tr zxapes ~Cia Volume 101 THURS., OCTOBER 28th, 1965 Number b Approve Addition To Arena Pt. Perry Centennial Project The construction of an addi- tion to the Port Perry Arena and a heating plant to service the enlarged area has been ap- proved as a Centennial project. The announcement was made jointly by Hon. Maurice Lamon- tagne Secretary of State, res- ponsible for Centennial Affairs and Hon. James Auld, Ontario Minister of Tourism and Infor- mation and chairman of the Provincial Centennial Commit- tee. The total cost of $12,000. i to be covered by equal provin- cial and federal grants of $2,261., a municipal share of $4,478. and an Ontario Com- munity Centres grant of $3,000. The grant awarded Port Pheasant Season Closes November 6 Open! season for pheasant shooting opened in the counties of Scott, Uxbridge and Reach on Wednesday last & continues until Saturday, November 6th. Shooting is permitted be- tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. local time, and the bag limit is 3 birds per day, not more than one of which shall be a hen. Hunters who are without proper licenses should apply to their township clerks. Fees are $3.00 plus an extra fee for non-resi- dents; and a maximum fee of $1.00 plus issuing fee for town- ship residents. * J] * When deer hunting season opens in many localities, the date might happen to fall on November 8th, the day of the Federal Election, Word has been given by Chief Electoral Officer Nelson Castonguay, Ot- tawa that deer hunters may use the advance polls October 30 & November 1st if they expect to be away from their polling station on election day. Perry was one of 38 Centennial projects to win Ontario and Federal approvals totalling $165,115. At Oshawa Recital Oshawa McLaughlin Library, Master David Litt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Litt, had the hon- or of playing at the prize win- ning recital which is given an- nually by the Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teacher's Association. The prizes are donated each year by presented to pupils of O.R.M. T.A. teachers of Oshawa and district who have received the highest mark in their grade in the Examinations of the Royal Conservatory of music for the year. Prizes are given in Piano, singing and violin. David re- ceived his award for highest mark in Grade II Piano. He is a pupil of Mrs. J. E. Jackson. Myr. and Mrs. W. T. Harris Open Home In Honour Of Dr. and Mrs. C. Vipond Liberal supporters in Port Perry and area will be able to meet Dr. and Mrs. Claude Vi- pond, in person on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd. Between the hours of 7.30 and 10.30 p.m., the couple will be the honoured guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Harris at their home on 447 Queen Street. Hundreds of persons will be receiving invitations through the mail, and the event is also advertised in this week's issue of the Star, but anyone wishing to meet the Liberal standard bearer, should feel free to drop in and become better acquainted with Dr. and Mrs. Vipond. Dr. D.J. Price Elected President Of Peel's Poultry Farm Limited The Board of Directors of Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd., Port Perry, Ontario announce the election of Dr. D. J. Price as President of the firm. Under Dr. Price's direction as General Manager and Director of Research, Peel's developed the #182A Female and Peel's "Cornish" Male. Peel's are the largest Canadian supplier of pedigreed broiler stock and supply hatcheries across Cana- da. Peel's sree stock has been sold in over thirty coun-| tries and organizational chan- ges are being made to further expand sales abroad. A separ- ate poultry breeding farm has recently been established in Northern Ireland called PEEL'S POULTRY BREEDERS OF CANADA LTD. for sale of pedigreed stock in the United Kingdom. Under Dr. Price's direction increased capital expenditures for 1966 are being made to ex- pand research and production facilities at Port Perry. A new hatchery will be built and a farm has been purchased for re- search and testing purposes. Local Pupil Plays | On Saturday night in the, the Oshawa Kiwanis -- and are | La [J Scugog Farm Home Gutted By Fire of water hampered them from distinguishing the blaze before the fire had destroyed the in- terior of the house and most of