Ws ee Cav PE Soni 3 i . xd PA | i ot ¥ ' Te : : 5 of . a \ "are invited to attend. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Carter. TIAA MVR ASR 4d Bb BTL URE A sola eis A TXAR] 8 iN AR FRET . 3 WATE EACH 3 ew Nast CONC Wy : a a eh CF SREP FERRI. SOLE AL RE WRAY | iw ft + Honourable James Auld, Ontario Minister of Tourism and information, drove the first ball to officially open Upper Canada Golf Course on July 12th. Mr, Auld, attired in the Sutherland tartan kilt of his mother's clan, arrived in a coach from Upper Canada Village and was piped onto the course to begin the F Pd X 5 TEE ARLE ET Le 1 Aas AERA TNS pada LRA RR ARE 2 festivities. The province's newest links, the par-72 course is! hhh. -- 0 '| of play. TOA LF Pr ER 3 he. ASL DE IAL A fan 7 Minor Softhall Booster Night (Continued from page 1) At the ball park, three ball games were interspersed with a number of lucky draws, with prizes donated by a number of. the local merchants, In the first 3- inning Squirt game Greenbank defeated the local Blue Birds 9-0, The second game displayed two girls teams with Scugog Island defeating the local Harry's Girls, 6-5, In the main feature of the evening the Port Perry Juniors who have only played three home games in the local park came on strong in the latter stages of the game and defeated the "CKEY Good Guys" 7-2. The game was close throughout with the Good Guys leading 1-0 after four and one-half innings The Juniors finally broke the ice in the last of-the bth inning and tied the score. They added four more in the sixth and two in the eighth. The Good Guys picked up their sec- and tally in the 6th inning. Larry Davidson's big - home run, Doug Scott and Dennis Cochrane with 2 hits and Clyde Johnston with one led the Port batters. Bud Bodkin with two hits led the Good Guys. located in Crysler Farm Battlefield Park, near Upper Canada CKEY Good Guys: Village, seven miles east of Morrisburg. A few of "the boys", enjoyed refreshment in Cook's Tavern, Upper Canada Village, near Morrisburg, after a round of golf on the new Upper Canada Golf Course. SCUGOG NEWS Mr. Gordon Pogue and Mr. Peter Hood vacationing in Wes- tern Canada for three weeks. Mrs. M. McLaren and Mrs. R. Tetlow in Hamilton on Satur- day atending a lily show. . Mr. and Mrs. Helliwell and children of West Hill with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F, Tyrell over the week-end. Mr. 'and Mrs. R. Fralick and children spent Monday in Osh- awa. Mr. Doug Flewell a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E, Pren- tice on Monday. i Mr. and Mrs. V. Aldred in Malton on Saturday meeting Mr. and Mrs. Alan Aldred on their return from Europe. Mr. and Mrs, J. Beckett in Bowmanville on Sunday visiting with Mr. Beckett, Sr.,-and Miss Arvilla Beckett. ; : Grace is having a Summer Supper July 22nd, 5 p.m. All Mr. and Mrs. S. Chandler and sons and Mr, and Mrs. Rodney Chandler and family were in Stroud on Saturday attending the Milner picnic held at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. D. Aldred, Bev- erley were dinner. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Reckie at Bea- verton on Sunday. Barbara Reckie is spending a week's va- cation with Beverley, Miss Dorita Trew of Oshawa is spending a week's holiday Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrews and three children of "Oshawa are vacationing with her sister and brother-in-law = Mr. and Mrs. Glen Demara. «~~ ~~ Mr, and Mrs. H. Thomas Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas, Blackwater. Mr. and Mrs. T. Eden spent Sunday with his sister and hus- band at Preston Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R, Lehman of Claremont visited with her par- ents Mr: and Mrs. Empringham on Sunday. Mrs. Crooks and Mr. George Jackson with Mr. and Mrs. F. Jackson on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred and family in Oshawa on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearson. a week's holiday. Miss Judy Taylor of Ring- wood a week's visitor with Miss Mary. ~ Master Brantford is spending a week with his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Minty. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and daughter were in Lindsay on Saturday night attending a twenty fifth wedding anniver: sary. } Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson and Mary and Mr. G. Lewis and daughters, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carleton of Scar- 'borough on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Malcovich of Toronto spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Matthews. Mz. and Mrs. W, Moore are spending some time at Lake Kashabog. : Mrs. Nichol of Toronto a week end guest of her sister and bro- ther-in-law- : Mr. 