id dN 4 C '§ vr \ (OR Sd RST SAR WAFER HADES Tei) 1 LSA FD A yy ~» PORT PERRY STAR, CHRISTMAS EDITION. 1964 '0 Holy Night' in Ar 'O Holy Night' in Art -- | ap . SO EAs laT, o|¢ We take great pleasure in sending vou our every good wish for Yuletide happiness, and the best of health-and success in dans to come vy : ~ i Emmerson Insurance Service L . } wt ¢ LA 7 « ¥s £ = 3 y ARENT ENE ONE ONE CRE ERE ENE ONE ERE 111 NAT HY above Toft, 9 9 was painted by Flemish artist Petrus Christus about 1440-50, fg: alt Compliments of the Season 2 ERE : FROM 4 In South Pacific For Fiji Islanders, Christmas #5 starts at 2 a.m, when carolers 3 ry so Me RRY RS 9 IDEAL DA R 9 wake the villagers with sere- = "ilo : nades. At dawn, when every- : : HRISTMAS 0 | > . Ody S$ PORT PERRY one is awake and assembled, : 9 } 9, some attend church while ~. 2 0 7 d k f others take care of preparing arm and sincere greetings, from all vy Zk (he feast. g pen ays d Week 10r 9 -------- of us to all of you, and many thanks, too. zs 20 IN NEW ZEALAND . Not all living Christmas |[° Ww E S IL A N E trees are spruce or fir, In New - . y [Ce Zealand there's one called "Christmas tree" that doesn't PORT PERRY, ONT.. even need decorating -- it blossoms with its own red 5. CLOSED Christmas Day & & none thos ots 9%) cember and January. & New Year's Day ONLY $2 11s A HOLIDAY i" First of the United States to "w give recognition to Christmas p your convenience 0 TI SORE 4, REE Day as a legal holiday was Al- abama, in 1836. oe SH 0 ' 2 ~The holiday season is here and in the midst of all the merry- making, we'd like 10 extend best wighes and greetings to our friends. Fred DeNure Bus Lines LIMITED PORT PERRY . ONTARIO RAL ¥ Ah