18 -- PORT PERRY STAR Thursday, Sept. 30th, 1965 BOWLING NEWS LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT 4EAGUE Pontiacs ...cccveeiinnnnn Lincolns ..auieiiinnn Mercurys Plymouths Ramblers Chevrolets Oldsmobiles .....ccuve 7 Ambassadors we 6 Monarchs ce b Buicks ..oovviuneennieneninn 2 Dodges ....cevrivinisrmane 2 Fords .....ceriinniinnnn 1 High Singles 210 and Over-- G. Hastings--280; I. Doupe, IM. St. John--273, 232; D. Men- zies -- 241; V. Rider--233; J. Hull -- 228; B. Bradbury--224; D. Van Camp--236; K. Harper --223; R. Willoughby--220; R. Williams -- 218; J. Hamilton-- 218; K. Reamsbottom--218, 210; A. Lown--215; H. Heard--212; B. Doupe--211; M. Sweetman-- 210. Triples 600 and Over-- 1. Doupe--664; M. St. John-- 634; K. Reamsbottom--614; J Hull--613; A. Lown --612; G. Hastings--~601. / LADIES MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Suckers ....cue or | Perch cue TR Muskies ....oooivvirnns Bags commision } Pike correc niienininne 4 Smells .....cnvvmininnn 4. Pickerel .....cvveviinnnns 8 Mudcats .....ciiiininn 8 Salmon ..evviiininen 3 TYOUL cisicnrimsniisssits 8 [67:5 + JUSTO 2 Cod civic 0 Sept. 20th High Single-- June Doupe--313 High Triple-- June Doupe--749 Over 200 Singles-- Isabel Dowson -- 204; Irene Doupe--211, 225, 313; Mary Lee Dowson--248; Willa McLaugh- 1in--287; Marie Smits -- 221; Ruth McLean--247; Lil Moore --210. Sept. 27th High Single-- Marg. Sweetman--263 High Triple-- Marg. Sweetman--660 Over 200 Singles-- ~ Marg. Sweetman -- 263, 221; Doris Phinney--220, 215; Diane Crowell--210, 226; Willa Mec- Laughlin--205; Mary Sweetman --214; Diane Foote--205; Joyce Emmerson--205, 208, 226; June Doupe -- 238, 206, 226; Irene Doupe -- 238, 206; Mary Lee Dowson -- 202; Elma Vernon-- Lh fib Ly] ASAE SAN - ERROR SAR 209, 202; Sharon Stone -- 208; Alice Secriver--209; Ethel Hut- chinson -- 224; Grace Hastings --211; Clara Whitter--210. Over 600 Triples-- Marg. Sweetman--650; Joyce Emmerson--637; June Daupe-- 634. MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE TEAM STANDING Black Jacks rere 9 Whiz Bangs ..... 2 Meteors ....cuusimin 9 Deluxe .............. 0 Blow Kings ......... 10 Raiders ............ 9 Carnegie ....c.cnein 14 Bill's Ref. ............ 5 Stars 1 Goofers ................. 10 Alley Cats... 9 Legionaires ........... 0 High single without hand. 295 R. Graham. High single with hand. 330 J. Waldinsberger. High triple without hand. 776 K. Ashton. High triple with hand 889 G- Carnegie. . Singles 225 ond over -- R. Graham, 295. K. Ashton, 289, 260, 227. R. Howsam, 295. K. Middleton, 293. J. Waldins- berger, 293. G. McHugh, 270. R. Hope, .726. B. Storry, 264, 249. J. Hadley, 261. C. Watts, 261. G. Carnegie, 255, 257. G. Car- negie, 256. F. Hastings, 247, 234, BUSINESS DIRECTORY WANTED Dead Horses or and Crippled Cattle Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. R.R. #2 WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 302.0105 Feb. 4/66 DUFF ELECTRONICS TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7998 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Formerly Apex T.V. Service Jan. / 66 Ph. 985-2806 Port Perry, Ont. Convalescent and Chronic Patients Semi-Private Accommodations EADE'S NURSING HOME Small Enough to be Homey Large Enough for Comfort Tray Service Hospital Bed T.V. Nurse in Attendance * Reasonable Rates 'Home away from Home' Dec. / 6b DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone ech Hampton MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 889-C-66 ® Cash on the spot © Oct./65 For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room' #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. Dec./ 66 INSURANCE FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS -- SEE EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-2421 ..Port Perry, Ont. Dec. 81/66 Earl Wallace! ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roof- ing. Steel and Aluminum Roofing. EAVESTROUGHING We will contract for all kinds of roof work. Dec. 65 MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 28 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. ~ Dec. / 6b GEORGE McPHADEN General Insuranee PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. Dee, 81/65 MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS Phone: 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA Dec. 2/66 A.E. Johnson, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2383 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS 'AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Feb. 28/66 Ethel Nottingham for your CO-OP INSURANCE NEEDS MYRTLE, ONT. Phone 655-4832 Feb./66 24 HOUR T.V. SERVICE PORT PERRY T.V. Sales & Service 2 yr. Guarantee on all Picture Tubes PHONE . 985-2265 Oct. 27/68 Oct./85 |: 249. F. Olsen, 244, 239. R. Wil- lerton, 249. J. Owen, 230- N. Mid- dleton, 229. B. Williams, 227. F. Phinney, 226. B. Weeden, 226. Triples 600 and over -- K. Ashton, 776. G. Carnegie, 736. F. Hastings, 730.- R- Hope, 693. G. Carnegie, 690. J- Hadley, 688. K. Middleton, 664. R- How- sam, 648. G. McHugh, 648. J- Owen, 640. C. Watts, 624. F. Ol- sen, 627. B. McNeil, 619. D- Murray, 617. R .Graham, 617. J- Waldinsberger, 608. 4-H CLUB NEWS The Beaverton 4-H & Junior Calf Clubs hel dtheir achieve- ment day in conjunction with Beaverton Fair on Friday, Sep- tember 17th. ,Despite the wet weather, 15 4- H members and 17 junior mem- bers brought out tehir entries in excellent condition, resulting in an outstanding calf show for the fair. In the 4-H section, the dairy showmanship was won by John Forson, R.R. 1, Cannington, while the beef showmanship was won by Cathy Smith, R.R. 2, Beaverton. rg The junior section was a par- ticularly well contested event, with the top dairy showman be- ing Randy Warren, R.R. 1, Brechin, and the top beef show- {man being Randy Smith, R.R. | 2, Beaverton. The dairy classes were judged by Mr. Cliff Lillico, R.R. #5, Woodville, and the beef classes were judged by Mr. Neil Me- Leod, R.R. #2, Blackwater. Zz ROVER CREW NEWS Our September meeting was rewarded by four new members joining dur crew A number of changes in our by-laws were discused and passed. One of the major changes was a meet- ing every Thursday night at 9 o'clock. The crew is planning to at- tend an Armed Forces Display for Rover Scouts, Oct. 16th at Camp Borden. The Army and Air Force combined will demon- strate their defense tactics and fire fighting techniques until 7 o'clock in the evening. The crew then leaving Camp Borden are given permission fo camp Sat. night at Earl Rowe Provincial Park, thus giving us an opportunity to practice tent- ing, cooking and ,fire-lighting, ete. Our meeting closed with a game of floor hockey and re- frehments. Skip--Wes Lane Mate--Chris Dowson Mary Lou's BEAUTY SALON 257 Queen St. Port Perry Are pleased to Annuonce they will be OPEN on MONDAYS in the future e REDUCED RATES e on Mondays and Tuesdays. oe SPECIAL RATES e for Old Age Pensioners for appointment PHONE 985-7101 WES PLUMBING (_ Office ELECTRIC Port Perry, Oni. 985-2473 LANE HEATING Res. For Your |-- HEATING OIL-- Comfort "DURING THE COMING COLD WEATHER { SEE US FOR HEATING OIL We have FIRST QUALITY Furnace and Stove Oil 2 and offer you Automatic Delivery with FREE Cleanout Service in the Spring. Phone Port Perry 985-7951 REESOR FUEL & LUMBER i»