represents an entirely new motoring beauty and function. Engine and Restyled and built on a longer wheelbase, the 1965 Dodge from Chrysler Canada Ltd. conception in suspension system refinements enhance the operation and riding qualities of the new Dodge for 1965. Pictured is the Dodge Monaco two-door hardtop. GREENBANK NEWS Our minister, Rev. D. Harris was back on duty last Sunday morning after his vacation and Mrs. D, Lee presided at the or- gan. Choir practice is called for Thurs. evening of this week and it is hoped the members will all be present. During this week the various church organizations are meet- ing in preparation for the Mis- sion Festival to be held in Oct. Last Satuday evening Mrs. Evelyn Tait was hostess to forty relatives at a shower in honour of her granddaughter, Miss Lona Sinclair and her fu- ture husband, Mr. Lorne Beer- ling, both of Toronto. All were happy to have Mrs, Harry Phoenix among the guests. She was at home over the week-end returning to the Hospital on Sunday for further treatments, Mr. and Mrs. Les Real of Vancouver visited his sister, Mrs. Pearl Phoenix on Tuesday. Mr. Archie McKee and sister, Mrs. Andy Lyons of Saskatoon called on Mr. and Ms. C. Pear- son on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Robt. Leask enjoyed a few holidays last week with her sister, Mrs. McCormack of Sudbury and her niece, Mrs. Wright of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. F. Beare spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Heron of Mont- real. re Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leask of | Oakville were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Phair one day last week. Mr. Cecil Leask accom- panied them home for a week's visit. Mrs, Howard McMillan spent last week at Valentia with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snoddon and fa- mily. Hope Noreen will soon be feeling better. Mrs. Stan Aldred and Mrs. C. Pearson attended a trousseau tea in honour of Miss Gail Hitchens of Kedron on Wednes- day of last week. Gary Lee entertained seven school mates on his eleventh birthday last Friday and Robt. Blair was guest of honour on his fifth birthday on Monday. Congratulations. The W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed. Brown on Tues., Sept. 22nd at 8.15 p.m. Cars and members are request- ed to meet at the church at 7.45. Several from here attended the shower for the former Miss Betty Leask at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Leask, Port Perry. A large crowd of Greenbank and Bethesda friends gathered at the Hall last Friday evening to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rodd who have sold their farm and are moving to (Uxbridge. The guests of hon- our were presented with sev- eral beautiful gifts and a purse of money accompanied by the best wishes of the community for much happiness in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson of Stouffville on Sunday. ASST Ta i Ti Te TA Ihnh _3h >a SF @ = = TC 7 SERVICE To Be Held By BELTONE OF OSHAWA Fri., Sept. at SWEETMAN'S, 227 Queen Street From 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. CENTRE ne See 18th, 1964 Come in for FREE hearing evaluation test Batteries Now Always Available at SWEETMAN'S Distributor: Mr. Harold Nicholas Please come in and get acquainted. Consultant: Mrs. Shirley Draper Seagrave News The Seagrave U.C.W. held its first meeting, after the holi- | days, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 9th. Owing to the absence of the South Group Leader, Mrs. Butt, Mrs. Morley Bruce was in charge of the devotions. After a call to worship all joined in Hymn "Rejoice the Lord is King". Mrs. N. Hurst read John 14. Mrs. Bruce then introduced Mrs. Litt of Port Perry, as guest speaker for the evening, Mrs, Litt spoke of children return- ing to school, and what we hope they will accomplish in the next ten months. We as parents set high standards for them, but she wondered if we ourselves were being forced to accept standards that we deep down in our hearts, do not accept. Wa hear much of ithe restlessness of women and how they are taking positions outside the home to express themselves. Some remedies she suggested were: Return to the Father and find His solution; Mary, the mother of Jesus said, "My soul doth magnify the Lord; Jesus said of Mary, the sister of La- zarus, 'She hath chosen the better part"; again prayer life and Bible Study, make creative use of the Holy Spirit in our lives, in the community and the world around us. This was a very thought pro- voking and worthwhile talk. Mrs. J. Foote sang, "Bless This House". Mrs. G. Wana- maker followed with a reading. Mrs. Bertrand read excerpts from Mrs. Dickson's letter. Hymn "Saviour again to Thy dear Name", brought this sec- tion of the meeting to a close. Mrs. B. L. Wanamaker thank. ed Mrs, Litt for coming to us with such a fine message. Mrs. Cliff Short, President then took charge and opened with a short poem. Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. The roll call answered by twenty-seven mem- bers and eight visitors were present. Seven ladies contri- buted to the Birthday Box. Correspondence was read and,. in answer to a request, from the secretary of Region 1, of Lindsay Presbytery U.C.W., Mrs, G. Wanamaker was ap- pointed to act as Assistant Sec'y of Region 1 for 1965, and Secretary for 1966. An invitation to the Fall Rally to be held at Little Bri- tain, on Sept. 26th was read. Plans were completed for cater- ing for the Wilson-Butt wedd- ing. Hymn "The day Thou Gavest", and Mizpah Benedic- tion closed the meeting. Lunch was served by the South Group PORT and a social hour enjoyed. Recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MacTaggart have been Messrs. Wm. Mar- tin of Sutton, and Duncan Martin of Sunderland; Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson and sons of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Art Moase and Mrs. Owen Davis, of Scarborough. © Our village has suffered the loss of another highly respected citizen, in the passing of Mr. Fred Grose. The sympathy of the community goes out to Murs. Grose and the family. Miss Gladys Joblin of Port Perry, was present at the Rally Service of the Sunday School, and spoke to the children, who listened attentively. Recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S, MacFarlane have been Mrs. Earl McNally, of Lumsden, Sask., Mrs. Wm. McCully, Mrs. E. MacDonald, and Mrs, E. Brabazon of Sun- derland. Mrs. S. Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cherrie, of Scugog on Sunday evening. Mrs, S. Reynolds re- mained for a visit there. PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPT. 17th, 1964 -- 13 Toronto Woman Wins Hospital Auxiliary Draw The Draw for a trip for two to the World's Fair in New York, sponsored by the Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliary took place on Saturday, Sept. 12th, outside the office of Greer & Kelly. The winning ticket be- » longed to Mr. H. Payne of Tor- | onto who was vacationing at | the time in Port Perry, Hundreds of tickets were sold to make the draw an out- standing success and special credit goes to Mrs. Oscar Ed- wards who was personally res- ponsible for the sale of $75.00 worth of tickets. By a strange coincidence Mr. Payne was "adopted" by Mrs. Edwards when he came from England as a boy and it was she who informed him of his good fortune. The Auxiliary extends warm- est thanks to all members and friends whose co-operation and hard work had such spendid results. sm -- cA BONELESS Pot Roast Beef Until 11 WKER BROS. Eversweet Bacon -1's .. 59°" UURUUU |. i 8 Quart Package Newport Fluffs ........... 43% FREE Town DELIVERY Every Morning 0'Clock. the rural scene. Your Co-op has been able sational FAIR TRADE. peak production. The Petroleum Dept. and many things to show you. Hope to see you there. UXBRIDGE UXBRIDGE 852-3321 Trade Fair and Fair Trade September 17, 18 and 19 are the dates of the Uxbridge Trade Fair which will be held in the Uxbridge Arena. This is your opportunity to catch up on the changes in automated hog feeding, namely the Pen Pal Feeder. at the Co-op booth and get the information. While you are in check our feed display and see for yourself that your dollar spent on Co-op Feed is a sen- Protein content is important, but there are other just as important factors--minerals, vitamins, T.D.N. (Total Digestive Nutrients), and balance are all essential for By the way, the opportunity to meet and hear a man, who has been of great service to his community, the Ontario farmer, and farmers across Canada, is yours. Hear Mr. Jack Fraser at your Co-op Annual Meeting, Tuesday night, Sept. 22nd at 8.30 p.m. in the Educational Wing of Trinity United Church. CO-OPERATIVE CO-0P CORNER By GORD MURRAY Retail Fieldman Uxbridge Co-operative to bring you the latest in Call Hardware Staff too have PORT PERRY ZE. 8-4130