10--PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1964 Blow Kings ............ 2 b 3 " that have been trained by Mr. Whiz Bangs ......... 5 5 Animal Trainer Koehler, * REAPS snprretrecreerrinsse b b : At present he is in Canada Black Jacks .......... 2 4 Di k K hl working for the Canadian Film BOWLING Head Pins ............ 0 4 1C 0e er Co. on the series "Forest Ran- Gibsons ......ccceeenene. 2 2 gers", which appears on Chan- Over 225 Singles-- T 0 h nel 6 at 5:30 Wednesday. Mr. 0 S awa Koehler trains all animals but NEWS LADIES MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Oct, 5th League Standing-- Menthols ........cceeees 3 17 Exports .....ccccevvveeene b 17 Viceroys ........ccceeun. 7 12 NO. T'S wrvreereerrrrnenens b 12 Belmonts ................ 2 10 Embassys ......ccceeuveee 5 10 Kools verieiiiiieeeennne 2 10 Matinees ................ 5 10 'Players .......cccoueeee 0 9 Cameos ...ccceeeeeeeeenne 4 8 Alpines ......cceeerenne 2 7 Gaylords ................ 2 4 High Single-- Diane Sallows--292. High Triple-- Amnie Wakeford--699. Over 600 Triple-- Annie Wakeford--699. 200 & Over Singles-- Wakeford--203, 216, 280; Vera Fawns -- 259; Sharon Stone-- 2562; Eunice Stewart -- 239; Jewel Tristram--237; Beth Oke --234; Wanda Durham -- 234; Alice Cook--232; Elma Vernon --217; Doris Healey--216; Flo Davey--213; Leona Ptolemy-- 211; Elsie Pogue--201; Pauline Butt--200. MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE DeLuxe .......ccceeeneee 7 14 Carnegie ............ 5 12 Meteors ........ccceeeenns 5 10 Goofers ....cccevevvenen 2 9 Legionaires ............ 2 7 Bill's Ref. ............ 5 7 Notice FLAMINGO RESTAURANT Will Be Closed For Holidays FROM 10 P.M. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12th UNTIL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th. ANNUAL Grant MacDonald, President. PORT PERRY CHAPTER Ontario Heart Foundation The annual meeting of the Port Perry » Chapter of the Ontario Heart Foundation will be held in the Municipal Building on WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14, 1964 at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend and share in the Community Programme of the Port Perry Chapter, the Ontario Heart Foundation. MEETING Yvonne Christie, Secretary. + oP 2% +3 2 s, 0 + 0 pO + 0 14 & s, IO *s, 0 Re 4 2 5 0 09000 POSOS0N0R0 S000 0% 0% 4% 0% 4% 4% BUS TRIPS PLOWING MATCH-- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th at 8.00 a.m. PETERBOROUGH--Enjoy a day off at the plowing match -- back in time for chores. $2 0808080808000 S0S0S0INO0 RC STA 0% 0% 0% 4% 4% 0% 4% 2% 4% 4% 4% extra displays. For information phone: Uxbridge Co-Op 852-3321 Port Perry Zenith 8-4130 CO-OP TOUR-- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th at 8.00 a.m. GUELPH--Let's celebrate Co-Op Week with a tour of the Guelph feed plant, U.D.P.C. DAIRY & SOUTH WELLINGTON CO-OP It is open house at the Guelph Co-Ops with many Lunch provided. 278, 231; J. Hadley--304, 237; F. Has- tings--292, 241; B. Howsam-- K. Ashton -- 264; J. Dowson--2564; G. Smithj-- 2564; F. Olsen--252, 227; G. McHugh --261, 241; B. McNeill -- 243; D. Wallace -- 243; G. Goode-- 241, 238; L. Taylor -- 238; J. Lambert--233; R. Sweetman-- 238; D. Butt--232; W. St. John "229; B. Owen--228; T. Eden --227, 226; J. Cook--225. Over 600 Triples-- F. Hastings--746} G. McHugh 704; J. Hadley--697; B. How- sam--~681; G. Gode -- 668; D. Murray--660; J. Dowson--659; B. MeNeill--6656; F. Olsen--~664 T. Eden -- 648; D, Butt -- 619; K. Ashton--613; R. Sweetman --6056; G. Smith -- 604; T. Thomas--602. High Triple-- F. Hastings--746. High Triple W. H.-- B. Howsam--712 High Single-- J. Hadley--304. High Single W. H.-- B. Howsam--283. LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Sept. 30th Standings-- Elephants ...c..ceeeu. 1 21 Hippos .ccvvnnnsiiennsns 153 19 Bears ...c.cceeressecnnne 2 16 Panthers .......ccouee 1 16 Crocodiles ....cccennee b 15 Giraffes ......ceenenns 3 16 RIiNOS ...ovevreeervenne 'b 14 Leopards ......... 