SERS Te ) RO beanies e Ty I AY 16 WOSTIRROY F52IERNE LS PORT PERRY STAR, | ov BNE y } ) {] a ae iS = a THURSDAY, APRIL 1st, 1965 IN AND OUT OF TOWN We are sorry to learn that Art Brunton (formerly of Port Perry) is in Toronto General Hospital having treatments for a back injury. ) * ¥% * i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickard have returned from a week's holidays in Montego Bay, Ja- maica. While there they visit- ed Kingston and Ocho Rios. ¢ ¢ A number of members of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge tra- velled to Brougham on Monday night to help celebrate the fif- teenth birthday party of their ledge. « Mr. and Mrs. John Doupe, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ven- ning were unfortunate enough to suffer an accident on their return to Port Perry from the hockey game at Stirling on Saturday last. Another car side- swiped the Everett Doupe car and the occupants were quite severely bruised and shaken up. After treatment at the Peter- borough Hospital all were al- lowed to return home, but their car is very badly damaged. Prince Albert Mr. and: Mrs. M. Pugh en- tertained relatives and friends trom Claremont as well as local folk one evening recently. Mr .and Mrs. L. Wagg, Osh- awa visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson. Mrs. J. Brain, Mrs. F. Olsen and Mrs. L. Beacock accomp- anied Port Perry Scout Moth- er"s chartered bus to Toronto when all enjoyed the pieture "My Fair Lady." : Mrs. Hansel, Oshawa enjoyed Sunday with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doupe. Mrs. M. Tarves and Miss O. Beacock visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock, all were Sunday dinner guests with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Alton Anderson. " Cameron. y Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Millers of Raglan were recent company with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and sons. Ready For All-Ontario Semi-finals The Brooklin Redmen advan- ced into the All-Ontario Inter- mediate "B" Semi-final series last Friday by eliminating the Trenton R.C.A.F. Globetrotters 8-2 in the last game in a best of seven series. Vern Ferguson scored a hat- trick by getting two goals in the first and one in the third. W. Radshaw scored two goals and D. Haynes picked up one. Brooklin meets the Graven- hurst Indians in the All-Ont- ario Infarmediate "B" semi- finals, and play the first game in Gravenhurst on Wednesday evening. The second and third games will be played in the Usbridgé Arena on Friday, Apr. 2nd, and Monday, April 5th. Game time 8:30 p.m. 'New Sheriff Hurt In Crash Morley Bain, Ontario County's new sheriff narrowly escaped serious injury in a four-car col- lision at Myrtle on Saturday. He was on his way to Whitby to take over his duties as sheriff when the accident happened. Hic car was a total loss, and Bowling Captains Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hastings were hosts to the captains, and their wives or husbands, of all tesms who bowl a regular sche- dule at the Causeway Lanes. The party was held in the Le- gion hall on Saturday and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. A delicious hot roast beef dinner was served by the Cana- ings family, Everyone enjoyed good music after a good meal. Grace and her daughter Gloria provided just that with two lovely piano duets, Then followed a group effort, not quite so flawless, when 'everyone tried to sing a specially. written lyric about what goes on in the "long hut down near the dump". This Entertained old favorites, My! how every- 'one loves to sing -- provided there are lots of other people singing too. : We mustn't forget Frank's solo performance. It was a silent effort, and one had to look sharp to see what happen- ed proving that the hand (or was it the broom?) is quicker than the eye. I venture to say Mr. Bain except for an injured knee arrived at work a little later than usual. there were a lot of eggs broken and considerable water spilt in dian Legion Ladies Auxiliary | was just a warm up for a real after which all were entertain- | sing-song when Grace played ed by the members of the Hast: | the accompaniment for many Port Perry last Sunday! y Fresh Baked! Weston - Sunbeam Crisp 'N' Serve ROLLS .Regular 29c¢! Pkg. of 10 25¢ STARDUST STAINLESS TABLEWARE BEST BUY! Save 19c! Wagstaffe or Raspberry or Strawberry 24-o0z. Jars AYLMER JAMS 2:99. BEST BUY! Save 9¢! Heinz 10-0z. Tins TOMATO SOUP 8:99. BEST BUY! Save 1lc! Regular Pkgs. Jell-o Puddings 8:99 BEST BUY! Save 4c! 11-0z. Bottles Om Aylmer F omato Latsup 0:77 BEST BUY! Save 4c! Green Giant - Green or Wax 15-0z. Tins F NCY BEANS 5:99. BEST BUY! Save toc Dr. Ballard's | fis Tins DINER Champion oes fot 8:99: erty " i WITH $5.00 MINIMUM ORDER IT'S VALUE CHECK'D LAMB WEEK AT RED & WHITE Specially Selected - "Choice Plump" Imported LEG 0 49: For Roast, Fry, Stew Three Meals In One LAMB -in-a- BASKET Ib. 23c Cholce, Juley, Thick-cut loin Ideal for" Brolling LAMB CHOPS Ib.65¢ Lean, Fresh-Made Lamb For a tasty treat PATTIES Ib: 49 BEST BUY! Save 27¢! Purex 8 rol 1:89 TOILET TISSUE 2¢ Off Twin Pack white or coloured rolls DOWSON'S BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS Save 5c! French Style 10-0z. pkgs. -- ----. 2 for 49¢ Save 7c! With Pearl Onions GREEN PEAS GREEN BEANS 10-0z. pkgs. . 2 for 5%¢ ssesssssssvsnene Half Gallon E73 Save 14e! Sunspun or Frontenao ii CREAM . . PRODUCE. - Sweet and Juicy Florida Grapefruit 10:59 10-02. cello bag SPINACH 2 for 39c Tasty Arizona large bunches GREEN ONIONS 3 for 25¢ New Spring Texas No. 1 3-1b, poly bag CARROTS 25¢ Crisp curly SPECIALS STOKELY'S PING Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink 48 oz. 39¢c Rose Dale TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. 35¢ NYLONS 3 pairs .. 99¢