Sh grt, a ey ' LAC dd a LJ wry A Le 2 fs edd id LAF £4 Last Lab AS YE i 4 5 " Hibs ¥ A ' RA 1h MISCELLANEOUS BUY or SELL Canadian tokens or coins, Apply Bluebird Res- taurant on Highway 12, 1% miles North of Manchester, 985-7531. T.F. SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Older Models a Specialty. All repairs guaranteed. Phone Blackstock, 986-4291. Aug.18 Auction Sales Sponsored by Oddfellows Lodge to take place in near future. Anyone wishing to donate ar- ticles call 985-2465 or 985-7710. WED. (Evening) AUG. 12-- Auction Sale of Implements, . Ferguson Tractor and Tractor Implements, the property of Murton Walter Estate, on Har- mony Road North, Just South of Taunton Road. Sale at 7:00 O'Clock in the Evening. Terms Cash. J. H. Pascoe, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. July 30--Aug. 6 SAT., Aug. 16th -- Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of Miss Minnie Grey will be held in the town of Uxbridge (Brock St. W.) on Sat., Aug. 15th. Electric re- frig., electric stove, chesterfield full line of furniture, some an- tique dishes, chicken coop, chair, antique Settee, Platform rocker, etc. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT. AUG. 29th--20, Here- ford Cattle, 300 Hens, 2 Tract- ors, Implements and furniture. The Property of Herb Ashton, Lot 6, Con. 1, Reach, 1 mile north of Ashburn, Saturday, August 29th. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Ashburn Ladies Guild will hold a baking sale on the grounds. Ted Heron, Clerk. Aug. 20 TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. Owen R. Orr. M.A. S.T.B. Sunday, August 16th -- 11:30 a.m.--Holy Communion Thursday, August 6th-- Transfiguration. of Our Lord 7:30 a.m.--Holy Communion ~ PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A. Minister Sunday, August 16th -- 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. .M Buntain, .-B.A. Minister Sunday, August 16th -- The Congregation of St.John's Presbyterian Church will join with the United Church for the month of August The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. C, C. Gilbert, B.D. Summer Schedule Sunday, August 16th -- ° PROSPECT--9.15 a.m. MANCHESTER--10.15 a.m. SCUGO0G--11.16 a.m. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown Sanday, August 16th -- 9.60 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Worship Monday, 7.00 p.m.-- Young People Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting EVERYONE WELCOME-- PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Sunday School . 11 am.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed, 8 Meeting 'For' Spiritual Help---986-2420 > 00 Auction Sale THURS.,, AUGUST 27th-- Auction sale of farm stock and implements and furniture, Hol- stein cows with Hereford-cross calves (up to 500 1lbs.), three Guernsey springers. Quantity of hay and grain selling at the property of Sylvester Jones, Lot 11, Con. 7, Scott Township (4 miles north of Uxbridge). Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m, Aug. 20 LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer Hardball News The next and last game of the schedule will be held at the local Fair Grounds this Friday, Augus tllth at 6.45 p.m. Fenelon Falls will visit Port Perry in the deciding game for fourth place, the last play-off position. This will be a very important game for both clubs. Aug. 6--Fenelon Falls 6, Port Perry 3. Aug. 9--Port Perry 9, Cannington 5. Aug. 10--Little Britain 8, Port Perry 5. BLACKSTOCK NEWS By 0. Hill Blackstock and Janetville Women's Institutes were enter- tained by 'Nestleton Institute on Wednesday afternoon. This get to-gether was planned to be held in Cartwright Park, but the weather was so chilly, it was held in North Nestleton Church. Mrs, Arthur Hyland, President of Nestleton W.I. presided and extended a hearty welcome to all. As well as the above mentioned there were three ladies of Bowmanville W.I. and two from Port Perry W.I. Mrs. Russel Mountjoy gave an interesting paper on the motto -- "Praise Loudly, Blame Softly" -- Mrs. Percy Van Camp gave a humorous reading. Mrs. Adelbert Bea- cock gave Reminiscences of her early days around Caesarea. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin read-- "The Pension Cheque". Mrs. J. A. McArthur gave an interest- ing and informative paper on "The Institute Ode". After the singing of the Queen and the Grace, the ladies were giv- en the opportunity of viewing and purchasing a very fine ar- ray of aprons. Two contests were arranged by Mrs. Allan Beacock and won by Mrs. Dal- ton Dorrell and Mrs, J. A. John- ston. A bountiful lunch was served and a real visit enjoyed by the ladies. One lady from each of visiting points express- ed their appreciation for be- ing invited and for the very pleasant afternoon. There were good congrega- tons at both churches Sunday morning. In St. John's Canon H. E. Ashmore delivered 'his fine sermon from the text--A Fight to be Fought, a Battle to be Won, a Job to be Done. Next Sunday Miss Jean Boyd of Prince Albert, -Sask., who is visiting 'Canon and Mrs. 'Ash- more and is a Deaconess and Teacher will be guest speaker in St. John's. Miss Sandra Scholfold and Mr. Len Carson, of Queen's University conducted the ser- vice in the United Church, Mr. Carson giving the address. Mr. Ralph Larmer sang a solo-- "God Will Take Care of You". In the United Sunday School the story--"Standing on a Log" was role played by Ronald Bradburn, Todd Martyn and Dale Van Camp. Tuesday, Aug. 4th Miss Kerri Sparks and Miss Mary Gibbons, Renfrew, with the former's mother and grandparents were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Miss Sparks was enrolled as a Lone Land Ranger under the flag at the school grounds with Cartwright Lone Rangers attending, Miss Sparks and Miss Gibbons are now gone to Ranger and Cadet camp in British 'Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunbar and family, Scarboro, were guests of the Lloyd Wrights on Sunday, Aug. 2. Cheryl went home with them and had five days isit. v Peterboro called on Mrs, Leslie and: Mrs. Wright, Donald and Harold visited the Dunbars Friday and brought the girls home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright and Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Smith re- turned home Aug. 3rd from a pleasant bus trip to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Henry, E. Darcy and Mrs. I. Argue Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs, Adrien Haines, Brian and Leanne, Bowmanville called on Mrs. George Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pearce Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins and family, Whitby, called on friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Turner and girls and Linda Mountjoy are at their cottage, Coe Hill. Sorry to report Mrs. Harold Swain is in Oshawa hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. H. McKee, Norwich, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson who took her home Sunday and at- tended Decoration Service there. Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Fer- guson were week-end guests of Mrs. 'C. Hill and visited the rest of the relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor took a trip to Algonquin Park last week. : Mrs. W. Archer spent a coup- le of days with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and family, Whit- by who brought her home Sun- day, 'Marilyn remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown and Miss Dorothy, Oshawa, vi- sited Mrs. Cecil Hill Friday evening, Paul Rahm is holidaying with friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer, Pickering, were Sunday guests and Mrs. George Rutherford, Oshawa spent Monday with Mrs. G, Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter and family took a trip to Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Marie, ete. last week. PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1964--7 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drink- water and family are guests of Mrs. W. W, Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hamil- ton spent last week on a trip around Northern Ontario and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamil- ton and family are holidaying at Nobel, Ontario. Guests of Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and family--Mrs. Edith Murphy and Glen Mur- phy, Tyrone and Wayne Mur- phy, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Meryn Graham called on friends in Fenelon Falls and visited her aunt in the Barbara Mary Rest Home, Bobcaygeon, Sunday. Several of the R.B.P. mem- bers attended the Derry Day celebration in Orillia Saturday. Mrs. George Wolfe is taking a two week's course in Home Economics in Ottawa, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Grose who : were married in Blackstock United Church Saturday. Mrs. Ralph Wood and Miss Eldene Wood, Toronto, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blakeman, Toronto, visited Mrs. Charles Venning and Mr, and Mrs. Orr Venning Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Werry and daughter, Kingston ,spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry and Roy. Mr. & 'Mrs. James T, Hastie, Garry & Clifford Durham were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunsmoor. Greenbank News The Annual Decoration Ser- vice will be held at Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank, next Sunday, August 16, at 2:30 p.m. Rev. David Harris will be the speaker. Mrs. C. L. Wilkinson of Ham- ilton is visiting at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ianson. On Sunday they attended the Decoration Service at St. John's Cemetery. Recent visitors at the Archie Empringham -home were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith and fam- ily of Flin Flon, Man., Mr. G. R. Miller of Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rolands of London and Mrs. C. A. Empringham of Agincourt. Mrs. Gordon McDonald of Port Perry, daughter Blanche granddaughter Sandra and Mrs. Maude Boe of Bowmanville vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Phair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter spent Sunday at Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter. Miss Debbie Snoddon of Val- entia has been holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Dusty, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dusty and family. Mr. Robert White and boys recent visitors at the Lorne Blakely home. Several Jr. Farmers enjoyed a picnic on Sunday at Rod. Oxford's cottage at Bobcaygeon. (Continued on page 11) PICKLED PEACHES 16 to 18 medium peaches (about 4 1bs.) 1 cup white vinegar 1 cup water 4% cups sugar 2 four-inch sticks cinnamon 1 teaspoon whole cloves Choose 'fine-flavoured, tree- ripened Ontario fresh peach- es that are firm and free from blemishes. Put vinegar, water and sugar into a 8- quart saucepan, simmer b minutes. Skin one half of the peaches by dropping them in boiling water just long enough so that ' the skins will slip off easily. (Be careful not to leave peaches in boiling water long enough for flesh to soften RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" or they will not skin smoothly.) Drop peaches ; at once into the syrup, simmer until tender (about 12 minutes). Lift peaches into a bowl and set aside until you have peeled and cooked the re- mainder. Remove sauce- pan from heat; add peach- es in bowl, cover and let stand overnight. Next morning. pack peaches into sterile hot jars. Add the spices to the syrup and reheat to boiling. Pour syrup over pickles to cover fruit to within % inch of jar top, Seal, cool and store in a cool, dark place. Here's an unusual re- cipe to help you win first prize at your local fair!! PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE GIANTEFREESBARBECUE SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2 p.m. THE HEBER DOWN FARM -- #7 HWY. -- 1 Mile West of BROOKLIN MEET: MIKE STARR, M.P., MATT. DYMOND, M.P.P.,, AB. WALKER, M.P.P. Rt. Hon. JOHN DIEFENBAKER and other Celebrities. GAMES - RIDES - RACES - HORSESHOES - STEERBURGERS - BANDS ENTERTAINMENT FOR YOUNG AND OLD. Everybody Welcome - Covered Stands If Showers (Sponsored by the Progressive Conservative Assn's of Ontario County)