Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Oct 1965, p. 9

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Ve reat iv MN a SON ld Aad ' < RR of ALN RY ~ WORK WANTED CLIPPER BLADES --Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--60¢ pair, 24 hr. service--work guaranteed, Cattle Clipper Service 87 First Ave. Box £90 Uxbridge, Ont. PAINTING--Plain painting, al- 80 special mural and pattern painting. Complete Rec. room finishing. Will build and repair furniture. J, Kronister, Phone 086-7191, after 6 p.m. Dec.30 Jim Duncan CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishing Ph. 852-3891 Uxbridge Free Estimates PAINTING and DECORATING interior & exterior. Guaran- teed work, free estimates. Phone 986-2094. Walter Pike. T.F. MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE Trenches, drains, foundations & Septic Tanks Installed. Phone 986-4737 FARM PRODUCTS FRESH CORN ENSILAGE Delivered, reasonable price, contact Ed Steinfield at 723- 43876 or at. Stokely-Van Camp, Whitby, Ont. 668-3500. Oct21 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF REACH CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING: OF VOTERS LIST Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Manchester on the 25th day of October, 1965, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the | Municipality at Municipal elec- tions and that such list remains there for their inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law. The last day for appeal being the 8th day of November, 1965. A. R. JOHNS, Clerk. NOTICE COUNTY OF ONTARIO SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TO WIT: BY VIRTUE OF A WAR- RANT issued by the Warden of the County of Ontario and bear- ing the date the 16th day of August, 1966, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Coun- ty of Ontario will be held at the County of Ontario Court House and Administration Building, 606 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th day of December, 1965, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Gazette in the issue of September 4th, 1965. Copies of said list may be had at my office. DATED at Whitby this 7th day of September, A.D. 1965. WM. G. Manning, Treasurer, County of Ontario, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, Dec.2 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE RETIRED COUPLE wish to purchase acreage in the Port Perry district, preferably with 8 small house. Will pay all cash. Principals only. Box 17, Port Perry Star. REAL ESTATE JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR, BOWMANYVILLE 14 Frank Street, Phone 628-3950 Six acres of vacant land with trout stream. Price $38,000, % cash. 10 acres of vacant land with trout stream. Price $38,000, % cash, Both of these parcels of land suitable for fishing and hunting. An 83 acre farm, clay loam and level land, situated on lake front. Barn 36 x 70. House frame, 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms. Oil furnace and 3 piece bath. Price, $33,000.00 cash, Situated in Newcastle district. A brick & stone Bungalow, six years old, has 6% rooms, kit. & L.R. combined, also has 4 bedrooms and oil furnace. Price $19,900.00 with $6,000.00 down. Situated in Hampton district. Local Representative: LORNE C. DUFF 24 Perry Street, Port Perry Phone 985-2728 REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTORS MARKHAM, ONT. 65 acre hobby farm with 1% mile river frontage. 7 roomed frame house. Bank barn 36 by 54 suitable for horses or beef. Corner farm on paved road. Asking $22,600 with terms. 2 storey 8 room brick house, hardwood floors, hot and cold water, furnace, and attached garage. Large barn equipped for beef and hogs. 6 acres level fertile land ideal for semi retired couple. Priced at only $12,600 with $2,500 down. Four 10 acre cleared lots on 7A highway. Or will sell in one parcel asking $120 per acre. 200 acre dairy farm, 800 Ib. milk quota. Large barn, new steel stabling tie 38 cows, bulk milk tank, new silo unloader. Beautiful 8 room home all city conveniences. 