CRT DALES NR 3 ; 0 $ MICHAEL STARR 3 Prog. Conservative Candidate » 3 ® ® 3 CLAUDE VIPOND Liberal Candidate a La I I SR SS I SS NII ITC + OLIVER HODGES New Democratic Candidate OOO E EDGED EER ENA AN AANA Vote For The Candidate Of Your Choice VN & JAMES E. RUNDLE ) X Independent Candidate X Coli wl Oa ORO ORO OR OR OROROROROR SSO E, aa aaacy &® Only BE SURE TO VOTE on Monday, November 8th | Ug a Oa Og ROL OS OR OR OR OR CROLL OR OT OO OS OR OR OS OT OR OO OTTO, ACR ORORORORORORT OTS P2RT PERRY TAR Volume 101 THURS., NOVEMBER 4th, 1965 Number 6 Pictured above are the Senior and Junior winners of the Port Perry Rod & Gun Club shooting trophies. On the left is Charles Lown, senior winner who had 1000 marks out of 1000 and 88 X's, and on the right is Cathy Nelson sented at the the junior winner who had 996 out of 1000 and 45 X's. .The X's are the inner 10 ring which is used as a tie-breaker. The trophies were pre- in the Scout Hall. annual banquet held last week --Staff Photo "Oldtimers" To Play Here The Port Perry Intermediate hockey team (Tripp's Bull- dozers) have taken on a big task for the start of the season, On Saturday, November 20th in the local arena they will meet the N.H.L. "Old-Timers" in an exhibition tilt. The night is sponsored by the local minor hockey assqciation to help raise funds to aid them for this sea- son. The "Old-Timers", and some of them are not so old, play in- ternational rules and very sel- dom lose a game, The local intermediates hope to get their regular schedule underway on Tuesday, Nov. 16th, but it is not known who the opposition will be. As of now there will be seven teams in the league, Port Perry, Uxbridge, Cobourg, Port, Hope, Sunderland, Sutton - Ké@wick Twins and Little Britain, e league will be known as the Lakeshore League and should give the local fans some good hockey this season, Remember the date Nov. 20th for the big game, More infor- mation will be published when it is received. Legion To Hold Church Parade At a' recent meeting of the Port Perry Council the local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion was given permission to hold a Church Parade on Sun- day, November 14th, The parade will form at the Lakefront Park, and headed by the Caledonia Pipe Band will march to the Cenotaph at the Memorial Public Library for the depositing of wreaths. From here the contingent of members of the Legion and the Auxiliary including scolour parties will continue to the Port Perry United Church for service. Marie Taylor Is Recipient Of Gold Medal Marie Taylor has received the Gold Medal for highest marks in A.R.C.T. Pipe Organ of the Royal Conservatory of Music examinations for 1965, in Oshawa and district ORMTA. The medal was presented at the Prize Winning Recital in Oct- ober. Marie also received First Prize for highest marks in Sight Singing examinations, in which she received 94 marks; and placed second in Grade VIII Singing examination, one mark |" lower than the First prize win- ner. She has also received previ- ously the Provincial Silver me- dal in pipe organ, and the 'ORMTA Gold medal in piano. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVooYevvoveoooow Local Children 227 girls and boys from Port Perry Public School and 27 from | Children's Fund of United Na- tions, The Committee in charge of distribution of UNICEF boxes once again should be compli- mented on a job well done for a very worthy cause. Mrs. Ken- neth Bateman and Mrs. Larry Huston spent considerable time counting nickels, dimes and & Collect $237. For The Benefit Of UNICEF the Bank. Of the total $237.62, Port Prince Albert collected a total | Perry children collected $199.72 of $237.62 on Hallowe'en for the and Prince Albert $37.90. Appreciation is extended by the Committee to all those children who collected money for UNICEF and also to the many residents who contributed. This year's Hallowe'en effort topped 1964 by $42.62 and this very helpful project can become an arnual success if co-opera- tion by school officials and the pennies and depositing them in children is continued. in Uxbridge Th The Annual Ontario County) Junior Farmer Debating and Public = Speaking Competition will be held at the Uxbridge Secondary School, on Thursday, November 11th, at 8.00 p.m. The topic for the debate this year is "Resolved that Farm Credit is too readily available to Ontario Farmers". This timely and controversial topic should provide excellent discus- sion for the debating teams re- presenting the local Junior Farmer Clubs of Ont. County. Judges will select the top four debaters, who will then re- present Ontario County in the] I Hospital Report For Week Ending Oct. 30th Admissions cn... 20 Operations .....ccueeeeuen.nn. 6 Emergency Treatments... 9 Births cece 1 Deaths .....vveiviinirismes 1 Discharges .......ccon.nue... 22 | Remaining ....viiimunnnnns 21 Visiting Hours 3-4 and 7-8 p.m. visited recently by Dr. Juan C. John A. McKelvie, Director seen on the left, discussing with Juniors Speaking Competition ursday, Nov. 11 Provincial Junior Farmer De- bating Competition. The programme will also in- (Continued on page 13) Damage Slight At Hallowe'en Police Chief Robert Cameron reports a very quiet Hallowe'en this year. "In all my years on a police force, I have never ex- perienced less trouble or enjoy- ed such a quiet Hallowe'en, Chief Cameron stated. Total mischief in Port Perry amounted to about 10 Stop signs being pulled out of the ground. Not broken or dam- aged, but pulled straight out ' of the ground, Chief Cameron explains. The Police Department wishes to commend the teenagers and [also public school students for their good behaviour on an evening which might have end- ed in costly repair bills to pro- perty and possesions of local residents. Peel's Poultry Farm Limited, Port Perry, Ontario was Sala, of Lima, Peru, manager of one of Peru's large poultry breeding concerns. of Export Sales for Peel's is Dr. Sala export arrangements for Peel's broiler breeding stock to that country. WIL LOA RF BAL PEAS el OS Sa " ae 3 EPL IF TR WG SET IRE RFRO FTIR TAA Mk Jn ns , RE PRE EAE a? Tm ~~ nt a "wa aT = SC ESN! a) i To - NA at] pt a, < Tn -, 2 SESE = 3 A AT NET 3 ant J Mn oa -- AO @. a et os - jr AN Tord -----r RR