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Bowie, Pastor Thursday, Sept. 16th, 1965 "Ashburn News Rally Day service was well attended at Burn's Church on Sunday, Sept- 12th at 11:30 a.m. The Order of Worship as pre- pared by the Board of Christian Education was followed with the Sunday School Superintendent, Mr. Fred Daw presiding. Jennifer Hyatt and Thomas Humphrey led in the Scripture readings with Messrs. Ross Bat- ten and Douglas Ashton offering Prayer. Rev. H- Buntain delivered the message on the Theme "The Church--the fulness of him who fills all in all," and the Junior Choir sang. Mrs. Russell Richardson spent a few days last week with Mr. i : and Mrs. C. Playfair, Toronto. Mr. Charles Slack of Beams- ville called on friends in the vil- lage recently. Mk. and Mrs. Clarence Harri- son visited relatives in New Liskeard during the weekend. The Sept: Meeting of the W. M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Ashton on Wed, Sept. 1st at 8:00 p.m The president, Mrs. Alfred Fisher was in charge and opened LOCAL TRIO WINS Port Perry's Ladies Lawn Bowling Club is now custodian of the beautiful silver tray shown above, being the Bradley Trophy from Shown above following their winning all 3 games at Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club on Oshawa. Thursday, BRADLEY TROPHY September 2nd," are Mrs. Marg. Hayes (Lead), Mrs. Clara Martyn (Skip) and Mrs. Alma Cox (Vice-Skip). This trophy is an annual competition and the Port Perry team emerged highest over the 32 teams entered. LIONS CLUB BANTAMS Rick Beare was awarded the trophy for the Most Valuable player award along with Bob Jackson of Zion who was tied the meeting with a reading, in votes. SN Cre " sernal Quest tones Hymn 0 W | N / | 0 N I 0 U \ N A M E N I i i / 10 a.m.--Family Bible School | "Stand For Jesus" was sung and This was a big day for Man- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. Geo. Teskey, SUNDAY, SEPT. 19th -- ANNIVERSARY SERVICE at Prospect 11:00 a.m. Preacher -- Rev. George Teskey. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Have a Problem? -- 985-2420 prayer by Mrs. Wm. Gardner- - The minutes were read and roll call answered by nineteen members. The Fall Thank-Offering will held on Sunday, Oct. 3rd, at 7:30 p.m. with Mrs- A. Curr of Tor- onto as guest speaker. The study on India was taken by Mrs. Lindsay Death and re- ports of the Leadership Train- ing Classes at Belleville were given by Mrs. Edgar Heron, Mrs. Ray Graham and Mrs. Alfred Fisher. The meeting closed with the Order of Worship as used in the final service at Belleville Albert College. -game they defeated Oshawa Port Perry Lion's Club Ban- tam's won the first annual Zion Bantam Softball Tournament on Saturday in Zion. In the first Storie Park 10 to 3 behind the pitching of Reg Manns and Brian McNab. Larry Emmer- son hit a grand slam home run for Port; Bob Baxter had two hits. In the second game they de- feated Oshawa Harman Park 23 to 1 in a game which was called after four innings. Bill Wannamaker pitched the win for Port; Bob Baxter hit three homeruns as every Port Perry player hit well and often. * -In-the final game the Lion's boys defeated Oshawa Sunny- side Park 17 to 4 behind the Ditching of Rick Beare. Baxter, Beare, McMaster, Hurst, Hugh- es and Gary Hunter with two hit homeruns for Port Perry as they completed a big day with the bats. ager Carl Luke and Coaches Al Rahm and Al Wackett as the Lions Club boys came up with good steady ball to win in an easy fashion. This gives Port Perry Softball Clubs four Tour- nament wins this year and is a good indication of the calibre of softball being played here in Port Perry. Prince Albert News We have highly appreciated Rev. H. M. Buntain coming to our church pulpit during the last six Sundays although many folk have been elsewhere. Last Sunday our regular pastor Rev. Alec G. Rice presided after he, his wife and family have been enjoying a restful vacation. The organist Mrs. B. Snel- grove was at the keyboard, also few choir members present. Miss Patsy Holtby accompanied Scugog News By this time next week it will be too late to get your tickets for the "Head" Turkey supper. Please remember it is a little earlier this year, Sept. 22 Mrs. Clarence Carter can sup ply you with information. The Scugog girls' baseball team, "The Ramettes", have tied for a play off in a final game at Port Perry on Friday night at 8 p.m. Come on Scu- gog, try to be present to sup- hymns in August. T your jean. yu > 2 . HEN The Snelgroves have return- |. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Joe Fel od Som B Mabth in western Dowson entertained present & « hr past adherents of the "Head" ne Note L 3 Model 5314/59-- Tudor Prince, automatic oysterdate from $112.95 - You pay such a little more up all the advantages--all TIME TO BUY THE WATCH TO BE PROUD OF for a Tudor and when you add the exclusive Rolex features-- all the world respected quality--your watch money couldnt be put to better use. See these superb Tudor watches and many others the very next worth a special trip. PENTLAND JEWLLERY, Port Perry USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY - A - WAY PLAN time you go shopping--they're | 1] 1 Model 1893-- 869.95 Model 4039--579.95 9 TUY0R BY ROLEX OF GENEVA provinces. Since their return we are sorry her mother Mrs. Jeffrey has been admitted to Port Perry hospital. ' Twelve folk from our midst joined the three DeNure bus loads to Gravenhurst, plus the four hour cruise on Sunday. Last Thursday evening the S. S. executive and teachers met at the home. of the Supt. Mr. T. Hodgins. Several ideas were discussed for future schedule. S. S. started last Sunday at 11 o'clock after the holiday period. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spoor and two girls, Niagara, and Mrs. Ted Colvin, Oshawa were guests with Mr. and Mrs. L.. Huston. Rev. N. H. and Mrs. Parker of Halifax who are touring America visited Mr. and Mrs. I. Brooks and sons. All above were guests at the ~Parker- Bickle wedding in St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Oshawa, on Saturday. Sunday School at a miscellane- ous shower in honour of her niece Miss Marilyn Manns. The evening was spent in games & contests, On Sat. Jim and Ken Dowson were guests at the Parker and Bickle" wedding at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Osha- wa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dowson visit- ed the Powells one evening re- cently in Markham. And Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jackson of Brooklin recently visited at the Dowson home. On Sept. 12th in the after- noon a pleasant gathering was held in the Scout Hall, Port Perry, where the Fralick Clan held their Annual Picnic. Near- ly all were present and enjoyed the picture show. Sorry to re- port during the year two mem- bers have passed away, Dr. Royal ' Fralick and Mrs. Emer- son Fralick.