THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. NOV, 12th, 1964 -- 7 the teenager or to the com- munity, schools. And you can't tell me that teenagers who roam the street until 3 a.m. haven't a problem in their home. My appreciation for letting me express myself, The problem is basically a home problem. If children are allowed to rebel there, they will rebel against authority every- Mr. and Mrs. Dean Beatty of Cannington are pictured her following their wedding in The bride is the Myrtle United Church. former Marilyn Downey, daughter of Mr. and Mes. Allan Downey, Brooklin. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beatty. The groom's To the editor Port Perry Star Port Perry, Ont. Dear Sir: Perhaps the most potent force present in society today is the group of citizens that we call teenagers. They have en- ergy to burn, abilities beyond number, apd eagerness to do something or anything. Com- munism realizes all of this and capitalizes on that realization. If teenagers are given a goal that they can be led to believe is worthwhile, no cause_ could wish for better allies. They will literally give themselves ito be spent in an effort to ae- complish their goal. AS THE READER SEES IT ~ But, although teenagers con- stitute such an 'energetic body, it is one which must be care- fully guided and controlled. They are liable to act with brashness rather than with un- derstanding; with impetuous- ness rather than with prudence, We, as the generation that has just passed through adolescen- ce ,can do much to guide and to control teenagers so that they might not be a burden to society but rather an asset. The events of Halloween are still fresh in our minds. Most of the events that stand out are those brought into being by teenagers--probably by a small minority of the teenagers in town. There were fires set WES LANE PLUMBING ELECTRIC - HEATING - 0 "Port Perry, Ont. ice 385-2473 Res. 6 Canada Choice Canned Pear Halves - 1 tablespoon sugar Vitsp. cinnamon 1 lemon, sliced paper thin 6 marshmallows Place drained pean halves in a baking dish with 1/3 cup of their juice. Mix sug- ar and cinnamon together and spninkle over pears. Place a paper-thin slice of lemon on each pear half and a marshmallow on top RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" vz ae BAKED PEARS WITH MARSHMALLOWS Quick Oven Dessert of the lemon slice. Place in a moderately hot oven (400°F) for about 6 min- utes or until marshmallows are delicately browned and pears are heated through. Serve immediately, pouring the juice left in the baking pan over the pears. For attractive recipe folder, write to the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute, 241 Food Terminal Building, The Queensway, Toronto 18. with gasoline-and rubber tires in the streets; stop signs and street signs pulled out and placed on the thoroughfares; garbage strewn about, ete. What disturbs me even more than such stupidity is the atti- tude of so-called grown-ups, to- wards these acts. One man, piling up his wood pile (which was scattered across a «ide street and set on fire) said to me, "I guess I did worse when I was young." A fireman, putting cut a fire on Queen S. commented, "They don't build them big enough any more." A policeman (not one of our local men) said, "They'll soon get tired and go home." It is a crime in itself to pass off such lawlessness so lightly. Just be- cause it is Halloween, the citi- zen is not freed from the res- ponsibility of observing the laws of the land, Tt is not a day when the laws are with- drawn and each individual de- cides how he will show his re- bellion against authority. And anyone who winks at these acts of vandalism does no favour to Ne (7AY,43 1S YR Ye BY) [12 C13 fe dT] au ae e] UXBRIDGE CO-OP 852-3321, Uxbridge Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 " where--on the job, and in the as fast as average use demands with the new ELECTRIC WATER HEATING APPLIANCE "'Cascade 40" is flameless, clean, silent. And there isa ten year guarantee on the tank. APPROVED: The new *'Cascade 40" Water Heating Appliance is an APPROVED PRODUCT developed through the combined research and resources of ya Ontario Hydro and electrical manufacturers. FOR DETAILS CALL your \ » you can heat water electrically SIX TIMES J. H. Brown, Te Er Ch Tlie i Man