'and Mrs. G. Minty. ! Mr. and Mrs. Brodie, Mrs. Fryer of Toronto and Mr. Fred Barrett of Florida at the Brodie cottage for the week-end. Mr. Cecil Fralick, Toronto at his home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Empringham visiting with his mother, Mrs, Empringham Sr, of West Hill. We are sorry to report Mrs. Empringham is very ill. The Cubs had a nice time at Camp Sam-Mace in Oshawa. Miss Sandra Fralick of Tor- onto at her home here for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Luttrell of Tor- onto and daughter of Toronto with Miss Jean Henderson for Rat remained for Richard - Minty of] the week-end. Service at 11.15 a.m. at Grace Church. All are invited to at- tend. A lovely anthem by our choir was given on Sunday. * * * Grace U.C.W. The July meeting of Grace U.C.W. was held in the church parlors on Wednesday night, July 8th. Nine members and one visitor were present. For devotional Myrtle Thomas read a paper on "Praper that is Effective". Roll call, minutes, correspond- ence and offering. We are having a "Grace Sup- per" on July the 22nd from 5 o'clock until all are served. Adults $1.00, children under 12 50c. All are cordially invited to. attend. % A Bake Sale is to be held on Aug, 8th. Eliza Fralick gave out Hospital Draw Books for Mrs. Smith. Program--Contest by Chris- 'tina Prentice; Reading by Lil | 4 Moore. : August lunch and program committee to be Mrs. Smith, Mabel Sweetman, Mary Tetlow and Myrtle Thomas. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. A lovely lunch was served by the group in charge, At Rest DOWSON, Frank -- Suddenly at the Community Hospital Port Perry on Wed., July 8th, 1964, Frank Dowson, beloved husband of -the late Elizabeth Davey, dear father of Merlin, Allin, Joseph, Myrtle (Mrs. Jack Manns), Betty (Mrs. Roy Collins), Arthur & Glen, dear brother of Alfred, also survived by 12 grandchildren, in his 80th year. Service was from the Chapel of McDermott - Pana- baker, Port Perry on Saturday at 2 pm. Interment Pine Grove ;Cemetery. ; ¢ f July Wage Roll Total $9,400,000 Busy days are in store for bank staffs and the payroll de- parmtents at General Motors of Canada. During the month of July, GM will distribute $9,400,- 000 in wages, salaries and vaca- tion pay. This is. the largest total ever paid out to GM peo- ple at Oshawa in a single month and compares "with $8,300,00 last July and $7,400,00 in July 1962. GM employment at Oshawa totals 13,800 hourly rate people and 3,000 salaried people -- the highest level of employment in the company's history, The an- nual vacation period. for most GM production people begins on July 19. | Ron--Smith, 3rd base; Bud Bodkin, 1st base; Wally Balloo, S.S.; Dave Mackie, CF.; Gord Chapman, C; John Dolan, RF; Lee Vogel, LF; Gord White, P; Bill Marshall, 2nd base; Bob Rice and. George Chandler. Port Perry Juniors: Dennis Cochrane (CF); Barry Oke (3rd B); Ted Thorndyke (C); Don Gibson (1st B); Grant Tummonds (2nd B); Brian Flet- cher (SS); B. Cochrane (LF); Chas. Williams (RF); Doug Scott (P); Clyde Johnston (1st B); Larry Davidson (LF). Prize Winners $10.00 Food Voucher from Hope's IGA--Glenn Wanamak- er, Seagrave; Mrs. Helen Mac- Master, Port Perry; Jim Bish- op's Sports, Oshawa won by Doug Scott, Scarborough; Crest Hardware, won by Bruce McCoy Peel's Hardware won by Claire Ptomley; Pickard. Hardware won by Barbara Holtby; Mersco 5 to $1.00, won by Keith Crozier and Archer Motor Sales won by Anson Gerrow. Closed For Holidays | FROM JULY 27th UNTIL AUGUST 4th 0 0018000800008 0000000 uc00cacrCsCRc CI Ca CRC CRC 0000S Thank You Insurance, Sweetman's Taxi, of Port Perry who came out i Minor Softball. ~The Port Perry and District Minor Softball Associa- tion would like to thank the following who made the Minor Softball Booster Night--a tremendous success: ' Port Perry Legion #419, Jean Bright Trio, Police Dept. Hope's IGA, Lions Club, Scugog Cleaners, Emmerson's lance, Matt. Dymond, J. J. Gibson, 0.A.S.A, and Mr. Clare Butler, Jim Bishop's Sporting Goods, Crest Hardware, Pickard Hardware, Peel's Hardware, Mersco Store, Beare Motors, Archer Motors, CKEY Good Guys and the people Port Perry Brignall's Taxi and Ambu- n great numbers to support CARL LUKE, President | >