THERON Salas. a rT ------ Bia iF FH es a NAY ti ie a dE tect sa SEAGRAVE NEW S Crops in this district are suf- fering badly from the long spell of hot dry weather. Farm ponds~are getting low and the creek is becoming quite narrow in places. On Sat. Mr. Glenn Wanamaker missed one of his cows which he found mired neck-deep in the Nonquon. For- tunately by using a tractor and a long line they were able to rescue her. Well, Seagrave has had an- other show, the 8th such com- munity affair in 10 months, Strangely enough from the 8 showers there has been only one wedding here and only one of the couples has settled in ARCHER'S USED CAR '66 PONTIAC Parrisienne Convertible. Fully equipped. - '66 BUICK 4 door Hardtop. Fully equipped. '66 BEAUMONT 4 door, 8 cylinder auto- matic, radio, whitewalls, discs. '63 CHEVY II Convertible, 6 cyl. auto- matie, with radio. '61 PONTIAC - 6 cylinder, automatic, 4 door. 2 to choose from. 61 CHEV. 6 cylinder, automatic, 4 door, " Sedan .and 4 door Wagon "Large Selection of New Cars to. choose from BOB ARCHER - MOTORS LTD. 150 Water St, Port Perry" Seagrave. This Wednesday evening show- er was in honour gf Miss Sylvia Lawrence of Blackstock and our Jim Cookson. The program committee had arranged a small but certainly not quiet mock wedding, Just as the bridal party were taking their places, the 8.8. room was invaded by bats. At one time as many as five of them were swooping about to the consternation of our more nervous ladies. The officiating clergyman, Morley Bruce, peering through his glasses" became somewhat flustered and forgot to remove his hat. The bride charmingly swathed in all the white mater- ial she could find or borrow, en- tered on the arm of her father Murdock Belair to the strains of something or other played by Mrs, Tobin who was busy dodg-. ing bats. Best man was Mrs, Don Crosier in sober black but wearing a smile, while the bridesmaid 'was Mrs. M, Bruce in a coral costume and carry- ing a beautiful sheaf of road- side flowers, The smiling groom was Doug. McMillan who got in some good practice for the future especially in saluting the bride. : During the signing of the register the traditional solo turned out to be a duet, "I Wish I were Single Again", belted out by Mrs. Belair and Maureen Tobin, also in costume. The bats disappeared soon after the ceremony, M. C. Bill Barr conducted a short sing-song and read an ad- dress to the young couple, then the gifts were opened. After the "Thank-you's" had been said all retired to the basement for lunch. The real wedding takes place next Saturday in Black- stock church, Another shower, that for Miss Mildred Martyn of Prince Albert was held at the home of her cousin Mrs. J. Lake of Oak- wood, on Friday evening. At- tending from here were Mrs. A. Bruce, Miss Marjorie Bruce, Miss Laura Mark (Toronto) Mrs. B. Wanamaker, Mrs. N. 'Wanamaker and Mrs. O. J. Boe. Continuing in this line of news, we note that Mr, & Mrs. Alvin Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Bruce and Miss Marjorie Bruce attended the marriage of Phone 985-7361 Miss Betty Ann Roulston and Mr. Robert Ross Jeffrey in St. If you didn't know that, then it. jalopy and take off to see the been shown. a gr ACADEMY WARS | Refexsed by BUENA VISTA Dict Now Showing --- One Showing Only at : Es Ce es DO YOU NOW: Te it takes less than one half of an hour to drive from Port Perry to the corner of #2 highway and Liverpool Rd., in the Township of Pickering. Pile the whole family (including the dog) into the old the most- supercalifragilistic motion picture that has ever If you did know that, then what are you waiting for? already in it's third record-breaking week. AGAIN AND AGAIN 2 HIT oi JULIE ANDREWS - DICH VAN DYKE tea Colne. ©1EL Wat THIRD and FINAL WEEK ALSO DISNEY CARTOON FESTIVAL KIDS UNDER TWELVE FREE 'TEPEE DRIVE- Liverpool Rd., just south of Highway #2, Pickering WHATEVER YOU DO: make the trip, you'll be glad you did, And bring this ad with you, it's worth a free, large box of popcorn in our snack-bar. " { ; Si i i just don't take our word for happiest, most colourful and - It's SEE IT : with that Supercalifragilistio music! 7.) =» TECHNICOLOR® Regular Prices INTHEATRE 9.16 -- Come Early '| Port Perry were guests. Augustine of Canterbury church Toronto on Saturday afternoon, Last Sunday evening Mabel Willows arrived for an over-night visit with Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson and to collect some of her possessions which 'had been stored in the Eagleson barn. Miss Willows is moving from Flinton to a charge near Belleville and will start work there on Aug. 1. family received the news that Mr. Frank (Pop) Lake had passed away in Sunnybrook hospital. Mr, Lake, aged 80 and a veteran of World War I had been in poor health for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. Moon, their daughter Mrs, Williams and Mr. M. Belair attended the funeral on Friday. Murs. Moon remained with her daughter Mrs, Joe Lake until Sunday "when the Lake family. paid a visit here. } Mr. and Mrs: Reg. Abraham are counting the days now. Sometime during Friday night they will leave for a visit to their son Barry, his wife and family who 'are stationed in Vernon, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKinnon and Donnie of Lucknow spent most of last. week with the Morley Bruce family. Miss Joyce Bruce returned with them on Sat. for a holiday and ap- parently