2 14 Lions .cceeeeereccrvnnnnae 0 14 Apes ...ceineiinnniienns 2 9 TLBOLS ccrescsscsirmnmetnns 4 8 Zebras .......cvveeeinne 0 7 High Triple-- Elaine Bailey--720 High Single-- Ann Werry--301 Triples Over 600-- G. Hastings--708; M. Geer-- 628; B. Bell--615; S. Bell--607; R. Williams--=600. Singles Over 210-- E. Bailey--300, 228; N. Bry- ons--226; J. Hamilton--215; C. Warriner--237; M. Geer--242; K. Harper--211; W. McLaugh- lin -- 226; A. Olsen -- 243; J. Goode--215; R. Williams--211, 211; C. Wilson--2556; A. Chand- 'ler -- 239; B. Oke -- 216; S. Grieve--237; M. Cook--236; M. Wakeford -- 224; B. Bell--262, 212; S. Bell--218, 238; G. Hast- ings -- 244, 261; J. Fleming-- 216. . Guide Mothers The September meeting of the Guide Mothers was held at the home of Mrs. Ellsworth Kennedy with 156 ladies present. The Rod and Gun club have ap- proached the Guide Mothers to cater to their banquet to be # | held October 28th. Commissioner Rena Webster i told us new leaders for Guides and Brownies are meeded. A Rummage Sale, Baking, Candy, Novelties and Coffee is to be held at the Scout Hall. Nov, 7th at 2 p.m. Rummage to be left withh Irene Murray, 38 Lilla Street or Aileen Wylie 279 Casimir Street. Each Brownie pack, Guide Company and Ranger Group will be given $10.00 to help start them on their year's work. Word was received that one of our former Brownies, Cathy Gardner passed away. A Guide Mother and Past President, | Mrs. J. Witherspoon also passed % | away very suddenly. The meet- ing closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Do you have a problem dog? Does he run away? Bark at every moving thing? Chew up shoes? Bite the delivery man? If the answer is yes to these questions and more you will be interested to know that the Oshawa Obedience Club has succeeded in obtaining' the famous Dick Koehler to train our pet dogs. Mr. Dick Koehler is the man who trains the animals for Mr. Walt Disney. He was the suc- cessful trainer for "The In- credible Journey" training a Bull Terrier, Labrador Retrie- ver, and a Siamese Cat as well as all the wild animals. "Big Red" is another Walt Dis- ney film that is a Koehler credit. Bullet, Roy Rogers dog, Asta of the Thin Man, Turk and Duke of the Swiss Family Robinson are a few of the dogs especially devotes his time to pet dogs that need correcting to be a well mannered dog and cat every neighbourhood ap- preciates. The training that Dick Koeh- ler is offering to the Oshawa Club is for 10 weeks commen- cing Wednesday, October 14. We feel most fortunate in ob- taining Mr. Koehler as his stay in Canada is expected to terminate in January. Anyone that is interested in training their dog in these clas- ses contact Helen Bathie. CNENERERNNEEN ENN If you are in Need of JOB PRINTING Call PORT PERRY STAR 985-7383 INEREEENEENEENNENNEEER THE SWEET MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF 9O OPOPOSOFOSOPOPOPOSOPOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOS0SOS0SO0SOS0S0S0SOS0S0S0808090S0SOSOROSOSOSOSIPOSOSOSOSOSOROSO OO 80 0 00 "0 00 0 0% 80 4 00 00 0% 1% 00% 0% 4% 4% 0% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 40 ah A A 0G A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 0%, 4% 4% 40 4% 4% 4% te * 0% 0%, 00000008080808080090809080 De aco 20%0%0008 Savings! ® Prices Effective Oct. 6 to Oct. 10 © Canned Hams .......... $1.49 Home Made Sausage 3 * $1.00 Fresh Ground Beef Fresh Pork Shoulders Fresh Pork Butt Chops .." 55° Fresh Stewing Beef ..... " 5%' Sliced Cooked Meals Maple Leaf Wieners .... * 43° a 2 ANG Oaaloal O80 COOOU SOUND OF (1%2'8) Ea. 3" $1.00 Ib 33 0900800800000 8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080800 8 8 0 0 0% 450 400 40% 0% 0% 9% 00 4% 0% 0% 4% 0A 00 40 AAG AAA AA A Sr 0 90 0% 4% 090080800090 80809080 9 O08" 0% 500% 0% 4% 0% 0% 0% Pkgs. 3-59 290008080 DERI2I0N By the Piece Maple Leaf Bologna .... * 29' Chum Pet Food 10 tins $1.00 KAM, the Tasty Luncheon Meat Luncheon Meat . . ... 2 fins 89° Tulip Margarine MAPLE LEAF 3 Ibs. 65° § t Cheese Slices ......... ea. 31' ORANGES (163's) MAPLE LEAF Doz. 3 Mincemeat, 2 pie size ..... 45 9 oz. Quaker Muffets ..... 2 for 43° MAPLE LEAF 14 oz. Soap Flakes .............. 3% CAWKERS FOOD MARKET Port Perry, Ont. 985-2221 PORT PERRY, ONT. 985-2221"