1 mile from Sunderland. Asking $47,500. BUYING OR SELLING CALL HAROLD FORDER Port Perry 985-2396 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements, hay, straw and grain, the property of David Edwards, Lot 15, Con. 14, Reach Twp., 1 mile east of Saintfield on THUR., NOV. 4. Holstein Cows, Qu. of hay, straw and grain, LH.C. tractor, W. 6, good shape, I.LH.C. baler No. 45, Bueler roller bearing { wagon, full line of Machinery. 8 | Farm Sold. No reserve, Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80. Glenn Wana- maker and Roy Scott, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Oct. 21-28 Auctioneer Hobby Farm or Retirement Farm 47 acres, north of Port Perry, 1% storey white frame house with 4 piece bath, new oil furn- ace, hardwood floors, excellent landscaping, attached garage, bank barn 45' x 50' suitable for horses, excellent pens to raise chickens by contract. Illness forces sale at only $25,900. with $10,000 down. 100 acres clay loam; 1% storey 7-roomed brick house. Bank barn 40' x 60' suitable for horses, Large creek close to house suitable for large pond. Corner farm on paved road. Priced for quick sale $17,500. with only $1,600. down. 1% storey frame house in Port Perry, new oil furnace & bath, modern kitchen, excellent lot, good location, full price $9,800 with $3000 down. 2 storey, 8 room frame house with insul brick siding in Green- bank, new oil furnace, 2 bath- rooms, modern kitchen, family room, living room, dining room, and four large bedrooms up- stairs. Oak floors and trim, large lot completely fenced with chain link fence. Excellent lo- cation . Full price $11,900. 1% storey 8 room frame house on corner lot, modern kitchen, dining room, beautiful living room with hardwood floors, 8 bedrooms, oil furnace & bathroom, double garage. Full price $11,000 with $2,500 down, Dairy, Beef and Commuter farms available, BUYING or SELLING Call GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of GEORGE EDWARD MACNEAL, Late of Nestleton, Ontario, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said George Edward MacNeal who died at Oshawa, on or about the 25th day of January, 1965, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned ad- ministratrix on or before the 10th day of December, 1965. After that date the estate's as- sets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. JO-ANN VICTORIA MACNEAL, Administratrix by Jolliffe, Lewis & Osler, solicitors, 86 Richmond Street West, Nov.10 Toronto 1, Ontario Auction Sales NOKES HEREFORD FARMS announce COMPLETE DISPERSAL of 100 LOTS - 160 HEAD Sale will be held at the farm "under cover", 1 mile east of Manilla, or 12 miles west of Lindsay, on Highway 7, WED., NOVEMBER 10, 1965, 12 Noon Sharp. Herd Sires Grand Cham- pion Cransford Battle Intense 3P and Jarvis Battle Ocean 276T. Cow herd chiefly Beau Zento. Write for Catalogues. Lunch at Farm. W. S. O'NEIL, Oct.28 - Nov.4 Auctioneer. PORT PERRY STAR, Fal EA A Taye AEA STNG A TL » 0 MRL KN y Lv EA » Bi Fl 4 / - fo 1% Vy EE -------- a TENE A SRE Thurs, Oct. 28th, 1965-9 Notice To Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of JEAN ANDERSON MARTYN, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Jean An- derson Martyn, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Married Wo- man, who died on or about the 26th day of July, 1965, are here- by notified to send to the un- dersigned on or before the 29th day of November, 1965, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- ario this 256th day of October, 1966. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers &e., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario Solicitors for the above Estate. Nov. 11 Notice To Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGE HENRY BRIDGER, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of George Henry Bridger, late of the Vill- age of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 10th day of October, 1965, are hereby no- tified to send to the under- signed on or before the 29th day of November, 1965, full parti- culars of their claims. Imme- diately after the said date, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having re-| gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- ario this 25th day of October, 1965. GREER AND KELLY Barristers &e., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario Nov. 11 Auction