Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Nov 1965, p. 6

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6 PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Nov. 18th, 1965 EPSOM By Jean Jeffery Thanks to all who contributed to the success of the Bake Sale sponsored by the U.C.W, last Saturday. Now we must keep in mind the Bake Sale and Bazaar that Utica U.C.W. are sponsoring next week (Nov, 27). Mrs. Alan Card visited with Mrs. Violet Skerratt one even- ing recently. Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Jeffery visited one after- noon with Mrs. W. Rogers in Brooklin. Several of the Epsom Ladies attended the U.C.W. Rally in Uxbridge. NEWS Hogan and family will take part in this service. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cather- wood of Brooklin entertained Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ashton and Michael and Mrs. H. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bushell and girls in honour of Mrs. Bushell's birthday. Lori and Linda Bushell re- turned home with their grand- mother Mrs. Ashton for the week-end. Mr .and Mrs. Eric Benns were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Card. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton and Richard visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Asling in Toronto The Church Anniversary held on Sunday, Nov. 7 was very successful in every way. The weather was good, the crowd was large, the sermon delivered by Rev. W. Thornloe of Weston, the solo by Miss Dianne Hall of Port Perry, the anthem by the choir and the financial response all contributed to another very enjoyable day in the life of the church, On Wednesday evening of last week forty-six young people from the Pinedale, Seagrave & Greenbank Churches met to- gether for a Skating Party in the Sunderland Rink. Follow- ing the skating the young peo- ple went to Pinedale Church where they were welcomed by the President of the Y. P. Barry GREENBANK NEWS A sincere welcome is extend- ed to the newly-weds who have recently become residents of our village, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Lotton have moved into the house formerly owned by Mrs. Chas. Phoenix and Mr. and Mrs. King are occupying the upper duplex in the Phoenix apart- ment house, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Reesor and Miss Ruth Couves Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Art Couves, Mrs. Wm. Wilson was a din- ner guest last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. O'Neill Uxbridge. Mr. Harold Howsam had his tonsils removed last week in Oshawa Hospital and is at on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. sited with Mr. sell Lillico in cently. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zylstra of Brooklin visited with Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Wilson on Sunday. At the Port Perry Commence- ment Miss Carol Wilson won the award for highest standing in Grade 8 -- This award is given by Epsom Community Club. This was presented by Mr. D. Prentice and Mr. A. Christie. + The award for highest stand- ing in English given by Bethes- da W.I. was won by Ian Mec- Lourin. We haven't heard from our hunters yet, but wish them lots of luck. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. David Prentice is recover ing satisfactorily from recent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Len Beach of Orillia visited with Mr. and Mrs. Prentice on Sun- day. Prizes for Euchre last Friday evening were won by the follow- ing ladies -- 1st Jenny Coyte; 2nd Laurrena Bright; Low Ruth Till. Gent's 1st N. Card; 2nd Everett Hooper; Low Oliver Lane. There was a party at Utica last Saturday evening in hon- our of the newly-weds Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kent. Kerry Millman was home from Windsor for the week-nd. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Artym- ko of Milliken visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Geer on Sunday. There are Student teachers at Epsom School this week. They are staying with Mrs. Christie. All are from Toronto: Misses Sharon Coleman, Gail Griffith, Jane Hendrike and Joan Clem- ent. A White Gift service will be held Dee. 5th. Mrs. Harvey Cawker's Food Market FREE DELIVERY Specials Nov. 18 - 19 - 20 SARAN WRAP 127-50 ft. Roll 35 CLOVER LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON 3% oz. 1in 37 STOKELY'S FANCY 15-0z. tin CREAM STYLE CORN 2:33 KLEENEX MAN size -- white pkg. Bc AYLMER OYSTER SOUP 100z1in 2tor 33 FRESH GROUND BEEF - 39: FRESH SPARE RIBS - 65: BAC! 75¢ BACON 1's Cawker's Food Market Phone 985-2221 Port Perry Harry Geer vi- and Mrs. Rus- Sunderland re- Rynard. Lunch was served and a good time of fellowship was enjoyed. Rev. and Mrs. Harris Y. P. Counsellors were with the group for this time of whole- some recreation