the contents. It is not known what started the fire. No esti- mate of damage had been received at time of Last Thursday morning the Port Perry Fire Department were called to the home of Mr. Rod- ney Chandler, R.R. 3, Port Perry, when a fire had been discovered in the house. The fire had a good start before firemen arrived and lack publication. --Staff Photo VILLAGE PRESENTS TROPHIES Port Perry Legion Honours Squirt Softhall Champions On Tuesday evening of this week, Branch 419, Port Perry Legion honoured the Port Perry Legion Squirt Softball team in the form of a banquet. The lo- cal team were the All-Ontario 19656 Champions. Bill Taylor, Sports Officer for the Legion acted as master of ceremonies for the evening and after grace was offered by Rev. Tristram, he introduced the head table guests. After a de- licious roast beef dinner pre- pared by the ladies of the Le- gion Auxiliary, John Maw, Zone Commander thanked the ladies for their fine effort. Deputy-Reeve Irving Boyd was on hand and spoke to the team on behalf of the village. "Shell-out" For UNICEF Hallowe'en this year will be observed on October 30, rather than the usual date Oct. 31st. This is due to the fact that Oct. 31st falls on Sunday. On Saturday night child- rén in Port Perry and sur- rounding areas will be col- lecting for UNICEF (United Nations International Chil- dren's Emergency Fund), but will also ask for the usual treats, Children will be carrying small coin containers on be« half of UNICEF, and the moneys collected will help destitute and sick children all over the World. Please, be generous when children of this community ask for a donation. He commended the boys' on their championship win and for the good sportsmanship they displayed throughout the season. Mr. Boyd presented each mem- ber of the team with a trophy which were given by the Village of Port Perry in honour of their success. Ed Mulholland, president of the Legion spoke briefly, con- gratulating the team and stated that the Legion was proud to be a part of their success. Rev. Tristram also spoke to the boys and included a story of a young boy in his talk. Ny (Continued on page 13) 1 | Hospital Report Week Ending October 23rd Admissions eevee... 2b Operations ..........ccoeevee 8 Emergent Treatment .... 10 Births .cnvinnainninmoms 1 Deaths ...cvvvevvvenrveceieninn 1 Discharges ......counneernnns we 27 Remaining ......cccecorveunnnen.n. 23 Teachers' To Hold 1-Day Convention In Port Perry Friday Public School teachers from Ontario County Inspectorate No. 1 will meet at a one day convention to be held in the Port Perry Public School on Friday, Oct. 29th. The theme for the day is "the future belongs to the fit" and the meeting begins at 9.00 a.m. with the official opening of the convention at 9.30 a.m. Rev. H. M. Buntain will offer prayers, reeve J. J. Gibson will extend greetings from the Vill- age of Port Perry, and the dele- gates will be welcomed by the school principal R. H. Cornish. The programme for the day is physical education and a varied schedule of events will be offered, throughout the day. President of the Inspectorate is Stuart Lane of Port Perry. In addition to it being Hallowe'en, readers are re- minded that Daylight Sav- ing Time will end at 12.00 midnight on Saturday, October 30th. Clocks should be turned back one hour and every- one will gain the extra hour he lost in the Spring. MAYBELLE REBEKAH LODGE 200 Members, Guests Attend Installation The third open installation of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge was held, recently, in the spacious Oddfellows' Lodge Rooms with ovér 200 members and guests participating. Out-of-town visitors were pre- sent from Toronto and Aurora. Noble Grand Sister Helen Redman extended greetings and a warm welcome to the many guests among whom were: -- Past District Deputy Presi- dent Mae Bunker, of Oshawa, introduced by Sister Minnie Diamond as Mcther of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge: the Past Dist- rict Deputies of Maybelle Re- bekah Lodge, Bister Reta Boe, was introduced by Sister Alpha Samells; Sister Luella Kennedy by her mother, Sister Flossie Ploughman and Sister Grace (Continued on page 13) PINT NG TE VTA Are NEN ATER «a i 3 SETS Nk ws, PA es J Ady STS: pA BSR ry EIN Ades] Sees on ft TS a rs AY J) ii BA a v aay 3 EN 7A A