. Fe N, . LARS 8 " > "4 RRL IIA Word £ LARC) 3 Jide e \ I VIVES (FREI SAPO SIONAL VIANA AY WSL RELY i ol 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, DECEMBER 8rd, 1964 Prince Albert News The congregation on Sunday enjoyed Mr. Rice's message. Mr. Robert Heayn's vocal solo was pleasing as usual. Messrs. G. Hunter and F. Gibson gath- ered the offering. The November meeting of the U.C.W. was held in the church parlours. Devotion provided by Mrs. C. Chambers and Mrs. E. Jewell. The president, Mrs. H, Hodgins chaired the business. The secretapy, Mrs. Martyn be- ing absent the minutes were | read by Mrs. G. Hunter. Financial figures given by Mrs. Jewell. Mrs. B, Smith took notes on visits made. The flower and fruit committee re- minded to prepare for Christ- mas remembrance for shut-ins in our midst. We a of the year therefore all were agreeable that Rev. Rice be approach to preside over election of officers at the next meeting. Dainty lunch was then served to all. Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 18, the Church parlours res- embled a bee-hive of activity for the annual bazaar. The theme of Christmas was evident with the large poinset- tas, red bells, and streamers looped here and there. At 3:20 the U.C.W. president, Mrs.. H. Hodgins welcomed the' visitors in her suitable opening remarks followed by introduc- ing our new minister's wife, Mrs. Rice who in well chosen remarks noticed, all booths were displaying very attractive goods most appealing to the prospective buyers, after which she declared the bazaar offic- ially opened. Later the ladies chatted over a cup of tea in the snack section where each--table was complimented with a nice candle setting. The committee thanks 'all who patronized the- event which certainly helps Bowling News LADIES MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Nov. 30th Standing-- NO. V8 cuvmunimmsn b b3 Exports ....... 7 47 Embassys ..cccernienns b 43 ) LCT) EJ 7 40 Menthols ..... 2 40 Viceroys ...... wee Bb 31 Players ........ . 2 30 Gaylords ..... 2 29 Belmonts ..... b 29 Cameos .......ceeveerne 0 27 Matinees ..... "nD 26 "Alpines .occccvenneiinne 2 26 High Single-- ; Wanda Durham--266 High Triple-- Wanda Durham--8667 Over 600 Triple--. d Wanda Durham--667; Leo- no Ptolemy -- 627; Doris Par- 611. 200 and Over Singles Wanda Durham -- 219, 266; Marion Hall--256; Norma Jake- man -- 249; Leona Ptolemy-- 208, 231; Willa McLaughlin-- 202, 230; Doris Phinney -- 214, 228; Elsie Pogue -- 228; Edna DeShane -- 228; Birdie Bonnell --228; 'Elma Vernon -- 226; Jewel Tristram -- 225; Sharon Stone--224; Vera Fawns--222; Maude Vernon -- 222; Grace Hastings--220; Doris Pargeter --208, 215; Rosetta Stone--212; Tina Vanderby--210; Beth Oke --202, 210; Marg. Eden -- 205; Linda Amderson -- 202; Norene © Trudell--200. growth of the bank account. About fourteen ladies en- joyed the soclalibility on Wed. afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson when a suc- % La 2 ASLO TT ' - STATE ¥ 1 SEY PEEP BHI when all attended the funeral of Mrs. Irwin's brother, Mr. Roy Shunk of Oakville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heayn at- tended the thirty-fifth wedding anniversary party presentation honouring his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Heayn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. McTaggart of parental roofs. . Mr, and Mrs: James David- son, Jr, left two weeks ago motoring [in the Western Provinces. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Ferris upon their recent marriage. Mrs. Rose Somerville has suffered a badly wrenched arm as a result of a fall, and is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. L. Collins and son of Raglan. é nearing the closing |! "AUCTION SALE cessful "Stanley Party" was| Oshawa. held with Mrs. Reg. Sturmann Miss Mildred Martyn, Tor- Aas demonstrator. onto, Mr. Bruce Martyn, watet- |] d Miss Annie Shunk accompan-| loo and Mr. Sam Rice, Toronto y fed Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin | enjoyed the week-end under | § | Bankrupt Stock Ordered fo be EE ~~ Liquidated in Defail : Without Reserve \ - $58,000 Stock - - - ¢ ~ Fine Furniture, Rugs and Appliances REFRIGERATORS, STOVES, WASHERS, T.V. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD SETS, STEREO HI-FI SETS, ETC. We dre giving up Business "yo u ) : Friday Night, Dec. 4th, 8 p.m. Save 10 to 50 Percent AT * RINGS -- WATCHES -- GIFTS 133 Brock St. North, Whitby For Example: (NEXT DOOR TO THEATRE) - DIAMOND RING -- $175.00 UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM TRUSTEES OUR SALE PRICE -- $125.00 WE WILL SELL THIS UP TO DATE STOCK Save $50.00 OF FINE FURNISHINGS Consisting of :-- | CASH ONLY e NO CREDIT Hand .Tufted 4 Seater Provincial Living Room Suites -- Colonial - Danish and Modern Chester- No Refunds -- No E J % | 0 wetunds 0 Exchanges field Suites -- Fine Occasional Chairs and Tables, - WE MUST VACATE BY JANUARY Bist. Doble and Triple Dresser Bedrjon Suites -- BUY NOW, LAY AWAY UNTIL DECEMBER 23rd. Bed Couches -- Leather Couches and Chairs -- : ; Mattresses, All Sizes -- Etc., Etec. F R A N K M A C K A Y E TERMS CASH -- CHEQUES ACCEPTED . , GOODS ON VIEW ALL DAY FRIDAY Co JEWELLERS Sale Under Direction Of UXBRIDGE --_ 852-6267 JEFFS FURNITURE, TORONTO ] [ | . . ) ' How come the family's , suddenly spending CN <0 much time HEHE hereinthe iY playroom? Hi | | ELECTRIC HEATING! 09 " < 9 Gota chilly playroom? Adding a new room? Youcan Electric Heating Information Centre. The gpecial- make any room warm and livable with electric heat- ist at your Hydro's Electric Heating Information ing. It's simple and inexpensive to install and oper- Centre can give you complete information on the ate. You can add electric heating without disturbjng type of unit best suited to your room, installed cost, your present heating system. And it will cost you operating costs and help in arranging installation, less to install than it would to extend your present Call now. -- 3 4 system. Flameless electric heating is the quietest, : safest, cleanest heating system ever devised. ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE : } ) 1 3 o Port Perry Hydro -Electric Commission