. | | | Mey | i il [RPS TRENEERRE IIR ANAT SORTASE BY : Obituary LS Us -- PORT PERRY STAR, AWN (VEY N . AAT 48! + NF UR e Jel wi wate - (98S . \ 4 wdon wd ania ial wh wdslndinioes tin whedaved Thursday, June 10th, 1965 Peg Wee Softhall Schedule Mon., June 14th-- Groen vs. Legion Squirts (park) Bison's vs, Prince Albert Wed., June 16th-- Prince Albert vs. Greenbank Emmerson's vs. Legion (school) Mon., June 21st-- Legion vs. Bison's (school) Greenbank vs. Emmerson's (park) Wed., June 23rd-- Legion vs. Prince Albert Emmerson's vs, Bison's (school) Mon., June 28th-- Emmerson's vs. Greenbank Bison's vs. Legion (park) Wed., June 30th-- LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dauphin, Man, June 2nd, 1965 Dear Sir: I was born in Port Perry 1876 Mabel Ham and as long as I can remember have enjoy- ed the Port Perry newspaper. I came to Manitoba to live at Carroll in 1905, and now I am retired from farming and en- joy a very happy life with my children (4) who are all com- fortably settled in Manitoba. I have made several return visits to Port Perry but now am past travelling alone. I always enjoy your newspaper and you will find enclosed money for my renewal, and my apology for being a little over due, With best wishes Perry and Scugog. to Port Yours truly, Mrs. A. R. Turner, 536 Wellington Cres. Dauphin, Man. BERTHA JANE McNALLY Following a lengthy illness, Miss Bertha MeNally passed away at Green Acres Nursing Home, Newmarket, Ontario on | Thursday, June 3rd, 1965, in her 81st year. Daughter of the late Robert and Elizabeth (McBrien) Me- Nally, she was born at Uxbridge but lived about 55 years in Blackstock before going to Toronto. In her younger years she sang in the choir and was ac- tive in Young People League, ete. of the Blackstock Methodist Church, and later the United Church. She is survived by one bro- ther Norman S. of Colborne. One brother Ryerson predeceas- ed her. Funeral service was held fro mthe McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Chapel on Saturday, June 5th and was conducted by Rev. Philip Romeril. Inter~ ment was in Cadmus Union cemetery. Pall bearers Fred Hamilton, were: Messrs, John Hamilton, Percy Hamilton, Cecil Hamil- ton, Harold Hamilton and Dal- ton McBrien, all cousins. Greenbank vs. Bison's vs, Prince Albert Emmerson's (school) Mon., July 5th-- Prince Albert vs. Legion(pk.) Greenbank vs. Bison's (school) Wed., July 7th-- Legion vs. Greenbank Prince' Albert vs. Emmerson's (school) Mon., July 12th-- Emmerson's vs. Legion (park) Prince Albert vs. Bison's (school) Wed., July 14th-- Bison's vs. Greenbank Emmerson's vs. Prince Albert Mon., July 19th-- Greenbank vs. Legion (park) Bison's vs. Prince Albert Wed., July 21st-- Prince Albert vs. Greenbank Emmerson's vs. Legion (school) Mon., July 23rd-- Legion vs. Bison's (school) Greenbank vs. Emmerson's (park) Wed., July 28th-- Legion vs. Prince Albert Emmerson's vs. Bison's (school) Wed., Aug. 4th-- Emmerson's vs. Greenbank Bison's vs. Legion (school) Mon., Aug. 9th-- Greenbank vs. Prince Albert Bison's vs, Emmerson's (pk.) Wed., Aug. 11th-- Prince Albert vs. Legion (school) Greenbank vs. Bison's (school) Mon., Aug. 16th-- Legion vs. Greenbank 3 es t { 1 5 . « A Suoinden tata bib oa ib edo st i hbbdnamunisdiuid | ER es Piast NY EPA pr) . TRC SNE RIO BW Emmerson's Prince Albert vs. ' (park) NOTE: All games called for 6.45 p.m.; 15 mins. grace. When legion diamond is ready games at school will be play- ed at legion, Coaches: Greenbank--Rod Foster Legion Squirts--V, Walker, Jim Irvine and Clare Nightingale Four teams in Play-offs; Legion Squirts will drop out. Bison's--Howard Hall Emmerson's--Bill Williams Prince Albert--Roy Hope and Merv, Pugh - Satisfy Your Thirst With A Delicious Glass Of MILK For a cool, refreshing break, try a tall glass of ice cold milk. Nothing is as good tasting and as good for you as delicious, nutritious dairy treats. IDEAL DAIRY PRODUCTS Limited OSHAWA PORT PERRY How Now, BROWN Cow? ARE COLOUR! Cow s 1 ot BLIND " La DAIRY FARM MILKS THE GREATEST xy 3 y = o DAIRY \ . THT = Ss Er MILK e=== HEAVEN witb J Foop AR SIRE ICE CREAMN./"/'\ WBF CHo Corre ice cream BunpAvS « NAT Ps; oA Wi -, Ts o 1S0PAS CAH TER ICS CHEESE \ MILK, O J [ovrerena , Renn MW 4 )I€ JE Se CHEESE | : SH (CO FioTs SS 0 FRAT Al i TR MILK POWDER MEADOWS CLRENIRAS BuTrER CooKIES (¢ FASS TIE Ci va UM ig is ERY 1 55% ne R Vv, IN ) %) SITY \ \\ > A ape MIK 4] [0 \ EVARORATED BvD. (AA gr Service Bureau