N PR ; i vq 1 2} vf 3 1 i ] | i 3 A LALO A Sn Br " player of the Brooklin softball THURSDAY, APRIL 1st, 1965 £5 'Wins Award Bill Cornish of Port Perry: was presented with a trophy last Saturday evening after be. ing voted the most valuable team. The trophy was present. ed to the club by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell of Brooklin, in memory of their sen Boh. who was a member of the ball team, and who was killed a few weeks ago in a car accident. The pre- sentation was made at the club banquet held at Club Bayview, Whitby last Saturday evening. Bill is pictured above proudly displaying the cup which was presented to him. Bill will keep the cup while the trophy will rotate from year to year depending on the player chosen. --Staff Photo At Rest GRAY, Ross F. -- At the Branson Hospital, Toronto on I '\Wed., March 24th, 1965, Ross F. Gray (Late of Riverdale Ave. Toronto), dearly beloved son of Wesley and the late Frances Gray, Janetville, loving brother of Earl of Toronto and Elmo of Jenetville, in his 47th year, Service was from the Chapel of | McDermott - Panabaker,: Port Perry on Saturday. Interment Yelverton Cemetery. BRAY, John T.--At the Osh- awa General Hospital on Tues- day, March 20, 1965, John T. ! Bray, in his 81st year, beloved | husband of Maud Cook and dear father of Reta (Mrs. Reid Cook) of Whitby; Dorothy, Mrs. Har- cld McDiarmid) of Oshawa; Harold of Raglan; Jack of Port | Perry; Stewart and Earl of | Raglan; Verna (Mrs. Harvey | Attwood) Whitby; Noreen (Mrs. John Phillips) Toronto. Jean (Mrs. Melville Lambe) of Dun- barton and the late Marjorie. Resting at the Robinson Fun- "eval Chapel, Brooklin. Service in the chapel on Friday, April 2, 1965 at 2.30 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Ceme- tery, Prince Albert. Ca a a) Uxbridge Arena Intermediate "B" Seffii-finals Second and Third Games Friday, April 2nd Monday, April 5th ' 8.30 P.M. Gravenhurst Indians V8. Brooklin ARAN se] SWAT RAGR rR 1 dL Es Ty a . AS ofA AL ow UY Y se T6508 2 20.01 LAN RL LA a ra NE ANE a Ao 4s RRL AY nk (82) y AITO ah 4 A Peterborough rink won Limited trophy at the 6th annual Bonspiel held Standing are Bill Beare, Bob Scott and John Walsh vice-skip and on Friday and Saturday. Beare Motors skip respectlively holding the attractive trophy Peterborough Rink Wins Beare Trophy The sixth annual Bonspiel sponsored . by Beate Motors Limited was held at the Port Perry Curling Rink on Friday and Saturday, March 26th and 27th, A total of 32 rinks from Cusnnington, Oshawa, Halibur- ton, Scarborough, Peterborough Waterloo, Blackstock including eight rinks from Port Perry took part in the spiel. Among the teams competing for the trophy were all the. 'Redmen winners of the five previous' | Cascade 40 Eleetrie o> only, MeClary Ea White White White White or Coloured or Coloured or Coloured Aluminum Dryer V Red Brooder Heat Al Water Tleaters sy (tas Furnaces DE EE I I I China Basins China Closets (Closet Seats PEE EEE "ee se eee DE EE) or Coloured Enamelled Steel Bath Tubs Double Compartment Stainless Steel Sinks Single Compartment Stainless Steel Sinks . Chrome Plated Kitchen Deck Faucets Conerete Laundry Tubs Laundry Tub Pumps ..................... EE EE EEE EE EE EN) ent Kits... i... Sump Paps oii cise ven tones sens rnuns camer sown: awa 3 inch Standard House Trough -- Per 100 feet ........ 3 inch 28 gauge House Trough -- Per 100 feet Bulbs PHONE: 852 - 3852 "ee es see CLEARANCE SALE Gash and Carry Sales Final $ 65.00 125.00 CE EEE LI EE I RS WHITE, OR COLOURED, ROUND, OVAL, RECTANGULAR FEnamelled Steel Vanities EE IE EEE EE I LE ER DE EE I I Ra LE A A Er LE I I I CE EE SE EER LE EE RR TY Other Electrical Fixtures Sold at Cost Price. : Plastic Pipe Prices cut 30 to 35 per cent to clear. SUBURBAN PLUMBING and Industrial Supplies 191 MAIN STREET NORTH -- UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO bonspiels, a sure sign that this event must be one of the most popular during the season. Winner of the trophy two years ago, Jack Walsh and his rink of Peterborough became the proud victors in this year's bonspiel. Winner of the conso- lation trophy was a rink from Cunnington, skipped by Brock Sproule. which they have just won. right is Storey Beare. Standing at their Kneeling in front are the two other members of the rink, Don Smith, lead, and Ross McKenzie, second. --Photo by Arnold Roach FRIDAY WINNERS -- 2nd prize: Al Preston, Oshawa; 3rd Roddy Foster, Port Perry; 4th Dun Siemon, Scarborough; Gth Fred Thompson, Oshawa. SATURDAY WINNERS-- 2nd Ken. Smith, Scarborough; 8rd Neil Bailey, Port Perry; 4th Roy Cornish, Port Perry; 5th Harold Snooks, Port Perry. Legion Hall, Bay Street. - TENDERS . Tenders are invited for the construction and in- stallation of a walk-in cooler at the Royal Canadian For further information and specifications contact Ed. Mulholland, R.R. 4 Port Perry, Phone 985-2033. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. || Tenders close April 9th at 4 p.m. the NIGHTINGALE RESTAURANT COMMENCING TUESDAY, APRIL 6th Luncheon Specials WILL BE SERVED FROM 11.30 a.m, to 2.30 p.m. WALTER H. Bowmanville areas. H. KEITH LIMITED and GEORGE S. STONE are pleased to announce the appointment of 986-4869 as Sales Representative for the Blackstock- Mr, Crawford has had previous real estate experience and we feel that he can be very valuable to this area to service your real estate needs, him at once for prompt, courteous attention. CRAWFORD Call