" GSE ¥ 22 XE DR rhs BERR dog A Mr. and Mrs. W. Hope and family of Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. T. Bell of Port Perry, recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Manns. Miss Penny Prentice enter- tained a number of her friends at her birthday party Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson of Oshawa, and Mrs. George Shell and family of Port Perry guets of Mr. and Mrs. F. Jack- son recently. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slute of Oshawa, Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar. Mr. M. McLaren and Mr. G. Bratley in Lindsay on Thursday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. George Shell. Mr. and Mrs. Kane and Mrs. E. Prentice in Toronto, Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Walker, Port Perry dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred on Sunday. mas and Mrs. SCUGOG NEWS Sorry to report Mrs. S. Rey- nolds in hospital in Lindsay. Do hope you will be feeling better, Mrs. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Roger McDon- ald and family of Ottawa spent the week-end with her parents Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert at the parsonage, Mr. and Mrs. George Sker- ratt of Prince Albert spent Thursday night with Mr, and Mrs, Mr. Empringham. Stephen Fralick visited with friends in Oshawa for part of the week-end. Miss Marilyn Woods of Whit- by a week-end guest of Miss Beverley Aldred. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prentice, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. E. Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. G. Minty have gone to Toronto for the winter from McLaren's Beach. Mrs. C. Fralick, Mrs. H. Tho- R. Cawker in Claremont on Thursday attend- ing Presbytery. Hallowe'en has past. A nice time was had by all, Service on Sunday. All are invited to attend. Utica News Utica Community Hall will hold its first Euchre of the season on Saurday, Nov. 9th. Mr. Herman Walker had a very successful sale last week and will be moving to Brook lin in the Spring. A large crowd gathered at the Hall last Saturday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lynde celebrated their twenty - fifth wedding anniversary. Jack Crosier, Bruce Bailey, and Mervin Storey have been north deer hunting. Mrs. George Harper spent the week-end with Mrs. G. Gib- son in Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of Oshawa visited Mrs. Delia PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., NOVEMBER Sth, 1964 -- 15 Harper on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Dearborn were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geer's on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall guests with Mrs. Lou Cassidy, Brooklin one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herley Sch- warze of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ferguson of St. Cath- arines, also Mrs. Toogood, Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Storie. Mr, and Mrs. guests with Mr. Kendall recently. Harold Kerry and Mrs. F. 4H Homemakers Hold Meeting The evening of October 28th at 7.15, 21 girls, two leaders & one guest gathered at the home of Mrs. Bryant to hold the seventh 4-H meeting. President, Janice Williams was in charge of the meeting and the secretary, Elizabeth Jefford called roll call. Janice Williams handed out the covers that she had purchased and Mary Nelson said that she could have the plastic covers to give out at the next meeting. Miss Kent was working on the cover design and would have it ready at the next meeting. It was decided that Heather Robertson, Grace Bassant and Dorothy Carnochan, would work on the poster for Achievement Day, and that Mary Nelson would make the speech. Miss Dodd discussed the cooking of different menus and Miss Kent discussed hospitality in the home. Everyone 'sampled some cookies that were. made by Miss Dodd and Miss Kent. The meeting ended with the 4-H creed. | ~ HOPE'S IGA FOOD MARKET BE SURE TO SEE THE | ALL NEW IGA CHRISTMAS TOY SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING ALL THE CHILDRENS FAVOURITES A --.-. ------------- IGA Canada Packers SALE! 2¢ Off CHUM 15-0z. Tins DOG FOOD .... 12 - 99¢. Luncheon Meat 12-0z. Tins YORK KAM .... 2 - 79¢ Maple Leaf 1%-1 Tin - CANNED HAM .... $1.39 EXTRA THIS Receive an Extra $10.00 Tape White or Pink--2 Pkgs. Receive an Extra $6.00 Tape with OMO DETERGENT, Giant Size DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX, Deluxe Pkg. Receive an Extra $4.00 Tape MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT, 2-1b Tin Receive an Extra $2.00- Tape DOMESTIC SHORTENING, "PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE, 8-0z. Pk FARMHOUSE FRUIT PIES, Frozen 8-0z. Pies 12-0z. Pkg. A TOTAL OF $36. 00 IN BONUS TAPES with FACELLE ROYALE TISSUE, Regular, TABLERITE SLICED BOLOGNA SPINACH, Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade, 10-0z. Bag ONT. No. 1 GRADE SUNKIST VALENCIA ORANGES B.C. Fancy Pears . . 6 - 25¢. J |] Cooking Onions BRADFORD Can. No. 1 Grade Crisp Carrofs ......... THE TV GAME THAT GIVES MORE PRIZES TO MORE PEOPLE EVERY WEEK (400 WINNERS EVERY WEEK) THE TV GAME WITH OVER $6,000 IN CASH AND MERCHANDISE PRIZES EVERY WEEK. DOZ.. Size 180 - $1.00 5-1b Bag a" 3-1b Bag 15¢. HOSPITALITY : Raisin Bread . 35 LIBBY FANCY TOMATO JUICE .. 16-0z. Loaf ROYAL GUEST On all the End of 13 Weeks "1965 WAGONAIRES Food Prices Effective Nov. 4, 5, Choice LAMB LE WHOLE FLANK ON Loin 0'Lamb ROAST, CHOPS, STEW Maple Leaf Rindless Pure Pork Sausage Choice Halves GRAND PRIZES Right to Limit Quantities. LAMB SALE SHORT CUT - WHOLE or HALF Lamb in a Basket .... 2%. SLICED SIDE BACON ...........cu..... 69c. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE Four Stations at STUDEBAKER 6 & 7. We Reserve the NEW ZEALAND GS... 4c 2%. 1-16 Pkg. veenns 45€, 1-1b Pkg. sees LETTE YY) - 16-02. Tins AYLMER PEACHES ......... 4 - Tle. 48-03, Tins Aylmer 10-0z. Tins . 2-06%¢. | TOMAro soup... 0" ine Libbys Deep Brown 15-0z. Tins Last Week's Winner--Mrs. Pat. Mulligan, Port Perry. 1-1b Bag BEANS & PORK ........ ....... 4 69c. IGA COFFEE coven T960 | oe arp I Tin WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, AQUA 2-Roll Packs SUCCHSS" PASTE WAX 1- bTin TL TTITIIT C. White Swan Tissue ... 3 - 65¢. on oe with FANCY FROZEN 2.5 Bags | MARGARINE... 5 Fig HERSE, McCains Peas ....... 2- 89c. MINUTE RICE ..o...ocoonm 480. MOTORS REMEMBER 7, covio win a. $10.00 pica Foon 3 Ww AT IAR ANY