Miss Sandra Beadle of Port Perry has taken Joyce's place in the Bruce home." Visitors to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keen last' week were Mr. A. J. Dance of Col- borne and Rev. Douglas & Mrs. Garner of Arcolla, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Durward, with--Gordon -and Particia left on Saturday.morning for a vi- sit to their daughter Aileen in New Brunswick. Mr. and Murs. Lloyd Durward of Port Perry went also. Some of our old friends turn- 'ed up at service on Sunday. Rev. W. R., and Mrs. Tristram, Mr. John Tristram and daugh- ter all of Port Perry and Mrs. Wm. Tristram and son Trevor of Toronto were present and called on the Eaglesons later. Mr. Wm. Tristram, Ross and Glenn are on a trip away south at present, : Other welcome visitors were Mrs, S. MacFarlane and Miss Lorna Dure, also Miss Laura Mark, Toronto, with the Alvin Bruces and Miss Janice Stone of Greenbank 'with Miss Nancy Wanamaker. Mrs. Fishley was entertain- ing some of her family on Sun- day. Present were: Miss Eva Fishley and Mr. Al MacDonald from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fishley and family from Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Rahm and family of Saintfield and Cecil from around home. Mr, and Mrs, Boe are having their usual round of visitors. Miss [© On Wed. morning the Moon | Gerrow Family Enjoys Picnic In Poplar Park Under perfect weather condi- tions of 85 degrees apd sunny skies, the 356th ann Gerrow Picnic was held on July 17, 1966, at Poplar Park, Port Perry. During the afternoon, the swimming pool proved a popu- lar place for many, while others during each others activities of Nancy Wanamaker. Don't forget the annual S. S. picnic at Geneva Park next Saturday afternoon. Come ear- ly if possible but you will be preferred to visit and hear of' PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1966 3 the past year. The sports committee under the leadership of Steven Fralick and David Maundrell had an ex- cellent slate of races and games arranged with worthwhile pri- zes for the youngest to the old- est. It was quite apparent that everyone enjoyed these from the number of contestants in each race. It was especially a joy to see our youngsters of the 6th generation in their own parti- cular races. The prize for our youngest child present went to Leanne O'Hara, age 10 months, of Scarborough; and the prize for the oldest members awarded to Mr. and Mrs, Fralick of Scugog. was C."L. {8 I require lots of any size welcome at any time. Races & About 70 relatives sat down | providing they meet local Games start at 4 p.m, to a picnic supper, and were |} hyilding regulations. Baseball news this week: Two | again treated to a nice, juicy . , more wins for the Braves, one! watermelon by Mr. and Mrs. | Write HARRY O. PERRY, from Little Britain and the | Stanley Gerrow. President, | § 16 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa other from Manilla. | Donald Gerrow, welcomed all to =* a our a picnic and a Hiatt business meeting followed. At the end of a perfect day and our usual farewells, all de- parted looking forward to meet- ing once again next year at our 36th annual Gerrow der the leadership of: President--Mr, Bruce Gerrow, Oshawa. Vice-President--Mr. Edwin Prentice, Whitby. Sec'y-Treasurer--NMurs, Lola Sheridan, Don Mills & their Executive. Inrva M. England, Sec'y Treasurer, 1966 "During the - week- Misses - Jill Dowson and Debbie Short of On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Don Boe of Bowmanville called for din- ner on their way home 'from a 'holiday in Parry Sound, then on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sleep and Joan also of Bowman- _ville made a short visit. Contrary to last week's an- nouncement Rev. D. Harris oc- cupied the pulpit this week, not Rev. Cooper. Mr. MeNeil will have to shoulder the blame for that blooper. This week the announcement was that Mr. McNeil will be in charge next | Sunday then all services will be withdrawn for the month of August. During that time Mr. Harris will be on vacation and anyone needing the services of a minister are asked to call on Mr. McNeil. S. S. attendance was down again to a holiday - time 60. Whole families of regular at- tenders were missing, Supt. Neil Wanamaker was in charge and the lesson was read by two Si Keith Barr and Darryl Hallet. Only one births day contribution was made, that hours of sitting . Pure wool's triumph! worsted flannel Slacks with . Bermanent DURAPRESS creasing Into the world of wool comes a crease that will never cease. Durapress--a new scientific proc- ess that makes the freshly-pressed appearance of slacks permanent. They can be caught in the rain... packed in a suitcase . . . and the crease will keep! See our selection of this season's colors and models. $10.88 $12.95 -- $15.95 TIP TOP TAILORS A.W. BROCK 15) 03:9 2H 0 0) OAS 0) 34 0 Tip Terylene and Wool SLACKS oer $10.88 Awol $12.95 SLACKS $22.95 LINE FOR $15.95 TOP J | SUITS Two Pant $79.99 $29.95 ACKET . endure | "VT Koratron Slacks | Terylene & Cotton Cotton Slacks $4. 35 -- $3.95 $7.95 Bathing Suits 25% DISCOUNT LADIES or MEN'S ARROW SHIRTS $1.00 -- $2.98 $3.95 -- $4.50 Short Sleeve STRAW HATS $4. 00-$4.50-$5.00 Summer Dresses $9.95 -- $8.95 RE MEN'S Picnic un-' Er CS on 12 So ok Ee ee - wot ta Te Td x eR een NA Ln, Wt -- ~~ a i > I PE yy srry 2 i Sa yt Thi A br i RR Ba Cd yt = I a an Ph