, an historical plaque commem- orating the Honourable Gordon 1D. Conant was unveiled at Lakeview Park in Oshawa. plaque is ohe of a series being erected through- out the province by the Department of Tourism and Information, acting on the advice of the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board of Ont. ario. Participants in the ceremony shown left to right included: Dr, E, 8. Rogers, represent- This Oliver, M.P.P, ing the Historic Sites Board; the Honourable Leslie M. Frost, former Ontario; Mrs. G. D. Conant; Mr. Farquhar R, Prime Minister of (Grey South); Mr. Albert V. Walker, M.P.P. (Oshawa); His Worship Lyman A. Gifford, Mayor of Oshawa; the Honourable Michael Starr, M.P.; the Oshawa and District Historical Society. and Dr. M. P. Townsend of EE ----he TH _--