2 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, DECEMBER 24th, 1964 Prince Albert News Mrs, Les Beacock To Staff and Regders: May the m be deeper, Its friendship stronger, its hopes brighter As it comes to you this yer. Monday evening, Dec. 14, the sparkling tree and gay decora- tions lent a seasonal setting in the home of Mrs. Howard Jef- frey who was hostess for the Yuletide party of G.N.S. Club. The meeting started by all re- peating Lord's prayer, after which the president Mrs. Jas. Davidson "tabled the business. Sec'y Mrs. Dorothy Hope read minutes and as .previously in- formed had sent greeting cards 'to several members who had moved from our locality. A lengthy discussion arose as to "assisting a couple of families, as a result the vote carried to send each a cheque. Nominating committee re- ported two offices to be filled before next meeting. Being no further business on the agenda all repeated Mizpah Benedic- tion- } Program committee Mrs. | fig of Christmas! Parkinson, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Beacock each arranged their share. Games, stunts and a round of euchre, prizes to Mrs. K. Mid- dleton, Mrs. M. Christie, Mrs. Heayn and Mrs. Bond. Near midnight a sumptuous salad plate and sweets provided by six members was most palat- able : ' The gift exchange of every- thing from aprons, soaps and hasti-notes added a high-light to the late hour. A cup& sau- cer prize won by Mrs. Parkin- son. Chair gift to Mrs, Cham- bers. We appreciated the pre- sence of the guests who helped make a Snappy good party. Tuesday evening, Dec. 15th a capacity audience of Ma, Pa and other relatives filled the church parlors for the annual Sunday School Christmas con- cert. . Rev. A. Rice ably acted as master of ceremonies and ex- tended a welcome to everyone. Program comprised of the usual recitations by the wee tots, dia- logues, and a variety of musical numbers. usan Gardner on behalf of the Sunday School explained and exhibited a lovely blue and white sweater, barbie doll and complete wardrobe all to be sent to the Korean .girl, the S:S, finances. All agreed this gesture a thoughtful idea. At the conclusion, in rushed St. Nicholas who was heartily welcomed. by the S. S. Supt, Mr. E. Martyn. Santa cheerily commenced distributing tall, thin, fat gaudy parcels, plus 160 bags of candy from the glis- tening tree. : Sincere credit is due teachers and each class for their earnest efforts in providing a pleasant evening at this festive season. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Hunter who reached their 59th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday and were visited by the family: --------e Coflar Creek News Season's Greetings to readers of this news. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Larocque and family accompanied Mr, and Mrs. John Phillips of Rag- lan to Magnetawan last Satur- day where they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tre- Hg From General Eleciric.. For The Whole Family! Tarai es Sez 22 "GENERAL EInCimc™: BD Fer = CEP EP = [ 11" Portable Television ONLY 139.95 or $2.50 Weekly All front controls, front speaker, automatic. gain control plus a 22 Tube function. - "Daylight Blue" picture 'tube. - Cay GENERAL ELECTRIC 23" Console With "Strato Power" panier and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Raymond Trepanier and Tube Feeders baby all of Toronto were last Cow Trainers Sunday visitors with Mr. and o " Mrs. Vietor Larocque. Auger Feeders Miss Sharon Cummings visit- ' : ed relatives at Brampton last Silo Unloaders ) week. She returned to her bro- Forage Equipment ther Bruce's on Sunday. George Kilpatrick visited andl Badger Barn Mrs. Frank Harris in Whitby y c- Cleaners last Wednesday evening. d . SERVICE WE NOW CARRY A LINE OF [] n GORDON L. CORNER ( Office Supplies IN OUR OFFICE . R.R. #1. OSHAWA 655-3177 Dyor = dnd ses what we o ' have to offer THE PORT PERRY STAR REG. PRICE $279.00 4 Front mounted Dual 4" Speakers plus XMAS SPECIAL set and forget vol- 239 95 ume aanul A ' ° inet finished in . » Satin Walnut With Trade or $3.00 Weekly ' [ ¢ GENERAL ELECTRIC . mn 23" Consolette 1] v . ¢ . ; - i B * ! TOP. QUALITY ESSO HEAT- _ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE. iB . ; ING EQUIPMENT. Whether you want to convert your equip- ment to safe economical oil or modernize your present installa- tion--we havean Esso furnace that will fit your requirements, Noglown payment--up to 10 years to pay. ~The complete 'no-cost maintenance service that will keep your equipment in peak operating condition for years . to come. Your guarantee that you'll get the most out of both fuel and equipment, We'll be glad to drop in and check your present installation. Why not phone us today? REG. PRICE $239.00 XMAS SPECIAL, $199.95 With Trade or $2.50 Weekly PEEL HARDWARE LTD. PORT PERRY PHONE '985-2431 With set and forget volume control and all front controls and speaker, Cab- inet in gleaming walnut finish. > ~ BURNFIELD & BALLARD LTD. PLUMBING & HEATING PHONE 985-7335 PORT PERRY