2 ae me apn po Cite ®, a a -------- WP Ene SS IY. -- ae S-- Save a potful + Greenbank News So many times in years gone by, We heard that old familiar cry, Just get a telephone, my dear, And you'll get news from far and near, The telephone is on the wall, But seldom do we get a call, Please make those old wires really hum, And give us lots of news, by gum. * L L J Next Sunday morning Com- munion service will be held and it is hoped a large congregation will attend. Our minister is still asking for volunteer leaders for the Tyro group (boys 9-11.) Mr. Ed. McCaig has resumed his studies at Waterloo Univer- sity after spending the summer months a student minister at Orrville. Mrs. Ewart Willis and child- ren of Windsor visited Mr. and Mrs. George Beare last week. Congratulations to Jim Thom- son who won 1st prize for Jun- ior Showmanship at Scott Fair last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask vis- ited in Sunderland recently with Mr. and Mrs. James Beaton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix at- tended the McGregor - Thomp- son wedding in Ottawa last Sat- urday. The bride's mother was Miss Floris Stone, a former Greenbank girl, Mr- and Mrs. Don Sinclair and David also Mrs. John Sin- clair visited Mrs. Evelyn Tait on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn atten- ded our church on Sunday mor- ning and later were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bacon. {) Mr. and Mrs. George Beaton tbended the farewell party in \MENTION.THEY LIKE honour of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Stainton and family who have moved to Port Perry. Mr. Wm. Carnegie, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guy and Mrs. Eve- lyn Tait attended the funeral on Saturday of Mr. John Wade of Niagara Falls. Mrs. Wade was the formr Minnie Love. who spent her girlhood years in this community. On Sunday, Sept. 19th several nieces and nephews of Mrs. F. Dure gathertd at Fairview Lodge in honour of her birth day® which was on Sept. 20th. friends join in wishing her much future good health and happi- ness. Mr. Kurt Christensen was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook ac- companied. by Mr. and Mrs. J. Maw of Myrtle enjoyed a motor trip to the U.S. last week. fe LOTTA (koe? ness 2 WHEREVER LADIES MEET YOULL HEAR THEM = OUR HAIR STYLING AND PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS] 4 ~GLENETTE BEAUTY SALON (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) 985-7991 So Buy a gallon of Glidden Homogenized Spred Satin and get a quart of Spred Lustre FREE. Save $3.35 With every gallon of Homogenized Spred Satin you buy at the regular list price we will be pleased to glve you a quart of Spred Lustre for trim and woodwork -- Absolutely Freel Your choice of colors is as wide as the rainbow. Buy Now... Save a Potful! Lake Scugog Lumber Co. Ltd. Phone 985-7391 Workmen have completed dig- PORT PERRY STAR, ging a well for Mr. Geo. West- |- wood: They had to go down fifty feet. Thursday, Sept. 30, 1965 -- 3 Robin Parish entertained the visited her parents, Mr. and PeeWees to a corn roast in cel- | Mrs: Marvin Hill of Little Brit- ebration of their victory: Mr. ain on Sunday. Congratulations are in order | and Mrs. Raymond Kerry had | Several from here attended to the three softball teams of the boys in for a surprise party | the Anniversary Service at Sea- this community who played in [for Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hunter | grave én Sunday evening. the Port Perry and District Lea- and presented them with a gift | gue. Murray Lee coached the , ort behalf of the team in apprec- Squirts to win their trophy for | iation of their work with the the second year. Gerry Hunter | boys. Mr. Rodd Foster enter- | coaching the PeeWee team won | tained ¢he Bantam team at his J their league trophy, and the |home following their evening newly formed Bantam team | 8ame. | coached by Dave Thomson won Mr 8 their league trophy. These men | Spent the weekend at Hepworth spend a lot of time with these [ith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wal- teams and are quite proud ef | ker and family. them. I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman FAY De Yo L¢ ID J OY SAW 3A LY BDA RCH NO) 34) POSLUN COATS Think Smart! Think Tweeds! ~~ For Ladies IRVING POSLUNS 29.95-32.95 539.95 TEEN AGERS and dashing into town in your luxurious tweed coat, fashioned by IRVING POSLUNS in black and DISCOUNT and Mrs. James lanson | white or brown and white tweed of wool and viscose. Quilt lined -- s0 warm and comforting. Sizes 8 to 20. SPECIAL PRICE GROUP CRAFT COATS FOR MEN +19.93-24.95 +29. OVERGOATS ALL WOOL SEVERAL STYLES 35.00 WALLPAPER "oe Town & Country tweed coat in three'quarter length with knitted telescope sleeve and knic- te" ted chin-up collar... .. $2995 Town & Country tweed coat in three-quarter length -- cozily quilt-lined with simulated leather piping. $29 0S all Ladies Dresses sdhos. Hos. os KAYSER Nylon Hosiery Q@¢-st. Tso sos. Jos. Qos Ladies Purses Big Assortment PORT PERRY IN STOCK NOW Rl a he a Sd FS -- 5 -- ~~ aman ToT Swi SEE et Sa nz a Pa nd A aan, a oo