2 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1964 By Jean Jeffery Mr. Peter Lacey who is wor- king for Mr. Beaton at Sunder- land visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey and family on Sunday. The Geer families attended a Corel > : » Wi family picnic at the home of WE Mr. Fred Thom in Uxbridge on Wn Sunday. Se Mr. and Mrs. David Prentice Had visited a few days last week NG with Mr. and Mrs, Len Beach. Keith returned for some holi- days with his grandparents. Miss Jean Graham of Lindsay visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munro for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Lee and family of Port Perry on Thursday evening. Congratulations to Keith Wil- son, Gerald Asling, Ross Pren- tice, who were successful in passing their year at Univer- sity. Floyd Wilson won a Scholar- ship and three other awards for highest standing in Grade 8 at Prince Albert School. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling and Dr. Pat enjoyed a barbecue supper on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark. Miss M. Smith, Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs. K. Ashton and Ri- chard, Mr. Ken Catherwood, Miss Joyce Strong were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton on Sunday. Mrs. Middleton of Whitevale visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer on Saturday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mac- Cannell visited Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacDonald of Dundalk and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Halley of Holland Centre recently. The Chivari gang gave a noisy welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prentice on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prentice and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Serrs ty le 2d ho Siz AIS CHE Sani lt EPSOM NEWS of Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs. G. Prentice for the week- end, Mrs. G. Prentice, Mrs. Hugh Serrs were guests at a shower in Uxbridge at the home of Mrs. Ken Nobee in honour of the bride Mrs. Donald Prentice on Saturday evening. Mr. Henry Harper of Wind- fields Farms visited Mr, M. Bailey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stewart and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham of Oshawa and Mrs. R. Jeffrey of Toronto were with Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Stew- art recently. . Mr, and Mrs. M, Doble visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd. Miss Elaine Medd attended a Shower for Miss Connie Han- cock at the home of Miss Carol Smith at Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. James Fudge & Mrs. Ivan Spencer, Greenbank, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Payne and family. Several attended the dedica- tion service at the Bible Club Camp near Reaborough. Miss Lexie Love of Prince Albert visited Miss Joyce Wil- son recently. The Millman Picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell at 'Maple. Mrs. John Millman and boys attend- ed. They called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millman at Richvale before returning home. Kerry Millman is staying with his father this summer where John is working near Markham. Miss Elaine Medd was a guest at the Jackman - Williams wedding in Port Perry United 'Church. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Evans at- tended the Parrot Picnic held at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Russell Acton in Ux- bridge. By Mrs. Les Beacock Last Tuesday evening a group of friends comprising various branches of church assembled in the church parlors for the purpose of a social get-to-gether honouring our minister and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Linstead and their daughter Ilda. Mr, Allen Martyn capably acted as master of cermonies announcing~a pro- gram had been arranged. The following are the items: First everyone joined in singing a hymn, "What a. Friend We Have in Jesus". Jean: Snel- grove, Phtsy Holtby, © Linda Hunter, Christine Williamson each rendered piano solo, Reading by Mrs. H. Hodgins; Vocal number by Lexie Love; J A vocal quartette by D. Jeff- 1301 rey, L. Hunter, L. Love and C. Williamson; Violin selection by Mr. B. Snelgrove... All. above numbers of music were accom- panied by either. Mrs. G, Hunter or Mrs. B. Snelgrove. The chairman thanked, those who provided program after which he requested the Linstead 28 family of three to come for- Lf ward and occupy chairs that were placed just for them. At this moment Mr. F. Vickery read an address followed by a . gift presentation of a sum of money. The guests of honour each expressed sincere thank- you referring to the happy as- sociations that existed while working in this pastoral charge. All joined in singing "For They Prince Albert News Are Jolly Good Fellows". . Ladies served refreshments giving ample time to chat and say good-bye. The June meeting of the U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. C. Newnham with twen- ty present. We were glad to have three visitors too. Devo tion planned and given by Mrs, Mildred Hope and Mrs. L. Bea- cock. An interesting article on "Western Living" was read by Mrs. M. Pugh. Mrs. H. Hodgins welcomed everyone prior to proceeding into business. Minutes read by Mrs. E. Martyn. A thank-you note plus a money donation was gratefully received from one of our senior members Mrs. W. Brown. Financial figures re- ported by treasurer Mrs. Jewell. Mrs. Ben Smith 'discovered a splendid number of calls had been made. Committee conven- or Mrs. C. Love announced ac~ complishments regarding Straw- berry Supper. A light discussion arose con cerning fair booth, Being no further business on the agenda || meeting closed with prayer. At this opportune moment the president Mrs. Hodgins = ex- pressed pleasant remarks to our minister's wife, Mrs. Linstead who will be departing from our circle of the U.C.W. Mrs. Mil- dred Hope presented a gift which comprised a floral de- 'sign cup and saucer, for which the recipient Mrs, Linstead 'ther Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance. warmly voiced a deep apprecia- tion. Strawberry dessert was provided by Mrs. E, McKerihan, Mrs. B. Smith and Mrs. W. Richardson. Wednesday evening neigh- bours and close relatives gath- ered at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Canning, who with the as- sistance of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Hope arranged a farewell party and presentation in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ken- nedy. When everyone had had a jolly pleasant evening a dain- ty lunch was served. The best of luck to the Kennedys who have decided to manage a new business in Norwood. Mrs. Ken- nedy (being treasurer of the a cup and saucer prior to her departure. