at 2 Mild mira Tee a AND BENS ISRO WE, go. rel Sy, cin, EM "12 = PORT PERRY STAR, | Thursday, Oct. 28th, 1965 -- Couple Surprised On The spacious farm home . of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cawker, Man- chester, was the scene of a de- lightful surprise celebration on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 17th, when the members of the imme- diate family gathered, the oc- casion being Jim's & Marion's Silver Wedding Anniversary. When the relatives had as- sembled, about 3 p.m., and the first exclamations of surprise were over with, the genial host and hostess cordially welcomed all. "Best Wishes" were ex- tended and an hour of visiting enjoyed, then a most sumptuous buffet style turkey dinner, com- plete with all the trimmings, was partaken of. An Anniver- sary Cake gracing the centre of the table, was cut by the hon- ored couple, and served. On behalf of the family Mr. Gordon Cawker, Kirkfield, pre- sented Jim and Marion with a pretty white kitchen set, trim- med in chrome. Suitable poetry recalling many incidents of those 25 years, was composed by an "avid would be poetess" of the family. The "highlight" of the after- noon, was the pleasure given to this deserving couple, who seemed to be enjoying them- selves so thoroughly. "Hearty congratulations" to Jim and Marion. We wish for them many more happy years together. Anniversary If you are in Need of JOB PRINTING Call PORT PERRY STAR PHONE: 985.7383 Dr. Claude Vipond (Liberal Candidate) and his wife Joy being greeted by Evelyn and Tom Harris at their home in Port Perry, wher e a Reception will be held for Dr. Vipond and his wife Tuesday evening Nov. 2. ATX GH 258 Hilltop Herald Another average week has gone, Coming up is a victory dance, football playoffs, Com- mencement and examinations. Our magazine campaign, the best in our history is over for 1965. It goes without saying that congratulations are in order. The top room this year is un- beatable 10A, whose 36 stud- ents brought in an average of $19.05. The bleachers on which our profits will be spent, are Gawker's Food Market FREE DELIVERY Specials - Oct. 28-29-30 CARNATION PEAS NESCAFE INSTANT MILK 3b. po 51.19 GREEN GIANT Medium Small MONARCH FLOUR 7.800 71c INSTANT COFFEE ¢oz jor $1.10 Assorted Halloween Treats 2 15 oz. tins D7 BURN'S BOLOGNA By the Piece us 1.00 BONELESS POT ROAST STAR BRAND BACON 1's CHICKEN BROILERS - 39¢ . 43 I5¢ Phone 985-2221 Cawker's Food Market now well in sight. Last year's objective, a scoreboard for bas- ketball games, will be put up in time for the basketball sea- son. Our Victory Dance, to be held Friday evening, the 29th at 8.30 p.m., should prove real fun. CKLB's D. J., Ross Campbell, is tentatively sche- duled to return to spin the re- cords. Admittance is" free to anyone having sold a magazine. Costumes are a must! Here is a synopsis of my tardy football scores: seniors Church Services ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ASCENSION REV. R. C. ROSE Sunday, October 31st-- 10 a.m.--Morning Prayer PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec' G. Rice, B.A. Minister Sunday, October 31st-- 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School PRINCE ALBERT -- 9:45 a.m.--Morning Worship. 11:00 am---Sunday School. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister Sunday, October 31st-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Sunday School Sunday, Nov. 7 -- 7.30 p.m.-- W.M.S. Thank Offering PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) I. C. Bowie, Pastor Sunday, October 31st-- 10 a.m.--Family Bible School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. Geo. Teskey, Sunday, October 31st-- 9.00 a.m.--Prospect 10.06 a.m.--Manchester 11.16 a.m.--Scugog Port Perry PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting have won two & lost one, bow- ing to Uxbridge (24-14), and overpowering Brock (22-12) and Sutton (7-6). The enthusiastic junior team has been defeated twice and triumphant once, suc- cumbing to Uxbridge (87-1) and to Sutton (27-12); but coming back to defeat St. John's 38-7. Details of the dance will be coming. --Dave Read CORPORATION O Applications will be r Working Foreman. Office. Applications to be in APPLICATIONS WANTED PORT PERRY Information regarding work and conditions of employment may be obtained at the Municipal signed by Noon, Wednesday, November 3rd, 1965. F VILLAGE OF eceived by Copneil for a the hands of the under- J. F. RAINES, Clerk Have a Problem ? -- 086-2420 investment to buy corn. time. Why -- We feel that the feeding is important and corn The corn we are selling is UXBRIDGE 852-3321 CORN SAVINGS Corn is one of the best feed ingredients that is avail- able today and many farmers have found that it is a wise The corn harvest in Ontario is now in full swing and we are buying corn at this time. Special rates for fall purchases are in effect at this Corn is good for Poultry, Dairy, Beef or Swine. UXBRIDGE CO-OPERATIVE (0-0P GORNER By GORD MURRAY Retail Fieldman Uxbridge Co-operative importance of high-energy is the ideal ingredients. Kin Dried, top quality feed. PORT PERRY ZR. 8-4130 $94 AL RIS , =