Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Dec 1964, p. 1

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3 J J. J. Gibson Acclaimed Reeve For Two-Year Term | 377 PY vr § » i 4 0. 1a '1d . ay 4 A SSR AINERETE SLPS SAISINARERAN LF SEE VIN PERE PEW ATR IONE SE Ea FAYR FER AA f ra ANT LJ IR-- PORT (( PERRY C Volume 100 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8yd, 1964 Number 11 Reach to Elect Reeve, Councillors "in Whitby. He announced thatd Nominations for Mun. Council and Public School Board were held on Saturday at Reach Township Hall, Clerk Mr. Alex Johns declared the meeting open at 1:00 pm. and received the nominations of the Electors until 2 o'clock. " Less than a hundred rate- payers attended and the slate of nominees was read by the Clerk. These were: For Reeve: Earl Martyn, Edward (Sam) Oyler and Allan Crosier. For Deputy-Reeve: Mr. L. Doble, A. Crosier- and Morley Bruce. For Councillors: L. Doble, C. Geer, Morley Bruce, O. J. Boe, Mrs. Bert Gray and Mr. Tom Harding. Following 'close of mnomink ations the present Council gave its report of Committees. Reeve Earl Martyn spoke of his work on behalf of Reach Township while attending County Council in January, 1965 a Board is to be set up to review School Boards as a whole, and went on to cost of the new County of Ontario, Administration Buil- ding which was opened : by Ontario's premier John Robarts on Sept. 30th. Mr. Martyn men- tioned criticisms he had heard about the furnishings of the Court House on Rossland Road but stressed the propriety of new furniture, ete. for a brand new building. Mr. Martyn went on to men- tion the new Home for the Aged which is being built in the north end of Ontario County at Beaverton, but the subject of County Assessment was the one which provoked most or the questions from the ratepayers. Some time ago, the Township of Reach, along with several others, voted to have its asses- sing done by County of Ontario Assessors. A new guidance manual was to have been pro- vided by the Provincial Govern- ment, but for the present year (1964-65) the previous County Manual had been used again, pending release of the Province- wide system. Mr. Martyn re- marked that County Assessors must take either a one-year or a two-year course in assessment work and must graduate from the course by 1966. A salary of $12,000. is to be provided for the Assessment Administrator, under whose authority there will be a local assessor in each area. Asked for the cost of this assessing, the Reeve stated he had not as yet seen the bill, but thought it would be around: Hospital Report For Week Ending Nov. 28th Admissions ............ cone 12 Operations . ~Births =. --1 Deaths .... 0 Discharges .......coovevrienns 17 Remaining ......ccvvrininenn 19 $2,400.up to the end of Oct. 1964. This figure includes ser- vices and equipment needed. Mr. Martyn predicted a reduc- tion in the tax mill, and stated the cost of roads is one of the most expensive items in the Township. Mr. Martyn also spoke of the disposal of the old County Court House Building in Whit- by. He reported that Whitby Town had offered to rent this building for $1.00 a year on a 99-year lease. This structure is to be used for Senior Citizens' activities, as an Art Centre and a Museum. To renovate, it would have cost well over $45, 000. and the rental plan scemed the best solution. Deputy Reeve Allan Crosier reported on his work at County Council. He was a committee of one to the Board of Port Perry Hospital and predicted an addition would be required to the present hospital. Township Roads; Conservation Area plans and other municipal matters were given by Mr. Crosier. Mr. Morley Bruce, who was the representative for Welfare, reported that costs were down to less than one-half mill, with a total disbursement of $714.00; Cost for insulin in the Town- ship was a mere $4.96. Mr. Morley Bruce announced he did not intend to stand for re-election for any office -- either Deputy-Reeve or Council. Mr. Larry Doble reported on the Fire Committee, of which he was Chairman. Mutual fire agreements have always been worked out with neighboring Townships, but while the village y of Port Perry appeared satis- fied with Reach's agreement, the Town of Uxbridge had sent a letter to Council dated Sept- ember 16, 1964 stating that a new set of conditions. would prevail. This would cost the Township of Reach $500 per year "retainer fee", commonly called "stand-by", plus $40. per fire call, plus $2.50 minimum per hour per man. In actual dollars and cents ,this means a bridge would cost Reach Town- ship at least $90. for every call placed for assistance, if only 10 men attend. For 20 men, this would be increased to $140. Mr. Chester Geer reported as Chairman of the Warble Fly Committee and also his atten- dance at Lake Conservation committee meetings. A cattle- man in the audience wanted to know why only some cattle were sprayed for warbles and ques- (Continued on page 11) Nominations for School Board Trustees for Reach Township were held at the same time as Councillors, Reeve and Deputy- Reeve. Three incumbents were to be either replaced or return- ed to office, and at the close of nominations the entire Board remained unchanged. Those seeking nomination were thé Chairman, Byron Holtby; Neil Hunter and Earl Wilson. Since no new nominations were made, the above will continue to serve, together. with the other two Trustees, Mrs. Dorothy Mulholland and William Stone. When the result of the ques- tion to be asked on Election Day is answered, the School Board will still be elected for a two-year term, but instead of the staggered system of three trustees on & two trustees off, the entire Board will have to be re-elected at a bi-annual election. During the Nomination Meet- ing, representatives from the High School Board were pre- sent and gave their reports, Mr. Stewart MacFarlane, represen- tative for over 12 years, gave figures of the enrollment of pupils at both Uxbridge and Port Perry High Schols. Port Perry High School is almost up to its capacity and -+by--September,--1965--more--ac=| commodation will have to be provided. Although plans are still .in the formative stage, Members Of Reach School Board Return To Office