Sales SAT., OCT. 30th -- Auction Sale of 756 Reg. & High Grade Shorthorn Cattle, 60 Hogs, Pony, Hens, 2 Tractors, Com- bine, Baler, Full Line of Imple- ments, Hay, Grain, Straw, the property of Leek Bros., Lot 2, Con. 1, Scott Township, 3 miles South East of Mount Albert. Terms Cash. Sale at 11.60 a.m, Cattle Sale at 2.00 p-m. Gerald Graham, Larry Johnson, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, REG. JOHNSON, Oct. 21-28 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, straw, grain and furniture, the pro- perty of Delbert Beacock, Lot 20, Con. 9, Cartwright Twp., 3 miles east of Caesarea (across from St. Christopher Fresh Air Camp), on SAT. NOV. 6th, 13 Hereford Cows, No. of Calves by side, Poll Angus Bull, 6 Yorkshire Sows, No. of Pigs, ready to wean, 3000 bales of hay, 800 bales of straw, 500 bu. of oats, Ford tractor, plow, M. H. grain binder, full line of Ferguson Machinery, Qu. of furniture, Deep Freeze, Bell, Antique Organ, Walnut side- board, Pine sideboard, Antique tables, Butternut Chest of drawers, Many other articles. No reserve as owner is giving up farming. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer Oct. 21-28-Nov. 4 Auction Sales THURS., NOV. 4th--Special Twilight Auction Sale of Springers and fresh Dairy Type Cows for export or Domestic purposes -- for consignments please contact Frank Bennett, Unionville 887-6670 or Norm Faulkner Stouffville 640-3818. Sale to be held in "Cow Palace" at Stouffville Stockyards Ltd., Hwy. 47 - % mile north of Stouffville. Sale at 7.80 p.m. Nov. 4 THURS., NOV. 4th--Auction Sale of Farm Stock and imple ments, including 40 head of cattle, cows with calves by side and pasture bred, also I.H. No. 300 tractor (good), manure spreaders, seed drill, mower, side rake, number of pigs, chickens, hay, grain, straw, furniture, etc. the property of Gordon Jones at Lot 9, Con. 4, Uxbridge Twp., 2 miles north of Uxbridge - Pickering Town- line or 23% miles south of Hwy. 47 on the 4th Con.. Terms cash. No reserve as owners quitting farming. The Goodwood WMC will serve lunch. R. E. Faulkner, Clerk. Sale at 1 p.m. NORM FAULKNER, Nov. 4 Auctioneer MON., NOVEMBER 1st--Auc- tion Sale of 40 Registered Hol- steins, vaccinated, 2 Tractors, Baler, Full Line of Implements, Grain and Straw, the property 'of Corliss Ashenhurst, Lot b, Con. 9, Reach Twp., 8 miles west of Hwy. 12, 4 miles north of Manchester, Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. R. Scott, Clerk. Sam Gough, Pedigrees. Catalogues. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, - REG. JOHNSON, Oct. 21-28 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, straw and grain, the property of Alfred English, Lot 25, Con. 4, East Gwillimbury Twp., approx. 3 miles North of Sharon Side Rd. (on the Don Mills Rd.), on TUES., NOV. 2nd, 36 head of Shorthorn and Holstein Cattle, 3 sows with pigs (ready to wean), 38 good chunks, 2600 bu. grain, Qu. of loose hay and straw. M,F. 50 gas tractor & manure loader (good), M.F. P.T.0. manure spreader (tan- dem wheels) 140 bu., new, M.F. Power seed drill on rubber (nearly new), McKee forage harvester, wagon & box, Surge milking machine (nearly new), full line of real good power machinery. Note this is a good herd of milk cows and nearly new machinery. No reserve as owner ig giving up farming due to ill health. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Rex. Smith and Fred Dew, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Oct. 21-28 Auctioneer SAT. NOV. 6th -- Auction Sale of Implements, Real Es- tate, Tools, Furniture, Dishes, the property of the late Andrew Leslie, at his former residence, Lot 19, Con. 12, Manvers, (Fleet-~ wood) 3 miles East of Hwy. 35 at Con. 12. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, 0Oct.28 - Nov.4 Auctioneers. WED., NOV. 10th -- Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Cattle, Im- plements, Pigs, Furniture, An- tiques, the property of Marwood McKee, Lot 20, Con. 3, Cart- wright Twp., 1 mile South of Blackstock and 2 miles East. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. G. Wanamaker, and R. Scott, Clerks. Co TED JACKSON, Oct.28 - Nov.4 Auctioneers A) '

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