On Friday evening, Nov. 5th the first euchre party of the season was held in the Commun- ity Hall with a very small at- tendance owing to many other activities, After nine rounds lunch was served and the prizes distributed. The high lady was Mrs. C. Pearson with a score of 83 and the low went to Mrs. Harry Hill. Mr. Geo Beaton was high gent and the low, Mr. Geo. Matthews. Lucky draw winner, Harry Hill. These par- ties will be held every two weeks during the winter, every- body welcome. Last Friday evening the A.O. T.S. Glee Club of Scarborough presented a very fine musical programme in the church. This entertainment was sponsored by the Fidelis Unit of the U.C.W. and was enjoyed by a large crowd including many visitors home again. Mrs. Wm. Somerville return- ed to her home on Sunday after being a patient in Port Perry Hospital for a week, suffering from phlebitis. Mr. Norman Smith is improv- ing micely following surgery in Toronto General Hospital and Don Spence who is in Mount Sinai Hospital is also doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallace and Miss Effie Blakely of Port Arthur visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blakely. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMil- lan accompanied by Miss Eva Luke visited friends in Fair view Lodge Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Kennedy of Uxbridge visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee. Well the big election is over and we are still in a muddle. Anybody come up with a solu- tion to the problem? Congratulations to Mr. and PR 4-H CLUB PORT PERRY WEST 4-H HOMEMAKING CLUB Fifth Meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge. There were 12 members present." Minutes were read by Heather Robert- son. Discussion -- The reason for the Food Guild to Health. Two rules were discussed, they are: , (1) Rule for vegetables (2) Rule for bread & cereal. Suggestions for making sal- ads were discussed. Demonstrations -- The groups were shown different garnishes. Mrs. Bassant also showed how to bake biscuits. Group Work--Everyone help- ed in the making of salads. Healther Robertson & Nancy Warren made salad dressing. Meeting closed with the 4-H Pledge. [ite LOTTA xa \! LOVELINESS 2 WELLSTYLE YOUR HAIR SO UNIQUE -- FRIENDS WILL STOP GLENETTE BEAUTY SALON (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) 985-7991 Mrs. David Lee on the arrival of a baby girl. who had heard these singers on previous occasions The Club consists of forty male singers with their leader, Mr. Sidney Bagnall, a girls' group, the Eight-Teens, the soloist, Mrs. Bette Davis, and the accompan- ist, Mrs. Butt. One of the mem- bers, Mr. Sam Gough, a bro- ther-in-law of Hunter Bros. is well-known to the Holstein Breeders in this area. The en- tertainers were introduced to the audience by Mrs. Geo. Beare U.C.W. President, and were thanked by Mrs. Wm. Stone. At the conclusion of a very happy evening lunch was served to the visitors, who expressed their appreciation to the group in.charge. ) Conservation Areas. Please direct a personal 134 SIMCOE ST. S. CONSERVATIONISTS The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority requires two (2) men to assist in the development of Work is mostly outdoors and covers many phases of conservation, including woodlot management, stream bank control, construction, tree planting, etc. Applicants should be able to handle various types of equipment, including tractor, chain-saw and portable tools. Should also have a knowledge of woods and land. resumé, including present work, experience and salary required, to:-- National Employment Service OSHAWA, ONT. Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Best, Cathy and Richard, and Mrs. N. Crosier visited in Cardiff and Lakefield on Sunday afternoon. Several ladies from this area attended the bazaar at Prince Albert last Wednesday. Mr .and Mrs. Harley Johnston and daughter, Mrs. Jas. Torrens and children of Kingston were with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston and Wesley over the week-end. Many from the community are attending the Royal Winter Fair, Mrs. Laura Wilson enter- tained on Tuesday evening, the occasion ,a shower for the in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Ginn, Migs Susan Roach was with her sister, Miss Eunice Roach at York University over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilshaw of New Jersey visited Mr, and MINOR HOCKEY BOOSTER NIGHT PORT PERRY MEMORIAL ARENA N.H.L. OLDTIMERS PORT PERRY INT. (TRIPP'S BULLDOZERS) SATURDAY, NOV. 20 8.30 P.M. Mrs. Best on Saturday. Adults $1.00-Stud. 50:-Children 25. Tickets available for this ga me at the Port Perry Arena, Crest Hardware, Port Perry Star or any member of the Minor Hockey Executive. n ay TAA PE AEN A) COA rh A TARR

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