2 - - PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, October 21, 1965 Scugog Hedd U.CW. Sixteen people attended the 'Head' U.C'W. at the home of Murs. C. Carter on Wed. evening, Oct- 6. We were pleased to have Rev. Teskey present in order to get better acquainted and also ~ to get some help in our Study. After the meeting had been opened with an appropriate thought read by the president, followed by a hymn and prayer, we continued the Devotional on a study of "The Creation". First of all Mrs. O- Heayn read the Scripture from Genesis. Then Mrs. E. Reader requested mem- bers to write down personal, puzzling questions concerning "Creation" The study from 'God's World' was read, and the former ques- tions discussed. Mrs. J. Wilson gave a suit- able reading on "Neighbours". The roll call was to name an interesting item or product made from "gold". We have several items of in- terest drawn to our attention and worthy of a place on your calender for your consideration. 1. Help to be given to the Spring Fair in aid of the new Port Perry Hospital. 2. Thanksgiving Sox contain- ing $1.26 to be brought to the November meeting. 3. Clothing for a bale to be brought to the Nov. meeting. 4. Sale of lunch at Mr. Carl Graham's sale on the afternoon of Thursday, Oct. 28th. 5. A toy demonstration in the evening of the same day at Beryl Pearce's. Mrs- Alvin Heayn gave a very interesting travelogue with slides of the three week trip she and Alvin had to England, Scotland and their scanty view of Ireland. Please note--item for the bale <hiefly appreciated are clothing for babies or children, buttons, materials and other items for sewing, adults' dresses, un- derwear, sweaters, light coats, but no hats or heavy shoes. We are trusting that many will take the opportunity of hearing Rev. Teskey at the An- niversary Service in the 'Head' Church in the morning at 11 am. on Oct. 17. Mr. Fred Den- sham will sing. Evening Service is in "Grace" Church and special music will be enjoyed by Kedron Choir of which Mr. Densham is a mem- ber. 1Pease note the services are in both churches. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE BIG MIKE STARR RECEPTION TO BE HELD SAT., OCT. 30 ' IN THE UXBRIDGE LEGION HALL WITH SPECIAL GUESTS Hon. LESLIE FROST Hon. M.B. DYMOND (Published by Ont. P.C. Ass'n) Have You Ever Wondered Just Where This Country Is Going? NEW DEMOCRATS WORRY ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME . . . Fed Up - Speak Up! On Nov. 8th VOTE HODGES Farmer, Trade Unionist and NEW DEMOCRAT 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 1 cup water 2 cups sugar gerator and reheated. RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" PEAR HELENE For each serving of Pear Helene use 2 canned Canadian Bartlett pear halves which have been drained and chilled. Place them, stem end up, in a sherbert glass or bowl. Place a scoop of vanilla ice cream between the pear halves and drizzle with chocolate syrup. CHOCOLATE SYRUP Cut chocolate in pieces and stir over low heat in water until dissolved and thick and smooth. Add sugar and salt. Stir until dissolved. Boil 3 minutes and add vanilla and butter. Serve hot or cold. May be stored in covered jar in refri- dash of salt 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 tablespoons butter Model 5314/59-- Tudor Prince, automatic oysterdate from $112.95 TIME TO BUY THE WATCH TO BE PROUD OF You pay such a little more for a Tudor and when you add up all the advantages--all the exclusive Rolex features-- all the world respected quality--your watch money couldn't be put to better use. See these superb Tudor watches and many others the very next time you go shopping--they're worth a special trip. TUDOR BY ROLEX OF GENEVA PENTLAND JEWELLERY -- Port Perry USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-A-WAY PLAN A note to the prominent Canadians who insist that Bell should be owned by Canadians. They've overlooked one small point. Bell is already 93.6% Canadian-owned. People who are uneasy about foreign control of Canadian companies needn't worry about Bell. For the fact is, the ownership of Bell is overwhelmingly Canadian. Of 208,000 shareholders, over 203,000 are Canadian residents, and they hold 93.6% of the total shares. The little tag line you see at the bottom of Bell advertisements means just what it says. And since it's important that people know the facts about one of Canada's most important public service com- panies, we'll go on putting it in. Here it is again. BELL Built, operated and owned by Canadians ET ----" I hil BL