Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Apr 1965, p. 6

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TR ~~ IAD LSE RANA 20 A J HN Sa arr YN Ae . N EIN NAAM 2X [ATION OR, HEB AARS NF A PY CON SRN APR TRLATHIL SACRE SE SUIS IPHPLEIR LA FAN ENSTRLTS W Sat BATH REF IRAN IAL FAAP Fv NR IRE hd AY Nv er AY ) : ha Sd Ps Thursday, April 22nd-1965 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR, Manchester News June, for a complete and speedy There was a good attendance at Church on Sunday morning to hear the Easter Message brought by our Minister, Rev. C. C. Gilbert. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed and a Junior choir of fourteen mixed voices sang very beauti- fully. Flowers in the Church were placed there by the family of the late W. D. Munro, who was an elder in the Church here for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Best visited friends in Hamilton and Guelph on Good Friday. Mrs. Fred Christie travelled by plane to Winnipeg last Fri- day, where she will spend a week with relatives. Mrs. Russell Barfoot, John and Miss Wendy of Toronto, Mrs, John Cranley, Jill and Martha, Aurora, Mrs, Alex Hewitt, Carnarvon, were guests of her sister Mrs. A. Roach and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Cochrane of Atlanta, Ga. are visiting her sister and brother, Mrs. Bain and Mr. Earl Mitchell. We are sorry to hear Mrs, Geo. Symms is in hospital suf- fering from back injuries and a badly fractured heel caused by a fall. Best wishes to you recovery. Mrs. Fair of Toronto was] with her daughter, Mrs. Ginn and Mr. Ginn for the week-end. Mr. and Mr§ E. W, Crosier, Teronto, visited his mother here on Good Friday. } Fifteen ladies attended a hower at the home of Mrs, Lillian Leach on Thursday ev- ening. The guest of honor, Miss Joanne Harper, whose marriage to Mr. Roy Leach takes place on April 24th, was the recipient of lovely gifts, Joanne expressed her thanks and then cut a "Shower Cake" while Mrs. Leach and assist. ants served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dunford, Uxbridge visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Best on Saturday evening. Mr. Arnold Roach is in Wind- sor and Lansing, Michigan this week on G.M. business. Miss Wendy Barfoot, Toronto is spending a week with her cousin, Miss Susan Roach. Mr. and Mrs. Harley John- ston and daughter Diane of Ottawa are with his parents Mr, and Mrs. F. B. Johnston and Wesley for the Easter Va- cation. Miss Irene Watters, Stouff- ville was a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb and Ted on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mulholland, Camp Borden and Mr. & Mrs. Barney Vanderby of Toronto visited the Ed. Mulhollands during the week-end, Softhall Registration PLACE -- At Softball Park SAT., MAY 1st -- 10 am. - 12 p.m. MON., MAY 3rd -- AGE GROUPS-- 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m. SQUIRT -- Under 11 years PEE WEE -- Under BANTAM -- Under 13 years. 15 years MIDGET -- Under 17 years JUVENILE -- Under 19 years (All Ages not before Jan. 1st, 1965) FEE -- $1.00 Per Family. AREA TEAMS Contact Following Officers: GREENBANK -- Rod Foster SEAGRAVE -- Don Hurst SCUGOG ISLAND -- Don Ashbridge CARTWRIGHT TWP, -- Wayne Venning ® You Must Register to Play e Any Person who would like to help out Coaching please attend. VIN WALKER, Sec'y Port Perry and District Minor Softball Assoc. Toa ers Wanted Port Perry Public School TWO ELEMENTARY FOR GRADE I to commence duties on September 7th, 1965 SCHOOL TEACHERS and GRADE II CATEGORY I.......... CATEGORY II ....... Annual Increment two years. P.S.I. available. effect. For further particulars, School 985-2591. Please apply by sending Mr. AA AAaa Federation Schedule in Effect CATEGORY IIT ...... CATEGORY IV .... Minimum Maximum I $3400 -- $5800 ion ,. $3800 -- $6200 -- $4200 -- $6300 veree $4800 -- $6900 Allowance for experience $200 for each of Accumulative Sick Leave in R. H. Cornish, Prinicpal, Res. 985-2467 Norman Heayn, by Wednesday, April 28th, 1965. : $300. to maximum telephone: a written application to: Sec'y UTICA UCW NEWS On Wednesday evening April 14th, the Utica "U.C.W." held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Bruce Miller, with twelve members and two guests The second meeting of the Port Perry Green Thumbs was held on April 14th, at 7.00 p.m, ar the home of Nancy Warren. It was decided to send away for 4-H crests and rings, The next meeting will be held on May 26, at Karen Kennedy. The leaders told us how to Boll was called. Meeting op- prepare the soil for gardening. ened with the 4-H Pledge. There The collection which was col- were six members present. The, 4 by the Penalty officer a- new member is Norma McNen- | , sunted to 80c. ly. The minutes were read by| Meeting closed with the 4-H Norma McNenly. creed. present. The meeting was opened by the president Mrs, Robert Thorndyke, followed by a devo- tional period under the capable leadership of Mrs. Wm, Goslin and Miss Gloria Goslin. Mrs! Goslin chose as the scripture lesson, the story of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, as found in 26th chapter of the book of St. Matthew, followed by the groups reading in uni- sen the 23rd Psalm. Mrs. Gos- lin then lead us in prayer, at the conclusion of which Hymn #405 was sung. Miss Gloria Goslin brought the devotional period to a close with a most rewarding talk entitled "Mark- ed with a Cross". The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Thorndyke. The group started on plans for a Christmas Bazaar and Tea. All present joined in on the planning with great enthusiasm. Mrs. Wm. Goslin then pre- sented her talk on a Doctor and Nurse team, Dr. & Mrs. Drack- man, an Ontario couple who served in a missionary hospital in Cambodia. This program was a credit to Mrs. Goslin and I am quite sure all present found it most interesting and educational. The next meeting of the "U,C.W." is to be held at the Manse, with Mrs. Raymond Ed- wards as hostess. The meeting will be on the 12th of May at 8.30 p.m. Following the benediction a delightful lunch was served, provided by Mrs. Bruce Geer and Mrs. Wm. Dunn. Installation of U.C.W. Officers Amid a church beautifully de- ccrated for Easter, the officers of the Utica U.C.W. were in- stalled by Mr. Edwards. The wemen who promised to uphold their duties to the best of their abilities were: Mrs. Robt. Thorndyke, Pres. Mrs. Bert Mitchell, Vice Pres. Mrs. Mervin Storie, Rec.-Sec'y Mrs. Bruce Miller, Treasurer The recording Secretary Mrs. Larry Kendall was not present. 4-H CLUB NEWS 4-H HOMEMAKERS The first 4-H Homemaking meeting of the Port Perry Green Thumbs was held at the hcme of one of our leaders, Mrs, Carnochan on March 31st at 7.00 p.m. Mrs, Bassant is our other leader. We had the election of offi- cers. Those elected were: Pres. Dorothy Carnochan; Vice-Pres. Nancy Warren; Secy' Grace Bassant; Penalty officer Hea- ther Stephens; and Press Re- porter Karen Kennedy. The unit we are taking now is the "Garden Club" We dis- cussed what we would call our- selves and decided on "The Green Thumbs", We also dis- cussed what we would have to do to complete this unit. Our next meeting will be held at Nancy Warjen's on April 14th at 7.00 pm. a -- NOTICE -- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A BY-LAW / INTENDED TO BE PASSED BY THE REEVES AND COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY The proposed by-law as set out herein is a draft only and does not take effect until all other conditions of the Municipal Act R.S.0. 1960 Chapter 249 have been complied with when the by-law will be submitted to the Reeves and Council of the Village of Port Perry for final reading and assent; The publication of this by-law and the notice of inten- tion, set out in the by-law are being proceeded with; TAKE NOTICE that the Reeves and Council of the Vil- lage of Port Perry will meet at the Council Chambers in the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ontario on Monday, May 10th, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. and there and then will hear in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land might be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applies to be heard; : BY-LAW NO. . ... _. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT 'PERRY A By-Law to stop up and close parts of highways in the Village of Port Perry. WHEREAS the Reeves and Council of the Village of Port Perry deem it in the public interest to close up that part of Silver Street and that part of Reno Street, as shown on Crandel Estate Plan of part of the Village of Port Perry registered in the Registry Office for the Registry-Division of the County of Ontario as Number 85 and more particularly described hereinafter; AND WHEREAS no person is being deprived of the means of ingress and egress to and from his or her land or place of residence. AND WHEREAS those parts of the highways to be stop- ped up and closed have not been used for vehicle traffic. AND WHEREAS Notice of this By-Law has been pub- lished once a week for four consecutive weeks, namely April 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th, 1965 in the Port Perry Star, a weekly newgpaper published and circulated in the Village of Port Perry. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry, in accordance with the provisions of the Muni- cipal Act has duly caused Notice of its intention to pass this By-Law to be posted up for at least one month in six of the most public places in the immediate neigh- bourhood of those parts of the highways in question. THEREFORE the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry, enacts as follows: Thé following parts of a highway, street or road allow- ance as shown on the Crandél Estate Plan of part of the Village of Port Perry, registered in the Registry Office for the Registry-Division of the County of Ontario as Number 85 are hereby closed and stopped up: Part of Silver Street lying between the northerly limit of Lot 4, John Ballard's W.R. Plan 81, to Reno Street and more particularly described as a parcel of land with a frontage of Sixty-Six Feet and a depth of ap- proximately Two Hundred and Fifty-Two Feet, Seven and Three-Quarter Inches and Part of Reno Street from Silver Street to Simcoe Street and more particularly described as a parcel of land with a frontage of Sixty- Six Feet and a depth of approximately One Hundred and Sixty-Nine Feet, One and One-Half Inches. THIS BY-LAW shal] take effect upon the date of the final passing thereof. DATED at the Village of Port Perry, in the County ef Ontario, this 6th day of April, 1965. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk-Treasurer. Meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. z " v y

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