PARISI) CRP SPSS NEN NN NN 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1964 the South Ontario Junior Plow- 3rd--Stan Kerswill, boys 156 years and under who y -- -- | ing Match was held at National | R.R. 3, Stouffville. had not plowed before, was-- | we Stud Farm, R.R. 1, Oshawa.| The winner in the class for| John Lueyk, Columbus. wo dSuccessiul Plowing Matches, ri sunior vowing batch was 4 sponsored by the Brooklin Jr.| -- \ Held In North And South Onfario| emer wd te south ontario NY Plowmen's Association. " 8 On Saturday, September 26, boys 16 years old and under - - a . tom TE '| Mr. Donald Greenlees, Sun- S A ] | S W the North Ontario Junior Plow-| who had not plowed before bury ,was the official coach and cott gricu fura ociely 2! ing Match was held at the| were-- . ors x £ ¢ Mr. H 4 Thuska Tip ' judge for the competition. The ; arm o r. Howar axter,| 1st--Bruce Morrison, competitors were. given a dei ANNUAL 0 R.R. 8 ,Beaverton. This Junior R.R. 2, Beaverton Delain EL. u Al : monstration on making their { Match was sponsored by the 2nd--Brian DeGeer, I d first f nd a) Beaverton Junior Farmers, and R.R. 3, Mount Albert | rot . te rigig h v el the North Ontario Plowmen's| 8rd--Charles Hawtin, flito 8 yemoustration on finig a A Tosi for their land. Pr ssociation. Beaverton 1 ; Mr. W. C. Barrie, R.R. 4, Winners in the class for boys The purpose of the Junior Galt, was the official coach and inners 11 Alo class wor hoy Plowing Match is to give the : ) ions 16 years old and under, who i : -- ON -- judge for the competition. The Junior Plowman an opportunity . . had plowed before were-- eo. : competitors were given a de- to receive instruction on plow- er 3 i 1st--Barry Timbers, . . : i monstration on making their RR. 3. Mount Albert ing, and proper plow adjust- 7 ° 0 crown and first furrows, and on dR on McG ckin ments; and to encourage their also a demonstration on a fin- exit, participation in the senior . . R.R. 3, Mount Albert -- AT -- ish for their land. . matches. . 3rd--Ted Smith, Blackwater. The purpose of the Junior Wi in the cl for b . . Plowing Match is to give the inner in the class for boys| The winners in the class for ELGIN PARK UXBRIDGE Junior Plowmen an opportunity Lo Fa 20 wy inclusive, whe | boys 15 years and under, who 1 to receive instruction on plow-| oo POV OL6 NaS had plowed in competition be- © ing, and proper plow adjust- ist--~Halgh Moreison, fore, were-- ments; and to encourage their R.R. 2, Beaverton. 1st--Bob Tran, LIVE STOCK -- PRODUCE participation in the senior R.R. 2, Claremont LADIES' WORK -- HARNESS RACING matches. 2nd--Earl Lewis, The winners in the class for| On Saturday, September 26, RR. 8, Claremont SG ot 1" n 4 YER Bs rm 0 IF YOUVE NEVER TRIED US THEN WE BOTH LOST," WE" ; ') 1 YOUR BUSINESS Pb [A N =p gtd [= CONTRACTING-REPAIRS ELECTRIC HEATIN o 985-7174 -PT1. PERRY Og Oa OL OL OL ORO, Oa OR Og ORO OgOR Oa Og Og Oa 000000] THE BEST ! ol l=-To Ras al » e v TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (on easy, 5-year, budget terms) - ! 5 v Everyone has something to save for... % Canada Savings Bond on sale! allada avings DOoNAsS / NOW O11 Salc. HOME HEAT be | | | ' ' SERVICE EASY TO BUY You can buy SIMPLE TO CASH You can cash GOOD TO KEEP You get interest AT NO COST TO YOU Canada Savings Bonds for cash or Canada Savings Bonds at any time on 1964 Canada Savings Bonds - on instalments--at work on the at any bank at their full face value. on Nov. 1st each year--4%% for BURNFIELD Payroll Savings Plan--or at banks, plus earned interest. When ready each of the first two years; 5% for AND authorized investment dealers, money is required all you havetodo each of the next five years and 6%% ; stockbrokers, trust or loancompanies. is complete the redemption formon for each of the remaining three .. . B ALLARD They come in denominations of $60, the Bond and present it to your years--giving an average return 3 LIMITED $100, $600, $1,000 and $5,000 Bank. You will receive your money when held to maturity in ten years of 000 . ly. They are S ' 8.00% a year. ; : Plumbing and Heating up to a limit of $10,000 per person immotistely y are instant cash| 00% year. They're worth keeping! 985-7335 Port Perry i 088 \ " J