By Acclamation consideration is being given to enlarging the vocational train- ing facilities at Port Perry ra- ther than in the Uxbridge School. More land has been purchased in Port Perry for enlarging the school and appro- ximately 7 acres is now avail- able. Mr. MacFarlane said it has been predicted that in years to come the High School in Port Perry will extend from Queen Street right across to Mae- Donald St. - At present there aro 426 pu- pils in high school here, and 647 in Uxbridge. Cost of trans- porting pupils amounts to a- bout 50c. per day, per pupil, but a large percentage of this is returned by grants from the Provincial Government. i} 'Our Apologies' Due to heavy demand for ad- vertising space in this issue of the Star, it has become neces- sary to omit a considerable a- mount of local pictures as well as news from our rural cor- 'respondents. This is indeed regrettable, and apologies are extended to both correspondents and all inter- ested 'readers. * * * --Included-in-this issue is also a Christmas Supplement printed in co-operation with the Port Perry Merchants. fire-fighting force from Ux-'~ Port . Perry Council, School Board members and the Hydro- Electric Commission met for the annual Nomination Meeting on Monday evening last. Pub- lic representation was conspicu- ously low, there being no more than a dozen ratepayers in at- tendance.- Nominations were opened at 7:30 pm. by Clerk John F. Raines and closed promptly at 8.30 p.m. The nomination resulted as follows: 3: For Reeve--J. J. Gibson Deputy-Reeve-- Irving Boyd Philip Orde Jesse Buxcey (1 to be elected) Council-- Bruce Beare R. A. Kenny Ivan Parkinson Orten Michie (3 to be elected) 'School Board-- Gordon Goode Robert V. Archer William Williams Glen Van Camp A. B. Cawker Howard Hall (acclamation) H E. P. C-- Arthur Cox Ted Jackson (acclamation) Return Council By 'Acclamation In Scugog Twp. Nominations for Council and School Board were held on Sat- urday evening, November 28th in the Township: of Scugog. Reeve Vicgor Aldred was re- turned to office by acclamation and the' four Councillors were also uncontested. These men will hold office for one year: Glen Demara; Joseph Dowson; Everett Prentice and John Hoult. Scugog School Board had two Trustees who could have been replaced, but the only nominee, Mr. T. Malloy, withdrew his name so the School Board re- mains the same, comprised of Anton Krieg, Allan Carter; Robert Cawker; Donald Gerrow and Percy Jeffery, Mr. Joe Dowson reported on the condition of Scugog Roads and 'stated more calcium was used last year and this substan- tially improved the road sur- faces. Everett Prentice spoke of the ambulance service and Scugog's support{in this matter. Mr. C. B. Hoult stated that under the Centennial Projects, an addition to the Town Hall would be made if approved by the Government. This would enable the township to have adequate Council Chambers and an office for the Clerk-Treasur- er. Mr. Victor Aldred spoke of the new County Building on Rossland Rd., Whitby and of the new Home for the Aged which when completed at Bea- verton and which will have 150 beds for the senior citizens of Ontario County. The system.of. having the County do the as- sessing for the Township was discussed and as it is not com- pulsory, each municipality has the right to vote for or against County Assessment, auaiotissdue 3 Way Contest For Deputy-Reeve Councillors' Seats Contested By 4 The Clerk acted as Chairman for the evening and introduced each Councillor and department- al reports were given. He ad- vised the meeting that Port Perry Village was in good fin- ancial shape, due mainly to the Council having followed the budget which was drawn up last Spring. Reeve J. J. Gibson as Chair- man of Sanitation, Eemergency Measures Organization and Dog Control reported no trouble and very few eomplaints<'on the garbage collection in Town. He stated sewers in Port Perry would be over our heads at the present time. The Ontario Mu- nicipal Board has to approve sewerage for a town or village and to do the whole Village would be impossible. Zoning By-laws are also being studied by Mitchell Associates. He also stated his intention of running for Warden of Ontario County. Deputy Reeve John Orde re- \ported on Parks and a new $1285. power mower had been purchased, cutting down time for keeping the grass cut. Mr. Orde thanked members of Coun- cil and all others from whom he had received such splendid help during his 2-year tenure of office. As he has moved to Toronto to conduct his music business, he cannot continue on Council. } R. A. Kenny, Chairman of Assessment and Sidewalks re- ported that under the County of Ontario's Assessment sys- tem all municipalities will even- tually be equallzed. Regarding sidewalks, Mr. Kenny remarked that little was done about side- walk construction, as the Win- ter Works program starts the first of Nov. and ends the be- ginning of. May. Regarding street repairs and paving, Mr. Kenny was not too happy about some street conditions. Paved roads cannot be maintained by a grader and the filling in of bog holes is costly but a number were repaired this year. Put- ting cold mix patches in little pot holes creates a problem ag it pops out again shortly. Councillor Bruce Beare "re. ported for the Fire Department and the Waterworks. Although the New Fire Hall is completed (Continued on Page 12) Port Perry Int. Take Two From Cobourg Club Intermediate hockey club (Tripp Flyers) are starting to hit their stride after losing their open- ing game to Port Hope. They have come back to 'win "their next two games, clipping the Cobourg "B" club 6-4 in Co- bourg last Friday evening and again last Tuesday evening in Port Perry 4-2. Gord Halliday, with 3, and Chic Carnegie, Jim Carnochan and Gary. Geer with singles' were the marksmen for Port in' Friday's game, while Gary Geer Gord Halliday, Hugh McCoy & Bob Parry counted for the win- ners on Tuesday night. The next home game will be next Tuesday evening at 8.30 pm. in the local arena hen Brooklin will visit Port Perry. This should prove to be an ex- citing game as Brooklin. and Port Perry are old rivals. The newly formed Port Perry ° Ld a '

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