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby and Patsy spent the week-end at Smith's Falls as guests at the McLean - Moore Church wedding. Mrs. E. Holtby re- mained at the farm to be with the grandsons Robert and Neil Holtby. Baby Brenda Lake, Oakwood spent a few days with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn. Brenda's parents Mr, and Mrs. J. Lake having attend- ed an evening wedding in Kit- chener, . Miss Lexie Love is among the many enjoying two weeks at the Kinsmen Camp in Kedron district. Miss Mildred Martyn, student nurse, Wellesley Hospital, Tor- onto is home to enjoy a month's vacation, Miss E. Vance, Toronto has been holidaying with her bro- ther Mr, and Mrs. W. Vance. On Sunday the three attended church service in Pickering witnessing the baptism of the baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simons, nee (Shirley Vance.) Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith en- tertained the Leslie grand- children of Seagrave for a few days. The parents Mr, and Mrs. Don Leslie attending the 50th wedding anniversary of his parents at Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Luke & sons, near Burlington, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. C. Luke. Miss E. Vance, Toronto, has been holidaying with her bro- On Sunday the three attended church service in Pickering wit- nessing the baptism of the baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Si- mons (nee Shirley Vance). E. . SELL and BUYS THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE Port Perry Star PHONE: 4 7383 ad On Sunday, June 21st, one hundred and thirty guests at- tended a mammoth birthday dinner in honour of father An. drew Marynen. The guests were welcomed and seated by mem- bers of the Catholic Women's League of Sacred Heart Parish, Uxbridge and Immaculate 'Con- ception Parish, Port Perry, who were acting hostesses. During the exceptionally fine dinner well served by the boys of St. John's, the guests were entertained by three accordion soloists and a junior boys choir under the direction of Brother Andrew. As the huge birthday cake was carried in everyone sang Happy Birthday. Mrs. Shirley O'Beirn, of Ux- bridge and Mrs. Irene Whitfield of Port Perry representing the Catholic Women's League and Mr. Eugene O'Beirn represent ing the Holy Name Society pre- Father Andrew Marynen Honored By Si. John's And Parishioners sented Father Marynen with Spiritual Bouquets and birth. day gifts. Br. Adrian spoke of the splen- did spiritual assistance given by Father Marynen to the Training School since the pass- ing of their Chaplain Father Quinlan. He reminded the parish that the centennial of the original Sacred Heart Church had just passed in May. Father Marynen was over« come with gratitude to the Brothers and guests attending and said it was the nicest and most memorable birthday he had ever had. Among the honoured guests were Father Reuser, Father Renders, Father Coppins, Bro- ther Adrian, Brother Philip, Brother Cyril, Brother Alfred, Brother Albet and Brother Mark. i The Anglican Sunday School picnic was held at Cartwright Park, Caesarea, Friday, June 26th. Following is list of prize winners: Girls & Boys race; pre school-- Donna Willoughby; Jean Horton; Bryce Balingall. Girls race--Judy Felstead; Joanne Balingall; Bonnie Felstead. Boys race--John Wolfe; Brian Felstead; Johnnie Hodge. Pre School Bunny hop--Jean Horton; Donna Willoughby; Bryce Balingall. 3 Legged Race, Girls--Joanne Balingall & Judy Felstead; Janice Crawford & Denise Edgerton; Joan Horton & Bonnie Felstead, 3 Legged Race, Boys--Kenneth Crawford -- John Wolfe; Johnnie Hodge & Brian Felstead. Shoe Seramble, girls--Judy Fel- stead; Denise Edgerton; Bonnie Felstead. Shoe Scramble, boys--Brian Wolfe; Kenneth Crawford; St. John's Blackstock S. S. Picnic John Wolfe. Ladies Kick the Shoe--Joan Horton; Lillian Rahm; Ivy Hamilton. Men's Kick the.Shoe--John Wolfe; Brian Felstead; Fred Hamilton. Ladies Time Race--Evelyn Edgerton; Gwen Balingall; Dorothy Willoughby. Men's Time Race--Brian Wolfe; John Wolfe; Johnnie Hodge. Wheel Barrow Race--Brian & George Wolfe; Joanne Balin- gall & Judy Felstead Fred Hamilton & Harold Crawford. Men's Race--Harold Crawford; Robert Willoughby; George Wolfe. . i Treasure Hunt, Swimming, Pea- nut Scramble, Good Supper. All over before the wind, rain and hail storm. Every child in Sunday School received a gift, and Prizes for attendance were awarded to Johnnie Hodge; Brian Wolfe; John Wolfe; Janice Crawford and Kenneth Crawford. SENERURBERNENRRNRRRNEANRNNARRRRANAN TENDERS | Port Perry Memorial Arena ' SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and including July 16th, 1964. (1) For ICEMAKER & CARETAKER ~ for 1964 - 65 Season (2) BOOTH OPERATOR and Tee Rental Bookings, Etc. for 1964 - 65 Season MRS. EVELYN STEPHENS, : Secretary of Arena Board EESEEBENARSENIANENREASESANSANERAAE I Port Perry, Ontario, 647 SCUGOG ST. Austin C. A. Bathie, D.C. IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT Helen M. Bathie, D.C. ~ Graduate of : Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College 1949 IS NOW ASSOCIATED WITH HIM IN THE PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC PHONE 985-2192